Night In The City

As soon as the Callie and Dylan got in the house, they settled onto the sofa to watch tv, their phones never too far from reach. Iris sat on the floor playing with her dollhouse and Stevie and Lindsey were in the kitchen. Stevie wanted to get to work on dinner, having expressed her hunger earlier and Lindsey sat at the kitchen table watching her.

"You know, you could help." Stevie said, playfully scolding him.

"I've been watching you cook for years and haven't learned a thing. I'm not skilled in the kitchen like you are."

She chuckled. "That's true. I remember being really sick once and you couldn't even heat up canned soup."

"Hey! I figured it out." he argued.

"You did and I was so grateful." Stevie gave him a loving glance and he stood up, moving toward the counter where she was laying out ingredients.

"You wanted me to help you and I can, if you want. Just tell me what to do."

"It's okay."

His eyes followed her as she carefully perused the spice rack then scanned the contents of the fridge. She didn't stay still for long. She was like a little tornado. "Aren't you tired? I remember how exhausted you were with our first set."

Stevie stopped going through cupboards and turned to face him. "Yeah...I, I guess I am." She had been so distracted and her day had been so full, she realized she hadn't sat down at all until the car ride. She was tired.

"Let me make myself useful. You sit down and instruct me. I'm sure you'd love to tell me what to do and actually have me listen."

She giggled. "That sounds wonderful." She kissed his cheek. "You are the sweetest."

"I just want to help. You're doing all the hard work. Growing two babies can't be easy."

"Actually, I feel pretty good," she said, taking her seat. "I mean, I'm tired but I've been to the doctor, I ran errands and shopped..."

"You got up a million times to pee so your sleep was broken up."

"Yep, but I don't have any aches and pains yet. I'm feeling pretty fortunate."

"Still early."

"It is but don't you dare jinx me." She pointed at him and he mimed zipping his lips.

"I won't. So what should I do first?"

"Well, I was going to make a salad first. I don't know what to make for the main part of the meal."

"Anything you're craving?"

"That's a very dangerous question to ask a pregnant woman, Linds."

He chuckled. "Don't I know it, but I just want you to be happy."

"Hmm" she hummed, her chin coming to rest on her fist. "Pizza sounds good. Or pasta..."

"I think I can manage spaghetti, anything more complicated and we will have to go out."

"Go out?" Stevie asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Does mama want to go out?" Lindsey looked back at her and she nodded eagerly. He smiled. "Tell the kids then get ready upstairs. I would love to take you all out to dinner."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, and I know a great little spot too."

"Bruno's? It's only a couple blocks away."

"You must be reading my mind, woman."

"No, I just love that place!" She got up and hurried over to him, kissing his lips passionately. "You take such good care of me."

"It's my job as your husband to take care of you, besides, you deserve it." He smiled at her, stroking her cheek. He yanked his head toward the door. "Go."

She squealed with delight and he could hear her excitement as she told the children they were going out. They seemed to share in her excitement and Lindsey felt pride swelling within him. Not only did he get out of cooking and potentially burning down their kitchen, he also made his wife and children very happy.

He put everything away and went upstairs to get ready himself. It wasn't a place that required fancy clothes but he did want to freshen up. He didn't want to look like a slouch next to Stevie. He met her in their ensuite, wrapping his arms around her waist. She was nearly finished getting ready, touching up her makeup. She smoothed her makeup brush over her cheeks and he kissed the curve of her neck.

"You don't need all that."

"You might not think so but I do."

"Angel..." His tone showed he was a little upset and she turned around in his arms.

"I know. For some crazy reason you don't mind my bare face."

"I love your bare face. You're beautiful."

"Thank you. I remember just a few years ago, you were talking to me at my vanity telling me that I didn't need to wear all that makeup."

"Just because some jerk told you to wear it..." Lindsey's eyes became angry. "I hated hearing how much he had torn down your confidence. So many times I wanted to deck him."

"You got to eventually."

"I did, but I should have done it sooner," he joked but his smile faded quickly. "He did so many horrible things to you before I finally stepped in."

"That's not your fault. I was the one who was engaged to be married to him and I believed you and I didn't have a future..." She could feel the familiar sting of tears, her cheeks becoming hot. "I don't want to start crying."

"Then let's not think about it. I'm just glad we do have a future."

"Me too."

"I love you, Steph."

"I love you too, Linds."

He kissed her, closing the gap between them as he held her in his arms. "Now we'd better check on the kids and get going. I don't want you to have to wait any longer to eat."

"Thank you, honey." They pulled apart and she turned back toward the mirror to put her rings on that were laying in the dish by the sink. He watched her in awe. He loved her so much and every action made him fall even deeper.

She walked out of the room and he followed, watching her pull on a pair of white converse sneakers. "Miss Stephanie in something other than a platform?!" He pressed a hand to his chest for comic effect and she giggled.

"Shut up," she said with a smirk. "My feet hurt."

"I noticed you changed into leggings too. Are you sure you're up for dinner out?"

"Yes, of course I am. I just want to be comfortable."

"Alright, just making sure."

She tucked her hair behind her ear and a smile crept across his lips. "What?"

"I don't know. I guess I just like seeing you like this. It feels like the 90s all over again."

"Well, I'm just as crazy about you now as I was then. Unfortunately, I've got about 20 more pounds on me now than I did then."

"You will lose it once the babies come. You always do."

"I always keep a little. Those last five pounds."

"I love those five pounds." he told her and she blushed.

"Hush, let's go wrangle the kiddos." She grabbed his hand, tugging him toward the door.

"Then we can tell them the news!"

A hand fell to her middle. "I almost forgot."

"Cal and Dylan don't know they won't be the only set of twins in the house."

"Think they'll freak?"

"I hope not. Iris will just be excited someone will be littler than her."

"She probably will." Stevie said with a nod, walking down the hallway with him. She poked her head into the older children's rooms and they weren't there.

"I'll check downstairs." Lindsey said, carefully unlacing his fingers from hers.

"They're probably texting." Stevie rolled her eyes.

He chuckled. "Maybe. I'll go see." He descended the stairs and Stevie continued on to Iris's room.

"Hey there, sweet girl." Stevie said in a sing-song voice. Iris's curly blonde head popped up and she smiled.

"Mommy!" The little girl stood and crashed into her mother, almost knocking her over. Her little arms wrapped around Stevie's legs. How could she be upset after that?

"Ready to go? Are you hungry?" Iris nodded and Stevie picked her up. "You're getting so big!" she said, clutching her daughter tightly as she went downstairs to meet the others. Stevie heard talking and Iris started to wriggle, wanting to be turned loose to be with the big kids. Stevie made it to the last step and let her youngest go. She was growing up. She wasn't a baby anymore and something about that was terribly sad to Stevie. She loved being a mother but there was a little bit of grief that lingered with each passing birthday. She willed herself not to cry, touching her stomach through her loose fitting top. Her hormones were surely getting the best of her. Her children wouldn't be leaving her for a very long time, she reminded herself.

"You okay?" Lindsey mouthed at the sight of her. She gave him a quick nod, forcing a smile.

"Everyone ready?" Stevie asked her older two.

Callie nodded. She had changed into a short black long sleeved, loose fitting dress with black tights and combat boots. Her dark curly hair was pulled back into a simple braid and she wore her usual combination of bracelets. Her daughter wore light, natural makeup and Stevie smiled at her.

"You look pretty, Callie."

"Thanks, Mommy. You look pretty too."

Dylan sighed. He hated the girly talk. He was on his phone, leaned against the back of the couch. He was texting or playing a game, Stevie couldn't tell which, with one earbud in his ear. The other hung limp down the front of his chest. Stevie scanned his appearance. He looked a bit disheveled and unkempt. His shirt had holes in it as did his jeans. He wore battered black Vans sneakers and his hair was getting long and wild.

"You're finished getting ready too, Dylan?" Stevie asked and he looked up, taking out his earbuds.

"Yeah and I'm hungry. Can we go?"


"Sweet kicks, mom." Dylan said, standing up straight and leading everyone out the door.

"Sweet kicks?" Stevie mouthed to Lindsey and he shrugged. Stevie took Iris's hand and smiled down at her young daughter.

"Can we walk tonight? It's so nice out!" Callie asked, walking backward to look at her parents.

"What do you think, Steph?"

"Sounds like a great idea to me."

"You're not too tired, mom?" Callie's eyes widened a little, hoping the answer was no. When her mother shook her head, she smiled. "Awesome!"

Lindsey pulled Stevie into his side and leaned down to kiss her temple. "You could have said no."

"I didn't want to. She wanted to walk and we could all do with the fresh air."

"If I have to carry you back, I will."

"Odds are, you will have to carry Iris." She giggled. "Remember when we were dating and you gave me a piggy back ride all the way up the big hill to our apartment?"

"Your heels were too high and your feet were killing you. I blame the twirling!"

"You were so sweet. You said you'd carry me but you didn't think about the hill. You practically collapsed on the bed when we got back."

He laughed. "You're a tiny thing but geez, that hill almost killed me. I'm so glad we moved!"

"You don't miss it?"

"Sometimes but I took from there the most important part."

"What was that?" Stevie asked, looking up at him.


"Oh, Linds." He leaned down to kiss her lips this time, catching up with their children. Lindsey pulled Dylan into his other side and ruffled his hair.

"Dude!" Dylan exclaimed.

"Not like it was in a style, dude." Lindsey chuckled. "So how was your day?"

"Good. I talked to the guys and we think we might practice on Saturday but I was wondering if we could use the garage."

"What do you think, Steph?"

"I don't see a problem with it," Stevie said.

"So Saturday at two?" Dylan asked.

"Make sure your homework is done first and it's a deal." Stevie told him and he nodded.

"Deal. Thanks guys." His smile was so broad. This band really did make him happy. She had never seen him so focused on anything except skateboarding. He was really blossoming and becoming social. He cared about something, music, just like his father. He pulled himself from his father's grasp and nudged his twin sister with his elbow.

"Hey, trouble. They go for it?" Callie asked.

"Yeah, why? Were you betting against me?"

"No, just didn't think they wanted a bunch of animals in their house this weekend."

"Well, did you tell them about cheer camp?"

"No." Callie said. "I didn't even tell them I was interested in being a cheerleader. I tried out and I didn't think I'd make the squad."

"Apparently you're pretty good. Everybody's talking about it."

"Really?" Callie grinned.

"God, you're such a dork!" Dylan said, rolling his eyes and Callie shoved him. "That's cool though, Callie. I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of you too, jerk."

Dylan looked up. "Oh good, we're here. Now we can eat and you won't have as much room to talk." He pulled open the door and let his sister in, waiting for his mom and dad. He tickled Iris as Stevie passed, now carrying the little girl.

The family was seated and Callie opened her menu, scanning her options. Dylan didn't bother looking, he always got the same thing- barbecue chicken pizza with jalapeños with a mix of ranch and sriracha to dip it in. Callie found it disgusting, unwilling to try it. Stevie also knew what she wanted. A large serving of pasta, covered in red sauce and cheese was calling her name from the front cover. Lindsey chose something quickly as the waiter approached.

"Cokes, Callie? Dylan?"

"Um, can I have water instead?" Callie asked and Lindsey nodded.

"Sure. Steph?"

"Sweet tea."

"Chocolate milk for Iris?" Stevie nodded, the little girl too occupied with coloring and goldfish crackers.

"And I'll have a sweet tea as well."

"Do you need a minute to decide on food?" The young man asked.

"No, we're all decided, right?" Everyone took turns ordering, Callie pretending to gag as Dylan ordered his food. Lindsey collected the menus and handed them to the waiter.

"I'll be back with your drinks."

The waiter left, and Stevie smiled. "So, how was school?"

"Boring, mom. It's school. But Callie might have something interesting to talk about."

Callie gave him a look and he smirked at her. "Um, I was picked for cheer squad. This weekend, I have to attend cheer camp. It's like exercise and learning basic cheers...uniform sign ups and stuff."

"Cheer?" Lindsey asked, looking at Stevie.

"I was a cheerleader." Stevie said. "I think it's wonderful. It's nice to form friendships with other girls."

"Mom, haven't you seen Bring It On? It's not very wholesome anymore."

"Well, Callie is a good girl. I know she wouldn't get into any trouble. She's got a good head on her shoulders. Do you need me to drive you?"

"Please?" Callie asked and Stevie nodded.

"Of course, honey."

"So what about you? How did your doctor's appointment go?" Callie looked excited and Stevie bit her lip. Lindsey took her hand and squeezed it comfortingly.

"It went great. We're healthy and growing perfectly. I had an ultrasound and I have pictures in my purse if you'd like to see?"

"Can I please?" Callie reached over the table, accidentally-on-purpose elbowing her brother.

"Watch it, Cal! Jeez!" He rubbed the side of his head where her arm had made contact. Stevie handed her daughter the black and white photos and Callie's jaw dropped.

"Really?!" Neither Stevie, nor Lindsey knew if that was good or bad.

"What? Is it another girl?" Dylan asked, looking over at the pictures in Callie's hands. "Mom, I said try for a boy!" he groaned.

"That's not how it works. Besides, sex is determined by the man so if you are so upset about how much estrogen is around, blame dad."

"Hey!" Lindsey exclaimed and the twins laughed.

"What am I supposed to be looking at anyway?" Dylan snatched the pictures from his sister's hands. "No way!" His voice was a little louder than it should have been and people looked over at their table.

"Twins?" Callie asked, finally processing the images.

"Yep" Stevie smiled ear to ear and Lindsey kissed her cheek. "What do you think?"

"Wicked!" Dylan said.

"I think he means 'good'," Callie clarified. Her brother and his slang...he spent way too much time playing MMOs. She never could quite get into gaming like Dylan.

"Oh, good! And you?"

"It's awesome, mom. I'm so excited! Two babies!"

"What about you, little one?" Lindsey asked, looking over at Iris. He smiled softly, seeing that his youngest daughter had fallen asleep at the table from the excitement. "I guess we will just have to tell her later."

A/N: sorry for such a long absence from this story. I thought it would make this chapter a little longer since I've taken my sweet time in updating it. Thank you for sticking with this and I hope you all like it. Excuse any errors, I will fix them ASAP.

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