I needed to find out why Nancy was all the way over here from London... After I got a hang of my wheel chair again.. Why was I back in my wheel chair? Well, after Shawns little stress argument last night my body freaked. It was already so fragile and I had an anxiety attack.
Now I was back in my wheel chair and Dante was babying me... Again.
"Im fine Dante leave me alone" I snapped as we reached my locker
"Fine Fine jesus, see you later" he gave in, walking to his locker across the hall
I sighed, if he countinuied to watch me over my shoulder I wouldn't be able to get to Nancy... And unlike Shawn and his sweet, lets talk through it self, Today hes ignoring me completely. Running across the school in a rush so he can avoid me..
But I can see it in his eyes he feels bad. Im in a wheel chair for gods sake. I rolled myself into the cafeteria and found Nancy. She spotted me and smirked before walking out the doors to outside. I rolled after her, agh screw this. I summoned my streangth and felt light headed as I stood up.
I opened the door and stumbled outside, catching myself against a rale.
"Oo sweetie, shouldn't have gotten out of that wheelchair. Here, I want to ruin your life but I cant have you die on me"
I felt an arm wrap around me and I didn't resist as she lead me to the bench and I sat down.
"Nancy why" I asked, breathing heavily as I gained my senses, head spinning
"Hun what you did is sooo unacceptable" she laughed
"And so was what you did" I snapped which caused her to go silent
We were suddenly face to face, her body hovering over me.
"Listen here, you still did what you did"
"Yeah I did what I did but why did Max, Maghan, and Travis have to suffer too?" I questioned
"Because, you wouldn't have been able to pull it off without Travis, Maghan helped you obtain and Max got you into it"
"Yeah and so did you"
She growled and I just felt my body slowly aching and falling asleeping.
"What did you show Shawn?"
She smirked and giggled
"It worked huh? Well, just that day you and Max... Switched."
I gasped, my body coming back to its senses. No, we delted that. We said we would forget it! She laughed and got out of my face, standing there and laughing.
"I knew you would react like this! Haha! This, this is the reason why in less then five minutes the whole school will know too! Oh Anna, your screwed!"
I looked at her in horror! What happened to the cheerful introverted girl who used to be my bestfriend?! She was all our bestfriends! And when she turned on us, it became total hell. WE lost our friend ship but that past experience caused me to bond with Aaliyah...
But I doubt Aaliyahs case was as bad as mine, I mean everybody knowing who your crush is isn't as bad as the whole schooling knowing about a simple mistake...
"Damn it Nancy..." I mumbled
"Its okay, ill get Dante to come over and get you. But the next two weeks are gonna be total hell while im here" she shiwpered before walking away back into the building
Oh god no please... I felt all the memorys that Nancy and I used to have.. They were all good ones. My thoughts shifted to Shawn. Shawn was still known as my boyfriend, with everybody in school seeing that video he was going to be completely embarresed.
Nancy has screwed everything up. My first boyfriend, probably my new friendships.. My reputation... The doors reopened to show Dante rolling up to the bench with my wheel chair. That's when the tears came. Im was screwed and yet im sure Dante would stick by me..
He sat down beside me and sighed, looking over at me and shking his head.
"Is what in that video true?" he asked me
I sobbed, it was all I could do...
"I-its not completely true!" I said in between crys
Dante bit his lip and sighed
"Im gonna help you to your wheel chair and tell Georgia to pick you up.."
I looked over at him, wiping my tears
"What about you?" I asked, slowly calming down
"I... J-just go, come on" he stuttered
He carried me to my wheel chair and just walked away... There it goes. I lost it, probably the last person that cared. Georgia came and picked me up, not understanding why so I told her I wasn't feeling well.
She was convinced and when I got home I locked myself in the room with Muffins. Everyone in school was probably calling me a whore... A slut. Shawn was probably being tourtured, Gloria and Dante where probably being teased for hangning around me...
Why cant Nancy understand that she started it! She backstabbed us all with her stupid rise of popularity! I don't know how im gonna live with this. Canada was my last choice, and its ruined now. I have no where else to go... Unless.. No Annabeth don't think that way..
No, it was my only way out.. I wont have to live with it. I wouldn't be able to hear the voices... Yep, this was it. I grabbed my phone and called Shawn...
"Shawn im sorry... We cant be together anymore..."
"Annabeth wait lets talk abo-"
"No Shawn! Ive screwed up everybodys life and yours! Imagine about the media and press! Im sorry I really am.. But for your own good, we can not be together"
And with that I hung up... I got up and carried myself to my room door. I stumbled down the steps but Muffins pressed up against my legs.
Georgia isn't here shes at work, my plan is going smooth so far.. I cant belive I was doing this.. I found my wheel chair and collapsed into it. I rolled out the front door but Muffins ended up running out too. Oh well...
Maybe.. Maybe if Im gone, people will actually notice and care.
Laying in bed and watching the ceiling is what I was currently doing. It was what I oculd do. That video Nancy showed me? It was everywhere. I asked Nancy and she said she wasn't the only one that knew of that video, other people did too and probably let it out. People were messing with Dante, Gloria and I. Calling Annabeth a slut... I stepped up for her.
I received a phone call from Annabeth..
"W-" I shouted but she hung up
I could feel tears stream down my face... This was ridiculous... She broke up with me because of this.. Because she had a Bad Reputation.. She saw it coming, which is why she gave me the song idea... I wanted to talk to her all day today, but I couldn't man up and do it in public. What was wrong with me?!
I wanted to talk to her, to tell her I loved her no matter what I was just... Frustrated because she was lying to me. And now it was probably to late. She was probably locking herself up in her room, not wanting to come out.
I felt like my heart was broken in two, I felt like my soul was ripped and shredded into pieces. Before Annabeth, my life was plain old life of a singer. With Annabeth it was spiced up, I had more to live for that wasn't just my fans... And I never thought that there would ever be an "After Annabeth" part of my life.
My whole world had collapsed and I felt like my body was going to too. I snatched a pillow and screamed into it, letting out the rage to myself and the world into it. And I juust sobbed. I grabbed Leo off the side table and squeezed him against my chest. My eyes hurt from how much I cried and I didn't feel like I had any streangth left.
I drifted off to sleep..
My room door slamed open causing me to jolt out of my sleep. Aaliyah rushed in with a panicked look on her face.
"Shawn Shawn! Your cellphones been ringing like nuts you have 20 from Gloria, 35 from Dante, and 40 from Georgia!" she practically yelled, tossing me my phone
Something bad mustve happened! I cursed my self over and over again as I unlocked my phone and called Dante back.
"Shawn where hell have you been?" I heard Dante shout
"Asleep now whats going on!?"
"Its Annabeth! She drowned herself!"
595 READS?! WHAT THE HECK GUYS YOUR AMAZING!!!! AGHHHHHH!!!! Okay, self calm the heck down. Any whoooo! You probably hate me for leaving yall with a cliff hanger. Oh well, have fun waiting for the next one... Yeah I know, I'm the devil.
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