Chapter Six

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIDDO" The boys all yell when Louis makes it down the stairs, he's grabbed and cuddled and his hair ruffled, Louis smiles.

"Thanks" Louis says

"21 hey! You're getting old" Drew teases

"Well at least I don't have grey hair" Louis laughs.

"Hey!" Drew laughs as he grabs Louis and tickles him "it was one chest hair" Drew defends.

The boys laugh and bring Louis in the kitchen for breakfast where he opens presents and eats half a waffle. The boys have the kitchen table set up with balloons and presents.

Louis is filled with a warmth and love and he smiles as the boys give him gifts and dote on him. He receives the usual shirts, shoes and some headphones he's been wanting. He's so thankful for his brothers and he will admit he misses them like crazy. He just can't shake the bitter sweet feelings he has for his birthday and Christmas. It also brings a wave of trauma that he refuses to face, one he doesn't talk about with anyone. He knows the boys know about the nightmares, but they don't bring them up anymore, not after the fights not after Louis refused to see anyone, not after Louis left instead of facing his feelings and the accident. The boys wanted Louis in their life and the price was to back off, so they'd did. They help in subtle ways and are always there for him. Would kill for Louis, would die for him and they show their love and support in anyway they can.

Andy has told them several times that eventually Louis will need to open up and face his demons, but until he's ready to do that himself, they will be the best brothers they can be and be there for him.

After breakfast, they all get rugged up and ready to head out to visit their parent's. The boys make sure Louis is warm, something the boys have done since he was little.

"I'm 21, I know how to put on my beanie and zip my own jacket" Louis chuckles as Drew finishes zipping his jacket.

"We know" Drew smirks at Louis.

Louis doesn't really mind at all, he knows the boys need to care for him, especially after the accident, it's just an unspoken thing that's happened and they all understand it. It's been hard for the boys since Louis has been living away.

As they step outside they notice it's starting to snow quite heavily.

"Might be a quick visit today, weather isn't looking to good" Andy says

The boys all agree and by the time they make it to the graveyard the snow is really picking up and the wind is howling.

"Come here Kiddo" Edward says as he tucks Louis under his arm, helping shield him from the growing storm.

Louis goes willingly.

"We will leave you alone for a little while Lou" Andy tells him when they reach the familiar gravestones.

Louis nods.

The boys walk a few meters away, out of earshot, leaving Louis to chat to their parents. The boys visit most weeks but Louis only really gets come come when he's home.

It took Louis a long time to work up the courage to be able to visit his parents, the boys never pushed, but they helped him in more ways than he can admit. He doesn't normal talk out loud, the boys do all the time, he knows they do, has heard them, but he doesn't really know what to say.

He tells his parents he loves them and he swears he feels their presence and that's enough. He allows himself to feel just enough to comfort him, and to help him feel at peace.

He only gets about fifteen minutes before the boys are coming over, the weather is turning terrible and they need to get back home.

The graveyard isn't far, about a twenty minute walk where they pass through the centre of town.

"You okay bud?" Drew asks as they walk.

"Yeah, why?" Louis asks his brother.

Edward and Andy are walking ahead of them both, in conversation about dinner.

Drew sighs

"You're just sad all the time bud, and I just want you to be happy. You deserve that kid, and I know you don't think you do" Drew says gently.

Louis looks at Drew, his brother, who he loves dearly. He realises in this moment how much he affects his brothers and how sad he makes them, they just want him happy and he doesn't think he will ever be completely happy again, it's not fair on his brothers, it's not their burden to carry.

"I'm sorry Drew, I don't mean to be such a downer all the time. I am happy, I just want them here is all" Louis says.

"Lou, I just....want you to know, I'm here, we're here, we know what you went though was the hardest thing anyone would have to go through" he stalls for a minute, trying to find the right words "I've never said this to you, I just don't want to make things worse or make you upset because I know we weren't there, we didn't see it all happen, but, mum and dad would have wanted you to move on, they don't want you feeling the guilt you feel. It's okay to feel it bud and you will feel it probably a lot, but it wasn't your fault and you have to stop punishing yourself" Drew tells him.

Louis holds back his tears, he never talks about the accident or how he feels, he used to talk about his feelings all the time, used to wear his heart on his sleeve, but after the car crash, he's guarded, to the point he will only show emotion when he's alone where no one can know. He only allows homes to feel it for a certain amount of time before he shuts his emotions off.

"I...know Drew" he says breathlessly.

Drew kisses Louis on the head and holds him close to his side as they keep walking, silence, but love between them. They round the corner that leads into Anne's bakery and see Andy and Edward in conversation with Scott and Harry out the front of the shop.

"Happy birthday Lou!" They boys both say excitedly as they approach, Louis blushes and lets out a shy 'thanks' as his cheeks pink.

"What are you doing out in this weather?" Scott asks.

"Just visiting mum and dad" Andy says happily.

Scott and Harry smile kindly in response .

"What about you guys?" Edward asks.

"We're closing up early, the weather is turning and we want to make it home before we get snowed in" Harry chuckles.

The boys chuckle in response.

"Are you still on for dinner?" Edward asks.

"Absolutely, looking forward to it" Scott smiles as he looks to Louis who half smiles back shyly.

"Actually, mum has a present for you Lou, if you want to come in, she can give it to you, she's about to leave but wanted to give it to you herself" Harry smiles.

"Oh? She didn't have to get me anything" Louis says.

"She wanted to" Scott tells him.

"Why don't you go in Lou, we have some last minute decorations to put up around the house and set some things up for dinner" Andy suggests.

Louis fish-mouths, it's very unlike Andy to send Louis off like this. But his knowing smirk tells Louis all he needs to know, that he's up to his matchmaker tricks and Louis has to stop himself rolling his eyes.

"We can drop you back, we have about half an hour here before we leave" Scott says.

"That should give us plenty of time" Drew says.

"Okay" Louis nods.

The boys smile and they say their goodbyes as Harry and Scott lead Louis back into the shop.
The warmth hits Louis cold face and he relaxes instantly.

There is no one inside as they lead him to the back kitchen where Anne is finishing up some paperwork.

"Louis my love" Anne says happily as she hugs him "Happy Birthday" she says sincerly as she holds Louis tightly, he sinks into her hold.

"Thank you" Louis replies.

"I have something for you, I was hoping to see you so I could give it to you myself " Anne tells him.

"We are just going to finish up mopping the floors" Harry says and he and Scott leave Louis alone with Anne.

"You didn't have to get me anything" Louis tells her.

"Nonsense, 21 is a milestone and you deserve to be celebrated" Anne says.

She heads over to the opposite bench top where a present is sitting. She grabs it and turns around to hand it to Louis.

Louis takes the gift and slowly opens it, his breath getting caught in his throat.

"Oh my gosh" Louis says as he looks up at Anne with his big blue eyes.

"I've been wanting to give it to you for a few years, but I've sensed it wasn't the right time, I woke up today and new for some odd reason that it was time to give it to you" Anne tells him.

Louis looks down at the photo in the frame, it was taken the day his parents died, a few hours before. The three of them are sitting in the bakery, cups of hot cocoa in front of them. Louis is smiling leaning into his dads side, his dad is smiling fondly at Louis, his mother sits opposite them, a huge smile on her beautiful face.

"How did you ..." Louis asks as he looks up at Anne.

"I snapped it that day because you were so happy, I knew your mum, we were friends when the boys were in school together. Something inside me told me to take the picture, it was a special moment that needed capturing. I was planning to give it to your mum when I saw her next" Anne tells him.

For some reason Louis feels so at peace in this moment, feels a warm blanket of love engulf him from Anne and he feels so thankful.

"Thank you so much" Louis says, the sincerity and love in Louis eyes has Anne shedding a tear.

"You're welcome my love, treasure it and let it make you happy" Anne tells him with a kiss to his cheek.

They hug once again, Louis is so thankful for Anne.

They both emerge from the kitchen, Anne with her bag over her shoulder. She bids the boys farewell and Harry and Scott pretend not to notice either of them have shed a tear.

"Do you need some help?" Louis asks.

Harry and Scott smile as Louis picks up a Broom and begins to sweep the floor.

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