Chapter 30 - Lights out
"Let's gather everyone into one area for now!" Legoshi's voice echoes through the darkness, "Alright, everyone come into the circle!"
"It's so dark..."
"I'm scared, I can't see anything!"
"Don't worry, guys," Bill comforts his peers," It'll be fixed in no time."
Animals run around screaming in fear, unable to truly see anything or looking for their friends and classmates. The drama club doesn't move from its spot, the herbivores and non-nocturnal omnivores in the inner circle and protected by a ring of nocturnal carnivores.
"How many of us were here today?" Aoba asks loudly to be heard over the screams and cries.
"Uhm," Legoshi goes to answer, only to realize something gravely important. His breath lumps in his throat as the severity of the situation hits him.
"Don't worry, wolfy! I just have to take Colonel Bucket back to his family. I'll be back before you can say 'meteor'!"
Kibi is close to follow once he realizes, that a dear friend of his is missing.
"Wait," the small anteater cries, "Where's Y/n?!"
Distraught murmuring goes through the group as they all notice, that you are indeed still gone and nowhere to be seen. Dom and Sheila are one of the more concerned ones, Dom being the caring, gentle Peafowl he is and Sheila remembering your disturbing cries of fear back at the second performance of their play. Both are scared for your well-being but the worry of a single carnivore trumps it all.
His instincts and his heart scream at him to search for you, to bring you to safety and to keep you safe. Swiftly, he turns to Aoba.
"I'll go look for her! Could you take over?" The eagle nods and stares after the canine, his eyes twinkling in concern.
"I'll be right back!"
The rest of the carnivores wearily glance around, most of them growing worried for your sake as well. Juno however, merely watches the male wolf leave, her periwinkle eyes confused.
Why is everyone so concerned for a single human?
"Of course there's a fucking blackout!" you hiss to yourself," What's next, huh? The dinosaurs come back to live and it's Jurassic Park all over again?!"
You had been on your way back from the shed when suddenly, everything was swallowed by darkness. Before you even fully realized what was happening, you're surrounded by terrified animals. They're pushing each other out of the way, screaming at the top of their lungs or just bawling their eyes out in some corner.
You pity them; most of them have lost the ability to see, seeing as most herbivores aren't nocturnal.
Humans however, have a slight advantage up their sleeve. They're not nocturnal but they're not blind in the dark either. You can still make out distinct shapes and shades of black and blue as you run away from the main area. Being around a crowd won't do you much good if you're trampled to death by a herd of frightened herbivores. Besides, being alone gives you an advantage of finding a better hiding spot and actively listening to anything suspicious.
With the lights out, you have to rely on your instincts and every single one of your senses.
They may not be as good as that of other animals in comparison but your species didn't become your world's worst parasite for nothing. If your ancestors survived among Mammoths and sabertooth tigers for years, you'd survive a few hours in the fucking city with the lights out.
Your eyes quickly adjust to the darkness, so now you're able to navigate your way around fairly easily. As soundless as you can, you slid past the booths and make your way into the greenery of the park that surrounds the festival grounds. Hyper-aware of your surroundings, you hide behind a thick, sturdy tree and press your back against the rough bark.
These animals aren't humans and although they certainly have many similarities in their behaviours, they don't have the same cunning, destructive and homicidal tendencies as your species does. Therefore, you have two major problems you have to keep in mind in this situation.
Number one, being trampled to death or severely injured by panicked animals. That's been taken care of; you're away from the crowd.
Number two, being attacked by another animal that may stumble upon you. You're hidden away but you're also alone. If anyone were to find you and possibly have bad intentions, you'd be on your own. Quickly, you fumble around in your bag and arm yourself with you switchblade-key.
I'd still be at a disadvantage if a large animal were to attack me. If I have to throw my shot, I'll need to make it count.
Your eyes dart around, I need to be constantly aware of my surroundings, I'm dead if I'm caught off guard, as you recite the major points on a body that'd be best to attack.
Eyes, neck, genitalia. Chest and torso if possible but avoid those areas with animals with thick skin such as elephants, rhinos or hippos.
Don't panic, keep your breathing steady.
It's silent around you, safe for the distant screams and the occasional chirping of crickets. Seconds drag by like hours and minutes feel like days. Your breathing is shallow but controlled; the perfect combination to make as little sound as possible.
You're frightened; of course you are. It's a bad situation to be in. Alone during a black out in a city that has a shady black market and has had multiple devourings in the last few months. If you're being honest though, you'd guess that you're one of the safest individuals in case this is a distraction to find prey to devour. Humans aren't a part of anyone's menu and your scent isn't as delicious as that of an herbivore.
Herbivores are fresh pizza, whilst you're basically the pizza from the week before that's been in the trash ever since.
Ever so slowly, your finger traces the small blade in your hand as your other hand grabs the bark of the tree behind you. You strain your ears to listen for footsteps and anything that would indicate anyone approaching you.
You exhale, not letting a sound slip past your lips.
I'm alone again.
It seems that, whatever I do, I'm always alone in dangerous situations.
The attack, the black market, right now.
Whether by choice or not, I'm always alone. I know why. I don't belong here, I'm just acting like I do. This isn't my home, my family's not here, not even anyone from the same fucking species. I'm a human in a world full of animals; I don't belong here.
This isn't my home.
And no one's going to come for me, am I right?
You grit your teeth as your chest aches at the thought. Moisture fills your eyes when you think about a certain grey wolf. Legoshi, who never fails to make you feel safe and put a smile on your face. Despite all the shit he pulls sometimes, he's also there to comfort you, to show you that your voice matters.
It's no wonder that I started to develop feelings for him. I mean, I was bound to be attracted to an anthropomorphic animal anyways, this is literally a world where I'm most likely the only intellectual human and on top of that, I'm a teenage girl with hormones.
I was bound to fall for someone someday. I just...I just didn't think it would feel like this. Sometimes, when he's around, I feel like I'm suffocating. I want to make him look my way.
I want to hold him close, despite what society may think.
Your hand quivers and you rake a hand through your messy hair, the rough edges of the tree scratching your skin.
We'd be doomed from the start.
He could have everything; a nice family, a nice grey wolf partner and a nice reputation. He...He's probably not even interested in me and even if he is, do I have the right to essentially destroy his life?
I want to be selfish and fight for him. I want to stay by his side but....who am I to ruin his chances at such a great life? If he'd choose me, society would shun us, regardless of how long it would last. He...what if he'd lose everything because of me?
I should just....I should just let him leave. Let him have this one nice thing.
I can't be selfish, not this time.
Your grip on the tree is nearly painful as you glance up towards the sky, your e/c orbs finding a few stars amongst the early night. They twinkle deceitfully, seeming so close when in reality, they're so far away. And yet they're home and you're not, you're stuck in a world that is not your own.
I have to stop pining after the wolf. I can stay by his side as a friend but...
I should do what I do best...
Bury my feelings until I can forget about them.
Like I've always done.
Frantically, Legoshi searches the grounds for you, your name falling from his lips in distress.
"Y/n? Y/n?!"
He has no idea where you are. Although you said you're going to the shed, you took way longer than he anticipated. You could be anywhere, hidden away in fear, terrified in a bathroom or huddled together with another group. Best case scenario, you'd find your way back to the group and you're safe and sound with the rest of the drama club.
He doesn't want to think about his worst fear; you, mangled to shreds in some corner of the field or in the hands of some dangerous carnivore.
You're not by the statues or any of the booths and his eyes grow wide with worry as his ears flicker into each direction. Hoping to catch your voice within the screams or anywhere close to him. His legs carry him to the shed, only to find it empty of any life. Colonel Bucket stares at him, the metal glinting in the darkness and his heart stops in his chest.
She's gone. Where is she?
Ugh, focus! I can sniff her out. Focus and follow. Follow...
Please be safe!
Trusting his nose, he trails your scent, the one that is so alluring and familiar to him, around the field. It takes him to various places. To dinosaur sculptures, to booths and to the green surroundings of the festival grounds.
Finally, he finds it. Your distinct scent and only yours.
You're alone, no other animal is near you as there is no sign of any other scent besides yours and Legoshi couldn't be happier. Your scent leads him to a tree and he stops a few yards away, squinting his eyes. He makes out your feminine form, pressed against the back of the tree and he sighs in relief.
All the tension leaves his body as he makes his way to you.
"What a relief-"
Your scream of terror cuts him off and he stops dead in his tracks, his eyes wide with shock.
You fall back, landing on your ass in the dirt with a groan and your blade pointed at him. Although your eyes have grown used to the dark, it takes a few seconds to recover from the sudden jump scare and make out the tall figure in front of you, that somehow managed to sneak up on you.
Suddenly, the lights turn back on, one after the other.
With every lit lantern, your guess is proven correctly as Legoshi's tall build takes up most of your vision and all of your focus. He stands right in front of you, whilst you still sit on the ground with your bottom covered in dirt, grass and leaves. The hand with the switchblade-key lowers back to the ground and you hoist yourself up, now standing in front of the wolf.
Your wolf.
Your wolf, who came looking for you.
Your wolf, who you just pointed a fucking blade at.
His eyes are focused on you and his expression is neutral but still, you can see the pain and the hurt in his eyes. And it kills you to know that you caused that pain.
"Legoshi? Fuck, I'm so sorry! I-I...You just came out of nowhere and I was scared and couldn't tell who you were for a few seconds, I'm so sorry! I- I can't believe I did that, Oh god!"
Moisture clouds your eyes and it takes everything in you to not make the situation worse by crying. With frightened eyes, you glance at the blade in your hands before tossing it back into your bag.
You're disgusted by yourself.
Legoshi leans down to you, slightly bent at the knees so he can make direct eye contact with you. He exhales in relief and smiles at you.
"No, no," he chuckles huskily, "I'm just glad you're okay, Y/n."
But you can see the pain in his eyes. You know how much you hurt him by seeing him as a threat, by being scared of him, even if it was just for a few seconds.
I fucked up big time.
"N-No, I'm such a fucking idiot! I-I didn't even think that it could be you, I just saw a big shadow a-and it was dark and-"
"Yeah, I know," he interrupts you, the same forced smile on his face. The same smile that you gave others so many times. "Are you hurt? Your uniform got dirty. Here."
He hands you his handkerchief, blue just like his shirt, and you can't fight the few tears that roll down your cheeks. Your gaze doesn't even move to the handkerchief; it stays glued to his and to the agony in his eyes.
"You came for me," you whisper, a sad smile on your lips," I-I thought that...I was so sure no one would come to find me."
Slowly, the forced smile on his face slips, revealing the gloomy wolf behind it. The wolf that cared enough to find you and you fucking hurt him by making him think that you're scared of him. That you saw him as just another carnivore, when that couldn't be further from the truth.
"But you did," you giggle through the tears, hiccupping, "You came to find me and I hurt you."
"You didn't hurt me-" He tries to interrupt you but you don't give him the chance to swallow his feelings this time.
"Yes, I fucking did!" You sob, "Don't lie to me, Legoshi! I hurt you because I was scared and pointed a fucking weapon at you! And I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry because I didn't want to hurt you, I never wanted to hurt you in anyway and I fucking did! I-I'm not scared of you, I promise! Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"
You continue to sob, staring into the eyes of the canine as they soften and the pain in them begins to vanish. Slowly, his smile begins to turn into a real one.
"Don't worry," he reassures you and crouches down, pushing the handkerchief further into your direction, "Just use this."
With trembling lips and an ugly hiccup, you take the handkerchief and stare at the wolf for a moment longer. Then, you throw your arms around his neck, hugging him like your life depended on it. Your face buries itself into the nape between his shoulder and his neck, your tears making contact with the soft, grey fur.
"I'm sorry, Legoshi!"
He's stunned for a moment. Eventually, he eases into your embrace and puts his arms around you, holding you and soothingly rubbing your back. There's so much desperation in your hug, so much guilt, that he would be an idiot to think you'd actually be scared of him. She was scared of the dark, he reasons, his strong arms holding you tightly, she wasn't scared of me. Right?
It doesn't matter. Right now, I'm just happy to be holding her. For her to be this close to me, in my arms. That's all I need.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, an obsessed, female grey wolf followed Legoshi's scent after the lights turned back on. Her eyes widen as she stumbles upon the scene; you, embraced in the wolf's arms.
N-No... that can't be! A wolf...and a human?! That's impossible! There's no way! B-But...
Distraught, she watches as you pull back and the male wolf stares at you whilst you clean your skirt, laughing at something he said. His eyes hold so much happiness as his tail gently wags behind him, a content smile on his face.
H-Huh? What?! Seriously?!
Yeehaw homies! How's it going? I hope you enjoyed this Chapter!
I'm amazed that we're already at Chapter 30. Like dafuq?! This is the furthest I've ever gotten with a story of mine, especially because this one is one of the only ones that I published and kept published.
That's why I'm thankful for 50k reads and 2k stars! Y'all are awesome and I am grateful for every single one of you that enjoys reading this story!
I may or may not be a little drunk right now, so that's fun! Really, I'm quite the calm drinker. I've never drank so much that I lost control of myself (will never either) and I'm not an extravagant drinker. Alcohol makes me tired and at most, gets rid of my filter. I asked each of my family members if they've ever seen a flying lama because it's the first thing I thought of.
I'm also not one for cocktails and cheap alcohol, I stay with wine and the classics like vodka. It hits but at least, you probably won't die of alcohol poisoning.
Funny story actually, the only guy that every asked me for a date had alcohol poisoning. I'll tell y'all about it.
Story goes as such:
I met him on birthday party of a mutual friend, he was drinking already and therefore a lot more charismatic. We both liked memes and he was funny. We texted after that and met at school like 2 days later, only to realize that neither of us can hold up a comversation with strangers. My social anxiety was also through the roof at that time and my brain immediatly thought that by going on a date, I'd have to stop fantazising and reading fanfiction about fictional characters.
Cancelled the date, which was a great decision because the guy is a mess and I was suicidal back then (about to enter the final phase of that shit before finally getting better after 3 years of therapy) and I knew that I couldn't deal with someone else's problems before knowing how to deal with my own. A week later, there was a festival in my very small town (which my mother organized) and I decided to go. Turns out the guy decided to go too. I didn't care but my friends all thought that I cared. I was honestly done with the Dude, I had my fanfictions so I was happy. Our group met up a little away from the festival and some bitch decided to invite 20 other strangers.
Mate then drank way too much, we all had to run from the cops cause these idiots were underage drinking and then we had to stop in front of some poor bro's house because these idiots had to vomit. I'm still sorry for whoever lives there. Mr Romeo then went on a monologue about how sorry he was and how he knew I could never like a guy like him ( ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ ) and I just stood there like 👁️👄👁️ because you can't tell a drunk depressed kid that he needs to get over himself because I told him it was because I WAS IN FUCKING THERAPY FOR A REASON. Like damn. So I dashed out of there like Sonic, went home and vented to my mom about everything cause my parents are great and later found out the dude had alcohol poisoning and they had to get an ambulance. Glad he did not die but it was still weird as hell. Especially because for an entire month, people would try to get me to reconsider going on that date because 'You don't know, maybe you'll like it' or 'you're the first girl he really liked and asked out, you can't do that to him!'
But you can't just tell people that 'Hey, I'm suicidal and not good in the head, I should not be in a relationship right now'. Things calmed down, all is cool and now I'm 18 and convinced I dodged a bullet.
Moral of the story, drink responsibly.
Now y'all know about that shit too! For those worrying, don't be concerned, I finally beat the demon in my head (I call him Morgan) and haven't had any dark thoughts since January 2018. My therapist helped me through it. So for those suffering, just know that it will get better if you just continue fighting for a while longer. I know it's hard but please, try to remember Sid the Sloth's words "Behind every storm, there is a rainbow". I'm always open to listen and talk, don't be afraid to slide into my messages. I love all of y'all and you're awesome!
The next chapters are going to lead to the Climax of Season 1! Who's excited?! I'm sure I am!
Now, I hope y'all are safe and healthy in this weird world!
See you in Chapter 31!
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