A Day of July

*this is the last 'large scale' editing I'm doin' for this series, as the following chapters were never completed or published when 1st authoring-it (though were maybe planned out &/or started)
.. Also rly wanted a visual so kinda rough-sketched her dress 😅* ~


Entry 7
Ash and I stood there a moment, before walking back to camp. Upon (suruto) almost arriving there, we met Victo, who we found was just about to come out to meet us, too, and then Squid Sisters, peeping the fire (as they seemed to know how to do well).

On the way there, though, we had short conversation between us:
"..Pear, you know what else was pretty strange about that girl?"
"Uh, what was?" I turned briefly as we walked.
"She only spoke english. No Inkionese. Just english." He repeated again, as if convincing himself. ^note1^
"Hm," I nodded, "You have a point. Guess I didn't really notice that. Or, at least, didn't think of that so much earlier... But I'm sure this can all be figured out tomorrow," looking towards him, "And we'll know what or who she really is for sure ."

~ back in the village ~

 - July's Perspective -

"Jun!"^note 2^ I called to my brother, who was walking from somwhere. "Jun!!" I caught up to him. Steadying my breath. He was carrying many books.

He was heading to our home-shelter which used to be a tent, but is now one sustained with wood.

"Yeah? What's up, what happened?" he asked me calmly after turning around, then putting down his books carefully.

"You.. been out running?" he smiled with a questioning expression, an eyebrow raised and his hands already placed on my shoulders as he shortly inspected my own expression and health (slightly turning my face to angles, and pacing his back wrist on my forehead).

I nodded no and quietly said "Something like that.." as he backed, me now looking to the side, then I added, soon as I could -given my breath- "You'll never guess what I just saw!" *catching breath still*
I pointed behind me and whirled around a little, still puffing some, before turning back to him.

"Ahh," he looked up, hand partly holding chin as he proceeded to ask "Did ya see the 'beings from the boat'?"

I stared blankly. "Y-..you knew?"

"Sure. Book manager at the library told me when it was spotted." he said shrugging, as well as motioning to the library structure not far away with his thumb. "Though it's possible you saw it first.. if you were further out." he added.

I looked down, a little agitated "No fair.. The adults tell you older kids everything; the details and what not.." I looked up at him having put my hand on my chest, with a little step forward "Just cause we're younger doesn't mean we won't understand, or that we'll freak out all the time or anything." I crossed my arms. "Not to sound snobby-like, but I'm more mature than I look.. or act, sometimes anyways." my voice lessened a little in volume. ^note 3^

"Sorry sis.. I honestly don't get why they don't just tell the whole village all at once.." He was right: news here was often spread along murmurs among the adults and older ones. Though, a many things are announced -like after they get together to make village desicions-, not everything is.

"Maybe it's because they don't want confusion. -Though that is slightly counterintuitive..- Or for anyone to go out exploring -like little ones- something that could be dangerous."
Jun's words becoming increasingly choppy towards the end.
He pointed without extending his arm much, "Y'know, like you just did, Jewl?"
She could feel the sibling's semi 'deadpanned'-face accusation towards her.
"Well I didn't actually know they'd be there!" I snapped.
"So much for that maturity." he shrugged

"Gah-! *sigh* I'm sorry." I then grunted a little, annoyed at my own action. Why did 'being mature' have to be so tough sometimes?

I decided to explain.

"I was out collecting coconuts. I wanted to prepare some refreshments ^note4^ for us all to have tonight. I, uh, also wanted some of the 'younger' ones, since they're easier to cut and deal with. So, I went farther out, close enough to hear the sea.
And.. I wanted to get a closer look. So I did.
The sun was almost finished setting when I saw something far off into the distance.
'A boat', I'd thought, 'but why?'" I looked over at Jun, "I've only ever seen our smaller wooden boats and that other slightly larger white boat that came from who-knows-where recently.. maybe from the same direction now that I think about it.. but anyway, back to the subject," I continued "I collected what I needed and brought the fruit home, but couldn't find the machete.. After looking for it I remembered father said he'd borrow it today this morning. So after some waiting, I decided to go have another look and try to see what it was about."
I stopped and looked at him more seriously. At first he returned the look showing understanding for my seriousness, but that was before saying "Well, you rambled a lot."
"I'm telling you the stuff as it happened!ok?.. Ahem.. er, so yes. They.. Jun, they're not human.."

He looked at me, surprised at my statement, but then also looked over and nodded in a way that kind of looked like the words confirmed a dismissed idea.

"You're not serious.." he said.
"I am.. at first I thought these people on the boat we're possible survivors from somewhere else, though I've never seen any myself ^note5^, or people sent away a long time ago for further research, intel-gathering, etc.:
in search of answers or other survivors, with a more sophisticated boat-vessel. The type of vessels we read about and know existed, but duplicating today would be extremely difficult given our resources.." I had continually thought outloud.

He told me he thought about them maybe not being human, but that was the least likely possibility as far as he knew or could tell.
"However.. that does also explain why the surprise on the adults' faces grew after a lot of them gathered to meet whoever or what ever these beings were.." he connected, recalling a scene from not that long ago. "I remember half of them being armed just in case, too, but only willing to attack if our safety was threatened, and they never did attack. And us adolecent-aged boys were to stay in the back of the crowd, there for witnessing."
Jun was talking about the boat, which I mentioned, that arrived some time before the slightly tan boy and Perudice's, if I remember the name correctly (then again with that whole scene).

"Do you remember that boat arriving?" my brother asked me, after a moment of thinking we took. I nodded, 'saying' yes.

"Okay. Whoever was on that boat asked us, after being quite surprised themselves, I was told, to meet the people on the island who knew most about science and history."
I was piecing things together looking for the logic there may be after hearing this. While also being inwardly appreciative my brother tells me stuff anyway, despite how our island people tend to behave with that type of stuff.

"Two boats.. did you see the passengers in the first one that came?" I asked.
"No," he did a little nod "The adults just said that they were odd visitors, but whom appeared to be of no threat so we shouldn't worry.. It had never occured to me before, not seriously anyway, that they were so 'odd' as to not be human."

"I.. still have so many questions. It's all so mysterious.. So many pieces to it.. But.. " another part of me awoke that moment. ".. that can also be a fun thing, right?"
"I'm sure it can." my brother smiled, patting my head lightly. "But don't go out and do things without thinking it over first." 😠☝ he said correctively, yet in a not-so-mean way, shifting gears back and forth quickly there.

"..." after a short silence I replied "Um, ok, but- but I did think it over!"
"Another idea like that again?" he saw it coming before I even mentioned anything of it ("hash tag" -an older 'social media' term- "they know me so well"). He'd turned around, lifting again his books. 📚

"B-but, Jun, I was just now gonna tell you we should go meet them tomorrow!"

His face didn't delay in showing it's dissaproval "No way sis, you -we, actually- don't know them! What about 'stranger danger' lessons?!"
"Well, yeah, but those rules don't really apply to us ! None of us are strangers to each other on the island village presiding on SecondHawaii! They applied when 7 billion humans populated the world over 10,000 years ago!.. Not.. not like today.." I looked away, recalling the far history of my, of our, people.

Humans. Our mistakes, our lack of wisdom when important decisions needed to be made, led to our own ruin.. It wasn't until time was of the essense, that they started working as hard as they could to preserve knowledge and history from throughout lands, as well as extensive information about all kinds of things -doing their best to organize it, and clarify confusing aspects that could've caused un-needed misconceptions in the future-, that we have not ceased in learning of today.

After the long silence my brother spoke. "Jewl, listen, we can't help the mistakes our people made before us. We can't go back in time to change them. But we can learn. We can learn from their mistakes, from our own, and do better. Know better, what the right choice is."

".. You're right. I know you are, but.. so many lives lost. Our foolishness-"
"Dwelling on it won't help." he took a half step closer, so his voice was more clear to the ear.

".. Are you joining me?"
"For what?"
"Please." I clasped my hands together. "Aw come on, what's the big deal?" my face coincided with the feel of my words, but my mood, in contrast, also then began to lighten up.

"You know we're not allowed. The island is large and has lots of things to be explored without going so far. So why specifically them?"
"You know why! Discovery! Answers!Curiosity! Adventure (!). Aspects ike with those you read in the fictional children's books. Realistic fiction exists, too, Jun Takari."
"But this isn't a children's book, this is reality, Jewl."
"And who says reality has to be nothing but eating, sleeping, playing, and learning?" I counted these things on my left hand. "Those things are wonderful, but why does it have to stop there?"
"*sigh*This island is what we've got to live on. We don't have the materials or technology to 'expand the horizon' other than in/with our learning, books, and wooden fishing boats."

<end of entry>

Peru's Perspective
(present time)

I had forced myself to wake up a bit earlier than the rest, so that I could write another entry and still eat breakfast with 'em all. I was finishing up as they started to awake by the ever, though gradually, strengthening sunlight.

I ate my eggs and crab-cut ^note 6^ veggies, gathered around with everyone else near the now put-out fire.
I was last to finish, by a few bites, and joined the stretching they'd started.

Good morning Second Hawaii. I thought smiling. A morning mist, filled the air. It reminded me of Inkopolis, but this mist was even more pleasant. It felt more natural against my skin, hardly sting-y at all.


Skwahwii! [(e/u)s-kwah-weeh] (lets uh, pretend that's "hello" in inkling.. yes, that is officially Inkionese in my book, or to them pronounced ink-u-nia-(ts))

Well, this chapter revealed lots of info about their 'village island life', but there's still more to learn about all of these facinating (dare I call them that) characters!

Jun (said like June, but more emphasis on the 'u') can be a laid-back guy, but when he's concerned, for his sister especially, he tries to make sure rules aren't forgotten. Remains firm and reminds her of the, how things are, to keep 'er outta trouble, being a protective big brother.
He knows he'll grow up to one day be the next adult, a leader among his people, not only protecting his own family, but working together to make sure the whole village is fed and safe.

^note 1^: the made up name or term used for their skuid language~
^2^: as u can c they are two siblings _ younger sister is July and older brother is Jun (in reference to the month June),
[Jun is generally a girl's name but in places like North Am is used as a boy's name, not sure how true that is b/c another source says it's a common name for either boys or girls in China -Google search results- but either way July sounds more fitting to a girl and Jun to a boy (I think at least) and so I named them that way here~ ( +plus I know of these two married YouTubers, and the male's name is Jun so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )]
^3^: she has a bit of a, in short I guess, "complex" over how her mind is pretty mature, but she still has trouble translating it into action, which is so important to her and her culture
^4^: she's talking about coconut water
^5^: before she was born, the people on the island just "washed up" near there bit by bit one by one or lil group by group, until they composed a small (& fairly confused) population; very basic initial supplies as well as manuals they could somehow read came as well [more info later ~]
^6^: 'crab-cut' is a fictional style of cutting food up, such as veggie-tables, unique to inklings (so, I made it ⬆)

I don't think I've made so many side notes for any other chapter, as this..

Woo (whoa), I wrote a whopping amount of woomy I mean words.  It feels liek eht anywei.

approx words worth of story: 1908


Well, yuh-huhh - especially in comparison w/ most other chapters I've written o·o but yea,   this be the last chapture of the big editing I started a while back ~
Thank u so mch if ya read this! I know it's a lenghthier chapter ..^_^'

much appreciated &

- signed

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