Peculiar Sights
Firstly, I would just like to put in a disclaimer that I have had to change Frances' age for reasons that I cannot yet specify.
In doing this, I will also put a reminder of all of the children's ages thus far.
Philip - 8
Frances - 7
Angelica - 5
Junior - 4
James - 2
Secondly, you may need a recap to remind yourself of what has happened.
So Y/N and Emily go to London, meet King George then go home. Y/N's reading a book of New Year's Eve which is basically a big metaphor for her life and she realises that she has to save David's son from being killed in order to save her family.
She does that, dies but is then sent back by the spirits in the form of her 13-year-old self (they cannot reverse the transformation that was already taking place). Emily is also sent back in the form of her 11-year-old self, for she too was going to be sent back. Realising it was Y/N who saved his son, David reflects on how his arrogance overtook him in life and tries to change.
Anyhow, Hugh Mulligan saves Y/N, Angelica takes care of Emily, until both girls wake up two months later in March. They're reunited, go back to New York, Alexander passes out, Philip's like "s o r c e r y" etc etc. Turns out that Y/N and Emily's memories of their past life is like a dream to them, and in dreams, you forget a lot. So by revisiting things (Charles' grave, for example), they slowly begin to remember. Alexander visits Washington who promises that if anything should happen, he will take care of the girls.
Enjoy the chapter that has taken me two months to get my head around!
°~June 19th, 1790~°
"Here we are, children."
It was a sight unlike any other - a park, I've been told, that we visited rather frequently back in the day. It was a natural beauty that thrived in its alluring greenery. Not a single mobile phone in sight, just families bickering amongst themselves whilst the children played amongst the trees.
As days progressed into weeks and weeks progressed into months, we were starting to remember more about our old selves. For me, my mind fed me new information every day about the war and about Mr. Charles Fernández. For Emily, all that her memories provided were of John Laurens and an apparent dog, which Eliza informed us took the name Sally.
Emily was showing no signs of mental recovery. No sincere smile was ever brought about her pale face; there was not even a spark in her eye. No spring to her step. She was broken... confused. Ghosts of our past haunted us both, yet they possessed Emily with such brutality that it was unfathomable. She was becoming her very own phantom.
Alexander, on the other hand, struggled to maintain the stability of the country's economy. I was uncertain of the circumstances to which he thought, but it resulted in the solution of the taxing of wines, tea, coffee... but most importantly, whiskey. It was only the start of it all and already many became frustrated by this, especially those in Pennsylvania, I'd heard. I'd caught Alexander in the midst of a conversation with Eliza, where he expressed his concerns over the possibility of a revolt.
Nevertheless, to distract our thoughts, Eliza chose to take us here for the day. All of the children were thrilled, except for Philip, who was much more interested in a new book that he was reading. Alas, from the persuasion of his sisters (or rather desperate cries), he came.
"Have we got everyone here?" Eliza turned herself around to count us one-by-one. "S- Y/N... Emily... Philip... Angelica... Frances..." - She faced her husband who held the small toddler in his arms - "James..."
"Where's Junior?" Alexander questioned. He twisted his head around in an effort to scout the youngster out.
"Oh for Heaven's sake- Junior!" Eliza called out. From these past couple of months, I had came to learn that Junior was by far the most mischievous of the bunch. He would tend to venture off to explore things on his own with his excuses coming to that he "got lost". Emily came to adore him, most likely because he reminded her of her old self. At least, that's the way I saw it. Though I admired his ambition, it was too much for his age.
"Junior!" Releasing Philip's hand, Angelica cupped her hands around her mouth and called for her brother. Frances copied shortly after, leading Philip to trail over to us whilst everyone else was occupied.
"Where do you think he is?" he wondered, a hint in his voice that sounded almost uninterested.
"Around..." I sighed. "Why don't you help look for him?"
He shrugged. "I don't want to. He has to learn a lesson."
"And what lesson might that be?"
"Discipline." He glanced at me. "He won't become a gentleman like Father if he doesn't."
"Mama!!" a scream rang out, but from where I was unsure. "MAMA!!"
Emily gasped and pointed to one of the lower branches of a tree. "Look!"
Long and behold, it was none other than Junior.
"Junior?!" Eliza stumbled backwards to get a better view of her son, swinging upside-down on the edge of a lone branch by his legs.
"Son, may I ask how you climbed up a tree?" asked Alexander in a tone that suggested to others that this was in every day occurence. Somewhat, it was.
"I don't know, Pa, help!!"
Grunting, Alexander passed a chuckling James onto Eliza, took Junior by the waist and lifted him back down to solid ground. It wasn't until then that I noticed others staring, and even some children who had witnessed now trying to climb their own tree.
"You could have fell from up there," lectured Philip.
"Oh yeah? Let's see you climb it!" Junior challenged his older brother.
Philip rolled his eyes backwards and instead wandered off to a free bench along the stone pathway.
"A bet you a whole shilling that I could climb it!" Frances proclaimed, pretending to roll up her sleeves.
"Two shillings!" intruded Angelica.
"A pound!!"
"That is quite enough tree climbing for one afternoon, thank you, ladies!" Setting James down, Eliza gently pulled the two apart, playfully snarling in each other's faces. "How about you all play a game that does not involve getting yourselves hurt?"
"First one to the lake wins!!" Frances bolted away, followed closely behind by Angelica and Junior. James tried to toddle away but was quickly swept onto the shoulders of Alexander.
Eliza sat beside Philip, who had his arms crossed and head held back to look at the sky peeking through the leaves. "I hear rumours of a magic show somewhere near," Eliza informed, taking sharp glances between us and Philip. "That would be exciting to watch, wouldn't it?"
Emily flashed a sudden grin. "Yeah, it would!" she chirped.
Whilst Philip's was forced, a smile did arise. "Yes, Ma."
"What about you, Y/N, dear?"
I checked on Alexander; I did not want him to keep an eye on the children alone, along with having to take care of James.
"I think I'll stay here for now," I declined.
"Are you sure?"
I hummed.
Eliza took Philip's hand, giving him no other choice but to walk away with her. Waving me a small goodbye, Emily trailed along with them. A young man hustling along a bag filled with newspapers carried his journey over to us. "Interested in the local news right now, Sir?"
Alexander sat James inbetween the two of us. "How much?" He rummaged through his pockets.
"A shilling, Sir."
Alexander tossed the man a coin in return for a newspaper from the stack.
"I expect it will be nothing new," he said, "more about the tax."
"Why did you need to do that, anyway?"
"The government's failing," he confessed. "They're in dire need. And, as Secretary of the Treasury, it is my sworn duty to provide as much as I possibly can for them."
I watched as Frances, Angelica and Junior came sprinting back from the lake, their small faces burning bright. Whilst the sisters bared delighted smiles, Junior was not so merry, frowning at his inability to keep up with them. A gave him a wave, but in anger, he turned his back.
"Junor!" exclaimed James as he gestured towards his brother.
"That is Junior!" I reassured him.
I planted a kiss on his head. "Once you're old enough, you can play. It won't be long now."
"Hah! My name is everywhere!" Alexander laughed hysterically. His face suddenly changed expression. "Oh, here is news: a gentleman of age twenty-nine takes his life by 'the tragedy of his newfound lover'."
"That doesn't sound too great..."
"Read it for yourself!" - He handed me over the paper - "Tell me all there is to know!"
"Alright..." I discovered the article in which he had referred to, quickly tracing it for the identity of this man. In this era, as far as I knew, it was seen as cowardly for one to take their own life: a sin against God, almost. It was unfortunate, but there was nothing that I could do to change it.
Finally, I found it.
'Eric Harrison'.
Firstly, shout out to PinkyWrites15 for making this wonderful piece of art! It really made my day! 😄
Should anyone else wish to create something, feel free to send it over to me and I'll make sure to feature it in a chapter!
Feast your eyes on whatever the heck this is that I made.
I was bored, alright?
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