Chapter 24 - Jealousy and Vines

It would be a heavy understatement to say that your day already started off weird. Terrifying would describe the circumstances much better.

You hadn't suspected anything; you slept peacefully and without much trouble that night, a day or two after your oh so fun adventure in the city. The first rays of sunshine, now beginning to rise as early as 6 am, tickle your noise and stir you awake. You stretch and groan, unwilling to leave the comfort of your bed.

But then, something tickles your hand and groggily, you open your eyes.

Only to come face to face with eight unblinking eyeballs, staring right into your soul.

Packed by your instinct to survive, you throw yourself out of bed and catapult the spider behind you as you run to the other side of the room. Your screaming wakes the mature Greyhound, who swiftly sits up in her bed at your obvious sounds of distress.

"Why are you running? Why are you running?!"

"There's a fucking spider on my bed!" you screech and point to the eight-legged demon. As if you hadn't launched it through the air at record speed, the arachnoid stands calmly on your bed, staring you down with black, beady eyes.

"Oh my god Y/n, are you serious?!" Aisha groans as the other slowly move out of their bunkbeds as well. You don't move your gaze from the spider, knowing from experience that it'll be gone as soon as you let it out of your sight. The only thing worse than a spider, is a spider that's missing in your room.

"Aisha!" You announce loudly, pointing your finger into the air, an annoyed "Yes?" being your answer.

"I have a solution!"

"Thank goodness."

"It involves fire."

"Absolutely not!"

In the end, you were able to somehow take the arachnoid captive in a small cup and let it run free outside the dorms, hopefully to never have it sneak into your bed again. Overall, it was a very strange and exhausting way to start your day.

Classes came and went, sea-speak being one of the most confusing ones. Not because it's hard to understand, quite the opposite because you already know a lot about the topic thanks to national geographics, but because you had absolutely no use for it. You can't create vibrations or special frequencies  to communicate underwater, you are literally incapable of doing such a thing. So you truly don't see the logic behind teaching it to mammals and other land animals, all of which cannot use or understand messages sent in goddamn vibrations and frequencies.

Eventually, your free period rolls around and as you had agreed with a certain red deer a short while prior, you'd meet him in a free room on the higher levels of the school. According to the older student, it had been a small atelier once. Apparently, it had been used by a formerly existing art club and thanks to his money and popularity, Louis was able to basically rent it for you.

Thanks to him, you were now in the possession of the key to this wonderful place. And you're truly grateful for that and your gratitude even extended far enough, that you'd now call yourself and the deer friends, instead of mere acquaintances. Your frequent visits and cookies had indeed brought the two of you closer.

With a bag hanging around your shoulder, containing clothes and your supplies, you slide down the hallway on the soles of your fancy shoes and come to a stop right in front of the stag.

"Good evening."

He only raises an irritated eyebrow, his arms crossed over his chest. "It's barely noon, Y/n."

"I know. I did it for the vine."

"The what?"

"Nevermind," you wave him off and slip past him to open the door to your new favourite place.

Immediately, the rustic and slightly dusty smell washes over you and you sneeze quietly as the dust particles tickle your nose. Bright sunlight radiates through the large glass windows, providing perfect lighting for painting. The mousey-brown wooden floor matches with the old, beige wallpaper, that is still decorated with long forgotten studies of former students. A bookshelf stands in the far right corner of the room, holding thick books about colour theory, anatomy, techniques, styles and art history.

You take a mental note to fill the place with some flowers next time, to bring some life into the mix of silence, dust and rustic history.

With a skip in your step, you set up your easel and build yourself a construction to hold your paints and brushes. Louis admires the room, most likely as awestruck as you by its wise energy, while you take out your newly bought, cheap painting clothes because you're not stupid enough to ruin any uniforms with acrylic paint.

"Hey Louis?" you call, already beginning to unbutton the front of your shirt, "don't turn around until I say so, 'kay? I need to change my clothes."

"Very well," he answers, his greater than thou tone still prominent. You don't worry about him peeking; the deer is obviously very in control of his sexual urges and you are about one hundred percent convinced that he's either taken or seeing someone on the side. The stench of sweat and sex lingers around him quite a lot and sure, it makes you uncomfortable to know that he probably did the devil's tango right before talking to you, but the thought of speaking to him about it brings you even greater discomfort. So, you chose the lesser evil and ignore it all together; his private life isn't your business anyways and honestly, you could care less who he rolls around in the sheets with.

"Okay, I'm done!" you tell him, turning around to face him in your large white shirt and a pair of jeans. They were cheap and therefore, allowed to get ruined by paint that never washes off of clothing. "So, how do you want to stand in your portrait?"

That's the reason you're meeting him, in this new heaven of yours. The stag had approached you after catching you sketching in drama club and had asked to have his portrait painted by you. You'd told him you'd gladly do so after getting your supplies on that wonderful day in the city and badabing-badaboom, here you are.

Thoughtfully, the deer scratches his chin. Then, he takes off his shirt.

Sir, this is a Wendy's-

"If it's not too much to ask, I'd like to be shirtless in it. It makes me feel powerful," he says nonchalantly as he neatly folds his shirt and places it on a table, which stands in the middle of the room with a few others. Then, he sits down in a chair across from you, his legs crossed and his hands folded in his lap as he seriously stares straight at you.

His serious expression falters when he sees you snap a reference picture with your phone, your cheeks slightly red because you're scared that you'll have to explain to someone why you have a picture of a shirtless Louis in your gallery.

"Done!" you say cheerfully, glancing at the deer as you set up your phone to begin sketching on your canvas, "You can go now if you want. I have everything I need here and I wouldn't want to waste your time."

"No, it's fine, I'll spend my free period here with you," he replies, suspiciously fast, "It's peaceful here and I don't have anything else to do right now."


At first, strange silence reigns over the room; not entirely uncomfortable but not exactly nice either. Only your breathing and the sound of your pencil, and later your paintbrush, flying over the canvas fill the room. Then, the deer speaks up.

"The weather's very beautiful today, isn't it?"

But you can't answer because you have a paint brush stuck in your mouth as you paint a certain area with another. Due to your silence, the deer clears his throat.

"Y/n?" If you wouldn't know better, you'd say his tone is almost shy, "Are you there?"

Your mouth, now free from paintbrushes, turns into a sly smirk, "Physically yes. Mentally is debatable, Bambi."

"Who's Bambi?"

Noticing your slip up, you freeze before letting out an awkward giggle and change the subject. "So, I woke up with a spider on my arm today."

And that sends you and the stag into a nicely spend hour of painting and laughing about the other's mishaps. Although they're mostly yours, obviously. In a way, you feel like deer old Bambi really just wants someone to talk to. Someone who's not after his popularity, his attention, his love or his...other tools. Miraculously, that someone is you. After all, your eyes are set on a certain canine and even if you can admit that Louis is attractive, he doesn't entice you the way Legoshi did.

You notice that he's uneasy about sharing much about himself, more specifically his past. Of course, you compensate by telling him more stories of your own adventures and troubles and he listens attentively, sometimes offering a comment or even a laugh.

Unfortunately, everything good must come to an end and near the end of your free period, you begin to pack your belongings and bid your goodbyes to the deer. Like every responsible teenager, you teach him the Bro-fist, which fascinated him greatly. The childish sparkle in his eyes as you bump your fist against his to say goodbye brings a cheerful smile to your face. It suits him way better than the usual sadness that hides in his honey-coloured eyes.

Making your way into a corner, you begin to undress once more, while Louis leaves.

Only for another embarrassing moment to occur on this dreadful Wednesday.

As Louis opens the door, he comes face to face with a stunned grey wolf, whose hand is raised in the air ready to knock.

"Oh, uh, Louis?" he asks, surprised to see the stag, so close to your alluring scent. He had unconsciously followed it through the entire school building, determined to talk to you, to spend time with you. However, he couldn't say that he isn't intimidated by the older male student.

Of course, you recognize that deep voice instantly and flaring heat races to your cheeks. Why? Because you're half-naked!

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Damnit, why is this uniform so complicated!

Louis visibly gulps, his adam's apple bopping before he steps outside and closes the door behind him. Right in time to silence your surprised squeak as you trip over your own feet and fall to the ground after hastily putting your white dress on. You silently hiss in pain as you rub your bottom.

Outside of the small atelier, the tall wolf towers over the deer, angering Louis immediately as he's reminded of his status as an herbivore. It reflects in his voice as he greets the wolf. "Hey."

"What are you doing here?" Legoshi asks, stepping back to give the stag some space.

"I should be asking you that," he answers, leaning against the doorframe.

"Yeah, well uh...I need to talk to Y/n."

"Y/n's busy right now, it's best that you don't disturb her," Louis states sternly, earning himself a confused glance from the wolf, who wonders how the other male would know that. "Busy?"

Louis can barely refrain himself from acting visibly caught off guard by the carnivore's appearance.

Calm down! Why am I so startled?

"She is doing a private project for me and because of the preparations for the festival of the meteor and exams, she's on a tight schedule. Her and I are friends."


Legoshi never even heard you mention Louis' name before. "Oh, I didn't know that. Well I...could have asked her for you if you'd asked."

"Really?" the deer questions, his eyes narrowed in suspicion, "So then, are you friends with her, too?"

"Yeah," Legoshi answers, his introverted nature coming forth more and more, "We are, actually."

Meanwhile, you silently pace up and down in the atelier, too embarrassed to leave the room now that Louis lied for you and told the wolf that you're busy. Your socially anxious brain won't let you leave the room until you're certain both of them are gone, which means you are now condemned to wait.

Legoshi, what are you doing here? On any other occasion, I'd be so happy to see you but this is so embarrassing and awkward!

"You're incredible, you know?" Louis side-eyes the wolf, his arms crossed in front of his chest, "You keep hanging around herbivores and helpless omnivores such as Y/n. Was it something club related? I can let her know for you. "

Disappointed and dejected, Legoshi turns away, "No, that's okay. I just wanted to say hi. I came here because...I guess I really wanted to see her."

What did he just say?

"Are you going back too now, Louis?"

"Uh...yeah," the stag answers firmly, slightly estranged by the predator in front of him.

In awkward silence and accompanied by testosterone-heavy tension, the two males make their way down the stairs. Legoshi walks slightly behind the deer, his posture as sluggish as always. Baffled, the red deer glances at the wolf.

Is this really happening? A wolf and a human? Did Haru influence Y/n that much? It's hard to believe he's sleeping with her. Poor guy, he's most likely being played by her, if Y/n is anything like Haru.

Slowly, Legoshi begins sniffing the deer.

Hm, I feel sorry for him. What's Y/n thinking anyway? Is she trying to make me jealous or something? Does she not know how dangerous that this? To mingle with carnivores, especially with a wolf?

Finally, he takes notice of the large canine sniffing him and shoves his snout away from him. "Quit that, you creep!"

"I'm sorry!"

Embarrassed and yet filled with an unknown emotion that makes him sick to his stomach, Legoshi rubs his snout and continues to follow after the third year student. "So, uh, are you two good friends? Eh, you and Y/n?"

"What did she tell you?" The brown male inquires.

"Well, nothing really."

"Then we're just friends."


To put it frankly, Legoshi's unnerved by the deer's relationship with you. He's unsure whether how to feel, seeing as the stag smells like arousal and sex, with a mix of your scent and another he cannot pin-point. Now, he's asking himself where the two of you stand with each other and more importantly, where he stands with you.

At the same time, on the other side of the building, you let out a sneeze. Confused, Daisy looks at you, your narrowed brows spurring suspicion and concern in her gut. "What's the matter, Y/n?"

"Somewhere, someone's talking shit about me."

"Are you interested in someone right now?" Louis asks, once again side-eying the wolf.

"No, I...don't have much experience with that," he answers grimly, glancing away in embarrassment.

"In that case," Louis states firmly, an irritated gleam in his honey-coloured orbs, "Go support Juno. Show some love to your own species, the poor girl. You can't deny she's attractive and it seems like she's nice. You should go talk to her."

The deer's words still linger in his head as Legoshi works on the lights in the drama club room, dressed in his red sweatpants and jacket. It doesn't take long until the last light is properly functioning and his dark eyes wander to his reflection in the mirror.

"Hm?" Surprised, he holds his hand to his head, "Looks like...I got taller again?"

With a heavy sigh he lays down on the floor, limbs spread out.

Hugh, these growth spurts. Are you ever going to stop?

Ever since I discovered the black market, I've been nervous about looking into a mirror. Everything seems to be pushing me away from Y/n.

Disturbed, he recalls Gouhin's words.

"You think that you're in love with her. It's just your convoluted hunting instincts."

Forcing things so everything goes the way I want it. So I do have a wolf-like mentality.

Lazily, he lifts his arms to the ceiling and stares at his hands.

God, my claws are so long.

Then suddenly, another pair of hands appears beside him on the ground. Juno, dressed in her school uniform, lays beside Legoshi on the ground, mimicking his pose.

"Is this some kind of ritual for good luck?"

"Ah! Juno!" Startled, the young wolf backs away and creates a good distance between him and the female. She turns and smiles at him, her periwinkle eyes sparkling. "You're here early, Legoshi."

"Yeah, uh, well, I was just uh," he stammers, before remembering Louis' words of advice about the female wolf, "uh yeah, so...are you having fun so far?"

"Well, it's probably cause I'm a wolf but I scare everyone away," the she-wolf answers, a sad undertone to her voice.


"I feel like everyone avoids me," she admits, her eyes gleaming with misery as her ears hang slightly lower than before, "It turns out the club decided on a part for me for the festival dance without my knowledge. I'm the carnivorous dinosaur."

She stands up, twirling her hand around the fur on her cheek, "I'm sure those guys were doing it as a kind of practical joke. Anyway, I'm over it, I'm going to dance my heart out, you'll see!"

Her puppy-like eyes stare at Legoshi as he absentmindedly observes her appearance.

Looking at her standing there...I mean, even I would think that grey wolves are beautiful creatures.

"So would you mind checking my choreography?"

Standing up as well, Legoshi stays just as unfazed as before. "Well, I did see it last year, so I could probably give you some advice."

"Great!" Immediately, Juno jumps in front of him with cheerful eyes, "can we do it now?"

"Huh? Now?"

The spotlights turn on as Juno dances across the room while Legoshi counts and claps to the rhythm. Her legs lift and swing around, her skirt twirling around her as she repeats moves that you would call I'm Renata Bliss and I'm your freestyle dance teacher.

"Would you mind practicing with me for a little bit?"

Thoughtfully, Legoshi ponders about it for a moment. "Hm, I've never danced before so I don't know."

However, he decides to help her anyway and as your luck would have it, you chose that exact moment to quietly stumble through the door. Wonderfully enough, you're able to catch sight of Legoshi taking of his jacket in a way that seems far more attractive than it's supposed to be, leaving him in his white shirt.

Satan take my soul, for I am about to sin!

You are not the only one star struck by the wolf. Juno blushes as she observes the taller male, her world turning bubblegum pink in an instance.


"Try pulling your wrist in more. Raise your elbow."

Oh my gosh, he's incredible! I can't get over it! Legoshi, are you feeling this too? This feeling, the potential for us to become the most perfect grey wolf couple ever!

Suppressing a chuckle and the ever growing monster of jealousy in your gut, you stand on the side lines and watch the bizarre spectacle. Even though it's kind of awkward to see the wolf dancing with another girl, you can tell that he's just giving her advice. If he'd be flirting, you're sure he'd be stammering like a mess and tripping all over his feet. He's not the smooth type, at least probably not when he's trying to flirt. Thus, it is admirable how good of a teacher he is as he gives Juno advice.

You really have to fight against your body to not snicker out loud when Juno grabs his hand, her eyes twinkling with childish fantasies. "Legoshi, what is this strange feeling? My heart's beating fast but I feel perfectly normal being here with you like this. This is such a new experience. Is it just me or is... is there a chance you feel the same way?"

Despite the direction the conversation's heading, you notice that your little Lego-head hasn't changed his uninterested expression one bit. To be perfectly honest, his neutral, oblivious nature is the only thing that keeps you from acting like a bitch and interrupting the "dance practice" with some form of uncomfortable action. Like tripping and falling; that's something you'd do.

"Yeah, I feel it."

Are you a bad person because you enjoy watching Juno's hopes get crushed by Legoshi's oblivious demeanour?

"When you're a sophomore, you're going to learn about it in class! If the same species physically come into contact with each other, it's proven to be very relaxing. So when you get anxious, feel free to grab my tail."

Bloody hell, can this man get any cuter?!

Just then, Sheila opens the door and takes notice of you three. "Morning!"

"Morning!" You respond, shadowed by Legoshi's own, "Good Morning!"

It is then that he fully notices your presence, though he had smelled your scent in the room before that already, and his eyes linger on your from as you smile and wave at him and Juno. The she-wolf however, seems incredibly stunned and disappointed, which once again makes you hide your snicker.

"Wow, you're here early," the Cheetah comments and you step further into the room, now free to get as close to Legoshi as you want to. But your chaotic energy, after witnessing something so absurdly amusing, is off the charts.

"It is Wednesday, my dudes," you slur proudly, striding to the middle of the room before raising your arms to the sky," aaaaaAAAAAAAAHHH!"

Legoshi's small chuckle was a thousand percent worth the disturbed glances you got form the other females. 


Hello! I hope you enjoyed Chapter 24!

Now, I'll hold it short today because I am tired as hell but I want to say two things.

First of, Legoshi's hot and I praise the animators for that smooth animation of his removing his jacket.

Secondly, the blue whale challenge is back. For those that do not know what it is, it is a challenge on the internet that contains self harm and always ends in taking your own life. Now, a few accounts are back at it again and are contacting accounts, especially younger ones. So please be careful and do not accept any mesages from unknown social media accounts on twitter, facebook and instagram. Just block them, please.

I hope y'all stay safe.

That is all that I have to say on the matter, please watch out for yourselves. If you have harmful thoughts, talk to someone! My messages are always open if you need it!

I hope y'all are safe and healthy in this unfortunate time!

See you all in Chapter 25!

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