Welcome back readers, to yet another addition of The Scoop, bringing you the best of the best information about your favorite stars...
Tragedy strikes the Durand Family
Our first two stories? Well, perhaps they both have a little something to do with triumph. As many of you may know, Valero Durand has recently been dealing with a divorce from his long- time partner, ending the streak of one of fashion's power couples. The news came as a jarring reminder to most, that perhaps love doesn't last forever. But the smaller known story, very well brushed under the rug for the last couple of years for better or for worse, (not a marriage pun!) is that of a tragic accident his eldest daughter, Tonya Durand (Phoberos ) endured that altered her own life and also her family's forever. We sat down with Tonya, who was finally ready and willing to share her story.
The first thing that Tonya described to us regarding her accident was a love for Ice Hockey, which apparently she was very successful at along with her friends. " I started playing at a very young age and I was rather successful. By the time I was nineteen I was so good I even had the chance to do it for a living, my whole team was really good." she shared, mentioning that she had some interest in going pro. It was an unfortunate event that ended that career goal for her, however.
"At some point I was going after another player, fast, we were rushing, and one of my skates just snapped. The sound was rather ugly, sharp click that just sounded wrong, then a lot of dizziness and then nothing. I had checked my equipment like I always do, it was all good, no cracks, no lose screws. It was just... really bad luck. Next thing I remember is waking up in hospital with a searing headache."
It turned out to be worse than just a dose of bad luck, but more of a twisted fate, as doctors would later confirm that Tonya suffered from a cracked skull, and three snapped vertebrae, one of which would never be fixed, resulting in paralysis from the waist down. Ultimately ending Tonya's bout with her love for ice hockey, for good...
"After the hospital I entered a rehabilitation program, they taught me how to deal with all this. It was hard in the beginning, not going to lie. Going from ice-hockey training every day to never taking another step is... it takes time. Your ability to walk is not something you really think about losing. You only realize how much gets in your way when you cannot walk up a simple step anymore. Everything in this world is made for standing and walking people, the simplest of things are. Taking a shower, opening a window, making a cup of tea, you never think about those things being a challenge all of a sudden."
We got into touch with Valero to speak upon the matter, remembering that serious day, where he says, he felt as if he may lose his daughter forever.
"Walking into that hospital to news like any parent's nightmare. I just remember thinking that I had to get to her as soon as possible and let her know how much she meant to me, just in case it was the last time. We've been blessed to have Tonya stay with us for a while longer, and I wanted to give her the space to recount this when she felt comfortable. To date - she's the stronger woman I've ever known."
Tonya felt the need to express her gratitude toward her father's patience with her new lifestyle.
"He is great, he gives me space, and he constantly pushes me. In a good way, I mean, I know I have changed a lot and I am still having a lot of trouble. But he is very caring and very loving. He helps a lot, he tries to make me comfortable, tries to give me back confidence. He does a lot for me, and I really appreciate it."
Tonya says, her dynamics with her family included brother Jeff Durand (-crazasian ) have changed as well, and that it will take some more adjusting before everything is completely comfortable. Dating has also proved to be a challenge, as she's recently lost her boyfriend, presumably to the stress of her current situation. But over all, is Tonya looking ahead for the future?
"I just keep thinking about if it makes a difference, whether I am sitting or standing[...]"
How does she expect the world to react to her situation?
" Asking and looking is normal, I guess, but it is all so awfully tense. I am not going to kill anybody for doing something 'wrong', I make mistakes, but I just wish it would be like before, loose and easy to make contact."
There you have it, folks, the young woman still has a lifetime ahead of her and just would like to be treated like an every day person. Though, 'The Scoop' still have some questions. Mainly, if this incident could have been the catalyst the spark a divorce between Val and Jeanne Durand? It seems to be inconspicuous timing, that paired with their son Jeffery Durand's recent sparks with the law. But we suppose, we may never get that answer in its entirety.
Remebering Marisole Pembrooke
For those of you who are unaware, former 2018 Miss America contestant and winner, Marisole Pembrooke (bellaboo-) has unexpectedly passed surrounded by close friends and family, due to an incurable illness known as Lupus. It's become clear to us, by statement of her family, that the information surrounding her ailment was not readily available to just anyone. (Because...WE'RE SHOCKED TOO.) They say that Marisole did not want to be judged by the state of her health, but rather by her hard work and accomplishments. She will be severely missed by all who knew her for her world contributions. In lieu of flowers, her family asks that donations be made to 'The Lupus Foundation of America' in hopes of someday finding cure.
(Marisole Richie Pembrooke - 1997 ~ 2019)
Wedding Recap
Okay! We're so totally over being sad for this edition! (We're not crying...somebody is just cutting onions ~) So, let's jump right into the heart of this past weekend - a NEW Hollywood power couple had emerged in the wake of another's end, and that's Mr. And Mrs. Justin and Hailey Bieber! (congratulations, you two, but seriously Hailey, we hate you over our own jealousy!) It was only a matter of time before the child - star - gone - bad - boy - gone - good - boy - again tied the knot. We only thought you'd end up with Selena Gomez. I guess, we can't have everything in life, now can we? Anyway, the pair celebrated their betrothal with a huge bash, hundreds of people and top music artist showed up to commemorate the big day. But, it wasn't without its fair share of scandalous activity from our stars. Let's get a recap of some of the night's most memorable events...
It has officially been confirmed that producer Malik Park (Roseamore13) is in a relationship with his brand spankin' new femme fatale, Phoebe Westshire (crayola32). To be honest, it's left us with quite a variety of questions on our hands...namely, is this an appropriate client - producer relationship? And how exactly did Phoebe get her hands on this big break of hers, again...?
Paired with the fact that onlookers seem to recall...yes, it's exactly what you're thinking!...Jeremiah Thatcher getting a lingery lip - to - lip lock with star Mia Mitchell (musicbeastly) at the end of the night, one has to wonder. Just what sort of business are these two conducting, and at what price...? It certainly appears downright predatory of the two major talent promoters, and needless to say, we're shocked beyond words. Could this event be nothing more than a drunken accident? We'll tell you more when we have the scoop! Oh, and how much we shipped Mia with country music sensation Noah Lane (bored_outofmymind)....Noah, if you need a good rebound, we know a couple...thousand...interested ladies!
Speaking of odd couples, here's a couple more for you:
Marilyn Vietta (AnnikaWhen) and Scout Carter (Phoberos) we considered to be quite flirtatious toward one another. We have to wonder, what that's all about?
model Loretta Martin (AAohnoAA) and fellow model Axel Wilcox (Clear_Blue) are said to have been quite lovey dovey on this particular encounter...we're left to our devices, people!
Valero Durand dancing with small youtuber Avery Johnson (SinnaRoll)? isn't that girl, like, half of your age? We hope this was entirely innocent! And yet, we have to wonder, how the pair even have come to know one another?
Elissa Garcia (secretquietlygirl) shows up with Sylvester Travolta (-crazasian) ....and they were seen leaving together a little early, just as well. Someone fill us in, ASAP!
Sadly for our non - stop nosy minds, one one relationship could be undeniably confirmed for this night, and that was that of Sorren Goodwin and youtube's number one subscribed user, Tommy Vincent (MidwesternVibes_)! That's right, readers, these two are officially off the market, hooking up their own little union at the super star studded wedding. But, the night between them and even a third party, was not without its fair share of trouble...
Reports say that Tommy and Andres Russo (secretquietlygirl), otherwise known as Sorren's date to the wedding exchanged some rather heated words regarding the little witch. And while it's completely unclear as to what happened exactly, sparks seemed to have flown over what appeared to be the pair's common interest. One would have to wonder...was Sorren leading the pair on, only to make one final decision on the spot...? Not exactly a 'good apple' move if we do say so ourselves! Playing both sides of the field, is a big no-no Sorren...consider your brownie points, eaten...
It'll be up to our dedicated fans, whether they're happy for the two or not, now won't it?
Easton Neal (AAohno) was apparently seen drinking to his hearts content - eventually stumbling around and pushing drinks on everyone else. Does Misery love company? Or is he just playing further into this persona that he's a total heartbreaking bad boy behind that squeaky clean persona? Last week, we broke a story about Easton getting awfully comfortable with what appeared to be another man's wife. While no one reports seeing him schmoozing around with the bride, He was quite the social butterfly.
Enepsigos "Scout" Carter (Phoberos) was seen chatting up super star Mia Mitchell as well as Marilyn Vietta (AnnikaWhen), and onlookers are describing it as flirtatious...we feel like we're getting a vision of her type, somehow. We'll keep you posted.
A fight brewing: we're hearing about some less than savory exchange of words between model Josephine Shaw (crayola32) and Dania Ramirez (-missambitious)
He said - She said : Featuring Vincent Van Dyke and Caroline Crawford
Speaking of weddings...we didn't just forget about a little reality show that recently captured the nation, have we...? Sources are saying there could even be a season 3 in the works as we speak! (squeals with glee!) If you're not aware of what we're talking about...(do you live under a rock?) but in all seriousness, if you were wondering how or why Vincent Van Dyke (SMOLJUNGKOOK) and Caroline Crawford (-crazasian) looked a little bit might be because the two were features on Season 2 of "Adore or Abhor", an arranged marriage television show features couples who have never met getting married when they meet for the very first time. The success rate? Well, about 50/50. But Vince and Caroline's weddings are one of the many who did not stand the tests and stress of getting to know someone while weathering married life.
After treading on ice for a certain amount of time after show, we were finally able to catch up with the pair to really find out what happened. Here's what we found out:
Surprisingly perhaps, both couples describe the very beginning as that of bliss. "We're married in the front of the whole world. And if I'm honest, it was beautiful. An experience of the lifetime." Caroline said of the ordeal, saying that meeting the man she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with on the alter was an extremely surreal experience, but one that she was willing to weather for the sake of finding love.
"she was really easy to get on with, and she's amazing. very down to earth and nice to talk to." Vince described. Seeming to have been smitten with his then wife. So we have to wonder, what exactly could have possible gone wrong in a marriage that seemed so compatible, despite the fact that they were randomly paired on the breeze? Could it simply have been fate that brought them together? Perhaps, it wasn't that at all, but instead a fluke.
Vincent seemed a little reluctant to share all of the intimate details...leaving us with a diplomatic answer. "things fell off after a while and we both agreed that maybe marriage wasn't meant for us." with something so short and sweet, we have to wonder if some real feelings had been wounded on Vince's end. Caroline? on some issues, she was equally vague. But, at least she may have given us the true root of the issue - separate lives and separate careers.
"Things got complicated after months of being together. He was busy. I was busy. We just did not have time for each other. There were many more things and I would 'not' like to relive them again. So I would like to leave the past in the past."
We can't help but to feel as if we're missing out on something. But don't worry. 'The Scoop' has gone digging for some extra details, and here's what we've come up with:
Caroline was not a stranger to the spot light before her engagement. She was working diligently on her music career far before her wedding vows. But, there is no question that her stint on the show catapulted her into the notoriety and success she has today. Fans fell in love with the same down to earth nature Vince claims to have. And while a spouse is always expected to support their partners dreams, it seems as though It was more of just a boulder on the road to happiness.
Vince was reportedly upset with Caroline for not sharing in his ultimate moments - as the grandson of prominent iconic actor Dick Van Dyke, he had very much of his own Hollywood presence. Possibly sparking the animosity between the two, that started a war. Maybe these stars shouldn't focus on dating other stars, let alone marrying them? At least, that's the advice that we'd give. But that's the tea.
Oh, and we were sure to ask if they would consider getting back together. Here's what they said:
Caroline: No! Absolutely, no. I mean, we are divorced for a reason, aren't we? We just weren't meant to happen. I would better wish Vince for a better life ahead, for a marvelous future.
Vince: likely not. i don't want to speak for her, but...i think that we work better separately.
....Well at least Vince's response wasn't a hard 'no'! What will the fans think about this? So, who broke whose heart? We'll let you decide.
Together? Or not Together?
That is the question! When it comes to the relationship between Aidan Darcy (crayola32) and Kennedy Lake (gillioddities) , we've all just been dying to know once and for all - are they freakin' together or what?! (It's driving us crazy!)
Well, guess what, readers? We have the scoop...
Here's what Kennedy had to say about their relationship status:
" All I'll say for now is we're more than friends and we're seeing where things go."
That's promising for #Kendan shippers! we all may know by now, just because Kennedy is saying it..doesn't necessarily make it true. We thought we had a confession on the last occasion we sat down to talk to her about Aidan at our live interviews, and that ended up being a muddled mess, now didn't it? So, we caught up with Aidan too. Hold on to your seats:
"I wasn't sure it would ever happen. But, here I am, dating Kennedy Lake. Fingers crossed that all goes well, but I'm sure everything will be fine."
So, there you have it folks!....kinda....sorta. we don't know. Oh no, here we go again....both profess to being more than friends, Aidan even goes so far as to admit that they are dating. But...this isn't the pure bliss we've been expecting...? Neither seem too sure about it themselves, so how can we expect to be? Are we hanging by a thread here? Because, it certainly feels like it. Oh well, I guess we'll just....try to be happy for this...whatever you guys have. Congratulations!
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
And now, a little cult favorite of ours --
The good - Hollywood besties Phoebe Westshire and Sorren Goodwin spotted partying together at Justin and Hailey's wedding. Is their friendship, goals?
The bad - Some reported clashing between Phoebe and Mia ....and an awful lot of buzz going around lately. It's like a car accident....we know we shouldn't look, but we just can't look away!
The Ugly - Charlotte Novak (FandomLover3324) WEARS WHITE TO THE WEDDING?!?! BREAKING::: Hailey was reportedly pissed!! "I mean, seriously? This was my special day and white was meant to be my color. It's just completely inappropriate in my opinion.
The Results
How fun was the wedding on Justin and Hailey??
Hm...pretty split decision. Justin and Hailey might need to have a convo with their wedding planners.
Who is the NEXT celebrity couple to get married? >.>
pretty close all the way around, even if Malik and Phoebe are taking it. Basically, keep your planners around at all times!!
Q3: Best Dressed Female?
Sorren Goodwin takes it by just a hair over Mia Mitchell! Great outfits all the way around! ~ Oh, and we have a feeling that whoever voted for Charlotte is a total troll. (*shrugs*)
Q4: Best Dressed Male?
Pretty close all the way around - but in the end, Jeremiah Thatcher takes the cake! (Over Valero Durand! SHAME!)
Q5: Are Malik Park and Jeremiah Thatcher running a shady business reliant on sexual favors?
Presented without comment.....
Q6: Whose side are you on...?
#Whatareyoutalkingabout takes almost 70% of the vote! Looks like this little spat, is COMPLETELY FORGETTABLE!
Q7: And now, the question you've all been waiting for...
That's all folks ~ Catch you in the next edition of "THE SCOOP"!
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1. CONGRATS TO Phoberos ! Her character made the cover this time around. Why? Because even though this admin lives in a different time zone than most...they always made a stellar effort to stay active, and make lots of awesome characters! Your character can be on the cover too - Whoever is the most active up to and on every event get the spot. So be sure to keep active!
2. If you've been wondering why I haven't been making so many replies.... ^^^^ THIS IS WHYYYY (the scoop, not Phoberos xD) it's always a lot to get together and to sit down to write so this has been consuming my time. I promise to get back to replies now, on my rp and also others!
3. The next event will start after some given time for individual rps on locations and also for time to get our next event ready. Be prepared for invites to start turning up! I'll leave event 4 open for a little while longer.
4. Don't forget about texting, and also instagrams for added fun ^^
5. We had a high influx of new characters around the time that event 4 came out. So if your characters is fairly new that's probably why they weren't featured here, if they weren't ^. DON'T WORRY. keep being active, write on the anonymous book, make connections, be in the group rps, and trust me, you'll find yourself in the next edition soon enough.
6. ALSO, i'll be updating the character reference pages soon! Please try to be patient with me! thank you all so much for having interest in this RP and sticking with it, it means the world to me, and I promise to do everything in my power to keep it fun!
6. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know! Also, you can post reactions and stuff below as your characters if you like!
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