The Garden Visitor


My life would have been much different with him alive. It had been 7 years since his passing. He was still that charming young man that I had always remembered him to be. If he were alive, I would not be stuck in this psychotic household, assigned to be the babysitter of five children. Perhaps I would bare children of my own, who would be at the maximum of six years of age or so.

I missed him.

But I had to stop fantasizing about a life that could never be my reality. This was my life. And I was happy.

"Hey there, little guy." A peculiar bird, a species that I had never seen before in my life, had visited our home for approximately 3 years now. Never had it been frightened off by my approach and came every so often to drink from the small water fountain. There it was again, just recently perched on the edge of the bowl.

"How is life getting at you?" I faced it from the opposite end of the fountain. I'd noticed its rapid head movements; this time it tilted its head from side-to-side as it looked at me with those curious maroon eyes. "So long as you're not wasting away like the rest of us." It hung its head down, taking in sips of water. I used two of my fingers to stroke along its back. Once again, it was not afraid.

"Why do you choose here? Is it because there is nowhere else for you to go?"
The bird, of course, did not respond.
"Oh come on, Y/N, you are talking to a bird." I grunted. Finished with its drink, the bird tweeted and stared again. I knew it couldn't render emotion but I smiled anyway. "I can't keep calling you 'The Bird'. I'll need to think of a name. Bird... Bir- Bi- Bu- Bur- Burt." I concluded. "Your name is Burt."

"Sophie!!" Alexander called out.

'Burt' had gone.

No, we had not revealed mine or Emily's identity to the family whatsoever. At this stage in my life, 'Sophie' had became my true name. Although the children knew (or thought) that I was 'biologically their cousin', they treated me with the respect of an older sister. Emily was no different, despite that they knew that she was not related whatsoever. Which, in theory, was true.

I had grown to love Eliza as a mother. She did not think twice before referring to me or Emily as her own. As for Alexander, he didn't enjoy taking on a 'fatherly' role towards us. He knew of our past and therefore could not persuade himself to accept that responsibility. As for the children, he tried to be the best father that he could. Washington, now President of the United States as of April this year, had elected Alexander as Secretary of the Treasury. I had yet to know who was going to be Secretary of the State, but Alexander had informed me that we were to meet him soon enough.

I wandered back through the house. Our hound dogs, Betsey and Bonnie, glided past me at the sound of Alexander's voice. Unfortunately, Sally had passed in the winter of 1784. It left Emily distraught. Hence, Alexander and Eliza made an agreement to adopt two new pups into the family, who Alexander would train to become hunting dogs. Emily did not form an attachment to them as she had with Sally- in fact, Alexander adored them. I suppose his views on dogs had changed over the years.

"Children!" Eliza called out. "Come at once, Emily has a surprise for you!"
"A SURPRISE!!" Junior's voice squeaked out. His heavy footsteps stormed over the ceiling. Eliza set little James down onto the floor who instantly toddled over and wrapped his arms around Alexander's leg. He was 1 year and 7 months old by now, a clear favourite of his father besides Philip. He hardly whined or cried and when he did, it was only if he had been hurt.

Immediately, the children had gathered in a circle around Emily. She set a basket onto the counter, a piece of cloth hiding whatever the surprise was away from them. Junior hopped up and down in excitement whilst Philip's, Angelica's and Frances' eyes glowed with intrigue. James watched from the sidelines, huddled against Alexander.

"Are you ready?" Emily asked.
"YES!!" Junior chanted.
She slipped her finger around the corner of the cloth. "Are you really ready?" she teased.
"YEEEEEES!!" Junior shrieked.
"Junior, quiet your voice down!" Alexander lectured. He ignored, still bouncing around.

"Alright, here it comes!" She slowly started to lift it away.
"WHAT IS IT?!!" he ordered, disobeying his father's request almost instantly.
"Ta da!" She pulled the treat out. "Pralines!"
"PRALINES!!" Junior tried grabbing at it but was too small to reach.

"Patience, Junior!" Eliza warned him.
"Sorry, Mother..." he heeded at last.
"Philip, you may have first pick." Emily handed the basket around in the order of their age. James did not receive one, most likely because Alexander was constantly paranoid that he would choke. She handed the final one over to me. "I bought them as a treat for us all." she announced.

"Now, children, what do we say?"
"Thank you, Emily..." they replied simultaneously to Alexander's request.
"It's the least I can do!" Emily chuckled.
"Once you have all finished, go along and play." Eliza suggested to them.

"You didn't have to, Em." I whispered.
"It wasn't expensive or anything."
"I know that, but you really need to stop being so kind to them." I gazed between each one of them. "Your affection will transform them into demons."
"Don't say that!" Emily giggled, nudging her shoulder against mine. "They are all perfectly behaved kids with perfect lives ahead of them! Why not start now?"

After his older siblings had departed, Junior was soon to make his leave. "Junior?" Eliza stopped him. "Are you not forgetting something?" She gestured out towards James.
"But Ma, James is boring!" he declared. "He's a baby! You can't do anything with a baby!"
"Junior, listen to your mother, please." Alexander lectured him again. Junior was the one to get into the most trouble for his defiant nature.

"Philip is taking care of your sisters and therefore, you shall keep James company." Eliza announced.
"I can play with him if you want-"
"No," Alexander interrupted Emily, "the boy needs to learn how to take care of others."
"Fine! I'll take care of him!" Although he evidently struggled to do so, Junior picked James up and carried him off upstairs.

"...What are we going to do with that boy?" Alexander sighed.
"You know, Alexander, he reminds me of someone that I know..." Eliza contemplated.
"No, he does..." I agreed with her. The three of us smirked in his direction.


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