Chapter 33 - All Star confessions
You and the bunny spend countless minutes in that shed, all filled with comfortable silence. Occasionally, you'll hear the sweet chirping of the crickets outside. The soft sunlight falls onto your shoulders, warming the soft white fabric covering your back. Time drags by and eventually, you realize that you'll need to stop hugging Haru and make your way to the station in order to get to the festival grounds.
"Haru," you groan, your face still resting on her soft shoulder, "Can we take the train together?"
She giggles, "Aren't you supposed to go with your club members?"
"I don't care," you mumble, not making a move to actually stand up and remove yourself from the friendly embrace, "I'll send Legoshi or Sheila a text or something. I want to avoid other people as much as possible today, thank you very much."
Slowly, she releases you and steps back, prompting you to stand up and stretch yourself. A sigh escapes you as your joints pop and you lift your hand to cower a yawn.
"Tired?" Haru snickers and you grin. "Yeah, the adrenaline rush took a toll on me. They're getting really annoying to be honest."
She sighs pitifully. "I can imagine."
Then, she pops on a smile again, her ears twitching adorably on the top of her head as she grabs her bag. "Come on then, we still need to get your bag before we can leave."
"Oh yeah, fuck," whining at the newfound inconvenience, you run a hand through your hair, "Damn, I think it's still in my dorm."
"Well, I can get if for you if you want?" She suggests, her tone a little hesitant as she eyes you and only now do you realize how casual the two of you are with each other. No screaming, no insults, absolutely nothing but friendly conversation. It's almost like you never had an argument in the first place.
If I'm honest, this is really refreshing and...comforting. It's nice to have someone in your corner. It's nice to be able to talk to her again.
"Hello? Earth to Y/n?" No, this is Patrick. "Anyone in there?"
With a quick shake of your head, you smile sheepishly once you meet the confused gaze of the bunny. Her foot is impatiently tapping on the floor, ultimately reminding you of another cute little rabbit called 'thumper'. Still, there's a small gleam of amusement in her onyx eyes.
"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts." You apologise. "But I think I'll get it myself. They should all be in class right now. And people would be a little suspicious to see a herbivore in the canine dorms, honestly. Or at least, just a herbivore and no one else with them. "
"Oh... right." Haru's smile seems a little forced and a pang of guilt echoes in your chest. In an attempt to cheer the dwarf rabbit up, you affectionately pet her head.
"Hey there, Hunbun," you coo, a bright grin on your lips, "They're just bigots. C'mon, we've got a dangerous mission ahead of us!"
For a moment, she merely stares at you. Then, her ears twitch furiously, a murderous gleam in her eyes.
"What did you call me?!"
"Nothing, sugar!"
"Fine, let's go, m'lady."
"One of these days, I am going to throw you into a rose bush."
Nervously, the white rabbit stands next to the entrance to your dorm. Although she initially planned to accompany you inside, she later discovered that you'd be faster without her. Thus, you're now on a solo mission to steal your bag from your own dorm without your roommates catching you, being the Johnny English incarnation that you were destined to be.
"C'mon, Y/n," she mutters impatiently, "Where are you?"
If we want to catch the next train, she needs to hurry up!
As a pair of students pass her, but not before suspiciously glancing at her, she sighs again.
Then, she's ripped from her spot and taken by the hand, her legs running to catch up to the speed of her captor.
"Y/n?!" The small rabbit screams, struggling to keep up with you, "What's going on?!"
"Just run, Haru!"
"What?! Why?!"
"I'll explain in a second!" You huff, trying to not bump into other students, "Just run for now!"
And reluctantly, the rabbit does as told. After you deem you've gone far enough, you slow to an easier pace. You pant as you look over your shoulder and continue to hold Haru's hand as you lead the way to the station. The small dwarf rabbit struggles to catch her breath, her hard gaze on you as she walks beside you. Together, you leave the school grounds and make your way down the street and to the station.
"What was that?" Haru asks, not bothering to hide the fact that she's pissed. You don't blame her. Instead, you nervously rub the back of your neck. "Sorry. I just saw my roommates making their way to the dorm on my way out and even though I snuck past them, I was scared that they could, you know..... smell me."
The rabbit mouths a quiet 'Oh'. Then, she decides to dig deeper.
"So," she begins hesitantly, "What happened between you and your roommates?"
Of course, she notices how your body tenses at that question, how you cross your arms in front of your chest in order to protect yourself from the world. Quietly, you answer. "I don't want to talk about it."
You're thankful that Haru doesn't push the subject. There's just no way that you could really explain your situation to her without revealing the major fact, that you're fucking dead. And after what happened with Aisha, you're not sure if you ever want to talk to another person about it ever again.
There's no guaranty that they'll believe you. Hell, there's a bigger chance that they'd react just like Aisha. You don't want to hurt anymore people. It's not like burying your emotions is a new concept to you; you're used to it. Still, for once, you know that you need help.
But how are you supposed to get it?
You can't go to a therapist; they'd put you into an asylum at worst or just prescribe you pills at best. The same goes for the authorities and any other person that would be qualified to help you sort out the mess in your head.
I'm on my own on this one. I'm the only one that knows about it and....
Suddenly, you remember something.
Wait a minute....
The mountain lion. The one you met at the black market and who helped you find Gouhin and Lgoshi. Valentina, who nonchalantly talked about and knew about the fact, that you're dead and not from this world.
"Let's just say that you're not the first one to have fallen through the veil, sweetie."
She knows something. I have no idea how or what she knows about this shit but Valentina may be my only chance to find clarity.
Maybe...maybe she knows why it happened. Why I'm stuck here and not some Ghost in some random Youtuber's Quija board video.
"Did you and that wolf kiss yet?"
"Wait what?!" Haru's voice breaks you out of your thoughts once more and you can't help the panicked grin that appears on your face and is clearly fake. Your face turns scarlet at the mere thought of touching your crush in such a way. "I have no clue what you're talking about. Haha, Legoshi and I are just friends, believe it."
Damnit, don't turn into Naruto, you idiot!
With a mischievious smirk, Haru gently elbows your side and giggles at your flustered expression. "Hey, we both know that's a major Lie. So you and him haven't done anything yet, huh?"
"Of course we haven't," you respond, a small frown appearing on your features, "Him and I are just friends. It's better that way, for both of us."
"For him or for you?" She asks, her tone slightly accusatory.
"What do you mean?" You furrow your brows in confusion. "It's better for both of us. A human and a Wolf shouldn't be in a relationship. I'll just be in his way."
"Are you sure about that?"
Finally, you snap and with a groan, you stop and turn to face her. "What are you trying to say, Haru?"
"Well, "she starts, her voice and expression as cold as the wind weaving through your hair, "I think that you're doing that for yourself. You're so scared to get close to somebody, that you won't even take the risk to let someone see behind those walls you put up."
You're stunned. Truly shooketh. Not because Haru's speaking about this so calmly...but because she might be right.
A gleam of compassion glistens in her onyx orbs as she continues. "You're already scared about forming friendships, so having a romantic or intimate relationship seems almost impossible to you. That's why, even though you're clearly in love with this boy, you won't take the leap and actually be with him."
"Do you know what your problem is?" She locks eyes with you, her gaze stern and serious. "You can't live with the idea that someone might leave you. You're scared that once people see who you are, they'll abandon you and leave you behind to pick up the pieces."
You don't have an answer for that.
Damnit. She's right.
"Come on," suddenly, she grabs your hand again and pulls you forward, "We need to catch our train."
"Hey, Dom?" You shout at the peafowl as you approach him, a smile on his face once he sees you.
"Hey Y/n!" He greets. "What's up?"
"I'm done moving the equipment backstage, so I was wondering, if it'd be okay if I ditched right now to help a friend set up her booth."
He looks surprised but eventually nods. "Huh? Sure, I think we can handle the rest. I'll send someone to get you if we need your help. What club is she in?"
"Gardening club." You answer with a smile. "It's just her, so I wanted to offer a helping hand."
"Alright, off you go then!" He pats your shoulder and you giggle before you wave him goodbye and make your way towards Haru's booth.
Although the rabbit's doing pretty well on her own, you thought helping her out a little would be a nice way to spend your afternoon. Not to mention, you're in the mood to see some pretty flowers right now. It doesn't take long for you to get there and sure enough, the plants are booming with life and vibrancy. Roses, Lilies, orchids, sunflowers and so many others greet you with their colourful petals.
Haru's not in your line of sight but you hear a soft, adorable humming coming from behind the wooden stand. With a devious grin, you sneak around the back and catch sight of the rabbit, softly singing a melody as she rearranges a group of flowers in a vase. Your grin widens as you stalk towards her, careful to not make a sound.
Then, you pounce.
She squeaks in surprise as you tickle her sides, her shock turning into laughter.
"Y/n, stop that!"
Of course, you stop your tickle-attack because you're too scared one of you is going to accidently tip over the vase. With a large smile, she turns to you, her hands on her hips. "What are you doing here, kid?"
"I was wondering if I could help you with anything," you offer, bouncing on the balls of your feet, "I'm kind of done with my duties and I know it's just you here, so I wanted to help out a little."
Suspicious, she narrows her eyes at you. "Are you sure this isn't about you running away from your crush?"
Surprisingly, you hadn't seen Legoshi today. "No, it isn't. I swear, I just wanted to be a good, respectful citizen and offer a helping hand."
At your response, she smirks. "Alright, I'll believe you for now. Thanks, Y/n. You can start by spraying the plants in the front, they need the humidity. Then it'd be really helpful if you could move some of the larger flower pots from the back to the front. They're over there."
With a quick nod and a glance at the large brown baskets a few yards away, you give Haru a thumps up. "You got it, chief."
You hear her snicker as you make your way back to the front, a spray bottle in your hand. The sun shines right into your face as you step out of the booth and you lift a hand to shield your eyes, the chirping of the crickets and other wildlife serving as your background music.
It's peaceful being with the flowers like this. However, you couldn't have been taking care of the lilacs for more than two minutes when a familiar deep voice demands your attention.
Shit, this is kind of awkward. I've been trying to avoid you the entire time, wolfie.
Nervously, you turn around with a friendly smile on your lips.
"Hey, Legoshi. How-" But you stop once you see the tissue stuffed into his nostril-"Oh goodness, what happened to you? Did you get into a fight? Does it hurt?"
"No," the male answers as he crouches on the ground and looks up at you, seeming very much like an overgrown puppy, "It's just a nosebleed."
A confession, huh? I've never done it before! I don't-urgh, I don't think I can go through with this!
"What happened to your leg? Did you fall again?" He asks concerned and your smile widens at that.
"Yup, I scraped it pretty badly. I'm such a klutz, honestly."
Then, silence wedges itself between you two. It's not like that normally and even though you're guessing it's just you and your stupid anxiety issues, your gut tells you that something's off today. Not just with you and the wolf but with the entire day in general.
"Hey, Y/n." He exclaims suddenly, catching you slightly off guard.
"Yeah?" Seriously, wolfie, where is this heading?
"Well, uh," Anxious and with lowered ears, he avoids your eyes, "The truth is uh...Y/n, I think I'm-I'm in lov-"
"Oh my," You yell suddenly, frantically scratching your arms, "These mosquitos are really vicious today!"
This is bad! Abort the mission! Abandon the ship, the titanic is sinking, holy shit what am I doing?! What is he doing?! What are we doing, what are we doing in the grand scheme of things?!
Shrek doesn't exist in this universe, so what's even the fucking point?!
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me!
"Hm? It's not that bad."
"Y-You can't see them!" Fucking hell, you're digging your own grave at this point.
"I could smell them."
"You only have one nostril, Wolfie!" You pout childishly, knowing damn well that you ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
"Yeah," Legoshi admits and sheepishly glances to the side and right now, a big part of you wants to scratch his ear. "Anyway, well...I really like you and I-"
"Oh!" You dramatically slap your forehead," I forgot I really need to get those flower pots! Oh, silly me!"
Stiffly but trying and failing to make your posture seem casual and unbothered, you head towards the back and into the direction of the large flower pots that Haru wanted you to move. Legoshi follows close behind, terribly confused by your bizarre behaviour.
"Hey, are you ignoring me on purpose?" He asks as he desperately tries to get your attention, moving from side to side when you refuse to meet his gaze. "How come?"
"Haha," you giggle nervously, "I'm not ignoring you. Nope, not me, I-"
No...he deserves my honesty. It's the least I can do, instead of acting like a bitch.
"Okay, maybe I am but it's not really your business. It's just...I've had a very rough day and now you decide to talk about this with a tissue stuffed up your nose! Your timing is unbelievable, do you know that?!"
"Y/n." Suddenly, his large hand grabs a hold of your arm and brings you to a stop. Nervously, you glance back at him and find nothing but sincere affection and honesty in his dark eyes. "I don't want my feelings for you to hurt you in any way."
The problem is...this is probably the best thing that you could've told me today, Legoshi. But I can't do this to you. I know Aisha said you could make your own choices but I don't know if I could live with mine!
"I cherish you and I respect Louis."
Wait...what does Bambi have to do with all of this?
Like sure, nice to know that you drink your 'Respect your peers' juice but this is really random.
"I meant you no harm, this day and age. And uh...I have something to say. Could you please hear me out? "
You don't have it in you to say no to him. A part of you wants to hear it, to hear that someone actually fell in love with you. Another part doesn't want him to say it, too scared that it'll be the final nail in your coffin and that you'll never be able to let him go afterwards. Still, you don't run when his hand leaves your skin and you stand in front of him, his eyes staring into yours.
"So since the tomorrow, let's meet in front of the meteor at sunset. I want to tell you exactly how I feel." His ears drop slightly as he sighs. "I get it, if it's too sudden...but do you think that by tomorrow you'd be ready for the two of us to talk it over?"
Fuck, he's acting so mature about it. Wolfie, can you stop being perfect husband material, I'm trying my best to keep my fucking composure!
Shit, he's waiting for an answer. What do I say to that? Okay? Yes? No? twenty-three? George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, what's the answer?!
"Then, I'll see you tomorrow."
"O-Okay," you squeak, waving him one last time as he begins to walk away, "I-I'll be here. Hope your nose gets better!"
You watch as he vanishes from your line of sight and once he's gone, you facepalm.
"Okay, I'll be here?! Who says that?! Damnit, this is so fucking confusing, I don't know what to do!"
Groaning and anxiously fiddling with your fingers, you trot towards a tree that's a little further away from the booths. The bark irritates your skin through the fabric of your uniform as you lean against it. Once more, you whine in frustration.
I've never had boy problems! Or girl problems- Scratch that, I just never had crush problems before!
I've only had...I've only had people problems but this is a whole other level of Nerve-wrecking!
What do I do?
I-I don't know if this is a good idea, any of this! Am I even fit to be in a relationship? No, what am I thinking?! I need to let him go.
But...Oh goddamnit.
He said that he means no harm but doesn't he see that it's impossible? As long as society is like it is now, we'll only end up hurting ourselves if we try to swim against the current.
I don't have anything to lose but you Legoshi, your entire future could fall apart if we pursue this stupid attraction. I can't be selfish about this.
But I want to be selfish. I want to hold you close and if there's a chance for us, I want to be by your side.
I don't know what to do.
Shit, I can't-
Your thoughts are overrun by panic as two large hands wrap around your body, one covering your mouth when you try to scream. The lion only tightens his hold on you when you begin to squirm and trash around, his clawed, ugly hand pressing into your abdomen.
You can only continue to struggle as they drag you away from the field. A part of you, a primal part, is certain that you'll have a rendezvous with the Grim reaper tonight.
Ah shit, here we go again.
Howdy homies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I'm back home, which means the updates will be more frequent again. However, because school will be starting in a week and because of other things overall, my update schedule will be this:
I'll try every two days but at the latest, a new update will come every three days.
That's the plan right now, maybe it'll change once I get my schedule for school and such but for now, this is the plan.
Now, we're finally being kidnapped. Oh joy, am I right? I'm still trying to figure out some details about the next Chapters but overall, I'm fucking excited because this'll be the part I've been waiting for since I started this story. I hope I can do it justice!
It's nice to be back home again, even though it's fucking 35C° so I am just dyjng of a heatstroke, even though we have an AC.
Funny Story, on our drive back home, we saw some little tornadoes just passing over the Highways like they're just on their way to get that bread. It was scary because I thought they only came in gigantic, monstrous forms and that they happened AWAY FROM ME AND NOT PASSING OVER THE HIGHWAY WHILST I'M IN THE CAR!
2020 is just getting weirder and weirder. In the great words or John Mulaney:
"It's like there's a horse, loose in the hospital."
Seriously, check him out, he's got two specials on Netflix and he is great.
Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and healthy right now and not getting kidnapped! 🦁
See you in Chapter 34!
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