The Dinner Table Bargain
(Alexander POV)
'Take a seat, gentlemen.'
Jefferson presented a table to Madison and I, with three chairs centred around it. I took my place, edging as far from the two men as I could. Similarly, Madison shuffled closer to Jefferson. A servant came from the door to which we had entered and poured out three glasses of red wine. I politely thanked him on his leave, turning back towards the Virginians.
‘I am sure that you are both aware why we are here today,’ Jefferson began. He took a sip of his wine. ‘We are to settle a negotiation, one that works in the favour of both Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Madison.’
I rolled my eyes and glared in the direction of Madison. He shuddered and turned away, coughing into a handkerchief he had readied with him.
‘Might I remind you that this is not about juvenile behaviour,’ warned Jefferson, who stared right back at me.
‘Can we get to the point?’ I urged, ‘I would rather not dawdle about all day.’
Jefferson sighed. ‘Hamilton, if you’re just going to act unprofessional then I sug–‘
‘Unprofessional,’ I mocked. I hadn’t seen Jefferson act in such a refined manner and did certainly not expect it in such a personal space as this.
‘What do you propose, Hamilton?’
I cleared my throat. ‘I propose that we assume the debts of the states.’
‘Here we go...’ Madison grunted.
‘Let him finish, James.’ Jefferson raised his hand in my defence, something that stunned me from my speech for a few moments. Madison backed down, quietly taking small sips.
‘If the federal Treasury assume the debts states have incurred to pay for the war, we can strengthen the national government. The rich would be issued bonds by the Treasury and would thereby give them an indisputable stake in the success of the government. And therefore, these bonds would be paid off with revenue from a new tariff on imports.’
‘And how much would this be, approximately?’ questioned Madison.
I shrugged. ‘Roughly $25 million.’
‘$25 million?’ Madison was close to shrieking.
‘It would standardize the nation's accounts and help establish American credit abroad!’ I exclaimed.
‘No, federal control of the debt would give far too much power in the national government!’ he argued.
Jefferson nodded. ‘He has a point.’
‘But our economy will be strengthened!’ I made an attempt to persuade. ‘The higher ups will prosper and use this to develop the future of our country! May I remind you both that I am Secretary of the Treasury.’
‘But your decisions are irrational, Hamilton!’ fought Madison.
‘And so what do you propose, Mr. Madison?’
‘States such as Virginia will suffer at the hands of Hamilton's plan, for they have paid off nearly all of their debts and would now be forced through unwanted and unnecessary federal taxation! I therefore suggest that the U.S. capital be moved to a demographic centre, rather than a metropolitan one.’
I shrugged. ‘Such as?’
I laughed, loud enough that it made Madison’s hunched shoulders jerk upwards slightly from fright. ‘Virginia!’ I wailed in hysterics.
‘Then what about a site temporarily alongside the Potomac River, hm?’
‘Our capital needs to be in an area of federal power, not a place on a map that you unravelled by throwing a dart!’
‘No, I like that,’ Jefferson agreed with his ally, ‘the Potomac could be a reasonable place to start.’
I groaned. ‘Gentlemen, are you hearing yourselves?’ I demanded to know.
‘We can settle with a compromise, Hamilton, calm yourself,’ halted Jefferson. ‘So, you wish to assume all $25 million of the state's debts and establish a strong national government in the north. Meanwhile, Mr. Madison proposes a site along the Potomac for the temporary capital with the blockage of assumption in Congress. As an advocate for both, I can only make the suggestion for Mr. Madison to end the blockage of assumption and deliver the crucial Virginian votes for the assumption plan in exchange for Mr. Hamilton’s support of the Potomac site.’
I had vowed that if my plan were to fail, I would resign from my position as Secretary of the Treasury. Washington would, of course, have every disappointment in me for this, and though I was sworn not to let him down, I could not continue on if I didn’t get this plan through Congress. It was simply unfathomable; alas, with the aid of Virginian voters, there was a higher chance that it was going to pass... yet that would require my support of trading away the capital to the Potomac.
Was I willing to do that?
After a couple of minutes of silent thought, Madison raised his glass. ‘I cannot argue with that.’ Jefferson simultaneously raised his, clashing it against his companion's. ‘Hamilton?’ Madison pointed his glass towards me.
I stared down to mine.
And, to my surprise, I took it, making swift contact with Madison’s.
‘And so it is settled,’ Jefferson concluded. ‘Now we can sit and enjoy each other's company.’
I chuckled. ‘Delightful.’
Stopping midway through a sip, Jefferson eyed me. I hadn’t an idea if it was suspicion or a sudden idea that had crossed his mind. Nevertheless, I raised my eyebrows at him.
‘Those... girls,’ he began, ‘the ones living in your home as of now, the young ones.’
‘Ah, yes,’ I gulped. Madison’s ears perked up.
‘Who are they?’
‘Well,’ – I sat back in my chair – ‘they are my nieces.’
‘I was not aware that there were others,’ Madison intruded.
‘Apparently so. They came to me after a lady found my whereabouts here in the states, for they had no other relatives,’ I told them.
Jefferson hummed. ‘What about the other two ladies, Miss Sophie and Miss Emily? I have not seen them about recently.’
I subtly brushed away the sweat from my palms onto my breeches. ‘Well– They left for London some months ago.’
‘When are they expected back?’ Jefferson further enquired.
‘Some time before the holiday season, we are hopeful,’ I lied.
‘It is just very peculiar, you see...’
After a dozen seconds, he sniggered under his breath. ‘Though I am sure that it is nothing.
When they arrive, I would love for you to inform me. It would be marvellous to see their faces again.’
November 2018 me certainly didn't think, as she was sitting in a cinema at 10pm waiting for 'Bohemian Rhapsody' to start whilst writing the first draft of 'Safe With Us' on Word, that this was going to get very far, if anywhere at all. It was just a stupid little underdeveloped idea I had in my head at that time.
But sweet mother of H i d g e n s .
That is an insane amount of views.
From the ones that have been with us from the beginning to the ones that have only joined us recently, you have all made a contribution to this number, and I cannot thank each and every one of you enough.
Now, as I knew that this was drawing near, I also knew that I had to prepare something for the occasion.
The question is, are you prepared for whatever it is that I have created?
And, more importantly, are you willing to take on the challenge?
Over these past few weeks, I've composed a series of 177 questions, each corresponding to a chapter within HHIEOY.
For example, question 1 revolves around an answer that can be found in chapter 1 (of Act 1), question 2 revolves around chapter 2, etc.
Your job is to see how many you can answer correctly! (That is, if you are willing to do it.)
Of course, you do not have to answer all of the questions - you don't have to answer any at all, if you would rather not! I just thought that it'd be a fun little trivia!
All answers will be revealed in the chapter after the next, for I have had to halve the questions between two chapters as it has been a fairly difficult task thus far lol.
Now without further ado, enjoy! (Or not 😂.)
1) How many biological siblings does Y/N have? Can you name them all?
2) What does Y/N speak of that leads her grandmother into a heart attack?
3) Here's a tough one: What was the name of Meg's boyfriend?
4) What is special about the ring that Y/N found on her desk?
5) Who was the first person to notice Y/N in the battlefield?
6) Which character (later a somewhat antagonist to Y/N) makes their first appearance in 'Generals And Soldiers', ordering the soldiers to 'shut up'?
7) Reluctant to take her back to his residence in New York, what does Alexander suggest to Washington about where Y/N could stay?
8) What is the name of the young 'street urchin' that Y/N and Alexander encounter upon their arrival?
9) What does Y/N discover is missing when rummaging through her school blazer to present Alexander with evidence that she's from the future?
10) Who finds the missing item from Question 9? (Both their occupation or name adopted by the lovely NapsStrikesAgain is acceptable).
11) What relation does Alexander claim to have with Y/N to save her from being thrown to the streets?
12) What song does Y/N play for Alexander on his piano? (Hint: It's from Hamilton!)
13) What is the name of the tailoring shop that Hugh owns?
14) From which country had Charles and Valentino Fernández immigrated from?
15) What was Charles and Valentino's parents' cause of death?
16) Where did Y/N find Emily after she had ran away from Alexander's home?
17) True or false: Emily loves the musical Hamilton.
18) Who does Alexander tell in a letter about Y/N's travel from the future?
19) What illness does Emily come to develop by 1780?
20) What does Emily suggest that Y/N do to hide her newly cut hair?
21) Who is the only person that Y/N permits Charles to tell about her venture into the war?
22) Which movie does Emily refer to to help Y/N practice her "manly voice"?
23) Another tricky one: what were the two requirements that had to be met to enter the war?
24) Who initially offers to share a tent with Y/N in the camp?
25) What book is Burr reading when Y/N meets him for the first time?
26) How does Alexander discover 'Charlie Miller's' letter to Emily?
27) In what year do we learn that Alexander was appointed Washington's aide-de-camp?
28) Who joins Y/N on her mission to save John from the British camp?
29) Who does Lafayette steal the map required for the mission from?
30) What excuse does Lafayette come up with as an escape from the troops?
31) Who is sent out to find 'Miller', Lafayette and Hercules, who have fled to find John?
32) Which river is the British camp that John is held hostage in located along?
33) Which rank does Y/N steal from one of the unconscious Redcoats, foreshadowing that same rank that she earns later?
34) Roughly how many soldiers are found to have been captured with John?
35) What name does Lafayette go under when the Redcoats ask him? (First name is accepted).
36) After the tragic death of one of the escapees, which song does Lafayette begin to sing to the group?
37) How do Alexander and David L/N initially meet as children?
38) Claiming that he had created it, what does Charles Lee rename the phone?
39) When Washington tries to establish peace with a village of Iroquois, one of the men within the tribe is suddenly shot dead, forcing the chief to attack. Who was the one who fired this shot?
40) Where does Y/N take the Iroquois family to hide from the fighting?
41) How is it suggested that Wilson's family was killed?
42) What name does Y/N learn that the game Truth Or Dare takes in the 18th Century?
43) Who, out of the trio (Laurens, Lafayette, Hercules) is the first to learn that 'Miller' is really a woman in disguise?
44) Sitting alone with John one day, which song does Y/N try writing out in sheet music? (Hint: It's a meme.)
45) What is the name for the pipe that Cornelius uses?
46) Besides the three newly appointed (including Y/N), how many aide-de-camps does Washington have as of June 21st, 1780?
47) In response to 'Miller's' plans on an attack, who does Washington promote to General?
48) Besides Y/N, who else does Washington take out to scout for a safe route to attack the British?
49) In this chapter, we are introduced to a young boy named Raphaelle Peale, who is based on a real historical figure. But what is he known for?
50) How many points do both Mr. Peale and 'Miller' start on in their challenge?
51) Who helps Emily after she is harassed by a man in town?
52) How many brothers does Eliza have as of July 1780? Can you name them all? (If any.)
53) Why is Emily surprised by what the Schuylers are having for dinner?
54) Y/N and John have a practice duel together using which weapon?
55) Which character are we first introduced to through Charles' and Emily's letters? (Hint: He's a doctor!)
56) Who saves Y/N from almost being attacked by a horse in camp?
57) In a nightmare that Y/N has of the time she appeared in the battlefield in 1776, who does Alexander morph into as he approaches her?
58) How does Y/N get shot in the Battle of Monmouth?
59) How did Y/N's plans impact the outcome of the Battle of Monmouth? (Without her, it had been a draw.)
60) How is David L/N punished by Wilson for shooting Y/N?
61) Alexander and David vowed that they would be on the same side in the Revolutionary War as children. What is the reason that David became a Redcoat?
62) Which two modern day books does Y/N give as examples to Alexander? (Hint: One is about magic, the other about vampires.)
63) Who begs to come with Y/N after she is dismissed from the war by Washington? (Before David.)
64) Why does David wish to go back to New York with Y/N?
65) Why does Emily take an immediate disliking to David?
66) Who does Y/N and Emily run into at a port near town? (Hint: They are leaving for France 😉)
67) How much of his pay does Charles willingly give up to help David get back to London?
68) Which Shakespeare play do both Y/N and Charles have almost memorized?
69) Unable to think, what does Y/N disguise David's surname as to Mrs. Taylor? (Hint: It's the name of a celebrity.)
70) Who do we learn caught Y/N as she collapsed due to the effects of the migraine?
71) What does David give to Y/N as a gift to remember him once he leaves?
72) Besides Y/N and Emily, who else does David steal money from?
73) Who does Y/N invite to join her to Washington's winter ball?
74) Instead of to his home, where does John take Y/N, a place where his mother took him when he was young?
75) Who does Emily secretly take a picture of on her phone at the ball?
76) How old was Valentino when her and Charles' parents passed?
77) Why does Emily initially hate that she has strong feelings towards John?
78) Where does John take Y/N and Emily for a day out a week after the ball?
79) Who travels to visit Y/N in fear that her house will be damaged from the snowstorm?
80) Which unfamiliar object does Frances Laurens find in the garden, leading her to question John "where babies come from"?
81) How do we learn that Charles received the burn scar on his neck?
82) How many children does Lafayette have as of November 1780? Can you name them all?
83) What does John reveal to Y/N that he had received from Martha to give to Emily someday?
84) What does the "old lady" who leads Emily down an alleyway cause her to find?
85) For what reason is Charles convinced that Y/N is "in danger" and that he "can't be there to protect" her?
86) Hey, you get one less question because I don't have a diddly darn clue for this chapter, congrats.
87) Who, strangely enough, insisted on being the flower girl at Alexander and Eliza's wedding?
88) Who unexpectedly shows up to the wedding, someone that, to Y/N's knowledge, was not invited?
Oh? You thought it ended there, didn't you?
Well since I am self-conscious about my image, I thought that instead of a face reveal, I would do a magnificent eye reveal.
No, this is not me flexing on my photography skills.
Okay maybe a little bit.
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