Chapter 28 - Declaration of War
"So...I had a thought."
"Oh no," Aisha shuddered, remembering the last time you used that weird brain of yours.
"I swear it's a good one this time!" You object, waving your arms around in an attempt to get her attention back to your proposition. Eventually, she sighs and gestures for you to continue.
"Alright so, hear me out," you begin, pausing for dramatic value, "What if we start a Potato brand?"
"Excuse me, what the fuck, Y/n?" She deadpans, narrowing her eyes at you.
"But everyone loves potatoes, Aisha!" You whine, trotting in front of her as the two of you wander through the hallways on your way to your next shared class, "You know that! Everyone knows that! Potatoes are the Holy Grail of Vegetables!"
"Of course I know that! But that doesn't mean we should start a brand!" She snaps, "How do you even start a brand on one singular vegetable?! That's impossible, Y/n!"
"Do not fret, my dearest roommate, " you grin, turning around to face her and walking backwards through a corridor filled with students, "I have a solution!"
She groans, slapping her hand against her forehead, "Oh boy, here we go."
Clearing your throat, you muster your best smile and dramatically wave your hands around, "Rainbow potatoes!"
"You are insane!"
"That I am indeed, thank you for noticing, "Nevertheless, you resume your attempt at convincing her, "It would be a fucking hit though! Just imagine potatoes in different colours! And then rainbow fries! Rainbow curly fries! Rainbow potato chips! It's brilliant!"
Your smile widens once you notice the corners of her mouth twitching upwards in amusement. "Okay, that's kinda dope."
"Right?! That's what I sa-" You huff and stop with your speech as your back collides with a firm torso. Hesitantly, you crane your head back and look up, only to smile once you realise who you ran into.
"Oh hey there, wolfie!"
The corners of his mouth curl up in joy as neither of you make a move to put some distance between you. "Hey Y/n. How's it going?"
Aisha and Jack, standing off to the side lines and observing their OTP, share a glance and chuckle in amusement. The Greyhound answers for you, ruffling your hair as she does so, "Y/n here thinks it'd be a good idea to start a Potato brand about rainbow coloured Potatoes."
"Rainbow Potatoes?" Jack asks, attempting to suppress his laughter but failing miserably.
"Hey, "You pout, though your eyes glint with mischief, "It's an awesome idea."
"Yeah, I think so, too."
Surprised at his input, the three of you turn to look at Legoshi with confused gazes. Promptly, the young wolf shifts his head away and nervously pulls at the collar of his shirt. "I mean, it sounds really cool."
"See! Legoshi gets it!" Proud of your favourite Canine, you stretch your arm as high as you can and scratch beneath his chin. You remember that most canines back in your old world loved to have that spot scratched, so maybe canines in this world enjoyed it just as much. You sure hope so because otherwise, this is going to become extremely awkward in the next few seconds.
Thankfully, you guessed correctly and you watch gleefully as Legoshi closes his eyes in bliss and grumbles in happiness, his tail furiously wagging behind him. This reaction is more than you hoped for and due to the now gleaming eyes of the other two canines on your form, you blush. After a few more seconds of scratching, you let your hand fall back into its former place by your side. Finally, you turn back to Aisha.
"We should totally start that potato brand, though. "
She simply snickers, before gripping your hand and dragging you away from the males, "I'll think about it. Come on, we'll be late for class! Bye boys!"
With one last childish grin, you wave goodbye to the two canines, "See ya later, Lego-head! Bye Jack!"
They watch you and the female Greyhound vanish around the next corner, the wolf staring longer than necessary. With a suggestive smile, Jack peers up at his best friend, who only huffs when he notices.
"Oh nothing," Jack replies smugly, clasping his hands behind his back and bouncing away," Your tail's wagging by the way."
The wolf only grumbles in response, grabbing a hold of his traitorous appendage before following his best friend to their next class.
Time flies by as usual and before you know it, you're back at drama club. You already accomplished the most difficult part of your job, painting most of the dinosaur statues and all, so there isn't a lot left for you guys to do at this point. At least not for today. You stand off to the side with the rest of your little crew, sometimes helping Fudge move some boxes around or organizing some stuff with Kai. You're dressed in casual clothing for once, opting to rather spend the rest of your day in dark, lazy sweatpants, a tank top and a cardigan.
Sure, it looks like a pyjama but who actually cares in this damn club? You do your job and you do it good, there's no need to add I need to watch out for my skirt so no one catches a glimpse of my underwear to the list. Honestly, you're still on par with the overall dress-code of the Academy, so there's absolutely no reason for you to wear that ridiculous dress only for something as private and ridiculous as the drama club.
The actors and dancers stretch while you check the lights every once in a while, your eyes trained on the weirdly behaving grey wolf that shares the same duties. His mood seems even gloomier than usual, which is weird because he was rather cheerful the last time you saw him. You watch with raised eyebrows as he sneaks up behind Louis, whose hand is wrapped in a bandage after a minor accident with the tiger yesterday.
"I heard Bill got you," Legoshi says, standing mere inches behind the stag, "I hope... it doesn't leave a scar."
Why does he sound so menacing? What's gotten into your head this time, wolfie?
"It's certainly nothing compared to your back," Louis answers snarkily, shoving the wolf away from him, "What do you want? If you've got something to say then just say it."
"Not me," Legoshi replies, though his mild glare begs to differ, "Nothing to say."
The two males stare at one another, not even bothering to hide their obvious dick-measuring contest. Your eye twitches, remembering the last time this happened and honestly, you'd be more than happy to just get it over with now and throw your shoes at them with full force.
"Oh gosh, all this tension, "Els' sweet voice rings through the silence and you silently make your way to the group, "What's up with those two?"
"Are they friends? Or do they hate each other?" Kibi questions and you're also wondering what the ever-flying fuck happened between the wolf and the red deer. Bill, ever the gentleman, leans over to answer the question. "They hate each other. "
"I don't know," you pipe up, your arms crossed in front of your chest, "I thought they were neutral with one another."
"Don't bring your personal issues into the club," Louis states sternly, before turning to all the other club members, yourself included, "This goes for all of you! The festival's right around the corner and we're not even close to being ready. You guys better be able to give me a flawless performance right now."
In turn, the actors and dancers groan and you quietly whistle at the obvious tension in the room.
Damn, I am so glad I'm on the stage crew. Louis is scary as hell when he's pissed.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and a young female grey wolf stumbles in, her eyes twinkling bright with sweet innocence. "Sorry! I'm a bit late!"
Almost immediately, the majority of the members, especially the males, gather around her as if she's the newest Gucci collection.
The equally perplexed red deer finds your gaze and sends you a questioning look What the hell is going on?, to which you respond with a shrug I don't have a fucking clue dude, ask Steve. Legoshi merely watches the two of you, before making his way to your side of the room.
"Juno, it's about time," Els fawns, like she's talking to an adorable toddler, "When you know you're going to be late, you have to let us know, remember?"
"I'm sorry," Nothing against the girl but her voice makes you want to vomit, "My classmate, who's a sloth, really needed to use the restroom, so I carried her there."
"She's a sloth, so it's only fair."
"You're so nice, Juno!"
Am I the only one who sees this as a poor, kind of racist/ ableist excuse? Just me? Okay...
Seriously, this is just "Sorry I had to get my falsely arrested black friend out of jail because I'm white and rich" excuse but turned animal planet.
You watch with furrowed brows as your club members swarm around the young girl like bees to honey and her extremely sweet nature does little to lessen the wrenching of your gut. You don't buy her bullshit because no one is that nice. No one.
"Oh, but there's no excuse for being late," Okay kiddo, that's enough ass-kissing for today, " I'll stay afterwards and clean the rehearsal room, I don't mind."
Your e/c orbs follow the form of the male red deer as he crosses the room to talk to Sheila but they're too far away for you to understand what they're whispering about. With a twitching eye, you continue to observe the situation in front of you. Nervously, your fingers play with the fabric in the pocket of your sweatpants.
Under different circumstances, you'd be glad that a carnivore is treated with such kindness but something about Juno rubs you the wrong way. In a way, you also feel that she's only being accepted because she acts so wickedly sweet and innocent. She's seems like a literal lamb in wolf's clothing, only that you feel like, as soon as she gets the opportunity, that innocent lamb will become a case for the Men in Black.
Suddenly, her gaze falls to you, or more specifically to the animal beside you.
"Oh Legoshi!" You flinch with widened eyes when every single pair of eyes in the goddamn drama club turns into your direction to glance at the oblivious grey wolf next to you, "Thanks to the art department's hard work, the actors can do our best and dance our hearts out!"
Why is she only thanking Legoshi? He's a great guy but he's not the one who painted an entire statue alone, with only Colonel Bucket there to help! Hello?! I feel like I'm not getting the credit that I deserve and I am greatly offended.
"Mhm," the wolf hums from beside you, his arm brushing against yours, "I'm glad to hear that."
The rest of your crew only grumbles because just like you, they're left in the dust when it comes to credit.
"See how she's looking Legoshi," Kai murmurs from besides Dom and you nod curtly. "I am greatly offended. I didn't paint that entire goddamn sculpture in an entire day by myself for nothing."
"Just admit that you're jealous, "Fudge teases you but he too appears disappointed by the female canine.
"Jealous?" You huff and giggle nervously, "Why would I be jealous?"
Legoshi, who's listening in on your conversation, also wonders the same thing. Why would you be jealous of Juno?
Fudge merely grins at you and wiggles his brows, "You know why, Y/n."
He subtly nods at the male wolf next to you and snickers quietly when a heavy blush blossoms on your cheeks. You pout childishly and whisper a quiet, "Shut up!"
"The festival of the meteor is the summer event!" Juno's chipper voice brings your attention back to the small crowd," Let's all practice hard again today!"
The chorus of "Yay" from the actors and dancers is quite disturbing to watch, especially because just a few moments ago, Louis had urged them to do the same thing. Although his way was far less motivating and gentle, you'd have preferred it over Juno's creepy behaviour. At least the deer's honest about failures and strives for perfection, while Juno's poor excuse probably tells you that you shouldn't count on her if need be.
Your eyes fall to the stag, who seems to watch the scene unfold with distaste and weariness. His arms are crossed in front of his chest, his ears twitching in annoyance and with hasty steps, you make your way to him and leave a mildly confused grey wolf behind.
Louis' gaze turns into a subtle glare as he observes his club member crowd around the female canine with more motivation and spirit than he'd seen from them in a long time.
Juno united everyone together.
"Yeah, I don't trust her either," your voice suddenly sounds from beside him and he jumps in surprise.
"And why's that? Do you miss the attention?" You roll your eyes at his idiotic remark. "No, Bambi, I mean that no one, and I repeat no one, is that nice. Especially not after being treated the way she was, it's impossible."
"So," he leans further down to you as the two of you stand beside each other like trained partners in crime, your gazes focused on the crowd of animals, "What do you think is going on here?"
"She," you nod to the wolf in a dress, "is a psychopath."
"A psychopath?"
"Yup," you reply, popping the 'p'. You glance at him, only to find his questioning eyes staring right back at you. "Do you have a better idea, Golden Boy?"
"No, unfortunately I don't," he groans, before raising a single eyebrow in amusement, "Golden Boy?"
"Dude, you're rich and your fur's kind of golden, so roll with it," you snicker, before giving the buck a friendly pat on the shoulder, "Gotta blast, mate. I think Mina is about to hit her head on a light. Yo Mina, watch out!"
With a chuckle, Louis watches you as you scurry away to warn the Giraffe, who smiles sheepishly and apologizes for almost accidently injuring herself. His honey-coloured eyes stay on your form as you join Fudge and Kibi again, ready to offer your help again.
She's an enigma, that human.
He feels the glare of the male wolf on him and when he turns his head and meets Legoshi's gaze, he almost wants to jump away out of instinct. The canine's eyes are predatory, fulfilling his name of carnivore and apex-predator. If looks could kill, Louis would be thirty-six feet underground.
With a scoff, the stag turns away and leaves the wolf, or rather pup in his eyes, to his business.
Hours later, the club room is empty, except for a singular grey wolf. Humming as she sweeps the floor, Juno stands in the sole spotlight of the room as the rest of it vanishes within the shadows. This also surprises Louis when he opens the door expecting no one, only to find the young girl. "Juno?"
"Hello Louis!" She stops sweeping, moving to stand in her usual 'cute girl' pose.
"You're still cleaning up," He states rather than asks as he makes his way to her, "Why do you have it so dark in here?"
"Well, wolves are nocturnal, you know? So it feels better when it's darker."
"Oh that's right," he sighs and turns to glance at the bright light, "I had forgotten that you're a wolf, too."
Slowly, Juno moves closer to the stag, "And that means, that... now we've got two actors here, who are in the spotlight," she gets uncomfortably close to him, still holding the broom in her hands, "Louis, uhm, would you mind practicing with me for a little bit?"
She giggles innocently and Louis eyes her with a narrowed gaze.
What exactly is she up to?
"Yeah, why not."
He's very aware that his instincts are screaming at him to bring some distance between him and the carnivore, even more so after his conversation with you. Nevertheless, his pride and sense of responsibility won't allow that.
"One, two, three. One, two, three," He counts and observes the dancing she-wolf, his rhythm and knowledge in this field far greater than that of the male grey wolf, who did the same thing only a few days earlier.
"One, two, three. One, need to work on that."
Surprised, Juno stops and turns to him, "Oh, am I too fast?"
"No, more like too sloppy," he answers honestly, the perfectionist in him getting the upper hand. Juno represents his club after all, he has to make sure she's just as capable as everyone else. "Your movements will captivate the audience but you also need to be in sync with the others."
"Give me your hand," he holds out his hand for her to take, "Well, as long as you're dancing like you're enjoying yourself, the guys will love it. There's no need for you to be totally perfect out there."
Meanwhile, on the other side of the campus, a familiar greyhound shrieks as she sees you sticking your entire upper body out of the window.
"Y/n, what are you doing?!"
"Hush, Aisha!" You command, narrowing your eyes with a growl, "Someone's being sexist right now! I can feel it!"
"You'll feel me kicking your ass in a second if you don't get the hell away from there right now!"
"Alright, you don't have to shout at me!"
Back with the stag and the carnivore, Juno hesitantly takes Louis' hand, her gaze trained on him. "Wait, what exactly do you mean by that?"
The dim lighting of the spotlight engulfs the red deer in an ominous hue, the aura around him mysterious and thriving with confidence as he stares at the wolf in front of him. His eyes are devoid of heart-felt compassion when he speaks. "Oh, I'm sorry. That might've sounded discriminatory."
Juno eyes him, her periwinkle orbs glistening in the golden light. Then, she lowers her head. "It's okay, I'm used to it."
Suddenly, she brings her body forwards and intertwines their hands. They match up perfectly, as Louis only succeeds her in height by a few inches and he gasps as she forces him backwards.
"Wait, tch-"
"Louis," Juno's voice is still the same soft melody as before, only now, it sends a shiver of dread down his spine with its cold and dead tone, "I think you hate me."
"What? Grgh-" His warm eyes widen in surprise when the she-wolf forces him to the ground. Juno lands on top of him, keeping him down with the power of a true predator.
"Actually, you hate all carnivores, don't you?"
Her beautiful eyes are devoid of any light or emotion. Like crystals, they twinkle yet they don't seem alive in the slightest. Your words echo in his mind at this, at Juno's quick change of demeanour.
"She's a psychopath."
"No one, and I repeat no one, is that nice."
Maybe he should listen to your advice more often.
"What are you thinking?" He remarks sassily, "is this going to lead into a kiss?"
"No, of course not, don't be ridiculous," Juno says, her voice just as cold and emotionless as before, "Because if we kissed right now, it'll most likely trigger my natural instinct to devour you. And that would be sad."
Louis despises her right now, for making him feel so helpless and vulnerable. He hates it, he hates her and he hates being in this situation.
"You have to know that I don't like you, "That makes two of us," I like Legoshi." "
"This is a declaration of war."
Juno tightens her grip and leans even further down to him, pressing her pelvis against his.
"Listen Louis, I intend to be the next beastar at this school. What I want is Legoshi...and a peaceful world for carnivores."
He curses himself for being so weak and not being able to fight back. His bandaged fist clenches. But then, he relaxes and turns his mischievous eyes back to his captor's periwinkle ones.
Time to change the game.
"Okay fine, you've proven your strength. I'd much rather be devoured by you than Legoshi or Bill," he smirks, "It might actually feel pretty good."
"Yeah, in your dreams," Juno replies and finally gets off of the stag.
He won the game.
She helps him up from the ground, holding his hands in hers longer than necessary. "I would never expose my fangs to anyone for any reason. Female wolves hate fighting."
"Well, we'll see," He says huskily, leaning back on his arms, "If you're actually this greedy, it's a different story."
"Is it not okay for me to be greedy?"
"That's not what I mean," Louis groans annoyed, his proud eyes boring into the young wolf in front of him, "It's just...that greed of yours. Seems like it stems from your strong confidence. Beauty, men, status. You believe that you deserve to have it all. You've certainly got the beauty but I can prevent you from getting the status. As for men, let me tell you about your crush, Legoshi."
Louis stands, standing in the spotlight and above the carnivour, in control, just how he likes it.
"You'll struggle a lot with him. Far more than you are aware."
He turns his back to her and leaves her sitting on the floor, her empty eyes following his confident form as he walks away.
"What makes you say that?!" She yells after him, "I'm going to get Legoshi to notice me no matter what!"
Louis snickers silently as he mindlessly plays with his bandage, his mind jumping to you and the wolf's obvious affliction with you.
"Just observe him and you'll understand soon enough. And," one last time, he turns to face her," it may be just the right thing for someone as sure as you."
The Stag leaves, the doors swinging behind him as his presence still lingers in the room and fills the she-wolf with insecurities and doubts.
Heya Guys! It's me, with another Chapter and I hope you enjoyed this one!
It's a little harder than expected because there is no wifi here, so this is all done through my own Internet. Unfortunately, it's hard to get that working as well, so we're kind of struggling with technical difficulties. Other than that, my vacations going good, I've got sunburn on my nose so now I'm Rudolf the Rednose reindeer (fun fact: My grandpa's name was Rudolf and if I had been born a boy, I would've been named Rudolf).
Now, this is important!
There was a Databreach at wattpad and that chapter talks a little more about it! For those that are too lazy to read it, I highly advise you to reset your passworts!
Thank you to @TheWhiplashedWolf for informing me of this!
There's also another thing I want to talk about.
A guy from Webnovel reached out to me and introduced himself as a representative of Tencent Literature. Apparently, they want to offer me a non-exclusive contract for to publish this book on Webnovel as well.
Now, I did some research and apparently, Tencent Literature is really not that great and right now, I don't have the Internet capacity to download and test Webnovel myself. So I'm kind of at a crossroads now. That's kinda why I'm asking y'all for your opinions, maybe you guys heard some stuff or have some experience in that.
Really, I'n overwhelmed and confused ╏ " ⊚ ͟ʖ ⊚ " ╏
Due to my Internet, there also won't be any Gifs for a while, unfortunately. It just takes too long to load.
Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and healthy in this Quarantine!
See you in Chapter 29!
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