Chapter 1 wake up, escape out Part 1/2

Hrmm...i can't seem to get a picture mysterious...ah well i'll do my best to explain the events that is about to unfold,a tale about a game that is about to be played..a game that will change both the fates and lives of the players in it.
Shall we begin?

This is a planet unknown to most but only  a few people have visited it, the planet's name in question is called Alternia, home to the race called Trolls, it would seem we are about to cut into one of the lives of the trolls.

Your name is Honkers Von Anastasia, but everyone calls you Honkers, you're a high blood but that doesn't exactly stop you from befriending the lower bloods in your planet, all 12 of them to be precise plus a human friend who you've been dying to meet in person, but that's gonna be hard considering that you don't exactly have a ship to use and your lusus(animal guardian) isn't exactly space travel ready..she's more of a hole digger, laid back type who will sometimes be there to back you up..but mostly will just lay back smiling like nothings wrong.

Regardless today you have a plan and that plan is to leave alternia via a game, that you got in the mail sent to you from someone called PM you think it's short for something but you can't be bothered to figure that out, there was also a letter on top of the box that says that you can use these 4 discs to enter the game, you talked this over on a memo with 12 of your friends and only 3 of them agreed to leave the planet the rest hesitated or want nothing to do with it and..oh speaking of there's one of your friends now, you go to your computer and see who's typing you..oh it's just Hp you decide to type her back.

{Honking Clown
begin to chat with
Harla parat}

HC- {Hey αre y¤u reαdy yet?}
HP- ° Girl you know i am..i just have one little problem°
HC- { ¤h whαt i§ it n¤w?}
HP- °well i might need a ride over to your, place cuz of my blood color i can't exactly leave the cave with the mother grub in it cuz i'll mostly, 1° get culled or 2° i'll be force to retreat back inside from the bots so mind picking me up?°
HC- {fine...§¤me extrα §tep y¤ur mαking me d¤ but i'll d¤ it}
HP- °yeah good i'll be waiting then bye°

{Harla Parat
has ended chat with
Honking Clown}

You facepalm but at the same time you can't be too surprised at that, she is a Jade blood after all, jades are supposed to take care of the mother grub and they are sometimes aren't allowed to leave the cave with the mother grub in it, regardless your now tasked with retrieving your friend and bringing her back here to enter the game.

You go to your main weapons two daggers like kitchen knives that are basically just really sharp daggers you captchalogue them into your strife module, and you book it to your garage..right before petting your lusus and grabbing your phone on the way out, you shoot a quick text to RK and NH to hurry over to your place while you get HP you hop onto your car, open the garage door and put the metal to the petal and drive over to HP.

We change perspective so we can avoid Honkers and her very blatant reckless driving we head over to Harla Parat, who is actually named Asaya Katsugale a jade blood that at first liked her job but after a while got annoyed at your constant bickering between your fellow jades and you being stuck in a damn cave for a few sweeps in your life that you want some fresh air,a change of scenery and no closed rocky places with a mother grub in it.

thankfully your friend Honkers had a bright idea to leave this place via a game but your not sure how a game can do such a thing, but you just nod your head and go along with the plan you just got off chatting with honkers and you are now waiting for her to arrive unfortunately you left your main and best pistol at your hive ,you let out a deep sigh of both disappointed and anger however it's immediately washed away by a text from NK.

{Necro Hokama
Begins to chat with
Harla parat}

NH- ฯwh4t d1d you do?ฯ
HP-°i did nothing°
NH- ฯ1 doubt th4t you knowฯ
HP- °i'm guessing this is about honkers isn't?°
NH-ฯ1n 4 w4y y3s now t3ll m3 why 1s sh3 sp33d1ng to your pl4ce?ฯ
HP-°Cuz i need a ride away from where i'm at and i'd rather not get 1°culled or 2°force back into the cave with the mother grub so i picked honkers to come get me°
HP-°She's not doing anything high blood related right?°
NH-ฯ1f you w4nt to c4ll dr1v31ng 4round town runn1ng ov3r som3 low bloods 1n h3r w4y by pur3 ch4nc3ฯ
NH-ฯth3n y3s sh3s do1ng som3th1ng h1ghblood r3l4t3dฯ
HP-°oh the bots will be after us for sure°°°
NH-ฯw3ll 4t l34st sh3 h4s som3 cool sh4d3s on wh1l3 sh3 do3s 1tฯ
NH-ฯjust hop3 sh3 h4s sp4r3 w34pons 1n h3r trunk so you c4n f1ght b4ck on th3 w4y b4ckฯ
HP-°sure a jade blood fighting the bots on a high speed chase°°°°actual hold on something about that sounds cool°
HP-°wait how can you see all that?°
HN- ฯcuz sh3 told us to hurry to h3r pl3ce wh1l3 sh3 g3ts you so 1m on top of 4 tr33 w4tch1ng th3 m4dn3ss unfoldฯ
HN-ฯ1ts 4 qu1t3 th3 s1ght r34llyฯ
HP-°ok well birds eye view aside are you actually just sitting on top of a tree watching this madness unfold?°
HN-ฯy3s 1 4m, just r3l4x1ng my l3gs for 4 br13f mom3nt but s1nc3 you s41d 1t y34h 1ll b3 go1ng now s33 you th3r3ฯ

{Necro Hokama
Has ended chat with
Harla Parat}

You captchalogue the computer into your module and you hear a car honk from the outside, its honkers, you guess her need for speed driving skills got her to your location at a speed most impressive to you.  But you make it to the entrances of the cave to see honkers waiting for you, her car has different colors of blood splattered around the hood and the front tires of the car
Asaya- °hey honkers you got here...rather quickly huh?°
Honkers- hmph

Oh right you forget honkers can't talk, the best she can do is make sounds unless someone can understand said sounds, you can have them translate it for you. honkers sees your confusion and pulls out her phone to type on it

Honkers- {get in α§αyα we αre leαveing thi§ plαce f¤r g¤¤d}
Asaya-°you still have the weapons in the trunk?°
Honkers- hmph…
Asaya-°i'll take that as you forgot and that's good for me cuz i left mine back at my hive°

You open the trunk to see a vast assortment of guns and other weapons like swords and a hammer for some reason, but soon as you go to reach for a gun four drone bots drop down on the two of you,
there's a moment of menacing silence you could say that your with the high blood for something but since your a jade blood that might not fly with the drone bots, however honkers revs the engines you respond to that by hopping in the back seat of the car, you also take a scope sniper along with you, the trunk closes and honkers slams the gas pedal to the floor and the car crashes into the two drone bots that are in front of you and the two in the back give chase.

But however we seem to be someone else now, they seem to be on top of a tree watching a movie like moment, your name is Shoka Tensic a teal blood troll and you go by NH when you talk to your friends online, you're currently swinging through the trees thanks to your horns shape, as you head to honkers hive to leave alternia by a game, your matesprit is trying their best to convince you not go and stay but your mind is set and your leaving..speaking of... they are trying to chat with you again for another attempt, but you decide to ignore them, but who you dont ignore is your other friend so as you dash on top of tree after to tree you open the chat log.

{Necro Hokama
Begins to chat with
Rahe Kaper}

NH-ฯ h3y on your w4y to honk3rs pl4c3?ฯ
RK- yeah i'm on my way there now Can yoU believe that we are gonna esCape from this plaCe?
NH- ฯy3p 1m just 4s 3xited 4s you 4r3 but how clos3 4r3 you?ฯ
RK- oh i'm at her baCk yard jUst trying to get her lUsUs to let me inside the damn plaCe
RK- im looking at it from the window and its jUst watChing tv!
NH-ฯ1 gu3ss you gott4 f1nd 4 n3w w4y 1n, my b3st b3t 1s th3 w1ndowฯ
NH-ฯ1m sur3 sh3 must h4v3 l3ft on3 op3nฯ
RK- yeah yoU're right! I see a window open on the seCond floor. good Call woUld've never thoUght of that
NH-ฯR1ght? Ok 1ll b3 th3r3 soon so l34v3 th4t w1ndow op3n for m3 okฯ
RK- yoU got it

{Rahe kaper
Has ended chat with
Necro hokama}

You make it to honker's hive so you do a cool swing flip and you land on the roof of the hive, and you ninja flip into the hive's window where your friend Cammie Kaberi, a blue blood troll, gives you a high five.

Cammie- niCe too see yoU here shoka i Can't wait to get this plan started ya know?
Shoka-ฯ1m so r34dy for th1s but w3 n33d to w41t for honk3rs and 4s4y4ฯ
Cammie-that i Can do

Your phone goes off and yet again it's your matesprit, they are persistent you will give them that so you sigh and you answer them.

{Necro hokama
Begins to chat with
Hiktamo narmo}

HN- s0 y0ur really g0nna g0 with h0nkers?
NH- ฯy3s 1 do! sur3 you m1ght not l1k3 1t but th1s 1s som3th1ng 1 w4nt to doฯ
HN- but will we still be able t0 talk 0nce y0u g0?
NH-ฯdud3 1 don't know ok? Just look 1ll b3 f1n3 4ft3r 4ll 1m w1th honk3rs, 4s4y4 and c4mm13ฯ
HN-cammie is there t00? 0h b0y...y0u kn0w me and her are 0n mixed terms after 0ur last hang0ut remember?
NH-y34h but my c4r3s could b3 4nywh3r3 on th3 floor sh3 1s my good fr13nd 4nd th4t 1s how 1ts gonna b3 got 1t?ฯ
HN-..fine then..just pr0mise me that y0u w0nt take t00 l0ng ok?..0r at least chat with me every s0 n0w and again 0k?
NH-ฯ ok! Wh4t 4r3 you my lusus? Wh4t3v3r by3ฯ

{Necro Hokama
Has ended chat with
Hiktamo Narmo}

You let out an exhausted sigh and cammie gave you a comforting hug from behind along with a head pat.

Shoka-ฯth4nks c4mm13ฯ
Cammie- yeah no problem yoU Can CoUnt on me ok?

She lets you go with a cheerful smile and you look out the front window to see and hear gunshots, explosions, screaming trolls and a car doing stuff that can only be illegal and can only be done in be honest you're kinda not surprised to most of this, as this might as well be seen like a normal day on alternia, but you know the main source of the chaos and that's the teamwork of asaya sniping down the drone bots while honkers drives the car making it do spins and hitting passersby trolls by accident or on purpose either way, hell hath no fury on this planet nor no one is safe from a spinning car drove by a purple blood.

Cammie- jUst got a text from honkers
Shoka- ฯwh4t d1d sh3 s4y?ฯ
Cammie- she said to open the garage for her
Shoka-ฯwh4t sh3 pl4n1ng to cr4sh l4nd h3r3?
Cammie- well seeing how she is gonna spinning oUt of Control my gUess is as good as yoUrs
Shoka-ฯf41r 3nough l3ts goฯ

You head to the garage and you push the button to open it and head back inside to continue looking out the window.

We're back to being honkers who is at the moment putting the pure metal out of this damn pedal of the car as it spins in absolute circles and hitting passerby trolls, while asaya on the back seat gunning down the drone bots that crosses her scope on the Sniper she is using, she was the one to tell you to spin the car in circles yet somehow you're still moving forward, you look ahead and you see your hive so you push a button that opens the front gates.

Honkers- Hmph!
Asaya-°what?°°°°oh we are at your hive now but aren't we driving a little bit too... um fast?°

You wonder what she means by that but you reach the gate and suddenly you're in the air...oh right there's a speed bump just a little bit off the gates, both you and asaya along with the car are now high in the air, conveniently your heading towards the garage and with a heavy thud and just barely poking the wall of the garage, the car made it without any just need a new paint job from all the blood of the various trolls you smacked or ran over with your car...damn it.

Shoka-ฯLooks l1k3 w3'r3 4ll h3r3 so l3ts st4rt th3 g4m3 sh4ll w3?ฯ
Honkers- hmph

Right, all four of you are now here and it's time to start the game! asaya captchalogues the scope sniper into her strife module and all of you make it to the room, there you open the drawers and you pop your copy of the game into the computer and it loads the game, it takes a bit and boom the game is ready, the logo HIVESTUCK now shows on the screen with you on it, you look at the menu screen to see arrows in all four directions on the top right side of the screen and on the top left icons one of them is flashing, so you click on it and there's a timer along with a letter that reads

Thank you for now using
The rules of the game
Is simple

After a lengthy tutorial that you just skimmed through, but what you got out of it was it's a 2-4 player game and that the time limit is for the random meteor that is heading to your hive and will most likely kill you unless you can enter the game in time..

Cammie- maybe we shoUld hUrry Up and play the game..

Everyone nods their heads in agreement and you start to look around the menu, you see 4 pillars in the items menu these things must be your ticket into the game, so you take one out and it lands behind you, thankfully it's not that big to destroy anything..besides floor as it crashed down to the bottom floor due to its heaviness and bit of hindsight if your being honest with yourself here..

Shoka-ฯ1ll h4ndl3 th4t on3 so l34v3 1t to m3ฯ
Asaya-°ok then how about we each handle a pillar and we set them to each corner of the hive°
Cammie- thats a Cool idea sUre let's do it!

Shoka jumps down the hole in the floor and she captchalogues it then she runs to a corner of the hive, you get the others out and thankfully that all land on the same hole, you get the last one and before you could go to get it you hear a thud just outside your window backyard, you went to take a look outside and all you see a dent on the grass..odd..but you close the window and you get the last pillar then your phone goes off its your human friend.

{Proton Dragon
Begins to chat with
Honking Clown}

PD- hey
HC- oh hey there kinda g¤t me in a bad time right now
PD-oh I did? Um i'll text you back then when the time is good then ok?
HC-well it's alway§ a good time when i'm typing you
HC-but y¤u see im about to enter a gαme and my friend§ are here t¤ help
PD- game enter huh? That reminds me i gotta check my mailbox as well
PD- so i'll chat with you later then bye!
HC- indeed

{Honking clown
Has ended chat with
Proton Dragon}

Welp you made a few typing errors there but they didn't seem to mind..maybe they might be chill enough to let you type in your style? But anyways you hop down the hole and you go to your corner and you place the pillar down, and the top of it shines and it shoots a beam that makes an orb of light thanks to the other 3 placed pillars so you hurry back inside to your computer were everyone else is waiting

Asaya-°is it time?°

Cammie- might as well be seeing how Close that meteor is Coming towards Us

Shoka- ฯhonk3rs? 1ts t1m3 r1ght?ฯ

Honkers- hmph!

Cammie- i'm jUst gonna take that as a yes

You walk to your seat and you look at the computer screen, it says ENTER READY? You look around as everyone nods you grab the mouse and you click enter, suddenly everything is engulfed in a white light as the orb above your hive grows and falls on top of it making the hive and all of you disappear and the orb fades

Ah well will you look at the time, my guests will be here soon but i think there's another side to this story. but i will let HIM tell it instead.

====> wake up, escape out part 2

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