So last night when I dropped Annabeth off, Georgia ran out to bombard me with questions. I told her I would tell her another day but right now, I had to get home. She said she had to check up on Amnabeth anyways and she let me go. Once I got home I had to explain why I was late to get home and what not. That went well. I went up to my room and began to do my homework. It was about eight o clock when I finished. My phone began to ring and I guessed it would be Dante. Well, aperantly not. I raised an eyebrow as I accepted the call from Georgia, what did she want right now?
"Shawn! Dude are you sure you guys just stayed at Tims?" She hissed
"Y-yeah I'm sure why?" I was starting to get worried by Georgia's tone of voice
"Yeah well since she got home, Annabeth has been passes out." She whispered
"What? She looked completely fine when I saw her. And why are you whispering?" I asked, its been about two hours since I dropped Annabeth off, a short nap wouldn't hurt but the way Georgias voice sounded told me something was wrong.
"I was whispering cause I had gone into her room. She's still out like a light, snoring. It doesn't look like she'll be waking up anytime soon." Georgia said in her normal voice
"Shawn I'm worried" she said with a sigh
"Why would you? She probably had a long day today" I said tapping my pencil on my binder
Its not like I'm not concerned about Annabeth, but isn't it normal for a teenager to take a nap?
"*sigh* I guess your right Shawn. I'm just worried about her" she said
"Georgia why did she move from London?" I asked curiously
"Well... Its not in my particular... Place. To tell you. She's gonna have to tell you at her own time." I furrowed my brows, its very strange for Georgia to keep secrets from me. So whatever it is, its probably bad.
"Is it like something terrible?" I asked
"Shawn I can't tell you. But she's not a bad person, she's just gone through a lot in the past few months. Good night" she said hanging up
I stared at my phone.
Alright, that was weird. She sounded extremely concerned so it got me worried. What if something was wrong? I shook it off, she was strong, probably just really tired. I sighed and began getting ready for bed. Just as I slipped my shirt on my door opened and Aaliyah walked in.
"Ever heard of knocking?" I said as she jumped onto my bed
"I don't like knocking" she said, her voice muffled by my bed
"You okay?" I asked, sitting down at the edge of my bed and rubbing her back
"No" she groaned, flipping over
"What's up?" I asked
"Well... Okay. I had a crush on this boy called Kaden in school and all my friends new about it. Yesterday I received a note and I thought it was from him but I kept quiet and it made me feel really special. Then my friends asked about it even though I hadn't told them and it turns out they had planted it in my locker. Then today they told everyone in school that he was my crush and I couldn't walk by anyone without being teased. I had to walk by him several times and was just stared at and now I feel like I'm ruined" she explained, falling back onto the bed
"Crush aye?" I teased
"Shawn your not helping" she said grabbing one of my pillows and covering her face with it
"Sorry. But these 'friends' of your don't sound like friends at all." I said falling back on the bed with her
"I met them in the beginning of summer, and they all seemed very nice but I guess not." She said with a sigh
"Its gonna be okay." I said reassuringly
She sighed and shook her head. I know a lot about this, many people have turned there back on me. But this seems to be a girl problem that I wouldn't know anything about... I had a sudden idea!
"Well Aaliyah, ill have an answer tomorrow" I said looking around
"Tomorrow? Shawn tomorrow? *Sigh* fine whatever" she said getting up and leaving my room
I watched after her as she hesitated to shut my door and just walk out. I stood up, shut my door, and shut off the lights. I creeped under my covers and laid down with a sigh. Today I lived a dream watching Annabeth laugh and ask each other questions. Her favorite color is sky blue, she likes old Magcon and told me how Big Ben looked like in full detail which was amazing! I flipped over and reached for my bed stand, pulling Leo off. Leo was my stuffed lion. He was wearing a 'Handwritten' album shirt I had gotten for him.
"Maybe one day she'll go out on a date with you" I said in a baby voice, manipulating Leos arms
"No I don't know buddy" I said in a normal voice
"Aw don't do that to yourself buddy" I said in a baby voice again
"I don't know Leo, what if she likes me only cause of my fame?" I asked in a normal voice again
"If she likes you Shawn, if"
"Yeah your helpful.."
"We both know Annabeth isn't like that Shawnee boy"
"Don't call me that, and your right. If Annabeth likes me its not gonna be because she likes the real me, not famous me"
"Even if there both the same thing..."
"Shut up Leo"
"Good night Shawn"
"Good Night Leo"
I sighed and snuggled Leo up beside me, laughing at myself mentally for just having a conversation with a stuffed lion... Well wow, that's so mature of me. I yawned and closed my eyes, I better hit the hay...
I felt the sunlight stream onto my face and I woke up. I groaned as I sat up, not noticing when Muffins slid off my stomach. She got up and yipped as I looked around, what time was it? My eyes settled on my clock with the London Tower on top of it. Its 7:30... WAIT ITS 7:30?! I jumped out of bed and panicked, what do I do now?! I'm gonna be late! I slipped on a random shirt that said "Me? Sarcastic? Never!" and some joggers. I grabbed my convers and a hoodie, never leave home without a hoodie my friends. I ran down the stairs and gave Muffins food and water and called a taxi at the same time. I grabbed some money from the cookie jar used when we had an emergency and ran out the door, just as my taxi pulled up. I jumped in, gave him the school address and settled down, I was gonna be lateeee! Once we pulled up to the school I paid the driver and jumped out of the car. I ran in and ran to class.
"Ms. Martello, your late!" My math teacher exclaimed as I walked in, all eyes on me
"S-sorry, I over slept" I stuttered, getting nervous from all the attention I was getting
I went to my back seat, not taking notice to anyone around me, and sat down. The class began and I realized I hadn't brushed my hair this morning, ugh! The person in front of me turned around and I smiled to see it was Shawn.
"Here, you might want to detangle your mane" he whispered, handing me a brush
"Why do you carry around a hair brush?" I whispered back
"My sister gave it to me to hold one day, never left my side after I realized it brushed hair pretty well" he whispered back, combing his hand through his hair causing the little tuff at the end of his hair to poof up.
I giggled lightly on how cute that was. Woah wait... Annabeth, the closer you get to people, the worse.... He turned around and looked back at the teacher as I continued to comb my hair with the brush. Shawn's right, this brush does wonders! When I finished I patted Shawn on the shoulder with it and handed it to him. He gave me a thumbs up which made me smile, and I haven't done that in awhile, just to him. When the bell rung, I stood up suddenly realizing how hungry I was... I forgot to eat breakfast!
"You okay?" I heard someone ask
I looked up just to see Shawn again, giving me a concerned look as I clutched my stomach
"Yeah I'm fine, I just forgot to eat breakfast.." I said, slinging my satchel over my shoulder
"Oh jeez. Well then, lets get you fed" he said motioning me to follow him
Once I heard her say she slept in, I grew concerned. She had been sleeping for about twelve hours or more, and that was defiantly not a nap. Her hair was kinda tangled and it was visible she hadnt brushed it so I offered her mine or 'Aaliyah's that just happened to be in my bag'. When she said she didn't eat breakfast, I practically freaked. You just don't forget to eat breakfast. She had to eat something, I'm sure she wouldn't be able to wait till lunch.
"Oh jeez. Well then, lets get you fed" I said, motioning her to follow me
She smiled her bright white smile, exposing her blue braces once again. I stepped out of the classroom but just as Annabeth was going to follow, the teacher stopped her.
"Annabeth, I must speak to you for a minute" she said, pulling her back into the classroom
I watched as Annabeth followed the teacher back into the classroom, the teacher shutting the door. I watched through the window as the teacher put her hands on her hips and told Annabeth something that seemed to have made her upset. Annabeth reached into her bag and took out a yellow paper, handing it to the teacher. Annabeth crossed her arms and said something that made the teachers mouth gape open. Annabeth rolled her eyes, which is the sassiest thing I have ever seen her do. She opened the door and flashed me a smile as she walked out.
"What was that all about?" I asked as we walked out of the school
"Oh nothing, she just wanted to know why I was so late and I re explain to her why. Then she told me I shouldn't walk into class that late and what not" she responded walking along side me, trying to keep up with my pace.
I slowed down slightly and nodded. That didn't sound like that's what had happened, but ill take her word for it.
"So wait where are we going?" she asked
"Here" I replied as we approached a bakery
"A bakery? Where gonna be late for another class, for a bakery?" she said looking up at the sign and back at me
"Yep. You need something to eat and this is my favorite bakery so its a win win" I replied walking inside
We both entered and we got several muffins. When we exited we heard the school bell ring from a distance.
"Oh shoot, come on!" I shouted running
Annabeth hesitated at first but ran along with me. We ran back to the school and slowed down when we got inside. She was panting and I was surprised she was sweating like I was. She stopped at a water fountain and drank a lot of water but I don't blame her. We walked into history.. And a angry teacher awaited us. Annabeth and I sat in the back and finished off our muffins as silently as possible. After we went to our lockers, and I was excited as I could ever be. I had just spent the whole morning with her, and from a shy girl she turned to be funny, and exciting!
"Thanks for the muffins" I heard a voice say which sent butterflies into my stomach because this was the first time she talked to me first, and not me to her
"No problem" I said turning around to face Annabeth and shutting my locker
I suddenly realized how close she was to me, I had a better look at her freckled face. Those blue eyes and pink lips, they made her more beautiful. I got really nervous suddenly, she was soo close yet so farrrr!
"Annabeth, may I ask you a favor" I said, trying to break the sudden awkwardness
"Yeah sure" she said in her soft voice
"Aaliyah has a problem that I don't know much about, and I need you to help me"
Thanks for getting Hold On to thirty something reads (I cant remember the exact number). I love you all, remember thatttt! Now, I must go and sleep, its like 4:30am and my all nighter must end so... Good Night.. Or morning, wherever you are!
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