Chapter 19 - A bunny's rage

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!

Did he hear me say all of that?! Oh my fucking God, does he think I'm a pervert now?!

Your eye nervously twitches as you and the wolf stare at each other in uncomfortable silence, the sun painting both of you in a golden hue. An uptight grin settles on your lips and you bounce back and forth on your feet. Both of you are just waiting, almost hoping for the other to say something.

But just like you, Legoshi has no clue how to handle the situation.

Woah, Woah!

What am I doing here?! She's right in front of me now! Idiot, say something, don't just stand there!

W-Were they picking on you? A-Are you hurt? I- Did- You- Are you not creeped out that I'm here all of a sudden?!

Damnit, I'm choked up! I can't speak!


I've actually been thinking about you the entire time....

In a desperate attempt to find a good topic for small talk in this awkward situation, you turn your gaze back to the flowers. A frown replaces your anxious grin and you sigh in disappointment.

"Sorry, little flowers," you say gently, kneeling down to the scattered blooms, "Instead of keeping you alive and helping you get better, I only made you die quicker. Well, isn't that ironic."

I had forgotten how small she is compared to me and other males...especially when she's kneeling on the ground like that. She's so....vulnerable in front of me. Is she like that with other people as well?

Careful not to scare you, he bends down and picks up a flower. He hands it to you, his tail wagging softly behind him. "Uhm...are you okay?"

"O-Oh, yes I'm fine. Thank you for the help though," you smile and gather the flowers in your arms, "Don't take this the wrong way but I was handling the situation just fine. Still, it's nice to see you."

"Y-Yeah, I could tell," flustered, he glances to the side and you sweat-drop, wondering just how long he'd been standing behind you.

"Legoshi?" You ask, which he answers with a hum of acknowledgement, "How much of that did you hear?"

"Well...everything following after you told that rabbit that her species doesn't define her."


Oh indeed, he literally heard me say that! Oh my god, I can never look him in the eyes again!

"Well then, i-if you'll excuse me..." you avoid eye-contact with the wolf and try to hastily walk past him, holding the flowers close to you. You're embarrassed, more so, you are fucking mortified. Your racing heartbeat brings moisture to your eyes and you bite your lips in an attempt to not cry.

However, before you can make it past him, he slams his hand onto the wall beside you and ultimately blocks your way. The noise echoes around the empty halls and you can't help but flinch at the volume, nor the small gasp that leaves your mouth.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, really. You can like whoever you like, I won't judge you. A-And I," his eyes make contact with yours and it feels like he's staring straight into your soul, "I really liked what you said. That your species doesn't define you and you're free to do with your life as you wish. It's inspiring."

For a moment, you're too stunned to respond but the heavy cherry colour of your cheeks and the sparkle in your eyes speaks volumes to his heart.

Though he's quick to realize that him blocking your means of escape is insensitive, or at least it would be insensitive to every other animal that isn't a carnivore. It isn't to you though. "Oh, uhm, Sorry."

Still, you don't speak and the silence continues to swallow the two of you.

Wait a damn minute....Oh no, does he think I'm playing for the other team?! Well, that's not entirely wrong but oh no, you stupid wolf!

"W-Wait, Legoshi, I-I don't –" you try to explain yourself but you're cut off by the wolf. "No it's alright, if that's what makes you happy, then I'll support you as best as I can."

Damnit, Man I love that you're supportive of it all but that isn't the fucking point! I literally think about you all the time!

"No, Legoshi, I'm not a lesbian!" you laugh, "I'm not opposed to girls but I'm attracted to males too."

"O-Oh! Oh, I'm sorry!"

"It's alright, at least I know you're not a douchebag," you pat his arm gently, a smile gracing your face. With a glance to the flowers in your arms and out the window to see the sun slowly setting, you determine that you need to go now if you still want to catch Haru.

"I-I'm sorry, Legoshi, but I really need to go. I need to talk to Haru and I best do that before it gets dark."

Without even thinking about what you're doing, you stand on your tip toes to hug the wolf with one arm and run past him to the stairs, leaving the poor male behind. The canine is frozen, stuck in wonderland whilst his tail wags behind him with the determination to win the Olympics.

W-What just....happened?


Shit, I need to start exercising.

Breathing heavily, you reach the top of the stairs. You bend forward and put one hand on your knee to support yourself, the other arm holding the flowers. It takes you a while to catch your breath and get rid of the starry vision.

The familiar, ominous door stands before you and you feel the anxiety bubbling in the back of your throat.

Don't throw up. Whatever you do, do not throw up.

"Okay, okay, okay, "you whisper your encouragements, hyping yourself up to even open the goddamn door, "You'll be fine, it's just a talk. You just need to talk to her, it's going to be a-okay!"

Still, your fingers tremble against the metal. But you push through the fear and the little voice telling you to turn back and open the door.

The same magical sight greets you but now the vibrant plants sparkle in the soft light of the sunset. Almost immediately, the sight fills you with peace; you can't suppress the small smile that grows on your lips. Just like before, flowers of all colours and plants of all sizes and shapes have their home in the garden. The honeybees fly around, singing their quiet melody. Butterflies rest on the petals and leaves, ending their day in this small paradise on earth.

Your e/c pools find the roses and you chuckle quietly when you're hit with the memory. It might've not been the best day but it wasn't terrible either. Apparently, that's how you could describe quite a lot of your days at Cherryton; not great, but not terrible. Especially the last few weeks after the second performance had been sweet, despite all of the exams. A sigh leaves you as you think about the events that lead you to this very moment.

It takes you a short minute to notice that you are not alone.

"What are you doing here?"

You almost flinch at her agitated tone but refrain yourself from showing any reaction. Although your grip on the flowers tightens, you smile at the small dwarf rabbit. "Hello to you too, Haru. How have you been?"

"That's not exactly your business anymore, is it?" She hisses, her ear twitching in anger.

"Well, I suppose not," you answer, dejectedly, "We need to talk, Haru. I brought you something. I hope you can help these little guys here."

Slowly, you approach her and present the flowers to her. You can tell that she thinks about it for a few seconds, distaste for you reflecting in her black eyes.

"Damnit, fine! C'mon, I don't have all day!"

Like a whirlwind of white rage and cuteness, she stomps towards the shed, with you following close behind her. Once there, she rummages around until she finds a pot that would be perfect for the flowers. As if she's ignoring your presence, which she probably is, she handles the blooms with care and love, like a mother would a child. She gently covers their roots with soil and adds some water and fertilizer before turning away to find a proper spot for them.

You continue to observe the space while she does that, your face neutral.

Absolutely nothing has changed up here.

Your head turns back to Haru when she walks back to you, stopping to stand a few feet away from you and cleaning her dirtied hands with a towel. A chill runs down your spine at her icy cold glare and for a second, you're unsure of how to react. Your body wants to run but your head wants to stay and talk things out. Your heart wishes to be somewhere else entirely.

"Get out," she spits, already turning away without giving you a chance to say anything. But you don't give up that easily.

"Haru wait! We need to talk!"

"No we don't! I don't want to see you! Especially not here!"

"Come on," you plead, "We need to settle this so that we can at least stop acting like some weird divorced couple. Are you not tired of constantly glaring at me whenever you see me?"

"No." Groaning in annoyance, you run a hand through your hair and mess up the h/c locks. You feel like you're asking Karen to see the kids but the wonderful antivax-woman won't stop demanding to see your manager. How can Haru not be tired of this? Of all this fighting, of all this negativity? It's exhausting.

"Fine then, I want to settle this," you command with a stern voice, "because I'm fucking tired of this stupid shit."

"Well maybe you shouldn't have acted like everyone else in this school! Maybe you shouldn't have left me then!" She yells, her ears folding in blind rage and her obsidian orbs nailing daggers into you.

"And maybe you should've been considering to just ask the poor guy and not just start taking his fucking pants off! Maybe you shouldn't try to sleep with someone who you didn't even have a full conversation with and maybe you shouldn't have continued when he wasn't reciprocating anything!"

"You don't get to tell me what to do, Y/n! You're just like everyone else in this school! So basic, boring and prude! What, are you jealous that the males want me and not some silly, weird human like you?!" She yells, fists clenched by her side. You ignore the moisture in your eyes at her shallow comment, your voice turning deadly calm.

"At least I have enough respect for others to not totally forget their existence whenever it's inconvenient for me." You return her glare with your own and if looks could kill, she'd be roadkill.

"At least I don't force myself on others or act like using others in a sexual way to make myself feel validated is okay or healthy. But I guess not everyone can be like Haru the dwarf rabbit, Cherryton's very own heartbreaker. No because some of us have other shit to deal with."

"Shit like what?" She laughs condescendingly and you cringe at the sound. At least Mizuchi sounded mildly cute when she did it, Haru sounded plain evil. "Being a prude? Not being noticed by anyone or no one wanting to be around you? Or fawning over Louis the red deer like everyone else?"

Her grin sickens you and you begin to doubt your decision to fix your relationship with the small herbivore. Even the bully seemed like a healthier choice.

"First of all, that deer fucking assaulted me on my first day here," you snap, "but I talked to him about it and now we're pretty good acquaintances, not that you'd care, right? That's why I fucking came here, Haru! I already lost the chance to mend the broken pieces once; I don't want to lose it again. I wanted to talk to you and find a middle ground and maybe, things could go back to the way they were before!"

You don't care that the first tear falls, or the sobs stuck in your throat. You push the memories of your family away, of those you once held dear to your heart and of those that you couldn't say goodbye to. Most certainly, you don't care that Haru's gone quiet.

"You were my first and only friend here, Haru. You made me feel safe and comfortable, when nothing else in this stupid world did. I wanted to protect you; I did protect you because I cared about you as a friend. I never had something like this because everyone always left! Then, when I finally decide to let you in, everything falls apart and you remind me, why I even began to shut everyone out. Why I shut the world out."

Shamelessly, your tears paint your sensitive skin red, the first tears in a couple of weeks.

"I didn't even blame you for trying to seduce the one guy that I like," you laugh, exhausted and shaking your head like it's all some bad, humourless joke, "Because you couldn't have known about that. But you just didn't care that I was here. You didn't care enough to tell me, to warn me and you didn't care enough to consider his point of view. "

Inhale... exhale.

A breeze blows through your hair and some strands get stuck in your face. The world is drowning in a haze of purples, pinks and oranges; a couple of stars make their first debut.

"Legoshi's a great guy," you admit," He's considerate, he's sweet and he shows that he cares, even if it's just in his own, weird way. And I didn't want him to be hurt by you, to be taken advantage of in such a way. You just...I didn't think you could be so selfish but...." Once more, you run your hand through your hair and inhale a shaky breath, "I guess I was wrong. But that's my fault because I actually believed you'd be different."

It's silent between the two of you as the evening breeze picks up, whistling past your ears and blowing petals, sticks and leaves into your hair. Your uniform flutters in the air, hugging your figure in the sunset's hues. Only when Haru begins to giggle and it turns into full blown laughter do your somber eyes turn back into a rigid glare.

"Y-You seriously...hah, you seriously like that wolf?!" She stammers in between laughs, her hateful smile wide and bright, "What, you saw us two in the shed and got jealous because he wanted me? Y/n, that's so pathetic! And here I thought you had at least some level of self-respect."

And that's coming from you, how ironic.

"Let me tell you something, since you're just so naïve," She giggles, though her obsidian eyes still hold the same vicious intent, "You lost, now deal with it! When it comes to love, the more desperate you are the more you're bound to lose!"

With every cutting word, she stomps closer to you before stopping right in front of you, "You can keep pretending that he likes you for you or even notices you for all I care! I'll be watching you from a distance so please, go on to your heart's content! I'll watch as you cry yourself to sleep over a guy that doesn't even care that you exist because the 'slut Haru' beat you in the competition! I'll hold a service for you along with the dinosaurs at the festival of the meteor, there's no point in trying to beg for my forgiveness again! I don't need you! I'm free, unlike you!"

You glare down at her and meet her victorious stare. Snickering, your eyes wander over the darkened sky, the moon becoming visible in the distance.

"It's not a competition because you don't even know his name," you hiss," But even then, you can't hurt me. I've got nothing to lose, rabbit. You have no fucking idea what I've been through and what I'm capable of. And let's be honest here, hun-bun, you and him aren't even biologically compatible."

The twinkle of triumph remains in her black eyes, though now joined by a smirk.

"You know what, Haru," you whisper, dropping the glare to a neutral, cold gaze, "I'm done running after you. I didn't die to be treated like a fucking doormat."

Turning swiftly, you leave the angry girl behind and approach the exit, the world now shadowed by the midnight blue sky and the glowing moon, accompanied by the twinkling stars.

But before the door closes, you flip her off.

What a fucking bitch.


Your footsteps echo around the dark hallways, not a single light illuminating your way except for the shining moon outside. Your arms are crossed in front of your chest and you desperately wipe the leftover tears from your face, leaving your skin even more irritated then it was before.

"Damnit," you whisper.

I hate walking on campus in the dark alone. Well... probably like every other rational individual.

When you finally exit the building, your gaze wanders up to the sky. The cold night air brushes against your skin, playing with your hair with the kindness of a children's lullaby. Thousands of stars sparkle in the endless darkness above you. The waning moon, glowing in the cloudless night, shines down on you like a mother watching over her child.

These things never change.

No matter where you are, who you are, what you are or what your story is. The moon, the sun and the stars are all the same. Sure, they may come at different times but they are the same.

So much had changed in such a short amount of time. Your life had gone from crazy to insane in the matter of hours, from dying to waking up in a strange world. You felt alone in this big, different society, that still held so much resemblance to your own.

Haru had filled that loneliness and changed it into comfort and friendship. Then, she showed you that she never really cared about you.

Aisha took her place, along with the girls, and they changed that aching loneliness into warm hugs, laughter and sisterhood. They don't have to but they still care for you and about you, that much you know. If you'd need someone to talk to, they would be there to listen to you and you'd do the same for them.

And then there's the wolf, Legoshi. Without trying to, the canine had wiggled his way into your life and into your heart. Without meaning to, he had changed that hole in your heart into airplanes and happiness. Real happiness.

Unlike the stars, your world had changed.

You miss your home, your loved ones, your old life. Every opportunity you had, had been taken from you. You never got to say goodbye to your family and that left a sickening taste in your mouth.



Surprised, you turn your head.

You can't suppress the sparkling smile on your lips. "What are you doing here?"

Legoshi smiles back, his tail wagging behind him.

"Do you want to walk to the dorms together?"

Of course, you nod.


Eyo Homies! It is I again, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter!

Although I'd like to apologize for not posting a Chapter yesterday, I also don't want my writing to become a daily chore that I have to apologize for when missed once. Because we all know what happens once something fun becomes a chore ಠ﹏ಠ not fun!

Anyways, I'm jumping from working on an oil painting and writing everyday but I can promise you that at least in the following time, I will at least upload every two days, if lucky everyday. Depends on my mood honestly.

I am now finished with my second to last year of school! Yay. Next year is going to be hell, literally.

I live in Germany and here we have something called an abitur, also known as A-levels as far as I know. It's basically something in between College and Highschool because you take two and a half years of extra school to write a few extreme tests at the end of it. Those tests have about the capacity of a university exam. That's what I'm heading towards and I am anything but excited, especially during a time like this.

Funny is also, that apparently my sister had contact with someone who tested positive for you-know-what, so now we had to get her tested and are waiting to see if she has the virus. If yes, we won't be allowed to leave the house for the next 14 days ಠᴥಠ Isn't that just great?

Legit, 2020 is full of so much chaos, that you could jokingly say something insane and there's a high chance it'll come true. Like "Aliens are coming" or "Cthulu will rise again" doesn't sound so far fetched now. Fun fact, apparently some Scientists supsec that the Eiffel, a super-volcano, is becoming active again and it's about a 100 kilometres away from where I live

Just why?

Back to the Chapter, I kind of had to make the MC pan or bi, whichever you prefer. Cause the joke set it up like that but I think we live in a time where everyone is a little gay. Like...just a little ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I was a little unsure of the interaction with Haru, not gonna lie. I was torn between mending the friendship and making it worse and in the end, my soul said "pick the worse option". So I did. Truthfully, it makes sense.

Haru has self-esteem issues, which is why she sleeps around and whilst the MC isn't against her promiscious behaviour, she can see the toxicity behind it. Thus, she dislikes how Haru treats her and Legoshi because of her own insecurities and doesn't want to associate with someone so toxic and unhealthy. She's been hurt enough and doesn't want to stand for Haru's bullshit.

Maybe it'll be fixed in later chapters, maybe not, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We gon see!

So, I hope y'all are safe and healthy in this chaotic mess!

See you in Chapter 20!

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