Chapter One
"Are you sure, there has to be some mistake, there is absolutely no way. We paid for two first class tickets, how can first class be full" Harry asks as nicely as he can to the attendant behind the desk.
"We are terribly sorry sir, there must have been a mistake, it's just such a busy time. We will be offering you a full refund and complimentary tickets in coach on the same flight" The girl says sympathetically
"Can we possibly change the flight?" Scott asks trying to remain calm.
"There is nothing until after Christmas we are truly sorry" The girl says again.
Harry turns to Scott clearly upset,
"We have to take it, otherwise we won't make it home for Christmas" Scott tells him.
Harry sighs, clearly upset and turns back to the girl.
"We know this isn't your fault, but is there anything you can do" He asks a little more calm.
"There's snowstorms all over the country at the moment, we're even lucky this flight is still scheduled to take off. I'm sorry" she says
Harry nods.
"Okay, well, we will take the coach tickets" Harry says annoyance still in his voice.
The girl nods and organises everything.
Harry Styles and Scott Wolf are two of the most successful business owners in Europe, beyond millionaires. They are heading from London back to their home town for Christmas. A six hour flight to their first airport and another hour and a half flight from there. It's four days before Christmas and the airport is extremely busy.
Once they get to their gate the flight is already boarding, they hand over their tickets and make their way to the plane.
Harry and Scott are in a relationship and have been for many years, they love each other dearly and always spend the holidays with their family in Holmes Chapel, where they both grew up. They always celebrate together, with Harry's older sister, her partner and new baby, Scott's older sister and her two kids and his parents. It's a big Christmas and they look forward to it every year. The traveling is always chaotic though, something they wish they could avoid.
"I can't believe they mixed up our tickets, six hours in coach is going to be hell" Scott says as they walk down the aisle to their designated seats.
"We're not even sitting together, you have the window and I'm on the aisle" Harry says angrily.
"I don't even want to think about who we have to sit next too, probably someone annoying" Scott says with a hint of disgust as they come to their seats at the very back of the plane.
They look over and see a boy is sat in the middle seat, he looks up at them after hearing them both mouth off up the plane.
His striking blue eyes make both Harry and Scott stop on their tracks. The boy is small, slender and so beautiful. Dressed in black track pants, sneakers and a green Adidas hoodie. His feathery brown hair styled slightly.
"I can, move over... if you want to sit together, I don't mind" The boy says shyly.
Harry and Scott are speechless and it's silent for a few uncomfortable seconds before they come to their senses.
"Oh, um. It's" Scott starts before the boy is undoing his seatbelt and moving out of the isle, he gestures for them to sit in.
"Thank you" Harry says as Scott takes the window and he takes the middle seat. The boy then sits on the isle and buckles up.
When they are both settled Harry turns to the boy.
"Thank you, for moving, we were meant to be in first class, but our tickets were mixed up" Harry says
"Oh, it's fine, I understand that's frustrating, it's always like that this time of year" The boy says with a smile.
Harry smiles and nods.
"This is Harry and I'm Scott, and like Harry said we really appreciate it" Scott then says.
"I'm Louis, and no problem, and don't worry, I'm not a talker or anything, I won't talk your ear off, I don't eat plane food either so won't bother you with Loud chewing, so hopefully I won't annoy you" Louis says.
"Oh we don't, we didn't mean to be so rude about who we were sitting next to, we're...just used to sitting alone, next to each other" Scott says.
Louis just smiles and the cabin crew begin preparing for take off. The plane starts taxiing and Harry and Scott relax into a conversation.
Louis hates this part of flying, he's never been a good flyer but his brothers always insist he comes home for Christmas.
Louis lives and works as an architect in London, their parents died four years ago, when Louis was 16.
As soon as he turned 18, Louis up and left their small town. He felt suffocated and like he couldn't breathe, he needed to get out and away from where everything happened, the grief, and the nightmares that still plague him. He thought leaving town would fix his feelings but he's never come to terms with his parents death and doesn't think he ever will.
His brothers are his life though, he loves them endlessly. The boys all still live together, in a mansion, well that's what Louis calls it anyway. They never felt the need to seperate or leave like Louis did, probably because they weren't directly involved in the actual accident.
Andy is the oldest at 29, he is a doctor and lives with his partner Sammy. Edward is next and he's high class lawyer, he has a long term partner Amy and then comes Drew who's a police officer, his partner Vanessa also lives with them. They are so close and wouldn't have it any other way. They are constantly on Louis back to come home for good, or to at least visit. They do come out to London to see him when their schedules allow, but it's not the same.
The boys just wouldn't accept Louis not coming home for his birthday and Christmas though and Louis, as much as he hates the feelings being home brings up, couldn't deny them. This is his 3rd year heading back home and it's always madness at this time of the year.
Louis loves Christmas though, his parents always made the holiday special and his birthday even more so, and the boys always want to do the same.
Louis sighs and grips the side of the plane seat as the rumble of the jet starts and the plane goes to take off.
"You don't like flying?" Harry asks as he sees Louis knuckles turn white from how hard he's holding the seat.
"Oh, it actually, avoid it at all costs" Louis says with a slight chuckle.
Harry and Scott smile in sympathy, they think Louis is absolutely beautiful and slightly adorable.
"You?" Louis asks as the plane begins to leave the runway.
"We actually love flying, we do it a lot though, so we're used to it" Scott says.
Louis nods.
"Bet it's nicer to fly in first class though" Louis says in jest.
Harry and Scott chuckle.
"Much, it's a lot smoother too" Harry says.
"Yeah, not a fan of turbulence and since there's a snowstorm predicted, my hopes for a smooth flight might be squashed" Louis says.
"Well, you know what I was always told, if the flight attendants look worried or stop smiling, then it's time for you to panic, they seem quite happy now though, so I'm sure everything will be fine" Harry says with a smirk.
"Gee, that's helped me so much, I think I'm cured of my fear" Louis says sassily and Harry and Scott laugh again. This boy is actually really funny.
Louis can't deny Harry and Scott are absolutely gorgeous, dressed in suit pants and shirts unbuttoned to their chests, sleeves rolled up. They look expensive and smell even more so. Louis finds them extremely attractive, it comforts him knowing the universe would hopefully want to keep these two god like creatures alive and see them safely land at their destination.
Louis begins to relax as the plane reaches altitude and the seatbelt sign is turned off. He does sneak a look at the flight attendants just incase, he sees them all smiling so he relaxes more.
The flight they are on is a morning flight landing about 3pm. Louis then has a three hour drive ahead of him.
Breakfast is brought around and Louis declines, where as Scott and Harry accept, they unwrap the food and look at it with slight disgust. Scott smells it and looks to Harry who is already looking at Scott worriedly.
They hear a slight giggle from Louis that has them looking over instantly, they are smitten at the noise.
"Why do you think I don't eat plane food, it's as gross as it looks" Louis says smiling.
"Could this day get any worse, I'm starving" Scott says frustrated as he wraps his breakfast back up, Harry following suit.
"What does first class serve? Caviar, snails mince and champagne" Louis laughs.
When he doesn't get an answer he looks to Scott and Harry who are staring blankly at him.
"Yes" Harry says
Louis twists his nose
"Eww, I'd take my chances with that breakfast burrito" Louis says and Harry and Scott can't help but smile again.
Louis then reaches for his backpack under the seat in front of him. He pulls out two granola bars and some red gummy bears.
"Here, I always pack snacks just incase" He says as he hands them over.
"Are you sure, that's really nice of you" Scott says
"Yeah, I know it's probably not what you're used to but it's better than that" Louis says pointing to Harry's breakfast.
"Thank you Louis" Harry says sincerely.
Louis just smiles while Harry and Scott eat their snacks, actually thankful they are sat next to Louis.
A few hours go by and Louis ends up falling asleep, he manages to curl up on the chair with his head slightly in the isle resting on the arm rest.
Harry and Scott chat about work and seeing their family and when they see Louis asleep they can't help but coo, there is something about Louis that they are drawn too. They aren't normally so nice to complete strangers.
They are both trying to subtly admire Louis when one of the flight attendants hurries down the isle with the drink cart and before they can warn her or Louis, she's slamming her cart straight into Louis forehead.
"Ahh" Louis says as he's jolted awake and he grabs his head.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry sir" The girl says.
"Louis are you okay" Harry asks as he pulls Louis gently towards him.
"I am so sorry" The girl tries again.
There's a slight commotion, Scott gets out of his seat and moves to the isle next to Louis.
A flight attendant brings some ice over and Harry takes it.
"Can you bring a first aid kit, his head is bleeding" Harry says and the girl goes off to get the first aid kit.
"Let me see Lou" Scott says gently as he reaches out to take Louis hand away from his head.
When Louis takes his hand away he notices it's covered in blood, he looks to Scott panicked.
"It's okay, you're okay, don't panic" Scott reassures.
The flight attendants comes back and hand Harry the first aid kit.
"Thank you, it's fine, we've got it from here" Harry tells them and they disperse quickly.
Harry then stands up and he and Scott both move Louis back to the middle seat and sit on either side of him.
"You're okay, we can fix it up" Harry tells him gently.
"Are you doctors or something" Louis asks.
The boys chuckle.
"We were both medics in the army before we left and went into business" Scott says.
"Oh" Louis says.
He's quiet as Scott and Harry clean his head up and put a butterfly patch on his cut. It's deep but they can't put stitches in on a plane, so it will have to do.
When they've finished, Scott goes to give the first aid kit back to the flight attendants.
"Sorry about that, I said I wouldn't be annoying on this flight" Louis says as Scott makes his way back to the seat.
"There's nothing to be sorry for Louis, and you're not annoying don't worry" Harry smirks at him and Louis thinks he's so hot when he does.
"We wouldn't have gotten this much action in first class that's for sure" Scott says in jest.
Louis smiles slightly.
"I can swap seats back" Louis says as he looks to Scott.
"It's fine, you're safer in the middle" Scott tells him smiling and Louis can't help but blush.
They all relax back in their seats and thankfully nothing more eventful happens on the flight.
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