Chapter 20 - Meeting Juno
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
Daisy snarls as she reluctantly picks up four more cards to add to her hand. It's unusual to see the usually chipper and family-friendly Shiloh Shepherd swear like a sailor but you suspect you'd been a bad influence on her language. "Where the hell are you getting all these plus fours from?!"
"I know right? Where is she hiding them?" you pipe in, narrowing your eyes at the innocent Shiba-Inu, who's now down to only one card. In response, she shrugs. "I want red."
"I don't have any red!" Daisy yells.
"Does it look like I care?" Hinari beams and you realize that suggesting to play Uno was one of the worst ideas you ever had. Especially after Aisha drops the fifth plus two in a row.
"Another one."
"Aisha stop! What have I done to you?!"you scream and desperately try to balance your hand of cards in your fingers.
"Nothing, I just like seeing you struggle with those tiny hands of yours."
"They're not tiny," you grumble, a pout sliding onto your lips, "You guys just have really big hands. I think it's a large breed canine thing because Legoshi has really big hands as well."
Eden and Aisha share a dubious smirk before the Doberman glances at you nonchalantly, "Speaking of Legoshi, you guys have been spending a lot of time together recently."
Like a deer caught in headlights, your eyes frantically shift between them and you try to change the subject. Simultaneously, you put down a plus four for Eden. "His roommates also have big hands and they're all large breed canines, well except for Voss. I want blue by the way."
Eden keeps her nonchalant expression. "Fuck you for that, Y/n. But seriously, how's it going in Lover town? He waited for you in front of the school a couple of days ago, in the dark mind you, just to walk home with you. If that boy isn't whipped then I don't think love exists anymore."
The five of you share a laugh and you smile dejectedly, already consumed by the many doubts in your mind. "Although that was incredibly sweet of him, I doubt he sees me as anything more than a friend."
"Mhm, sure he does," Aisha says sarcastically and you roll your eyes.
"I'm serious," dramatically, you slam down your next card, sighing as Hinari announces that she's at one card again, "He's a pretty quiet guy and I'm basically his first female friend. He's just sweet but he's probably not interested in dating a human. Who would be, honestly?"
"I win," Hinari states with a bittersweet smile and you all grown in annoyance.
"How do you keep doing that?!"
"This is the fourth game you've won in a row!"
Despite all the complaining, you share another laugh and once more, the attention switches to you. Aisha, once again being the big sister of the group, turns to you with a sympathetic expression and ruffles your hair.
"Don't sell yourself short, Y/n! You've got way more to offer than most girls in this school combined. You're the jackpot, hunny, and he's lucky you like him!" The others nod in agreement, whilst your face remains neutral. But the hesitant, somber glint in your eyes is hard to miss.
"Another round?" Daisy tries with a nervous grin but you shake your head.
"No, sorry, I wanted to go out and sketch a little. So I'll be on my way now but have fun, guys!" You stand up and grab your sketchbook, a pencil clipped onto it and an eraser in your hand.
"Do you really have to go now?" Hinari whines and you nod. "Sorry but I'd like to get it done before the club meeting today and you know I tend to get carried away pretty easily."
With a skip in your step, you open the door after screaming one last goodbye to them and make your way out of the building. The warm sun greets you and a breeze of spring air gently plays with you h/l locks, bringing a small giggle out of you as you hold your sketchbook to your chest.
It doesn't take long for you to find a nice looking scenery, group or flower to sketch and you spend your next hour sketching anything that catches your eye. Although you preferred painting or even drawing in colour, sketching is enough to keep your skills from deteriorating and a great way to get rid of the stress building in your bones. It's easy to let loose with a pencil in between your fingers as it flows across the pages whilst your eyes analyse every structure, line of action and shape.
After a while, you reach the school building and looking at your phone, which you had to stash away in your bra because the uniform has no pockets, you realize that it's almost time for the club meeting. Knowing that you had nothing better to do, you head inside and wander around in hopes of finding something that might seem interesting enough to sketch. You do, such as the occasional flower vase or just the simple structure of the hallways.
You're finishing your last sketch for the day, focused on the singular orchid in the ordinary glass vase in front of you as your pencil moves across the white surface of the page. At first, you ignore the burning eyes in the back of your head, writing it off as your imagination. But when they're still there when you're finished, you glance up and crane your head back.
Familiar dark, reptile-like eyes stare back at you and you grin at the wolf, who's looking down on you. He's extremely close to you, so close that if you stepped about ten inches back, his chest would be pressed against your spine. His ear twitches slightly as he smiles at you.
"Hey there, Legoshi!"
"H-hey," he greets in his gravelly voice, "How are you?"
"I'm good," you respond and turn around, now standing face to face with the canine, "and you?"
"G-Good." Then, he just stares at you, his tail crazily wagging behind him.
Why are we both so bad at small talk? That's just unfair.
Deciding to sacrifice yourself for the sake of this conversation, you open your mouth to speak, only for him to seize the moment. "Have you heard about the recent devouring?"
Why would you ask her that?!
Surprisingly, you hadn't heard about it, seeing as you and your roommates were playing Uno the entire time and the TV was shut off. It's a luxury honestly, that the dorms even have TVs.
"I didn't actually. What happened?" You ask the wolf with your brows slightly furrowed in worry. Your sketchbook is clutched to your chest again and you don't miss how Legoshi's tense posture eases up after he realizes, that you don't question his morbid choice of small talk.
"Do you maybe...want to walk to drama club together? I can tell you on the way, i-if you don't mind," he stammers and you nod. The two of you fall into a slow, comfortable pace walking side by side. Occasionally, his tail brushes against your leg.
"We were watching the news earlier and according to them, a group of carnivores is suspected of devouring a female Gazelle in the city. The pictures they showed were pretty gruesome."
"Bloody hell," you say, pity for the poor girl in your quiet voice," that's awful. are you guys dealing with it all?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Well, I can't imagine that such a case makes carnivores any more appealing to be around for the herbivores. Especially since...Tem's killer hasn't been found yet," you explain, trying your best to not call out the blatant racism or remind the wolf of his dead friend.
"Honestly, "He sighs, his eyes even darker than usual, "Carnivores are used to this tension. It hit Jack a little harder though."
"I can see that. Poor guy, he's too pure for this world," you hum before nudging the wolf gently with your elbow, "Hey Legoshi? You know I don't think of you guys like that, right?"
He turns to face you, his ears twitching on his head and the look in his eyes tells you that he doesn't quite understand what you're trying to say. Heat rises to your cheeks and the tips of your ears as you stammer a bit.
"I-I don't think you guys...carnivores, I mean, are monsters. You're just like everybody else to me and honestly, a lot of herbivores are real assholes if you'd ask me. But I know not all herbivores are like that, just like not all carnivores are some bloodthirsty savages, just because a small percentage of them do those terrible things. You're perfect proof of that! You could never hurt a fly!"
Your eyes sparkle with admiration as you guys lock eyes with each other.
Would she still think like that if she knew, that I almost devoured her?
He opens his mouth to speak but stops when he notices some kind of commotion a little further ahead. You too, turn your head after hearing a female voice in distress. Up ahead, you see a male raccoon and a male brown eagle violently pulling and gripping the arm of a female student, who's mostly hidden from view.
"Did you see this?!" the brown eagle asks with an annoying voice that urges you to sucker punch him. The racoon continues for him, "The canine killer group's leader is a grey wolf just like you!"
"But-But I'm not like that!" You hear the clear fear and sadness in her voice.
"That's what you all say!"
That doesn't sound friendly.
Absentmindedly, the wolf crosses his arms and doesn't notice the growing scowl on your face.
How should I help.... Hey you! No, that doesn't sound right, especially coming from some stranger just budding in.
But while Legoshi ponders in his head, you're already marching towards the two carnivores.
"Excuse me," even though you're shaking, you force your voice to be stern, "What do you think you're doing?"
"How's that your business?" The eagle sneers as him and his friend try to look intimidating but fail miserably.
"Because I said so," you grin triumphal, "Now would you kindly stop harassing your fellow student, please? Especially over something as stupid as an unrelated news report."
"But she's a grey wolf-" The racoon starts but you interrupt him.
"And? You're a racoon, should I assume you eat trash and spread rabies now? Or that you," you turn to the eagle," enjoy ripping rabbits to pieces?"
They're quiet, fearfully staring at you before returning to glare at the girl again, who you have yet to look at. Rolling your eyes, you prepare to scold them again but are interrupted by your favourite wolf deciding to help out as well.
"Uhm...excuse me?" The racoon turns from the girl to Legoshi, only to almost shit his pants at the sight of the giant canine," Eh, I'm her older brother. Is there a problem here?"
Finally, you look at the female student kneeling on the ground like a kicked puppy. To you, she looks more like a wolf dog than an actual wolf but who are you to judge?
Her fur is curlier than Legoshi's and has a reddish hue to it, though her face is a similar cream colour. Her ears lean towards the side and have longer fur on them than Legoshi's. Her snout is slightly different but her most striking feature are her eyes. They're a beautiful periwinkle.
Damnit Legoshi, she looks nothing like you!
"Brother? Seriously?"
"That's right." You see that at this moment, he realizes, he fucked up.
Shoot! She doesn't even look like me.
"Liar! You guys don't look alike at all!"
"You can't fool us!"
"Seeing as you obviously don't know how genetics work," you bud in, deciding to save the day, "I'm going to give you a little help with that nut sized brain of yours. She," you point to the girl, "looks like their mother, a wonderful woman might I add, whilst he," you nod to Legoshi, "looks like their father. Great man, he makes some mean spaghetti."
With a telling glance at Legoshi, he gulps and kneels down to the female wolf, acting out his part. "You okay...sis?"
I know now why he's not on the actor's team.
"Yeah, thank"
This is....this is a disaster. It's like watching a person in a wheelchair fall down an escalator.
"Dang it! Let's go!" The racoon growls, purposefully bumping against your shoulder as they pass you. But not before the eagle boy has a... a stroke? To be perfectly honest, it wouldn't surprise you if that was the case.
Legoshi groans in relief and annoyance and you come to kneel down in front of the two. With soft, worried eyes you observe the female canine.
"I'm uh...sorry for lying like that," he says, earning himself a confused glance from you. If he hadn't told a lie, these two probably wouldn't have left her alone, no matter how much you would've talked to them. Unfortunately, most bullies only listen to people who are bigger than them.
"But you saved me. Thanks a lot," the she-wolf answers, glancing between you and the male, "to both of you. I owe you."
You nod curtly, offering her a gentle smile before waving her off. "You really don't, I'm glad we could help."
Legoshi nods as well, "I couldn't ignore it when they said you were a grey wolf. There's a lot of bullying like that because of the recent news. You're a freshman, aren't you? You'll get used to it by the time you're a sophomore and uh...." He cuts himself off at your stern look before he catches sight of the girl's tears and sorrowful expression.
"This is something I have to get used to? Seriously?"
You're unsure if you, a total stranger, should try to comfort her.
"It's even worse than junior high! They're so cruel, they can't do this!" Against your anxious heart, you lightly pat her shoulder in hopes of comforting her. "I'm just so frustrated at myself. I take it to personal every time."
"If that's the way you really feel," Legoshi starts," It's a good feeling for you to hang on to. I was fed up with being frustrated, I just...pretended I was used to it." His eyes meet yours and you hope that he can see your sympathy and understanding for him in your e/c orbs. "Feeling that frustration makes you stronger."
"Anyway," he nods to you and you see this as a sign to leave, "excuse us."
However, you're stopped by the she-wolf when she yells after him, "You're Legoshi from the art department, right?"
Slowly, he turns back around to face her while you watch with perplexed eyes from the side lines. You notice that she's a little taller than you but only by two or three inches. "Actually, I just joined the drama club this year as a new member."
Oh wow, we've got something in common.
"Huh?! Hold on, really?!" The wolf freaks out beside you.
"My name is Juno," she introduces herself, her tail lightly swaying behind her.
"I'm sorry that I didn't actually recognize you."
"That's okay, I'm part of the actors team anyway," you have to say, to be on the actors team, she put on a lousy performance earlier, "The day I joined, Sheila mentioned that there's a sophomore here who's a grey wolf."
Suspicious, your eyes slightly narrow at her blush and without even noticing, you inch a little closer to the male.
"She told me you were a very polite male wolf and I am happy to see that you really are."
Nervously, Legoshi scratches his neck at the compliment, "Oh...well..."
"Since we're both wolves, maybe we don't have to be so formal."
Oh yeah, I do tend to sound a little too proper.
"Then, will you be at the club today?" He asks.
"No, I think the gathering today is only for sophomores."
"Correct," you bud in, attempting to hide the slight annoyance in your voice when you realize that she had completely ignored your existence, "And speaking of the gathering, Legoshi, we should really get going, we're going to be late. It was nice to meet you, Juno! If you need something, don't hesitate to ask!"
With a sweet smile and a wave, you grab Legoshi's hand and pull him after you through the hallways.
You can't shake the feeling that this she-wolf will be troublesome in the future.
Surprisingly, you arrive just in time at the drama club, where you sit down in a line with Tao the panther, Aoba, Bill, Ellen and a small chipmunk girl. As usual, you sit next to Legoshi and unfortunately, next to Bill. To avoid any funny business from the tiger, you sit on your knees with your hands on your skirt, listening to Sanu after you gave a small wave to Louis.
"Alright, so those sophomores will meet with the City to discuss details of the festival tomorrow right after school."
"Why is it just the carnivores?" Ellen questions and is quickly backed up by the smaller girl, "The herbivores want to go on outings too!"
"Have you not seen the news lately?" Sanu sighs, "The herbivores are going to work here on sight for a while. Anyway, that's all I'm going to say on the manner."
The girls whine in disappointment and frankly, you cannot understand their need to go to the city.
"Y/n?" Sanu turns to you, "Seeing as humans are omnivores and you'd be under the protection of the carnivores just in case, you're free to join them as well."
Internally, you groan but answer anyway, "Well...I'll be in town tomorrow anyways," you look at the males beside you, "So I can just meet up with you guys in the city at a certain time if that's alright?"
"Why would you need to be in the City before that?" Louis ask with obvious suspicion and to your discomfort.
"I've got my first check-up with some doctors and scientists tomorrow since I'm the only available source of information on my species...being the only human that is part of society and all. So I'd be in town anyway. I might as well help out."
You ignore the intense staring of the others and glance down at your skirt as your fingers play with the seams.
"We all know very well by now," Louis addresses the rest, more importantly the whining girls, "how unmanageable carnivores are when they lose their senses." Legoshi tenses up beside you, whilst Bill grumbles, "Again? This is getting really old."
"One more thing," He stands by the door, his hand resting on the handle, "Do not even think about going to the black market."
Excuse me, the what now?!
Hi there! I hope you enjoyed this Chapter! We've got another ten chapters done, ey!
And we met Juno! That is going to be interesting in the future for sure!
For those that don't know yet, we're the number one on #beastars and #manga! I couldn't be prouder of us! We did this as a family because whilst I write the story, it wouldn't be anything without my awesome readers! So thank you for being a part of that accomplishment!
I love y'all, seriously!
And seeing as I'm rewatching the anime in great detail whilst I'm writinf this, I'm falling more and more in love with Legoshi! It's bad, guys! Like if I could marry that wolf, I would!
I don't have a lot to say today unfortunately, but for those that are wondering how our cat is doing after his surgery, he is doing great. He has a cone around his neck so he doesn't reopen the stitches and you can see that every time he hits something with it, he's getting angrier and angrier.
But he's purring and being happy around everyone in my family. Except for me, cause he hates me (•‿•) He literally ignores my existence and makes sure that I know that he's ignoring me.
Doesn't kill me that much on the inside though because we have two cats and our other cat loves me to death. I love him too, he's my baby but he's literally the most affectionate cat I've ever seen, although he's a bit of a crackhead. Sometimes, he loves you so much that he follows you to the bathroom to lovingly bite your knees.
Anyways, I hope y'all are safe and healthy in this Quarantine!
See you all in Chapter 21!
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