
Aaliyah's mum promised to keep our leaving a secret. And well Georgia... I just told her I was going to leave in two weeks to London to visit the family. Nothing harsh. But today.. Heh, today was I don't know... Okay let me get this straight across, Max has flown home already and today... BAHHAHA! I'm sorry, I just cant help it cause today were going to see a loopy Shawn!

About several weeks ago, Shawn and I were chilling and he said his teeth hurt and later on he went to the dentist and they said he had to get his wisdom teeth removed! So today, hes gonna be loopy... And its gonna get to the point where Aaliyah and I are going to pester him with questions and film the whole entire thing... And post it on YouTube without him knowing.

"Anna I am so nervous right now" Shawn said, shaking his head as we waited in the living room for his mother and Aaliyah

"Your gonna be fine Shawny" I said, leaning back into there couch, scrolling through my Instagram feed

"What did you just call me?" he asked, looking over at me

"I called you Shawny. Got a problem?" I asked

What I was really doing is to see if he really liked it later on... When he was loopy. Aaliyah game jogging down the stairs in a sweat shirt and joggers, but instead of heading for us went into the kitchen. When she came out she tossed me a muffin and Shawn's eyes widened.

"Aaliyah give me a muffin!" he whined

"Sorry bro, dentist said you have to be in an empty stomach" she said with a smirk

Shawn groaned and I leaned up against him, biting my muffin.

"Damn these blue berry ones taste sooo good Shawn" I said, savoring the taste

Shawn had had enough and stood up, walking out the front door and slamming the door shut.

"Is everything okay down there?" Yelled Mrs. Mendes

"Everything's fine mom, we'll meet you in the car!" Aaliyah shouted back

I grabbed the camcorder out of my bag and began to roll it as we stepped out of the house to where Shawn was inside his moms car.

"Hey Shawn let me in" Aaliyah banged on the window of the mini van

Shawn just simply shook his head. My phone began to ring and I looked up at Shawn. Why was he calling me?

"What is it, just let us in" I said staring at him through the glass

"Not unless you promise to hug me first" he said with a smile

I raised an eyebrow at him. A hug? That's all he needed?

"Okay, just open the car" I said, hanging up the phone

He unlocked the car and stepped out, immediately hugging me which allowed me to breath in some of his axe spray. His arms were so warm I almost didn't want to let go, but I did. His mom came out and we all got into the car.

"Ready for this mah man?" I asked, holding the camera close to his face

"I'm nervous but yeah I'm ready" he said, tapping his leg up and down again

"What's there to be nervous about?" Aaliyah asked, looking up from her phone

"The things I'll say after" he said before I stopped the filming, oh he doesn't even know the half of it


"Aww its okay boo" I cooed, tickling Shawn with one hand

"Annabeth s-stop" he giggled, whacking my hand away

I scratched my arm before just laughing, filming with the other hand

"Your gonna be fine boo" I said, sticking my tounge out

"Stop calling me that" he complained

"What boo?" I asked

That's what my grandma used to call me. Boo. I was going to finaly see her at the Winter Olympics! She would be attending, I could see my home one more time!

"Alright, were going to start, please wait outside" The dentist said coolly, motioning Aaliyah, Mrs. Mendes, and I out the door.

I waved and we stepped out of the room.

"Hey Aaliyah lets make a list of all the things we'll ask him when hes done" I whispered

She stuck up two thumbs and I stopped the filming. Oh the excitement!


"Guys I'm so nervous to see how hes going to be" I said to the camera as the Dentist told us he was ready and done

I got up, my heart thumping as we walked down the hall to where Shawn was. I held my breath as we entered the room. Shawn was leaning back in the chair, his eyes closed and his cheeks puffy.

"Shawn?" I whispered

His head shot up and he smiled

"Annie!" he giggled, his eyes wide out for a hug

"Hey buddy, how do you feel?" I asked, completely in awed by how cute he looked

"I feel.. I don't know how I feel.." he said, rocking his head

"Cause darling I want all the strings attached" he began to sing, but it came out semi slurred

"I love it when you look at me like that" he continued to sing, looking at me and pointing, rocking his body side to side which made me laugh

"Hes ready to go home" The dentist said before exiting the room

"Alrighty Shawn boy, lets get going" I said, grabbing one side of him while Aaliyah grabbed the other

We supported his body weight together, walking him out as he walked all crooked and limply.

"I love you guys you know that?" he slurred, trying to kiss Aaliyah's forehead

"Shawn keep your germs to yourself" she groaned, trying to keep him up

"You know you love me" he said with a smile

We rolled our eyes and got him into the van.

"I call shot gun" Aaliyah called out, running to the passenger side of the car

I sighed, this would mean I had to sit in the back with loopy Shawn... I got in and sat next to Shawn, still filming him

"Hey Shawn, how do you like it when I call you Shawny?" I asked curiously, watching as he looked off into the distance dazed

"I think its cute, I like it" he said with a huge smile, his teeth a light shade of pink from the blood

I smiled, see he did like it!

"Hey Shawn, what's the craziest thing you've done for a girl?" Aaliyah asked

"Aaliyah!" her mum exclaimed while I just laughed

"I... I was myself" he said with a laugh

"I didn't act like myself before, which was normal. But for this girl, I was me.. ish" he said, tilting his hand side to side at 'ish'

We pulled into the drive way and Aaliyah and I helped him out and to his living room where he threw himself. Chester jumped up onto his lap and began to purr up against Shawn.

" *gasp* Pretty Kitty! Pretty Baby!" he cooed, cuddling with Chester

Chester became fed up and jumped out of his hands, dashing for the kitchen. Shawn suddenly looked really upset

"The pweety baby left" he pouted

"Aw its okay Shawny, he'll come back" I said, sitting beside him

"Your pretty" he suddenly said, his eyes meeting mine


He suddenly shook his head.

"No nope nu uh" was al that escaped his mouth

He took out his phone from his pocket and opened snap chat

"Hi guys, this is Annabeth. No you cant have her cause she's mine" he said into the camera

"Oh my god Shawn don't post that" I said, startled at what he had just said

I tried taking the phone out of his hand but it was to late. I face palmed myself and sighed, I should've know there was going to be other side affects to him being loopy. Aaliyah just sat there and laughed.

"Oh oh, Anna show him that picture you took of him!" she said suddenly, reminding me off the picture I had of him, his cheeks flushed red of embarrassment from Dante and Georgia talking about his crush

"Oh here, Shawn look at this!" I said, taking out my phone and showing him the pictures

" *gasp* how did you get that?" he asked, taking the phone from my hand

"It was the first day you were at my house and I took this picture cause Georgia and Dante were teasing you" I said, taking my phone from his hand and locking it, putting it to the side

"OH..." he said, his face as serious as ever

"So Shawn" Aaliyah said slyly, sliding up next to her brother

"Who is this mystery girl?" she asked, raising her eyebrows

He looked at her and I raised an eyebrow, I see what she's getting at.

"Yeah Shawny, whos this girl your blushing about?" I pressed on further, leaning up against him and giving him puppy dog eyes

"Maam, there teaming up on me" he called out, before looking down at us

"It's a secret" he said, placing a finger over his lips

We nodded intently when he suddenly hugged me.

"Its you Annie" he cooed, hugging me tight before letting me go

I just stared at him.... What?!

"I'm tired" he yawned, leaning back and resting his head on my shoulder

"Anna can you sing to me pewees?" he pleaded

I looked at Aaliyah who was silently laughing. I glared at her as she held the camera, filming Shawn's stupidity

"Sure fine" I agreed, messing with Shawn's hair

"When your legs don't work like they used to before" I sang

He began to hum along before he passed out on me.

"Well, I guess your stick there till he wakes up!" Aaliyah stated, shutting off the camera

"I guess so" I said dreamily, completely comfortable with the way Shawn was hugging me, his head on my chest like a little baby

I toyed with his hair before I myself began to doze off...


Cahute right?! I got the idea to have him get his wisdom teeth from rewatching both Grayson and Ethan Dolan get there wisdom teeth removed XD. I've watched so many times now its not even funny like omg. I've had the idea for awhile but you know, I rewatched it anyways. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you has ideas, don't be afraid to comment them! Who else is addicted to Divide that's NOT me? Like omg XD

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