Annabeth squealed as I slung her over my shoulder, entering the school doors. She seemed very happy to see me, and everything was normal. Gloria and Dante were chatting away, Annabeth was excited.... I don't know why you would be excited for school but you know, its Annabeth.
I looked back at Dante and Gloria and couldn't help but notice Dante glancing up worriedly. I don't know what it was all about, but I think hes crushing on Glory. I can just see it in his face he likes her, and she likes him.
"Shawn put me down please" Anna begged, her limp body over my shoulder
"Fine, but you still have to work with me on that song" I reminded, setting her small body down gently in front of her locker
She flashed me her signature smile before turning to unlock her locker. I went back to my own and met up with Dante.
"So.. Dante..." I began, clearing my throat as I sorted through my books
"Y-yes" he nervously stuttered which made me grow suspicious
"You and Glory huh?"
His locker shut and he looked at me. I suddenly realized how tired he looked. There were dark circles under his eyes, and his facil expression showed he was going to be easily irritable. There were faint watermarks on his face showing he had been crying recently.
"Woah, are you okay man?" I questioned, placing a hand on his shoulder
He huffed and shook his head.
"Ask your girlfriend" was all that escaped his lips before he turned on his heels and walked down the hallway
I stared after him, completely confused on what had just happened. I looked over to Annabeth who was drinking some water before shutting her locker and strolling up to me.
"Hey do you know whats wrong with Dante?" I asked worriedly
But then I noticed they both looked the same. Annabeth had make up on but it seemed to be smudging off exposing the dark rings under her eyes. Something was up. Annabeths breathing hitched and her eyes fell away from mine.
"I have absolutely no idea" she quickly stated before the bell rang and she scurried off
Both Anna and Dante were keeping something from me. Dante seemed eager to tell, Annabeth seemed hesitant and wanted to run from it. I would understand Dante not telling me something, if he doesn't want to say, he doesn't have to.
But Annabeth? No, she was mine now. Were together, isn't she expected to be honest? With this thought in mind I headed over to my first class.
"Hello class! Today we have an exchange student with us who will be in this school for the next three weeks. Please welcome Nancy from London" The teacher announced, bringing a girl with long raven black hair to the front.
Several boys reacted with like, she was attractive I must admit. But Annabeth was way more beautiful then Nancy. Her piercing brown eyes rested on me which then reminded me im a celebrity, I have fans. But the look in her eyes wasn't that of joy and excitement. They were of an evil tint, and what scared me most was when she sat next to me, stook her long hand out and said
"Hi, im Nancy you must be Shawn! Annabeth has told me so much about you"
My wrist ached... My heart was heavy and burdened and this morning I had tried my best to cover up the side affects. I realized Dante was sleepless too. I had told him why I hurt myself, that I was dying and felt like I had no one to turn to. Like I suspected he freaked out.
But he stayed by myside, which got me thinking. If Dante was still by me, so would Shawn right? I have seen the results though, Dante looks so saddened.. Sleepless... Mournful.
I thought all thse things though class, anxiously tapping my pencil on my desk. When was class going to be over? I wanted to hug Shawn so badly. I wanted to be by his side, to be able to feel him. But I was also so tired. I only got about two hours of sleep last night, still pondering on what to put on my bucket list, how to tell everybody about my one year...
How to do it
When to do it
Those were the questions I asked myself over and over again. The bell rang and I rushed to get my things together and run out the door. Next class, next class. The faster you run Anna, the more tired youll get... No, the faster I go, the sooner lunch and I can hug Shawn..
I dashed into the cafeteria and found Shawn, rushing in to be met by one of his bear hugs.
"Woah hey Annie, you seem eager to see me" he chuckled, squeezing me tight
"I am eager, class went by so slow..." I said in a whiney voice
He laughed and we walked over to the table we always sat at. Gloria and Dante were already there and I could tell there was sometype of chemistry in between them.
"Hey guys" I said, scotting into my seat
"Hey Anna, hey Shawn" Gloria replied, a huge smile on her face
"Hey G, why so smiley?" I asked
Dante stared at me which began to make me very uncomftrable, yet I was able to maintain my focus on Gloria.
"Its nothing really" she blushed glancing over at Dante
I narrowed my eyes at the two, something was going on in between them. There was suddenly the familiar constant anoyying giggling that used t oring around the cafeteria when Gloria used to pester us.
We looked at each other strangly and turned to see who was now running the constant gigling. My breathing hitched when I saw who it was.
She couldn't be here..
She wasnt here..
I was dreaming.
I pinched myself and flinched
Okay, its not a dream, its a night mare.
Cause here, standing in the corner of the school rounding up Glorias old crew...
Was Nancy Mulligan
Yall saw what I did there?! Nancy Mulligan referring to Ed Sheerans song Nancy Mulligan? I couldn't make up a name so I just used Nancy Mulligan XD. Anyways ANOUNCMENT!!!
I have realized that the covers I have made so far for Hold On, suck. So to spice it up a bit for you guys I'll be holding a Covers contest! Make your own cover for Hold On and tag me in it! The deadline will be March.. March... Uhhh... Well I uhm... March 24th good? Yeah okay so March 24th is the deadline and I will be choosing which cover I think is best!
Good luck!
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