Stevie woke up early to get things all set up for Dylan and his friends. She cleaned like crazy, made ready-to-eat snacks for the ever-hungry boys then went back upstairs to get dressed. Callie was already up getting ready for cheer camp, putting the finishing touches on her hair.
Stevie's relaxing weekend went out the window when she was called the night before to take over an intermediate painting course. The usual teacher was sick, and she didn't have the heart to turn her down. As she did her makeup for the day, she mentally ran through how it was going to work. She could drop Callie off a little early, just in time to sub for her friend. There were two classes that morning. The day was broken in the middle for lunch so she would have time to run to one of her favorite spots to grab a sandwich and a hot tea to go before she had to come back. The last class would wrap at 2:30 so she should have just enough time to get across town to pick up Callie at three. She sighed. She was exhausted just thinking about it.
Lindsey got up and checked on Dylan and Iris who were still asleep, then went downstairs to start the coffee pot for Stevie. He knew she would appreciate the gesture. She had a full day ahead of her and he felt bad. He had hoped she would have gotten the rest she needed. He returned to work Monday so between the class and taking Callie to and from cheer camp both days, she wouldn't have time to put her feet up at all. Her back pain had started just the other day, much sooner than with their first set of twins. Since he hadn't gotten the chance to do something for her before, he knew next weekend they had to get away. She deserved the pampering.
Stevie hurried down the stairs, her tote bag and purse on her shoulder. Lindsey smiled up at her, taking the bags from her and putting them on the couch.
"It's going to be okay."
"I'm sorry I'm leaving you alone with Iris as well as Dylan's band." Stevie looked so apologetic and guilty. He kissed her softly.
"I'm more worried about you. You're running yourself ragged."
"I'm fine, really. I am happy to do this class for her. She needs me."
"You're a great teacher and an even better friend."
"Thank you, Linds."
"You should eat before you go. You're going to be starving by lunch. I made coffee too."
"You're too good to me."
"I'm just trying to help."
Stevie sat down at the counter and watched Lindsey make her a cup of coffee. He carefully poured the cream and spooned in her sugar. He returned with her cup and placed it down before her. She took a sip and praised him with a satisfied moan. "This is perfect, thank you."
"Stop thanking me. You do so much for me it's unreal."
"I do it because I love you."
"I love you too." He kissed her again, going to the fridge to look for fruit. "How about oatmeal?"
"Sounds good to me."
"Strange you've been wanting all of this savory food lately." He raised an eyebrow, looking at her.
"Why's that?"
"Every pregnancy, you've begged me for sweets."
"So? I'm sure that's coming."
"It's just interesting."
"You are crazy. If you're trying to apply Old Wives Tales to this pregnancy, I don't think it will work. There are two babies in here." She took another sip of her coffee. "I'm just hungry."
"If you say so."
He read the instructions on the container of oats thoroughly then went about making breakfast.
"Will you make a little extra for Callie?"
"Of course I can. What's taking her so long?" he asked, shocked the girl wasn't down before her mother. Stevie shrugged and Lindsey smiled. "You look beautiful, Steph."
"I do not. I'm growing out of all of my clothes."
"We should go shopping for you then."
"Eventually," she said with a sigh.
"You sound tired already."
"I am, but I think once the coffee hits and I've eaten, I will be my usual energetic self."
"I hope so, for your sake. Do you need me to pack lunch for you?"
"No, I hope I can hop over to this little spot for lunch. It's right by the art center so I should have plenty of time."
Lindsey nodded, stirring the oatmeal. He left it to simmer and started cutting up an apple to top off her breakfast. Stevie smoothed the front of her dress, smiling down at her growing belly. She imagined what they might look like. Iris was a wildcard, looking completely different from her older siblings. Stevie was excited to see if the babies would have dark hair or light hair, Lindsey's eyes or her own. She wondered if they were boys or girls, or one of each.
"What are you thinking about?" Lindsey asked, turning off the burner and taking the pot off the stove. He stirred it, sprinkling in a little cinnamon.
"The babies...I can't wait to meet them," she said, looking up at him.
"Neither can I, but we still have a while yet."
"I know. I'm getting impatient already."
He chuckled. "Me too."
Callie came down the stairs, smiling. "I smelled food."
"She's a Buckingham for sure," Stevie joked and Lindsey nudged her playfully.
"I made oatmeal. Come eat." Lindsey arranges the chopped fruit for each of them, and handed them their bowls and spoons. "Both of you are going to need your strength today."
Stevie looked at her daughter. She looked so grown up. She wore different makeup, or maybe it was just more noticeable. Callie was never one to wear too much but today, she looked like some of the other girls at school. Her hair was in a sleek ponytail and she wore a cropped sweatshirt with shorts that were rolled at the waist.
"Did you need to bring anything with you today?"
"I have my water bottle in my gym bag by the stairs. I'll grab it before we leave. It has deo, a change of clothes, flip flops and hair ties and such in it."
"Seems like you're all ready then."
"Yeah..." Callie seemed less than excited suddenly and Stevie glanced over at her daughter.
"Something wrong, sweetie?"
"I'm nervous. What if the other girls don't like me and I don't make friends?"
"You don't have to worry about that, Callie. You're a great girl and they would be lucky to call you their friend."
"What if the moves are too hard?"
"You will get them with enough practice," Stevie told her. "But I have a feeling that they will come naturally to you."
"The most important thing is that you have fun. There are other sports out there if cheer doesn't work out." Lindsey said.
"Yeah, I guess so." Callie, began to eat her breakfast slowly, as did Stevie.
"You know you can call me or message me if you need me. I will always be there to cheer you on. Your confidence will grow in time, I promise you. You just have to get used to this new thing you're trying."
"Thanks, Mommy." Callie hugged her mother the best she could, sitting next to her at the counter made for an awkward angle.
Stevie pat her arm lovingly. "No problem, baby girl."
Lindsey smiled, watching the two of them. He busied himself with clean up, kissing them each goodbye after breakfast.
"You're going to do great, honey" Lindsey said as he kissed his daughter's cheek.
"Thank you, daddy." Callie hurried off to her mother's car and Lindsey caught Stevie before she walked out behind her.
"I love you" He kissed his wife, stroking her cheek.
"I love you too."
His hands moved down, to either side of her growing stomach. "I love you guys so much. Take it easy on mama."
"You know that's not going to happen. They are constantly doing somersaults in there, or backflips."
"Maybe it's all the coffee," he said with a smirk.
"Hush! I need my coffee."
He chuckled. She was so cute when he riled her up. "That's why I got a travel mug ready for you. Let me grab it." He left momentarily, returning with Stevie's cup.
"Thank you. You are a lifesaver." She kissed his cheek, placing a hand over one of his on her belly. "We're going to be okay. You worry way too much."
"It's kind of my job to worry." He loved her, she could see that and boy, did she love this man with everything she had.
The horn honked outside, breaking up the tender moment and they both looked out the open door to see Callie smiling sheepishly.
"I guess she wants to go"
Stevie giggled. "Well, then I guess we can't stand here all day kissing and rubbing the belly, now can we?"
"I don't see why we couldn't." He had a mischievous look on his face and she giggled again.
"You are trouble. I'll see you this afternoon. Thankfully the boys shouldn't be here until two so it's just Iris and Dylan you have to deal with, and only an hour or so with the whole band. Did they tell you what they call themselves?"
"No, but they're indie-alternative-experimental new wave-surf-grunge-punk, Dylan says...whatever that means."
"That sounds very...interesting, but at least he's found his passion other than injuring himself with skateboarding."
The horn honked again and Stevie looked at the clock on the wall. "She's getting impatient. I have to go. It's getting late anyway."
"Bye" He kissed her passionately and she wagged a finger at him.
"That was so unfair."
He chuckled. "I'm desperate. I want you to stay home with me."
"You almost got me, but I made a promise."
"I know. Have a good day, and text me."
"I will."
Stevie moved to the front step, giving him a quick wave before heading to the car, tote bag and purse in hand. She got into the car and Callie settled into the passenger's seat. Stevie blew him a kiss and Lindsey mimed catching it as she made her way out of the driveway.
"I thought you'd never leave! Lexi is blowing up my phone!" Callie said.
"Lexi? Who's that?"
"She's a girl from the squad. We had to exchange numbers and she was afraid I wasn't gonna show."
"We will get there, I promise. I will be at work until 2:30 but if something changes, call me or message me."
"I will. I'm sorry I was so impatient, she just kept asking. I feel really bad about rushing you."
"It's okay. It was your father trying to stall."
"If I were him, I wouldn't want to be around like four or five guys just like Dylan all afternoon either. Iris is a piece of cake and she's only three."
"Two and three quarters," Stevie corrected. "I'm not ready for her to be three yet."
"She can't stay a baby forever, mom. Dylan and I aren't babies."
"And it pains me everyday to think about it."
"You have two more on the way. In four months, you won't even give that a second thought."
"Of course I will! I wish all of you could stay with me forever. I love being your mother. It was you and Dylan that blessed me with that title." A tear fell down Stevie's cheek as she parked in front of the school. "Have a good day, sweetheart."
"I will, and I'm sorry for making you cry." Callie kissed her mother's cheek, wiping her tear.
"Don't worry about it, hormones!" She smiled at her eldest daughter. "I cry over commercials and not having any parmesan in the fridge for my pasta."
Callie giggled. "I'll try to remember that."
"I love you."
"I love you too, mom. See you later."
Callie got out of the car, gym bag on her shoulder and walked inside. Stevie looked at the clock and sighed. Off to work for her as well.
A/N: thank you all for waiting on this update. I hope everyone liked it and it wasn't too boring. Far more to come with this story and I'm so excited to reveal new parts as the chapters are released.
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