"I miss her already," Steve sighed, he looked at himself in the mirror and fiddled with his bow tie. Bucky chuckled from behind him, he wrapped his arms around Steve's waist and rested his chin on Steve's shoulder.
"She just left, we've been with us none stop for weeks. You don't even leave her in the house alone."
"What if she misses us? She's just a puppy."
"Don't worry about it Steve, she's much more independent than any dog I've ever known. Besides she likes Tony, they share that mentally flipping you off thing." Bucky kissed the side of Steve's cheek firmly and unwrapped his waist.
"She doesn't mentally flip me off," Steve mumbled, he flattened his hair and turned back around. He was just wearing a button up and a bow tie.
"Yeah, it's not you that she's flipping off," Bucky grumbled, he buttoned his cuffs and slipped his hands into his pocket. "What's with the bow tie?" Steve touched his hand to it and shrugged, he knew that this world's Steve had been given it by Bucky.
"Just wanted to spice it up."
"Well hope you don't feel overdressed, we're not going anywhere fancy." Steve smiled and walked over to Bucky, who was wearing just a simple navy blue button up.
"I'm not sure how fancy a blue bow tie with white stars can be."
"Well, Stevie you have a way of making everything you wear fancy." Bucky put an arm around Steve's shoulder and guided him out of the room. "And when I say everything, I mean everything," Bucky whispered into his ear. Steve shivered and suppressed the urge to hide his face.
"I do not know what you mean." He avoided looking towards Bucky.
"Hm, you knew what I meant last night." He grabbed their jackets off of the coat hook. Bucky brought his arm away from Steve's waist and held up the jacket for him.
"You find some sort of pleasure in reminding me of everything I do during the night." Steve slipped his arms into the holes and took the ends from Bucky to button up himself.
"It's just adorable to me, how in the heat of it all you'd do anything. But then whenever I talk about it, you make it sound sinful." Bucky zipped up his own jacket and grabbed the keys off the hook.
"It's just embarrassing," Steve mumbled, he shut off the lights in the house.
"I know you think it is, but I think it's adorable. I can't wait until the day we have phone sex." Bucky opened the door, speaking casually. Steve walked out into the brisk cold, to avoid looking at Bucky. He bit his lip, suppressing the emotions that had been threatening to spill over since meeting Vision.
"But if we do that, it means we'll have to be separated."
"Huh." Bucky closed and locked the door, he pretended to think then shrugged. "You're right if one of us goes away then phone sex is a must."
"That's so dirty Bucky, someone would hear us." Steve went to the passenger side of the car. There was a click and it unlocked, allowing him to open the door up.
"One of us will probably be in safety of our home." Bucky ducked his head in first before his body followed into the car. "And you have to admit the thought of people hearing is a little hot." Bucky closed his door and started the car.
Steve buckled in and rolled down the window to keep his face cool. "I can totally admit that it wouldn't be hot."
Bucky buckled in before moving the car into gear and pulling out of the driveway. "You mean the idea of you whispering dirty things into the phone only meant for me to hear doesn't turn you on in the slightest? Not even the fact that if you speak too loudly, or moan too loudly they'll hear you?"
Steve's face was red hot, he could feel the heat in every part of his body. He cursed Bucky, he wouldn't let his words ruin how nice his outfit look. "We're not having sex before we get to the restaurant," Steve said firmly.
Bucky chuckled and sped up the car a bit. "Ah, you caught me. I had it all planned out too. I'd reach over..." One of Bucky's hand sneaked over to Steve's side of the car. "Then I'd feel you a bit, park the car over, tease you some more. Then I'd tell you that if you were too loud strangers could hear." Bucky's hand tried to rest on Steve's thigh but Steve pushed it away.
"No, I like this outfit and you will not ruin it with your fluids." Steve crossed his arms and looked towards the window, letting the cool breeze distract him from his hot thoughts. He wanted to relish how wanted he felt, relish it before it was gone again.
"I'll keep them to myself," Bucky chuckled, he brought his hand back to the steering wheel and looked ahead. He still had a devious smile on his face.
"I know you Bucky, and you never keep them to yourself. You can't even sneeze without properly blowing." Steve cringed at the thought of Bucky's last big sneeze.
"Ah, you're dramatic." Bucky rubbed his nose, Steve gave him a look knowing he was trying to put him on edge. Bucky met his look and winked, making Steve blush.
"Stop being cute when you're trying to seduce me."
"Sorry, it's the only tactic that works. It's not my fault that you look so good all the time."
Steve couldn't help but smile, he was a sucker for a compliment. "Your sex drive is too high, you should really look into that."
"I think it comes with years of attraction suppression that comes with living in the forties."
"Oh, you didn't suppress your attraction." Steve blushed and looked at him almost shyly. "We did stuff...you were my first everything..." He murmured, he didn't understand where his anxiety was coming from. He had never talked about this aloud before, but this universe Bucky seemed more than happy to be around him.
"You remember that?" Bucky smiled dreamily, his hand tightened on the wheel. "That's a dumb question, there's no reason why you wouldn't."
"We've never talked about it..."
"Yeah...I have no idea why. It was amazing, I just wished you were my first."
"I don't mind, I never did." Steve bit his lip, he clasped his hands together. Bucky stopped in front of a restaurant and pulled into the parking lot. "I just felt like I could never talk about it...because we never talked about it after. We never even really talked during it. I felt...I don't know..."
"Blame me for that entirely," Bucky said, he unbuckled so that he could look completely at Steve. There was a serious look in his eye. "I wasn't at all comfortable with my sexuality, I just knew I loved you, and you were the most beautiful person I knew." Bucky paused catching his wording. "You are the most beautiful person I know." Bucky reached across to him and took his hand.
Steve almost didn't meet his eye, there was an intensity that made his heart swell. There was too much love for him not to feel like tearing up. "Bucky..."
"No, I took advantage of you. It was shitty and I knew you loved me too. So I knew you wouldn't care if I didn't say anything. But I should have, and I wanted to. I wanted to tell you how your eyes shone, or how beautiful you looked, how pink your lips were. "
"Really? I figured you thought I was gross...I was so skinny, you could see my ribs, and I was just generally ugly." He didn't think he looked much better, but the serum was on his side.
"No! You were perfect then, and you are perfect now. I just thought if I said it out loud, told you how sexy you where that would make me a queer."
"You are a queer." Steve poked his nose, trying to lighten the moment a little more.
"I know I am." He smiled and kissed Steve's cheek. "A queer that thinks you're the sexiest thing on the face of this Earth. And you can just try and stop me from telling you that every time that we're together."
"Even during intercourse?"
Bucky smiled and squeezed his hand. "Especially during intercourse. Now, I want to eat some food so I have the energy to love you later tonight." Bucky kissed Steve's hand and let it go. Steve wasn't sure if love was a euphemism for sex, or if Bucky really just meant cuddling. Either way, he felt a warmth in his chest, that he doubted would leave anytime that night.
They both left the car, Bucky locked it and smiled over at Steve. "Recognize this place?"
Steve looked around the building and tried peeking inside. "I might..."
"Fine, come inside you'll recognize it soon." Bucky came over to Steve's side and held his hand tightly. They walked into the restaurant together. Steve took a good look down, the familiar smell reminded him of one of his flashbacks. A small gasp escaped him and he looked at Bucky.
"I know this place," He hummed a smile spreading across his face.
"Yup, Bradley's Place. Last time we were here we kind of had a shitty go at things, so I am determined to make it better." Bucky kissed Steve's cheek and smiled at him. "I swear you're an addiction." He led Steve to a booth near the back of the room. To Steve's relief, it was mostly empty inside, he felt like Bucky and he were allowed to be in their own private bubble.
"I will eventually destroy your life?" Steve teased, earning a scoff from Bucky.
"No, I can't get enough of you." He unzipped his jacket and threw it on the back of his seat. Steve did the same and adjusted his bowtie.
"You're so cheesy, I love it." He picked up a menu that covered the bottom half of his mouth. Bucky looked proud of himself and picked up his own menu.
"If I knew pick up lines worked on you, I would have started using them a long time ago. I have an entire arsenal in my pocket." Steve wanted to ask Bucky to tell him all of them now. He wanted to hear every corny, cheesy, loving thing that Bucky had to say now before it was too late. Before he was taken back again.
"Feel free to lay them on me."
"Nah, I'll save them for later. Don't want to overwhelm you, at least not now." He chuckled, Steve chuckled with him trying to ignore the small ache.
"We should do something new, why don't we order for each other?" Bucky raised an eyebrow and nodded.
"Doesn't sound like a terrible idea," It was Steve's turn to raise his eyebrow. "Not that you have terrible ideas!" Bucky said defensively, smiling to set Steve at ease. Steve hummed suspiciously and raised his menu, he hoped Bucky knew he wasn't really angry.
They both spent the next five minutes in comfortable silence as they ordered for the other. Steve decided to keep Bucky's simple. He wrote down his order and watched Bucky order his.
"Finished?" He asked, he put the order face down and waited for a waitress to come.
"Yup barely had to sweat."
"Well, I had to decide whether or not to add a specific condiment."
"Gee, big decisions." Steve nudged his foot under the table. He leaned a bit closer, admiring his view of Bucky.
"I know, I should be gearing up to be the head of Avengers soon."
"There wouldn't exactly be much to do, but be my guest."
"That's such a weird thought isn't?" Bucky put down his menu. He smiled politely as an aloof waitress picked up their orders without sparing them a second look. Steve almost said hello but she was gone before he could speak.
Steve watched the waitress go and shook his head a bit. "What's weird?" He looked back at Bucky, the waitress barely a blip in his mind compared to his boyfriend.
"How you're Captain America, and I'm me. Yet we're doing mundane things. We have a dog, we bought a house, we both go to work, we're eating out like regular people."
"Is any of that bad?"
"Of course it isn't! In fact, it's amazing. I'm ready to just get a beer belly and set up neighborhood barbecues. You can be brownie mom, but you buy all the goodies at a grocery store."
"I'll get it from a bakery so it at least tastes freshly made."
"I'll buy the hamburgers in bulk because little kids won't give a shit."
"We'll have to invite all the Avengers and their kids," Steve added, knowing that a few of his friends were expecting children or even adopting.
"We'll have to get a pool, and another dog."
"Maybe this one will be a little more cuddly, so the kids can have someone to hug and love."
"Oh, so you're finally admitting Jackie isn't cuddly?"
"She's cuddly in her own respect, but...she just doesn't like cuddles," Steve said reluctantly.
"Thank you! But...the only thing we're missing in this plan is kids." Bucky said casually, Steve's eyes widened but he cooled his emotions.
"Yeah, but it's okay if you don't want any."
Bucky rolled his eyes and reached across the table for Steve's hand. "No, it's not." He intertwined their fingers. "You're future wouldn't be the future you want if you didn't have kids."
"Maybe...but if you don't want kids that's totally fine. Or if you don't feel like you'll be ready for them..." Steve felt like the conversation was surreal. It didn't matter if they agreed or disagreed about having children. He'd never be there to actually have any with this Bucky, and the real Bucky barely wanted to speak with him.
"I'll admit, I'm not ready for them right now. I'm still afraid of my own strength, and I don't know how my PTSD would affect my interactions with younger people."
"I don't know how it would affect my interactions either..." Steve realized he had never been around many children, in the forties or in this time period. Children have just always been a part of his life plan. It was barely a second thought.
"Why don't we bring this up to our therapist, and then we can all work towards it," Bucky suggested, he was smiling but Steve could see the traces of nerves making his lip quiver.
"Don't rush yourself." Steve squeezed Bucky's hand and leaned closer. "It takes awhile to build an inground pool, we have until then." He teased, it made Bucky smile and eased both their nerves.
"Ah, you're right. But I also have to practice being a master griller."
"Maybe I'll learn how to make brownies."
"Just brownies?" Bucky asked in amusement.
Steve chuckled, "Bucky I'd be lucky to learn even that much." The same waitress approached them with a tray of identical plates.
"Hello, my name is Veronica you can call me V. Sorry about earlier, I had a big family crisis." Her smile looked strained and she looked tense.
"Hey don't worry about it, everyone has tough days," Steve said soothingly, he made sure to give her a comforting smile. She looked relieved and set the trays down.
"So I've got two large classic hamburgers, with a side of order of fries and onions rings, two cups of ketchup, two cokes in glass bottles, and a pickle on the side of each." She set down the orders and put the onion rings in the middle.
"I don't remember ordering Onion Rings." Bucky murmured he looked to Steve who just shrugged.
"Oh, that's compliments from the chef." She said sweetly, she held her notebook under her arm. "Can I get you two anything else?"
Steve and Bucky both shook their heads. "Nope, this is perfect," Steve said politely. She nodded and walked away. Steve waited until she was gone to fully look over his food. "Our orders are identical, what does that say about us as a couple?"
"It means we're madly in love, and were born in the same generation. And our orders aren't exactly the same, open the bun up."
Steve raised his eyebrow but slowly raised his crisp bun off of the hamburger. Steve felt the air get caught in his throat, he was positive he couldn't breathe. He took his intertwined hand away and both hands clasped over his mouth.
"Oh, oh my God Bucky. You didn't you..." He covered his eyes and took a deep breath. He heard shuffling and when he uncovered his face Bucky had knelt next to his booth, the plate of food in his hands.
The hamburger bun was on the table, and in the middle of the hamburger was a simple silver ring. It had several small gems embedded in it and a slightly larger one in the center of it. It didn't protrude from the top, so from a distance, it just seemed like a band.
"Steven Grant Rogers, I know our lives have been fucking crazy. And for a while I thought even thinking about a moment like this, was something out of a fairytale. But I want this, more than anything ever. I've always wanted this, all the way back to when we were kids. Just me and you, together forever, 'till the end of the line. Calling you my husband would just be a perk. So...will you make me the happiest queer in the world and marry me?"
Steve could already feel fat tears streak from his face. He felt like his entire body was decomposing, and his heart hurt so badly. But he couldn't ignore the overbearing feeling of joy he felt. It was stupid to say yes, he knew that, he understood that. It'd make it nearly impossible to leave Bucky, but he had no intentions of saying no.
"Yes! Oh God yes, I want to be with you forever. I'll marry you!" There was a small eruption of cheers. Steve only just noticed the few people still in the restaurant watching them. Even Veronica, a woman they had just met seemed happy for them.
"Oh, thank God!" Bucky put down the plate and picked up the ring. Steve gave Bucky his shaking hand. "Don't worry," Bucky whispered, Steve wasn't sure whos nerves he was trying to ease.
Bucky took Steve's shaking hand and slipped on the ring. It fit perfectly on his ring finger, a new flood of tears began flowing free on Steve's face. "I didn't think you'd cry this much," Bucky said with a shaky chuckle, he sounded moments away from tears himself. He stood up and engulfed Steve in his arms. Steve sniffled and hugged him back just as tightly.
"I love you so much, I've never loved anyone as much as you. I wish we could be together forever." Steve whispered Bucky pat his back slowly.
"We will be together forever, no wishing needed. I love you too, now I can love you forever." He leaned down and pressed his lips with Steve's. They both closed their eyes and there was another uproar of cheers. Much louder this time around.
The kiss was filled with nothing but raw love and emotion. Steve knew Bucky could feel his need, his want, his desires to be with him forever. Steve had gotten tears on both of their faces but it hadn't stopped Bucky from going in for two more kisses.
"Let's go home," Steve whispered, he needed to just be with Bucky. He appreciated the people around him, but he needed to spend the rest of his time in this universe with his fiancee.
"Right now? But the food..."
"I need you, I need you right now," Steve said again, he pressed his hand against Bucky's chest gripping onto his shirt. Bucky's eyes widened, and they began to reciprocate Steve's need.
"Oh, oh I'll get doggy bags. If I knew I could get you like this, I would have proposed weeks ago." Steve blushed but felt no remorse.
"I want to be with you as your fiance," Steve said and kissed the side of his cheek. Bucky groaned like Steve's words had caused him physical pain.
"Let's consummate the engagement." He cleared his throat. "Can we get this boxed up please, we have very important places to go!" Usually, Steve would have given Bucky an earful for politeness but all he could do was suppress his giggle. The wave of excitement that came with the engagement, drowned out his immediate fears of separation.
"I'm on it!" Veronica said from the other side of the restaurant. Steve watched her disappear into the kitchen.
"Permission to pick you up bridal style?" Bucky asked he had already slipped his arm behind Steve's back.
"Doesn't seem like I have much of a choice but, yes!" Bucky smiled wide and picked him up, keeping Steve's body close to his.
"Fuck, I love you so much." Bucky leaned down for another kiss.
"I love you too much," Steve replied, he touched the side of Bucky's face.
"Be with me forever?"
"I've already agreed to that, but I'll say it again. Yes."
"Hm, my new favorite word." With that, Bucky leaned down and connected their lips again. The sounds around them drowned out and Steve could only think about one thing continuously. He was so in love.
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