
I stepped back as I admired the magnificent work I had just done. I had finished decorating my room and unpacking boxes from my old room in London. I looked around at my blue walls, paintings, old drawings, and posters. I heard a knock at my door and turned to see Georgia walking in through the open door way.

"Wow, pretty good job." she said, scanning the walls and crossing her arms.

"Thanks.." I said in a low voice, looking up at my proud works of art.

"Hey, uh, sorry for not helping you, or anything with you room." She said, rubbing her eyes.

"No, its okay, I understand you were working late and needed some sleep." I smiled.

"Hey, is that Shawn Mendes?" she asked walking forward to the wall where I had a poster of The Magcon boys. Right beside it was a poster of the album 'Handwritten'.

"Yeah, I'm a fan but not like the crazy ones, a poster or two will do." I said, feeling my cheeks flush.

"I babysat this kid you know, in middle school." She said with a big bright smile.

"Really!?" I exclaimed.

I'm sorry, my cousin babysat a now celebrity? Uh, amazing!

"Oh yeah, he was a trouble maker I can tell you that. Hes also going to your school, so just might meet him!" she said looking back at the poster.

My jaw dropped. Shawn Mendes was going to go to my school?! Wait, wasn't he in the states? I shook my head to erase the thought of meeting a celebrity at school. Even if he did go, why would he pay attention to me? And its not just that, Im not ready to talk to anybody outside of my family just yet..

My head drooped down as I thought about everything that had happened back in London.. The reason why I moved in with my cousin... I took off my glasses and wiped them free of the wet tears that had fallen onto them. I felt Georgia's hands wrap around me and I cried a little bit more.

"Hey, shh, forget all that." she whispered as she rubbed my back.

I nodded slightly and wiped away the tears and placed my glasses back onto the bridge of my nose. Now what was I to say? The room was filled with sorrow and tension, nothing to say now that wouldn't lead back to tears... Well then, I guess no talking will do..

"Hey, get ready, you have that dentist appointment and it takes a while to get there" Georgia said as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

I simply nodded and she gave a light smile before exiting the room. I sighed and looked to my closet, well time to get ready.

Several Days Later:


I walked into to school, backpack slung over my shoulder and swag mode on. Some girls whispered to themselves, others came up to me for autographs. I laughed, most of these people I already knew from years before. The crowd finally thinned to reveal Dante, a huge grin planted on his face. He opened his arms and I opened mine.

"Buddy!" we both said at the same time as we walked forwards and gave each other a hug.

"You've grown since the last time I saw you!" I said looking straight at Dante.

"Yeah, Yeah I know." he said rolling his eyes.

I laughed and we went to my locker so I could leave a couple of books in before heading to class. Dante began to tell me crazy stuff that had happened when I was gone. Like how a new kid got expelled for pulling a prank on Jason, the quarter back and biggest player I have ever seen in my life!

We finally reached my locker and I started to place my things in, slowly so I could concentrate on what Dante was saying. I laughed, but something else caught my attention as I looked over Dante's shoulder. A girl in a grey hoodie came running down the hall, a satchel type bag at her side. She had the same exact red curls, pale skin, and hoodie as the girl from the airport!

She ran past Dante and I and  stopped in front of a locker across and a few down from mine. She quickly entered the combination to her locker and swung it open, placing her books in and then shutting it quickly. Her brisk steps away from people, the way she avoided all the students matched as the same girl I couldn't get out of my head. She was going to my school!

"Earth to Shawn!" Dante yelled waving his hand in my face which caused me to snap back into focus.

"Huh, what?" I asked in confusion.

"You got lost, did you hear anything I just said? What were you staring at anyways?" he asked looking around.

"Nothing, lets just get to class" I said as the bell rang.

First period didn't go so well for me. I mean the time did fly by but, I couldn't get her out of my mind. She was beautiful, the way her hair fell down the front of her face and went over her shoulders, the way her small frame slipped through the crowd of students. The way her pale skin contrasted against her fiery red curls and orange freckles that dotted her face. I never believed in love at first sight but I was pushed to believe in it now.

During first, second, and third period, I doodled on the edge of my paper, day dreaming and not really paying attention to anything the teacher had said. Once the bell rang, I was one of the first to dash for the door and run to the cafeteria. I almost immediately found Dante sitting at a table near the entrance.

"Dude, how did you get here so fast?" I asked, panting and sitting down beside him.

He shrugged and we both chuckled. I felt hands brush up against my shoulders and heard and obnoxious giggle.

"Hey Shawny!" I heard Gloria say as I squeezed my eyes shut in high hopes I was just dreaming.

I opened my eyes to find her sitting across from me, her fake eyelashes flashing and her head resting in the palm of her hand.

"What do you want Gloria?" I asked crossing my arms.

Gloria had tried to bully Georgia when we were all little but Georgia was never really affected by it. You know with her being older and all. But it never really stopped Gloria and she moved down to us two. I already knew this was coming, Gloria wanted to play it cool and try to seduce me because I'm famous.

"I just want to hang out that's all." She replied, licking her thick red lips.

"Not gonna happen." Dante said crossing his arms also.

"I wasn't talking to you!" she snapped.

"And neither were we." I said standing up and walking away with Dante.

We went around the corner and stopped to peek around it. We saw a furious Gloria whos cheeks were red with anger through the three inches of makeup she was wearing. The rest of her cliche joined her and we turned around to go outside laughing.

We sat down at our favorite bench and took out our lunches. I began to eat my corn muffin when I noticed someone. The same girl from earlier today was sitting alone under a tree scribbling furiously in a drawing pad. She had red and blue headphones on and rocked her head to the music. I couldn't help but stare as she repeated the pattern of drawing and erasing.

She was so close yet so far away from me. She scratched her arm through her sleeve and eventually pulled it up. She was bleeding from how hard she had scratched her arm and she rolled her eyes, pulling the sleeve back down and getting back to work. I recognized it as eczama. Dante had the same thing when we were little but grew out of it.

"Shawn's fallen in looovve!" Dante teased as he whispered it into my ear.

I was snapped out of my thoughts and I looked at Dante and smacked the back of his head.

"Shut up." I growled.

"But its true!" He said with a laugh as he blocked me from hitting him again.

He continued to laugh but I just continued to ignore him and eat my lunch. We were both suddenly wacked in the back of our heads and groaned as we heard a girls laugh. We looked to see it was Georgia, her cheeks red with laughter.

"Ow!" Dante and I said with a groan as she walked around and sat down in-between us on the bench.

"Aw, love you guys too!" she said with a smile, wrapping her arms around our shoulders and pulling us together.

"What are you doing here?" Dante asked removing Georgias arm from his shoulder.

"Well duh, spending time with you guys" She said, rollling her eyes.

I laughed as Dante copied her actions.

"Don't you have work?" I asked biting into my sandwich.

"Nope, I have the night shift every other day. Oh, and I get to hang out with you guys all school day, principle said I could." she said with a grin.

I raised my eyebrows and bit into my sandwich.

"Really? That's awesome!" Dante said with a cheer.

I looked around and noticed that the red headed girl wasn't sitting under the tree anymore. I searched around, scanning my area slowly, but I couldn't see her anywhere.

"Hey, Shawn, you hear what I just said?" Georgia asked me bringing me back down to earth.

"Of course not, hes too busy looking for his crush!" Dante said putting a chip in his mouth.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I realized, I did have a crush on this mystery girl. Georgia raised her eyebrows at me which unsettled me.

"I must hear more about this." She said not taking her eyes off me.

"Yeah, I guess she's new cause she I don't remember seeing her here before. But then again, I never really bother to take notice in anyone here so." Dante said, glancing at Georgia.

"I want to hear more about the girl, not wether she's new or not!" she said elbowing Dante.

I began to pack up my lunch, I couldn't stay around for this.

"Well she has orange hair-" Dante began.

"No, she has red hair you idiot, the sun makes it look orange." I said which cut him off.

I noticed Georgia and Dante staring at me. Oh jeez, I just dug myself into a bigger hole.

"Someone's in l-o-v-e" Georgia giggled, nudging Dante.

I turned on my heels and walked back towards the school building, Dante and Georgia yelling at me to come back. I ignored them and made it to the building just as the bell rang which also signaled me to run cause my friends were going to come in pursuit. I sat through the next several classes still daydreaming about the girl with red hair and the grey hoodie. I couldn't get her out of my head, and what my best friends were saying was down right right! I did have a crush on a girl, I was in love, even if it was just the first day.

I was extremely relived when the last bell rang. I grabbed my backpack and swung it on my back as I left the class room and walked across the school to get to my locker. I took out the necessary books for homework and slammed my locker door shut as the other students flooded through the hallway. I walked across the school again to the front.

I suddenly began to here the noise of a guitar being played from the auditorium as I passed. My curiosity became the best of me and I creeped closer to the door. I opened it slowly and quietly and slipped in. The lights were all off except the ones on the stage. There was someone on the stage, playing a song on the guitar I already knew so well.

Taking it slow

Isn't easy if as far as you go

Isn't half far as you want, no

No oh yeah

Coming up from above

A little something and its only because

I don't ever want to see you in love

The voice was beautiful, a girls voice too. My view of the stage was partially blocked by a cart so I moved around it. My jaw dropped when I saw who it was. I would have never expected it either.....

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