Chapter Nineteen
Harry and Scott watch as Louis leaves the office.
"Well that didn't go down very well" Scott tells Harry.
"We need to sort this out Scott, Louis needs a good lawyer" Harry tells him.
"He owns that drawing and if they've stolen it, Louis can sue them and hopefully win the tender himself" Scott says.
"Let's call Edward and see if he can work this out and maybe represent Louis on this, then let's head to Louis, we need him to know we never thought he stole those drawings" Harry says.
Scott agrees and they pack up to leave for the night, they then call Edward on the way to Louis.
"Hey boys, how's things" Edward asks as he answers his phone.
"Hey Eddie, good, we miss you guys" Harry tells him.
"We miss you both too, when are you heading back to see us" Edward asks.
The boys chuckle.
"Soon, we promise, really soon" Scott says.
"We will hold you to that!, so, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?" Edward asks.
"Well, we were wondering if you could help us with something legally" Scott asks.
"Sure, I can try" Edward offers.
"So, Smith and Leon just won a huge tender against us, which is fine we don't need it, but the drawings were released today and it turns out, the drawings were stolen from Louis" Harry says.
"What? How?" Edward asks.
"Louis did his own drawing up, in his free time, and Dan, Louis boss, stole them without asking and secretly submitted them as their tender" Scott says.
"And the contract is worth millions" Harry says.
"Are you kidding me, does Louis know?" Edward asks.
"He found out tonight, he thought we were accusing him of stealing the designs but we weren't at all, we were trying to get to the bottom of it and prove they were stolen from Louis" Scott says.
"Man, this is bad, poor Lou" Edward says.
"We are on the way over to his place to make sure he's okay, but is there anything you can do?" Scott asks.
"Leave it with me, I'll dig into it and see what I find. There's definitely a case, however they will say they obtained the drawings from Louis who works for the company....just let me look into it" Edward says.
"Thanks Eddie" Harry tells him.
"No problem, I'll come back to you" Edward says.
They end up discussing a few more things, they say their goodbyes and hang up, Scott and Harry pleased Edward might be able to help.
When they both arrive at Louis they head up to his door and realise he isn't home yet, they decide to sit on his stoop and wait for him to come home, hopefully he won't be to long and isn't to cold out in this weather.
Louis catches the bus back home, he holds in his tears the entire way, his body is so sore and he just wants to break. He feels like everything is coming to a head and he just can't understand why it's all happening. Dan and Jax are arseholes and Louis is planning to quit tomorrow. He feels so stupid, Dan must have stolen his entire folio that he created secretly for the clients they've had. God knows how many they've sent his work too. It's so unfair and Louis just feels deflated.
When he exits the bus, of course the rain starts. It's heavy and it's freezing and Louis can't even cry, he pulls his jumper sleeves over his hands and continues the 10 minute walk home in the rain.
When he sees his building, Louis is relieved. He just wants to have a shower and get into bed and forget about this day for a while. The universe has other plans though and when he makes it to his door he sees non other than Harry and Scott sitting outside, waiting on his step. He should have guessed really.
"Darling, you're completely soaked" Scott says worriedly.
Louis doesn't reply and Scott and Harry move aside so Louis can unlock the door. He walks inside and again leaves the door open for Harry and Scott, he doesn't really care what they do at this point.
Harry and Scott follow Louis in and close and lock the door. Louis turns the lights on and goes to his room, grabs his pyjamas and heads to the shower, he slams the door behind him and proceeds to take a long, hot shower.
Harry and Scott sigh, they are at least thankful Louis allowed them inside and didn't yell at them and kick them out.
The boys decide to make Louis dinner while he's in the shower, his weight is still concerning to them and they know Louis won't eat anything if they don't make it. The cupboards though are completely bare, so Harry orders Thai to be delivered.
By the time Louis exits the shower in his pyjamas, he's had a good cry and feels slightly better, his kidney and rib are giving him some grief but nothing he can't handle. He wonders if Scott and Harry are even still in the apartment.
He enters the kitchen and lounge room and sees the table set, the TV on down low and the heating turned on. It's nice and warm. Scott is grabbing some food they must have ordered from the front door and Harry is sitting at the table.
No words are said as Scott comes back inside and serves up their dinner.
Louis moves to make himself a tea but sees Harry has already made him one, even though he's mad, Louis is thankful for the gesture.
"Come and eat Lou, we've ordered Thai" Scott says gently.
"I'm not hungry" Louis says shakily, he curses himself that his voice trembles, he thought he got all of his tears out in the shower.
"Come on sweetheart, just come and eat something at least, you need to get some food into you" Harry tells him gently.
Harry then moves towards Louis and much to his surprise, Louis allows him to help him to the table.
Scott gives Louis his dinner and they all sit down together. The boys dig in and Louis just plays with his food.
"We never thought you stole those drawings darling, we obviously didn't think you'd think we thought that either, we truly are so sorry for how we came across" Scott says breaking the silence.
"Smith and Leon are not a very liked company in the inner industry, we wouldn't put it past them to do something like this and our first thoughts were that they made you design it for them and they took the credit. We didn't want to think that they stole your designs" Harry says.
"What does it matter anyway, I can't do anything about it" Louis says defeated.
"Like hell you can't Louis, that design won Smith and Leon a 6 million dollar contract, you did that Louis YOU" Scott says.
"We have Edward looking into it all for us, but we need your side of the story and to tell us exactly what happened so that we can make this right" Harry says.
"Why? So you can get the tender? Dan told me you're broke and needed the contract" Louis tells them bitterly.
Harry and Scott actually chuckle.
"We are far from broke darling, our net worth last year was 18 million each, in our pockets" Harry says.
Louis is in awe but doesn't react.
"That's your money Louis and your contract, you will be the one receiving it" Scott says.
Louis looks at him then, like he's stupid.
"They aren't going to give the tender to a stupid kid who has never designed anything" Louis says upset, why would they say that, why would they get his hopes up like that.
"They will, and you're not a dumb kid Louis, you're exceptionally talented and deserve that contract" Harry tells him firmly.
"We've made you a company moving forward, under Edward's legal advice too, we've set it all up for you. You can design your own logo or we can have someone do it for you. Edward is having everything done properly on his end so you're all set to go when you get the tender" Scott tells him.
Louis is speechless.
"Are you joking?" Louis asks.
" we look like we're joking?" Harry asks sceptically.
"No, but I don't understand, I thought you wanted me working for you?" Louis asks.
"We did, but we think you're better off on your own if we're being completely honest. Your talent is exceptional and your company will give HS & Wolf a run for our money" Harry smirks.
"I don't know a thing about running a business or what the hell I'm supposed to do" Louis says confused.
"We know, that's why your office will be rented out in our building, and why we own 10% of your company so you don't take us out of business, and so we can mentor you" Scott tells him smiling .
Louis can't actually believe this, he's had the worst day and an hour ago Louis couldn't see an out, he felt like the whole world was against him and now, he's sitting here having dinner with Harry and Scott who've completely changed his entire world in minutes.
"I, don't know what to say" Louis says shyly.
"Say thank you and eat your dinner" Scott smirks with a wink at Louis.
Louis insides somersault at Scott's words and Louis can't help the small smile.
"Thank you" Louis says quietly.
Harry and Scott beam in response and they go back to eating their dinner.
The boys decide to stay the night again and Louis Is actually thankful, he won't admit it but he misses Harry and Scott when they aren't around. And he sleeps much better when they are holding him close all night.
The next morning, Louis is again greeted by Harry and Scott making him tea as he gets ready for work.
"You still on for dinner tonight at our place?" Harry asks.
"Sure, if you still want me too" Louis says.
"We're very much looking forward to it" Scott says smiling.
Louis smiles back
"What time do you finish work? We will pick you up" Harry says.
"Oh, well, I'm actually going to quit so I'd say 8:10am" Louis smirks.
Harry and Scott are so proud of Louis, they wanted Louis to make that decision himself, without them pressuring him. They are so happy he's not putting up with their shit for a day longer.
"Well, how about we wait around for you to get your things and then we can take you to the office and show you around" Harry says.
"That would be awesome" Louis says and Harry and Scott vow to keep that genuine smile on Louis face forever.
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