Chapter 32 - Adrenaline
It was a normal day, as long as you ignore the fact that it wasn't.
After all, telling someone that you're dead doesn't exactly count as normal, at least for most people. Honestly, school should've prepared you for this. Well, for the situation itself and for any possible reactions because how the flippity floppity fuck are you supposed to explain to someone, that you've already died.
And not just in the Aight, Imma head out for a few minutes kind of way, but in the yeet my soul into the next fucking dimension kind of way.
To be perfectly clear, this is merely a long way of saying Aisha did not take it well at all!
"Wow," she snickers, though her eyes glisten with unshed tears, "you're unbelievable, do you know that?"
"What?" You can't do anything but gape at her, your brain just now figuring out what the fuck you've just done. Still, the clear disbelief in her eyes is enough to shatter your heart. Your body tenses as she chuckles once more, her voice lacking any humour or amusement.
The white Greyhound refuses to make eye-contact with you and rather glares coldly at the floor. Your orbs flicker to her hands, watching as she grips the fabric of her skirt in anger.
"You know, I thought you had real problems here with that wolf you're crushing on. But then you come with this bullshit and for what? Do you find this stuff funny? To use my trust like that?" She snaps at you and you flinch.
This is the worst possible way this could've gone. Damnit, why can't I do just one fucking thing right and keep my fucking mouth shut?!
"What, are you going to tell me you're from another universe as well?!" Her voice booms, still refusing to look at you. The pain in her voice, the hurt and the anger, cause your heart to uncomfortably clench in your chest. Like before, you rebuild the walls in your mind because once again, you realise why you began to shut yourself off from the word.
I was never good with loud voices.
"I really wanted to help you, okay! I care about you and for you to just lie to me like that, when I'm so worried about you," Her eyes, that offered you so much comfort before, glisten with rage and salty tears as she bares her teeth," It's disgusting! And the fact that you took the time to make those fake scars look so real! Why?! All of this for some...for some prank?!"
I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen!
God, why couldn't I just keep quiet and deal with it on my own like before?!
She stares at you, however, you avoid her appalled gaze. The shame and the regret rip you apart from the inside and it hurts too much to see your sister this upset.
I'm sorry.
I never wanted to hurt you.
Silence takes over the room, crawling from the walls like cockroaches near a corpse. It weighs down on the both of you and you don't dare to make any sound or any form of movement.
You barely breathe as the ringing begins to emerge from the silence, from the darkness of your mind.
W-What...what's going on?! What, why? Why now?! I don't understand!
Don't....please don't. Not right now, not in front of her!
Please, just this once...don't panic!
"Well?!" Aisha growls, her voice slicing through the air like a knife, "Aren't you going to say something? Anything?!"
Don't panic.
Breathe. Don't think about it, don't lose focus right now. You're fine, Y/n! You don't have the right to make a scene right now!
Do not panic!
But nothing more leaves your mouth. Your throat locks up, barricaded with broken sobs as your chest begins to throb with agony. When you continue to stay silent and only tremble in front of the canine, her gaze fills with more fury than you thought she was capable of. Her body quivers with rage as she stands up, towering above you.
The door opens and you squeeze your eyes shut, begging for that fucking white noise to stop. The ball is long forgotten on the floor as your hand clenches, desperate for something to hold on to.
You don't lift your gaze from the floor as you notice three other pairs of legs in the room, all dressed in feminine shoes. Their eyes burn into your form and you want nothing more than to hide and run, possibly both.
Both sounds fucking great right now.
"What's going on?" Eden's suspicious voice cuts through the silence. Aisha glares at you and nods into their direction.
"Do you want to tell them or should I?" She hisses.
"Wait, what are you talking about, Aisha?" Hinari asks concerned, moving closer to you two before Eden gently stops her. The Doberman watches you and the white greyhound with narrowed eyes, rather choosing to stand on the side-lines, than to actively join or stop the argument. Daisy stays silent as Aisha begins to speak again, her hard eyes never leaving your form.
"Our little friend here decided to pull a shitty prank," she sneers, "Got me all worried for absolutely nothing, like the pathetic drama queen that she is. She told me this sob story about her and Legoshi, before basically slapping me in the face by telling me she's actually a zombie."
No. That's not what I told you at all.
Everything's going wrong. Why? Why is everything going wrong?!
"Can you imagine that she thought I was that stupid?"
Get out.
I need to get out.
Get out. Get out. Get out!
Get out!
Their judging gazes feel like acid on your skin and a broken whimper escapes your throat. Sorrow turns into panic and panic turns into adrenaline. You're cold, so fucking cold, and all you can hear is your own heartbeat.
This time, there's no distraction to hold on to. There's no wolf to comfort you.
It's just you.
"I-I'm sorry," you whimper, trying your best to get to your feet as you attempt to close the buttons on the front of your uniform with quivering hands, "I...I-I'm so sorry. I need to go. I'm sorry."
I feel like I need to throw up.
Your legs tremble as you make your way to the door but the canines block the way, either too taken aback or too angry to let you go. "Please, I need to go."
"Y/n," Aisha tries again, her tone still firm and furious but with a hint of worry, "You can't run away from-"
"Please, just let me go," you cut her off, head angled to the floor, "Let me out, please, just let me out."
"No, we won't," Eden buds in, "Not until you explained why you did that bullshit."
"I didn't do shit!" You shout, your hands grabbing at your hair as the world around you becomes too loud to handle, too much to deal with. "Now let me the fuck out!"
You hear your name being called out softly and a hand touches your skin with gentle fingers. Immediately, you recoil from them and back up into the wall, like a cornered, feral animal.
"Don't fucking touch me!"
It's loud. It's so damn loud! Why is it so loud?!
Stop! Please, make it stop!
"Y/n, what's going on? Why are you acting like this?!" Aisha yells, another hand reaching out to touch you. "Tell me!"
I don't want this! I never wanted you to see me for this shit-show of a person. I don't want this fear! I don't want to feel like this!
Again, you flinch back as your arms come up to instinctively shield your chest. "Just leave me alone! Let me go! Please, just let me go!"
I'm so disgusted with myself.
None of the canines listen to your pleading voice. All of them are closing in on you and though their expressions are worried, your brain sees them as a threat. An enemy.
A memory.
Your wail of terror fills the dorm as you claw at the wall behind you, desperate for a way out. A way out of the dorm, away from the shame and the disgust. And only once Daisy steps aside, is your way to freedom clear.
They don't even notice it.
In the blink of an eye, you dash forward, fighting your way past the Doberman, the Greyhound, the Shiba-Inu and the Shiloh Shepard and with the force of your entire body, you throw yourself against the door. The wooden barrier swings open and you sprint out, not caring about the worried shouts of your roommates.
You just keep running, further and further away from the dorm. The adrenaline pushes your body past your limits as you flee from everything. If you could, you'd run from your problems for eternity but unfortunately, life doesn't work that way.
With hasty feet, you step out of the building. You don't look back as you continue to force your legs to go faster than they're able too. To be perfectly honest, you have no idea where you're running to. You have no idea where you could hide from the world, away from everything that could ever hurt you.
The world around you is a blur, consisting of nothing but fear and spots made of darkness.
The wind whisks through your hair, entangling the wild strands as you sprint across the Campus of Cherryton. The high sun shines through the trees, their warm glow the exact opposite to the hollowness in your chest. You're consumed by fear, shame, disgust and a scorching sadness that is all too familiar to you.
You rush past other students, all of them merely empty faces to you. Rounding the corner into another building, your feet slip out from under you and you fall to the ground. Uncomfortable warmth explodes in your left leg but you get up again, not caring about the new injury. With gritted teeth, tears in your eyes and adrenaline in your blood, you keep on running, taking multiple steps of the staircase at a time. With each new step, your leg throbs in agony but your desperation makes you push through it.
The air begins to despise your lungs, refusing to let you breathe properly, even less thanks to the panic consuming your brain. Heavily panting and with a stinging sensation in your side and chest, you push the heavy door open and step through the light.
Blinding sunlight meets your e/c eyes, stained with salty tears and you lift your hand to shield them from the bright light.
You stop running.
The adrenaline has run out, leaving you with quivering, cold legs, burning lungs and a stinging knee. You lean forward, heaving as you try to calm your frightened body and attempt your best to get oxygen back into your lungs. However, once you feel the warm liquid on your skin, you lift your hand to inspect it.
A heavy iron scent fills your nose as you see the blood on your fingers.
Glancing down, you see your whole left leg covered in the red liquid. Starting from your knee and stopping in the lower middle of your calf, long but shallow scars decorate your s/c skin. You had scraped your leg when you took the fall and it hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. Not a second after, may it be due to shock or exhaustion, your legs give out and you land on your ass with your right leg tugged under your body.
Then, you lift your eyes.
Colourful flowers fill your vision. The silence around you is only disturbed by the busy buzzing of honeybees and the receding echo of the white noise in your head.
The gardening club.
Nothing had changed up here. The same vibrant colours invaded your dull perspective, the same peace still filled the air. A small butterfly lands on your hand and your gaze follows as it flies off again.
Unconsciously, your adrenaline-rushed body took you up here. Maybe your mind remembered the peaceful powers of the plants and knew the about solitude that you would find here. Or what if, in a strange way, your head wondered if you'd find someone up here to comfort you, to lift your spirit from the depths of the empty void?
Maybe, just maybe, the darkest parts of you craved the high rooftops.
Wild coughing rattles your body as you run a non-bloody hand through your hair, moisture stinging your sensitive eyes. Soft wind-chimes accompany the gentle breeze and you glance down at the front of your uniform. The buttons are noticeably messed up. The white fabric sticks to your skin due to the cold sweat coating it. You don't have the strength or motivation to lift your hand and fix it.
You grit your teeth in frustration, none the wiser to the obsidian orbs observing your broken form from afar. A short scream of sorrow, shame and anger rips from your throat as your head hangs low and you can feel the pebbles digging into your palms.
What the fuck is wrong with me?!
A sob breaks from your lips, more following after it.
I don't want to keep living with this fear! I don't want this!
I want to go home! I want to see my family again!
I don't want to be here anymore!
I need...I need-
The touch of a kind, soft hand on your shoulder forces you from your thoughts and you flinch at the contact. With fear-struck eyes, you turn your head.
E/c pools meet pitch-black ones.
She smiles at you, a smile full of pity and compassion as her ears drop slightly. "Hey, Y/n."
It's silent between the two of you for a few moments and she gasps as her eyes fall to your leg, the blood alarming her immediately.
"You're bleeding."
"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't be up here..." you murmur quietly, trying your best to stand up. But your legs refuse to steady themselves, leaving you to wince in pain as you fall back to the ground. "Sorry, I'll be out of here in a minute."
"Wait," she protests, her eyes scanning your injury, "I can't just let you leave when you're looking like that! Geez, what happened to you?"
"Why do you care?"
The question sounds harsher than you intended it to but after everything the two of you have been through, you're seriously wondering why she would care about your well-being. Sure, you've been able to tolerate each other in the past few weeks after you lent her that key-switchblade but still, you're perplexed.
The dwarf-rabbit stares at you and you could swear that a glint of regret shimmers in her dark eyes. "Well, I still owe you for the last two times. So let me help you."
Maybe it's the desperation, maybe it's Maybelline; you have no idea. You take her hand and she helps you stand. With a few grunts of discomfort, you let her lead you to the shed and once inside, she sits you down on a chair, before scurrying off to rummage around. You silently watch her, too exhausted to really care about anything right now.
Haru comes back with bandages, a towel and a bottle of disinfectant and sends you a small smile. She crouches down and begins to clean the wound with the wet towel, the white fabric turning a bright red as you bite your lip in discomfort. A wince escapes you as she disinfects the scars, a frown on her face when she sees the nasty injury.
"It's not as bad as it looks," you chuckle, "It's just a scrape, it'll be gone in no time."
"What happened, Y/n?" She looks up at you and you avoid her gaze as she begins to bandage up your leg. When you stay silent, she hums quietly.
"You're one of the only people here that are kind to me, despite what happened to our friendship. You always put my safety over your own and I've been a bitch to you for it."
She finishes the bandage and stands up, before taking your hand in hers and making eye contact with you. A few tears glisten in the corner of her eyes, the small lashes framing the obsidian orbs gracefully.
"I-I know what happened between me and the wolf was wrong on my part. I went too fast without really considering, that maybe he didn't want to sleep with me. I just...I'm used to guys using me as their plaything. And I'm-" she pauses, her ears lowering to her head, "I'm not good at making friends. So when you got angry at me, I thought you would be just like everyone else. So I cut you off before you could hurt me. I'm so used to being a loner...that I was scared of having someone care about me."
Her grip on your hand tightens but it's in no way painful. Actually, it's incredibly comforting for your tired mind.
"And even after all of that, you still cared about my safety. A-and then, when I saw you just now in the gardens, I wanted to help you. Not because I felt like I owe it to you but because I still care about you. You were a good friend. So now, let me help you like you helped me. Just...Just talk to me, please! Let me help you!"
Silence falls over you like a veil of orchids as the sun shines through the window, illuminating the small wooden room. Moments pass before Haru's grip on your hand begins to falter, though she stops as you gently squeeze her hand. Once more, you avoid her eyes, rather staring at your joined hands.
"I had a panic attack again, one of many in the last few months," your broken voice murmurs, catching her attention, "I had a fight with my roommates and on the way here, I fell. That's how it happened. "
"I'm scared, Haru." You admit. "Something's wrong with me and it's been like that for a long time now. I just...I just don't know what to do, how to make it stop. It feels like I'm suffocating."
"Why?" she asks gently and you lift your gaze to meet hers. "What's going on, Y/n?"
"I'm so scared...all the fucking time, "you hiss through gritted teeth, "I'm so sick of feeling this constant fear. I hate it. I just want to live my life and at least pretend I'm okay! But it seems like whatever I do, I just make everything worse! I don't want to feel this shit anymore! I just want it to stop, I need everything to stop!"
"What needs to stop?" She asks quietly, slight fear in her eyes," Y/n, what do you need to stop?"
"All of it!" You sob, lowering your head and holding onto her hand like a life-line, "The memories, the white-noise, the pain; everything! I need all of it to stop! I can't do this anymore! The panic-attacks, fucking all of it! I hate feeling so out of place! I just want to go home but I can't because...because..."
You fall silent. You want someone to hear it, to know about it but who's going to believe you? Aisha didn't, why would anyone else?
Why should Haru ever believe you?
Suddenly, her arms wrap around you and break you from your wandering thoughts.
"It's okay, Y/n." Her voice softly sounds in your ear, "Even if you don't want me to...I'll be there for you. And I promise you, I'll do everything I can to help you. What are friends for, right?"
You tightly wrap your arms around her, nestling your face into her small shoulder as she reassuringly rubs your back.
"Thank you, Haru."
Because for once, everything seems like it might be okay.
Annnd hello Homies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Now, once more, I was a drama queen of the highest degree and like always, once I had the option to choose the hardest path for the MC, I took it.
At first, I wanted Aisha to accept her and believe her, HOWEVER, that wouldn't have been realistic. Would you actually believe someone if they told you they're dead? Like Y/n kind of dead? Even if you're close, most people would assume it's a prank. So, for the disadvantage of Y/n's mental health, we got our first fight between the roommates.
Really, I'm trying my best to make it a little more realistic and plausible. Also, happy characters are rarely my cup of tea.
I just started going over a story of mine that I wrote last year and took down after having it published for a week. It was an Eyeless jack x Oc story (Creepypasta) because unfortunately, that's my second husband right after Kakashi Hatake.
For that story, I had an entire Oc and I loved her. Her name is Edith, she's honestly great because she's bi, she's mentally scarred and she's a Bro-Girl. With her, I created and entire Town called Fernvalley. Legit, I had names, I had a structure and fucking lore and legends all piling up in my head.
Even now, I still really like the idea of that horrid little town, so if I find the time, I'm going to go over the story in the next months, to upgrade it. Who knows, maybe one day, we'll have a Creepypasta fanfiction right up here next to Home. Don't worry though, this story is my priority for now.
But speaking of Creepypasta, I watched the Slenderman movie on Netflix and man, I am disappointed. Like bruh, we all know Slenderman does not walk. He teleports. That's the whole point of his game and that shit. Not to mention their shitty CGI and photoshop. The actresses were okay though, I felt sorry for them.'s weird.
But not as weird as reading a story of a minor having sexual relations with a grown ass serial killer. Yup. Welcome to 95% of Creepypasta fanfictions. Honestly, why do I even bother?
I'll be back home on Saturday, so either Saturday or Sunday, there's going to be a new chapter.
Seeing as the numbers are rising again, I hope y'all are safe and healthy right now!
See you in Chapter 33!
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