Chapter 17 - A girl on her period

The day after the second performance, the students were still going on about the surprising turn of events. For Legoshi however, that meant hiding away from the attention, seeing as his fight with Bill even made the front page of the school's magazine. The only reason why he and the tiger weren't suspended from the drama club is because the rest of Cherryton seemed positively taken aback.

Although he's sure it will take a long time for people to forget his violent "acting".

But as he ate his egg sandwich with Jack, hiding in the empty pool on the rooftop, he shared his inner thoughts with the Labrador. That he had tried to get over his depression by himself, but without him knowing, more and more rage had collected in his heart and yesterday, everything had broken free. All of it at the mere thought of you hurt by the hands of another carnivore.

"I let that rage take over," he told his best friend, "My feelings are what they are, they belong to me. I can't explain it very well."

Jack only listened with a soft smile on his face.

He's changed.

"It's great to have moments like that. You don't like it, Legoshi?"

" be honest, I'm not so sure."

"C'mon," the Labrador burst out laughing, "don't whine about it like that. But that was great, like it or not, you're full of life right now Legoshi."


"You're going to be okay."

It doesn't take long for the bell to ring, signalling to the two canines that it's time for class. Not hurrying in the slightest though, they merely wander through the hallways in the direction of their next class.

"Yeah," Jack sighs, "I have to admit, I've been worried about you since it seems like in recent days you've been having a rough time. Any particular reason I should know about?"

"A reason huh?" the wolf wonders out loud, thoughtfully glancing up at the ceiling, "Hm...I don't really know."

"Could it be.....," A teasing smirk falls onto his face, "you fell in love?"

Legoshi stops dead in his tracks, absolutely frozen. Jack on the other hand, starts singing like the cheerful canine he is.

"Oh my tail is swinging, maybe I'm in love! Le-Le-Legoshi! Le-Le-Le-Le-Legoshi!" Only then does he realize that his tall friend has stopped moving, maybe even breathing, who knows at this point. "What?!"

"Are you serious?!" Desperate to not talk about this, the wolf speed walks away, closely followed and teased by the Labrador, "You? Who's never had a girlfriend since the beginning of never?! Wow! You really have changed!"

"Let's hurry to class! We're gonna be late!"

"Hey, don't tell me, let me guess! Okay, if it's a female wolf in our class, the-," he stammers around, heavily thinking of who his best friend's new love interest might be, "There's four of them, which narrows things down, well unless of course I'm completely off track."

"Well that part's true."

"A-Are you saying she's not a wolf, is she even a canine?"

Legoshi only sighs.

Time flies by and before you realize it, spring is approaching. You had enjoyed the peaceful days, with your only worries being the butterflies in your stomach and the occasional test or exam. As promised, you brought the recovering red deer a batch of cookies every week, which you made in the very small kitchen in your dorm. So slowly but surely, you and Louis were growing closer as acquaintances, occasionally laughing at funny stories or jokes you or him would share.

You had also stuck to your threat. A couple days after the performance, you had snuck up on the tiger and the wolf during drama club hours and attacked them with the ferocity of an angry mother. Like top tier missiles, your shoes hit the back of their heads with loud smacks and the pain lingered until the very next day. You thought that was punishment enough, seeing as Bill's black eye was hilarious to look at and Legoshi's scars were still healing. It had also taken an entire week to get the wolf to stop apologizing. Hopefully, that incident taught them not to mess with you.

Unfortunately, you hadn't talked a single word to Haru. You'd seen her in the halls occasionally and she would glare at you but overall, the two of you avoided each other like the plague. You know that one day, you'd have to talk to her and resolve your differences, so that you could at least stop acting like a divorced couple. But you had grown closer to your roommates instead, especially Aisha. She had taken the role of the responsible big sister in your life, urging you on to talk to Legoshi or to pursue certain ideas you had.

Your stress levels decreased significantly, mostly because you had picked up a habit of doing absolutely nothing for 15 minutes a day and filling your new sketchbook. There weren't a lot of options; you could sketch animals, or more so poses and anatomy, landscapes or still-lives and flowers. But you enjoyed every second that your pencil touched the paper, however, you're planning to buy more art supplies the next time you would be in the city. That would be during your next check-in with the scientists, which isn't too far away. As gracious as they were, the authorities provided you with a monthly allowance, due to your special status.

Overall, you didn't do a lot except the occasional drama club meeting, school, art and talking to your favourite wolf. However, all good things must come to an end.

Because around the time that the third week of being a part of Cherryton Academy had ended, an old friend decided to come and visit you.

Your fucking period.

You didn't really think about it until that day, it had completely slipped your mind since you, you know, died. Of course though, Legoshi had noticed your scent changing and becoming stronger and more alluring with each day leading up to it. He hadn't commented on it though, too polite and socially awkward to talk about stuff like that.

So that leaves you sitting in the medical wing, alone with a flamingo nurse. She holds two small boxes in her hands, a clear silicone item in one and clothing in the other. A period cup and period underwear, the only thing this world offers to animals with overt menstruation. Unsurprisingly, tampons and pads don't exist here because that would lead to extreme amounts of waste.

At least they're better at recycling than we are.

Seeing as only a very small amount of animals have overt menstruations, those items weren't needed as much either. Basically, only humans, monkeys and apes, bats, the elephant shrew and the spiny mouse suffer from that awful phenomenon. Every other mammal goes through estrous cycles, meaning covert menstruation, which means all that blood and tissue gets reabsorbed by the body and only in certain animal species do the females bleed for a short amount of time at the beginning of their heat.

To make things even better, the nurse refused to give you any pain medication.

"Don't be such a wuss, it's not that bad. No one else needs pain medication for it, I'm sure you'll be fine and on top of that, I'm not allowed to give that many pain killers to a student."

I hate this stupid world.

Even though you can now avoid covering everything in blood, you would still have a really bad time for an entire week. Thankfully, your period cramps weren't the worst, you could still move. But especially in the first four days, moving without pain killers would be painful as hell.

We are not discussing how difficult it is to use a period cup but let's just say, you are thankful that you read the instructions before attempting to use it. It still took you about ten minutes to get it right, which you hoped would lessen with time and practice.

Of course, you still had classes to attend. Now, try listening to your teachers whilst you're having a miniature birth. You're absolutely exhausted when the last bell finally rings and with tired legs you walk out of the room and make your way to your dorm. But after only a couple of minutes, you have to lie down on a nearby bench, trying to avoid people looking up your skirt and you succeed.

"I'm not leaving my bed again for the next few days, fuck that shit," you groan, closing your eyes for a few moments to rest. You suppress your whimpers and groans of pain; it feels like someone is just digging through your organs again and again for the hell of it.

Only when you feel watched do you open your eyes, catching sight of the tall grey wolf looming over you, his Labrador Retriever friend by his side.

"Oh, hey Legoshi. Hi Jack."

"H-Hey, Y/n. So...what are you doing?"

"Ah you know, just chilling on a random bench, wondering why the universe hates me so goddamn much, "Slowly, you begin to sit up, feeling awkward talking to them whilst lying here like a homeless person. You wince at another cramp, gritting your teeth together to resist the urge to scream and hit something. "Nothing much otherwise. And you? What are you guys doing?"

"Oh, we're on our way to our dorm," Jack answers, smiling at you.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Legoshi asks, worry clear in his eyes.

"Of course I'm fine, "You wave him off, "I'm just going through that particular time of the month that we human females go through and it fucking sucks. Not to mention without pain killers, so that's just fan-fucking-tastic."

"Wow, you're swearing like a sailor today," the shorter canine laughs, though he seems worried as well, whilst Legoshi's ears drop to his head. The wolf's deep voice sends shivers down your spine, though of the good kind. "Anything we can do to help?"

"No I don't think s-" Suddenly, a very weird idea forms in your head and you stand up with quivering legs and another whine," Actually, maybe there is. Legoshi, can I hold your hand for a second?"

He looks flustered and tries to suppress his wagging tail while he holds his hand out to you,"S-Sure, go ahead."

With careful fingers, you prod at the soft fingers and your e/c pools shine with curiosity, "Wow, your hands are really soft...and so big compared to mine!"

S-She's touching me....

Legoshi's about to explode from his raging teenage hormones but you catch another thought. The nurse wouldn't even give you a heating pad, seeing as this wreck of a school doesn't have any, and the wolf's hands are incredibly warm.

I don't have the patience to listen to my introverted brain right now, I am in pain! Hesitation is for losers, I'm so fucking close to ripping someone's head of or vandalizing some shit!

"Okay Wolfy, what I'm about to ask you is going to be very weird. But would you be okay with touching me?"

"H-Huh?!" You think the grey canine is about to have a heart attack, "W-Wha- Uh, s-sure!"

"Okay!" Acting as non-awkward as possible, you guide his hand to your lower stomach and place it right where your cramps are. Almost immediately, the pain lessens a little and you exhale in relief.

Legoshi however, is freaking out. He is sweating like crazy but his tail wags like it's ready to win an award. Jack only glances between you and his friend before connecting the dots and mouthing a silent 'Oh'.

"Y-Y/n, what are you doing?!" You don't miss the way his voice cracks and softly smile at him, unable to conceal your own blush. "Sorry, Legoshi, I know this is probably too much for you but your hand is so warm! It really helps with the pain! B-But if this is too intimate for you, I can let go of your hand!"

Rapidly, he shakes his head and eases up a little, "N-no, it's okay. As long as it helps."

"So...."Jack cuts in," Do you want to come with us to our dorm then, Y/n? You can lay down in there."

Before Legoshi can comprehend what's going on and freak out again, you nod and agree with a thankful smile. It's definitely awkward to walk around campus with the male's hand on your stomach and you basically cuddling into his arm but you can't help it; he feels so warm and it really helps with the cramps.

Jack distracts the dorm housemother so that Legoshi can sneak you up and thankfully, you succeed. You wait for the Labrador and then you three stand before the door to canine dorm 701.

"Sorry, if it's a bit messy in there," Jack apologizes promptly. Then, he opens the door.

The layout is the same as your dorm. Six bunk beds, a small kitchen, a closet and a bathroom.

"Hey, you brought a girl with you?" Collot asks, which immediately causes the room to explode with questions from the curious teenage boys.

"Are you guys dating?!"

"What's she doing here? Should we leave?"

"Legoshi's got a girl?!"

You're surprised at how level-headed the wolf is as he ignores the boys and leads you to the bunk bed on the right, that's closest to the window.

"That's mine, you can lay down here if you want to," he murmurs quietly and scratches the back of his neck nervously. You giggle and do as offered but not before stepping out of your shoes.

What Legoshi forgot though, is that you really liked the warmth of his hand. So much so, that you didn't let go and pulled him with you onto his bed, with the result that his hand is still on your lower stomach. It was kind of selfish of you but right now, you only cared about finding the most possible relief from the pain.

You sigh contently as your body grants you a few minutes without cramps and you already feel the terrible exhaustion in your muscles. You're on your side in a relaxed fetal position, with Legoshi sitting up. He's so positioned, that he's basically sitting right behind your bent knees, in order to easily keep the warm hand on your form.

He's quiet, as are the others, but his dark eyes stare directly at you as his tail wags back and forth, sometimes tickling your skin as it brushes against you.

"Okay uhm...why are you guys sitting like that?" Durham asks, "Did we miss something?"

"No, Y/n's just in pain and from what she told me, the warmth of my hand helps."

"Wait, is she hurt?" Voss questions concerned, speaking what everyone is thinking.

"No, I'm not hurt," you answer softly, "Have you guys ever learned about menstruation?"

Embarrassed, they all look away, except Legoshi, who's still staring at you completely unfazed. Seeing that the canines don't have a clue about what you're trying to say, you decide to explain it to them.

"Human females have overt menstruations, like apes and a small amount of other mammals. That means we bleed out of our genitals about once a month to remove blood and tissue that our body had built up because it expected a baby. Getting rid of all of that with overt menstruation is pretty uncomfortable or painful for many females because it's basically a miniature birth and I don't have pain killers, so laying down and using Legoshi as a heating pad is the only solution I have right now."

Seeing their confused eyes, you take a deep breath and give them the easier explanation.

"Basically, my uterus wants a baby but it doesn't get a baby. So now, it's angry and getting rid of all the baby stuff it got. So I am bleeding out ouf my private area."

It's quiet for a moment, before your wolf speaks up. "Wow, that sucks."

"It sure does," you retort.

"And you get that every month?"


"So...,"Collot begins, "When do you guys go into heat? Or mating season?"

"Huh?" It takes you a moment to comprehend what he's saying and a small blush forms on your cheeks. "Oh, humans don't have that type of stuff because we can get pregnant anytime."


Oh no, did I just destroy their perfect world view?

"So will we have to do this every month then?" Legoshi asks hopefully. To be perfectly honest, he enjoys being this close to you, touching you and that you're willingly this close to him without being scared.

"Probably not, I'll be getting pain meds the next time I'm in the city, which should be in the next two weeks or so," his posture slouches a little, "But we're going to have to do this for the next three days at least."

Once more, his eyes twinkle with puppy-like joy and you giggle. Possibly out of comfort or maybe just because you want to, your hand begins to stroke the fur on his hand with soft circles. His roommates only watch you two and exchange knowing looks.

When Durham wolf-whistles at the scene, you laugh and throw a pillow at him, which hits him directly in the face.

That's how your week goes. Surviving all of your classes and then meeting up with Legoshi, who sneaks you into his dorm. You use his hand as a heating pad and lie in his bed, sharing stories and laughter with the canines and your favourite wolf.  

The pain becomes a mere background sensation to the wonderful airplanes in your stomach.

You're happy in those moments, lying next to the introverted grey wolf.


Hello guys! I hope you enjoyed this nice little fluff break!

In the next chapter, we'll continue with the plot, do not worry! But, seeing as basically no other fanfiction talks about this, I needed to write a period sequence. Sorry for my male readers but see this as education (ㆁωㆁ)

I know that period pains wary from person to person but in this one, I used my own experiences to write this scene. Literally, everyone's different, it's fascinating. For example, my sister doesn't have any pain during her periods, which I am jealous of.

Legit, my worst forms of pain are when I am ovaluating (sry tmi), I had about four times where I had so much pain that I couldn't move and wanted to go to the hospital because I thought I was dying. I would've gone, had my social anxiety not won over my will to live (・_・) Does anyone relate to that?

It's because of hormone imbalance, which also means that I miss periods quite often. Right now, that's alright because well, I am an awkward virgin with basically zero chances of finding a partner in the near future, but if I do somehow become sexually active one day....that'll be a fun time because I'd have to worry about pregnancy 24/7.

I did a lot of research for this chapter, to get the details right. Like did you know that there was a difference between overt and covert menstruation? I didn't even know those words existed honestly.

Very well, I hope y'all are safe and healthy in this weird chaotic situation!

See you in Chapter 18!

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