Chapter 12 - The wolf and the girl

Not long after, you find yourself sitting across from the wolf in the cafeteria; a strange sight to everyone else. But you're determined to ignore them and happily eat your food, having gotten the herbivore meal again because of the donuts.

He sits stiffly in his chair, taking the occasional sip of his drink.

"Thank you for coming here with me! I wasn't sure if I made you uncomfortable with my invitation," you giggle. He's quick to respond for once.

"I was actually kind of hungry too so... it was good that you asked."

Dear God! I'm feeling such guilt right now, so much has happened recently I- And I thought I'd gotten past this but- That's not true at all! I thought I was moving forward but... I'm exactly where I was! How embarrassing! Not one thing has changed because-

A single drop of sweat rolls down his face, his eye twitching.

I can't even ask a girl her name!

"This is delicious! What do they put into this stuff, the crabbypatty secret formula or something?"

How do you ask someone their name?

Why do I need to know her name?

Why does a wolf need to ask a human for their name?

What is a name anyway?!

"Listen," you interrupt his thoughts politely, "I don't know where your mind is right now but cheer up a little, okay? You haven't even touched your food...I'm worried."

She...she's worried about me?

"Oh! I forgot about the food," he's quick to find a fork and dig in, bringing a sly grin to your face.

He eats and your leg twitches, urging you to run away. Not from the carnivore but from the social confrontation. You have no idea how to handle small talk; you need a deep topic for you to start rambling on and on with no end in sight for whoever is unfortunate enough to be on the other end of your rants.

What even is small talk? What do you even talk about?! The weather? School? I've only been here for a few days?! Do I ask about his favourite colour...or about his friends or hobbies? Do I ask if he'll take over the world with me, what am I supposed to do here?!

"I'm excited to see the play tomorrow. I've never heard of the story of Adler, so I'm interested to see what it's about," you comment in a soft voice.

Her sounds so soft yet so lonely. It's an unusual voice but I enjoy listening to her.

I wonder....would she even respond if I were to ask her "what's your name?"

You take a bite from your vegetables, only to realize it was a little too big for you and therefore, begin to furiously chew.

Maybe that Bite was too big for you.

He too, chews his food awkwardly and you start to realize, this is why you're still single. You just aren't cut out to socialize, never mind to flirt!

"I'm sorry if I seem a little...awkward. I already told you that I'm not good when it comes to...talking to people so, this is really new to me. Having dinner with someone, I mean. A-And last time we talked, you ran away so quickly, so I thought....I thought maybe you don't want to be near me, a human."

"Ehm...," Honestly, Legoshi has no answer for that.

I think I get it but... I don't even know your name, so it feels like there's such a huge gap between us!

He doesn't have the social skills to tell you that he actually enjoys your company. You understand him though, in a way, seeing as he's still sitting with you and hasn't run off yet...for the third time.

I'm sorry, wolfy, about what my body is feeling right now. I can't help it; I'm sweating profusely and my stomach can't handle any more food because I'm so anxious! I just....I just don't know how to handle this kind of situation!

But every time he opens his mouth and shows his fangs, I.... I....

I instinctually want to touch them!

Like a child discovering something new, you want to touch it, to feel it beneath your fingers. That damn curiosity is rushing through your veins as if your blood had chugged a dozen cans of coffee. Something, you want to touch something of his, whether it be his fangs, his ears or his tail!

Oh Boy, I never thought having dinner with an anthropomorphic wolf would be this nerve wrecking!

Legoshi, still sitting across from you, could feel your pent up anxiety and his usual gloomy personality begins to resurface.

This human....I get the feeling that you don't want to see me anymore. Things can't end where you caught me with the bunny and then I accidently called you cute but I never even asked you your name or anything else about you.

This wolf...he's a good guy, I can tell. I don't want to creep him out or make him uncomfortable with my weird human antics, like trying to shake everyone's hand like a goddamn idiot. I don't know how to stop it, I spent 17 years of my life doing those things. The best thing would be to keep my distance....and let you live your life in peace.

Is this the right time? Should I ask her for her name? Close the gap?

"By the way-"

"Oh, that was delicious. Thanks for having Dinner with me. That was quite the treat"

You stand up with your tray, leaving an astounded wolf dumbfounded at the table. Though you cannot leave him behind completely.

"I have to go back to the dorms. And you?"

"Yeah, same here," he answers dejectedly. He follows you to get rid of his tray and out of the cafeteria.

The sun had already set, shadowing the world in total darkness, safe for the bright moon and the stars. The stars that you admired so much as a child, even as a teenager; you looked up to them every time something terrible happened in your world, wondering if maybe, there's a better, safer world out there for you.

You learned that the world's cruel at a very young age, sooner than the first time someone had decided to make a sexual comment about your body, even though you hadn't even hit puberty yet. You kept up with the wars, the murders, the rapes, the brutality and the violence, with all of it. The ignorance of humanity and the evil it produced never ceased to extinguish any hope for a peaceful life you might have had. Every time someone denounced the LGBTQA+ community as abominations, whether in the name of biology or religion, or mistreated someone because of their colour or ethnicity, your wish to continue to live in society, with other humans, vanished more and more.

With every case of pedophilia, your wish to become a mother died little by little. Why would you want to bring a child into this world, when you couldn't even keep them safe?

So, you had looked to the stars, wondering if there was a world somewhere out there, where you didn't have to worry about those kinds of things.

And now you're here, walking side by side through the night with a wolf, in another world after you'd been killed by the very violence you had feared.

You walk in silence, your hands behind your back as you quietly thank the wolf for slowing down enough to stay beside you. His long legs would make it easy for him to run, you know that from seeing it two times already, but you're grateful that he cares enough to not use his speed against you.

The moon shines down on you two; its pure light melts together with the warm glow of the street lanterns. With a sigh, you decide to try yourself once more at small talk.

"I had forgotten how calming the moon was."

It takes him a second to register your words but eventually, he does, "Oh, uh, yeah. It's nice."

"When I was little I used to pretend I was a wolf, you know," you confess, indulging in your embarrassing habit of sharing way too much personal information when you're nervous. And fucking Hell, are you nervous.


"Yes, I did the whole 'howling at the moon' thing and such," you giggle, missing the way his eyes sparkled, "I even ran around on all fours. I always came home covered in mud, sometimes even with sticks and leaves in my hair. I was a kid so I used it as a way to escape reality, the moon helped with that too."

You crane your neck upwards, the stars reflecting in you e/c pools.

"Did you know that every star we see is a sun? And almost all of them have solar systems, like we do! Billions upon billions of suns, with their own little planets and everything. It's fascinating, in my opinion," you pause slightly, unsure of how to phrase it, "And it just shows that we're nothing more than a little speck of dust in the big scheme of the universe. "

With a frivolous grin, you turn your head to the wolf, only to find his mouth agape.

Oh no...did I break him?! Is that not common knowledge in this world, did I just out myself as a conspiracy theorist or something? Am I some kind of 'flat-earth' person now?!

"That'," Now he is the one looking up at the sky, "I didn't know that actually but's really cool to know now and you're right, it''s fascinating! How did you know that?"

"Oh, uhm, I read about it in a book once," you squeak, heat rising to your cheeks, "Found it kind of interesting, so it stuck."

You continue to walk in silence for a while, before you notice that your shoe has come undone.

"Oh, wait, hold on."

Kneeling down, you try to clip it back into place, yet fail miserably thanks to your shaking hands.

Goddamn anxiety, why must you taunt me this way?! Just let me tie my shoe!

"Sorry, just have to fix this."

After watching you struggle for a while, Legoshi decides to help, "Can I help?"

"Oh? Uh, sure," again, heat crawls to your face.

If I continue blushing this much, I'll turn into a tomato.

He kneels in front of you, still towering over you with his massive frame and easily fixes your shoe. You glare at it, a pout forming on your face.

Wow, I feel stupid now. Can't even fix my own shoe, how the hell did I survive this long?


Oh, right.

I didn't.

Ignoring the gloomy thoughts, you lift your gaze back up. Coincidentally, so does he.


And then you're done for.

His eyes really meet yours for the first time; dark greys and blues clashing against bright e/c. It seems...It seems like the whole world fades away around you as you look into his eyes.

You see him and just him; nothing else feels worth your attention anymore. An airy gasp escapes your lips and your eyes continue to stare into his.

His face and yours are so close to each other, only a few inches separate you; his eyes are as wide as yours.

Legoshi can't get enough of it.

Our first real eye contact. Human eyes are so bright...huh.

With a bright blush, you giggle at his, accidently said out loud, comment, "Haha, what are you talking about?"

"Uh, uh, I've just...never seen your eyes so up close before."

W-Wait! Maybe I was the one who was creating the gap all along!

"Oh and, by the way... I'm Y/n. I've been meaning to ask you...what's yours?"

His dark gaze holds yours, like he's afraid you'll vanish if he looks away. Your scent consumes everything around him.


You are so lost in this moment that you instinctually hold out your hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Legoshi."

Fuck, you stupid idiot, they don't do handshakes, pull your hand back now or you'll make it awkwa-

But before you can finish the thought....he places his large hand in yours, despite his obvious confusion. His fur is soft against your skin, he touches you like you're the most delicate and precious being in the world.

You didn't know that shaking someone's hand could mean so much to someone.

Your stomach erupts with butterflies, no, with airplanes and you can't keep your lips from pulling up into a radiant, brilliant smile as you give his hand a firm shake.

"That's how humans greet each other when they introduce themselves to someone," you giggle and you can't keep your eyes from growing moist from happiness, "It's called a handshake."

Legoshi, I...I don't want this feeling to end! This peace, this euphoria...I don't want to lose it again! What are you doing to me, why do I feel like this around you? I...I don't want to let go of you.

I'm afraid you'll disappear if I do....I'm afraid I'll disappear!

I want to stay by your side, Legoshi!

Legoshi begins to smile as well as he sees you trying to suppress your bubbling giggles of Joy.

I want to see you smile more. I want to see more of you!

Unconsciously, his tail begins to wag.

If I can lock eyes with you like this again....

I-I'd do anything!


Ahooo homies! Welcome to Chapter 12, I hope you enjoyed it! We got the infamous "I want to see you smile more" scene, as well as my all time favourite "WHAT IS A NAME ANYWAY?!"

Honestly, I loved that scene, Jonah delivered that so good, I laugh everytime because I too have thought that many many times.

I'm really happy how this one turned out and I'm excited for the stuff to come because now, we can start with a little fluff and naughty hints ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So, like I said in Chapter 11, I did some research.... and I found some interesting stuff okay 0-0

This is nsfw, so if you want to avoid that, you're free to skip over this information...but listen, this is wattpad, we all know no one here is innocent anymore, especially not in fanfictions.

Someone did the math, homies. Someone on reddit took a panel from the manga, Legoshi's height and other factors and calculated that shit!

We all know Legoshi has big dick energy. But did you know, that Legoshi is literally PACKING ?!

This man has at least 9 inches flaccid. At the very least, we don't know if he's a grower. For those that use Centimetres, 9 inches is about 23 centimetres. I found some charts that say that's the perfect penis size according to women but....honey I saw some pictures and that's a fucking weapon. Not to mention, that shit is most likely thick too! It's a literal spear!!! You get dicked down by that without lube and you're gonna look like someone fucked you with a cheese grader! My virgin heart is S C A R E D!

Furthermore, apparently in an interview, Paru said that he's around 11.5 inches (around 29 cm). Some suspect he has around 13 inches erect (33 cm).

Homies, I've been thinking about this all fucking day (●__●)

Legoshi is going to stay a virgin if he stays with Haru because if that rod goes into that 3'6" (105 cm) bunny, she finna die.

And we now know, that Louis dick is medium at most. Which is okay too.

I now have to find a way to plan that nsfw stuff with that info because we all know Legoshi cannot prepare you with those claws. We gon need a lot of lube and toys, anything else will hurt/kill you and I won't have that. You're getting free sex education along the way kids, momma's got you!

Now that I've gotten that off of my chest, I'm gonna leave you homies!

Stay safe during this lockdown, we don't want 2020 to kill us even more!

See you in Chapter 13!

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