Tonight And Every Night

Everyone sat at the table, tucking into the apple crumble. It was a rare breakfast in Barbara and Jess's home, usually only made when the grand children were staying over. Two year old Iris was placed in her highchair and was given a spoon, which she chose not to use most of the time. She preferred her hands.

"So! How was the trip? Tell us everything!" Barbara said.

Dylan grimaced. "Not everything! I know what people do on honeymoons."

Lindsey chuckled. "We'll leave that part out then."

"Lindsey!" Stevie exclaimed, blushing. "My parents are right there."

"We have four children, you don't think they know?" he teased. Her eyes grew wide and his brow furrowed. "Oh, come on you can't be shy. It's natural."

"Four?" Callie asked. "Me, Dylan, Iris..." Callie's eyes lit up. "You're pregnant!"

Lindsey finally realized what he said and Stevie bit her lip, scared to look at the others' expressions. Last time, Dylan wasn't so thrilled. Of course he learned to love his baby sister but it was hard on him. "I'm sorry, Steph."

"It's okay." The silence was killing her, tears welling up in her eyes.

"You miscounted, right dad? There's only three of us." Dylan seemed nervous. Stevie shook her head. Dylan's face clouded over, his eyes lowered. Callie looked to her brother, as did Barbara and Jess. The room felt as if the air had been sucked out of it and a tear slipped down Stevie's cheek. She felt sick, getting up from her seat at the table and walking down the hall to the bathroom. Lindsey followed after her, wanting to comfort his wife.

Stevie made it into the bathroom and shut the door before Lindsey could get there. He sighed, leaning his forehead against it. "Stevie, are you alright?" He hadn't heard her get sick yet, there was no retching from behind the door but he did hear sniffling. "Honey...Stephanie..." He waited a few moments, wanting her to speak when suddenly the door opened. She flung her arms around his neck and cried into his tee shirt. "Oh, Steph..."

"It's like deja vu!" she wailed. "Why did I think this time would be any different?"

"Sweetheart" He pulled away to look at her. "Dylan is a creature of habit. He doesn't like when things change, it takes him a little while to get a grip on it all. He was upset three years ago because he was afraid we would forget about him..."

"Do you think he feels the same way now?" Stevie asked, a heartbroken look in her eyes.

"No, baby, we showed him that wouldn't happen. We spend so much time with him and our two other children. He eventually adjusted and he loves Iris. She is his little buddy." he reminded her.

"Then why isn't he happy?" More tears fell down her cheeks as she tried to wipe them away.

"He will be. Maybe he's still processing it."

"You were happy right away."

"I know I was but I helped make this baby." He pressed his forehead to hers. "We were finally getting married and you told me you were pregnant...I always wanted this with you."

"Do you think he hates me?"

"He loves you. He probably likes you more than he likes me. Give him time, Stevie. He will come around. Callie seemed excited though, would you like to talk to her?" Stevie nodded. "I'll get her." Lindsey kissed her lips softly before leaving to get Callie. For some reason, Stevie always found herself confiding and conferring with her daughter. They were so similar and she was so wise. It was easy to talk to her and she was so enthusiastic about most things, it always made her feel better.

"Mommy?" Stevie heard her daughter's voice, then the weight of her crashing into her. She held her mother tightly. Stevie could feel the loving energy all around her now and the tears slowed a little. "So it's true?" Stevie looked at her daughter and nodded. The fifteen year old was now noticeably taller than her mother, her big blue eyes looking down into her mother's brown, red rimmed ones. "When did you find out?"

"Before the wedding." Stevie cleared her throat. "I surprised Lindsey with it during our first dance. We didn't want to announce until after the honeymoon, I just didn't think it would be now."

"Dad has a big mouth about stuff he's excited over. Maybe you could take it as a compliment. He loves this baby and just wants to share the news with everyone."

"How are you so wise, Calliope?"

Callie smiled warmly. "I learned it from you. There's a positive spin to everything. You just have to find it."

"I love you." Stevie hugged her daughter.

"I love you too." The two were locked in an embrace for several long moments.

"Mom?" Stevie pulled away, looking toward the voice.

"I'm going to go back to the kitchen. Maybe we can talk at home later?" Callie asked and Stevie nodded, watching her daughter leave.

"Um, I'm sorry for my non-reaction..."

"It's okay, Dylan." Stevie told him, motioning for him to come closer.

"No, it's not. When dad let it slip about the baby..." He stopped, choosing his words carefully. She could see the wheels were turning. "The only thing I could thing of was when that..." His fists clenched. "Guy scared you in the grocery store. I hate him, and even though you forgave him, I haven't. And I never will. I tried to protect you but I couldn't."

"You're young, you're my son, and it's not your responsibility to protect me."

"But dad would have. Dad would have knocked him out for even trying to intimidate you."

"Violence isn't the answer." Stevie told him.

"Well, what was I supposed to do then?" Dylan raised his voice but only because he was upset. Tears were in his eyes and he turned away from her.

"Baby, Brock is out of our lives. I don't want to go back there and you shouldn't either. Life is so much different now."

"I know but I can't help thinking something will happen to you and the baby and I won't be able to do anything to save you." Stevie's heart broke hearing her usually stoic son in tears. "I thought you were going to--" He couldn't say it.

"Come here." He turned around and Stevie wrapped her arms around him. "I love you, Dylan, and I know this is hard for you but we're okay. I promise."

"But what if something happens?"

"We can't live our lives in fear. I want to enjoy my pregnancy. You will have another baby brother or sister and they're going to adore you just as much as Iris and even Callie does."


"Of course."

"Can I ask you a favor?"

"Of course, honey, anything."

"I know I asked for a brother last time but this time, can you make sure it happens?" he joked and Stevie giggled.

"I will try my best."

"I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Dylan."

A/N: If you're lost about what Dylan is referring to, the answers lie in chapters 46 and 47 of Wide Open Spaces. The titles are "I Will Possess Your Heart" and "Run For Your Life". Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoy. ❤️

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