The Letter
Tuesday December 18th, 2007
The streets of London were lively and covered in snow. Christmas lights were everywhere and bells could be heard all across the streets. Snowflakes were falling from the sky and landing gently on any surface that they could find, giving the city a white gown.
Hermione was sitting by the window in a café, gazing out with her hand under her chin. The bells, decorations, music, snowflakes, they all reminded her of magic. And the very thought of magic made her heart throb.
- May I get you anything, ma'am?
Hermione looked up. A young waitress with a notebook in her hand and a smile was standing by her table. 'Catherine'. It was written on her nametag.
"Um... no thanks. I was just enjoying the warmth." Hermione said with a jittery laugh.
- Alright then. Enjoy your evening!
After the waitress left, Hermione sighed. Lately she's been getting too much nostalgia from her past. It was making her sick. Alas, she didn't know how to go back. And even if she did know how, she wouldn't know where. But there was one place she could go, and the thought of it made her smile.
She stood up and got out of the café. The sudden breeze of cold air hitting her face and the shift between warm and cold made her flinch a little. After a moment of hesitation, she started walking with her hands in her pockets.
The library had always been like a hiding spot for Hermione. Any time that she felt sad, angry, frustrated, or just wanted to relax, the library would be there for her.
On the way, she noticed something odd. The owls. The very first one she saw was sitting on a snow-covered tree. Hermione thought maybe it was lost. But then, she saw other owls sitting on the roof of some houses, street signs, or flying in the air.
At last, she arrived at the library.
She walked up the stairs and entered. It was like someone turned a switch that changed the atmosphere at once. Suddenly the cold, chaotic and noisy world out there turned into a warm, cozy and tranquil place.
Hermione smiled. Then made her way to her most favorite category: historical fiction. No one was around that section, which made it even better for Hermione. She could now enjoy the warmth and a book in peace. There was only one question: which book?
Hermione put her fingertips gently on the covers of the books and started walking as each cover passed by. She could feel each one of them. Soft, plastic, layered, old, new, etc. At last, she stopped and took out the book that her fingers had landed on. It was a rusty one. She flipped through the pages and to her surprise, there was an envelope sitting in the middle of the book, waiting. It had the address written on it with green ink and was sealed with dark crimson wax. The last time Hermione had seen an envelope like this was about 17 years ago.
She took the envelope and opened it with her shaky hands.
Dear Ms. Granger
I am pleased to inform you that you have been invited to our first ever school reunion, celebrating ten years of our success in the second wizarding war. We are looking forward to greeting you in the great hall on December 20th. You shall need to be bringing your wand, your desired attire and some money, in case you want to pay a visit to Hogsmeade. Your ticket to Hogwarts Express has been included inside this envelope. Keep in mind that the train will be leaving at 11:00 A.M from platform 9 ¾ .
Looking forward to seeing you
Yours sincerely
Filius Flitwick
Deputy Headmaster
Okay so I know that this first chapter is pretty short and I'm sorry for it but I really couldn't add anything else to it. Hopefully the next chapters would be better.
QUESTION: Who do you think the next deputy headmaster/mistress would be after Professor McGongall became the headmistress? I couldn't find a proper answer for it so I just chose Professor Flitwick.
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