The last thing I could remember was the strike of the horses.
I remembered how they trampled over my body.
Made me lifeless.
I remembered the pain as their hooves pummelled my head to the ground.
And then it turned dark.
Had I really risked my life to save that child?
No, it was more than a risk.
I was dead.
I remained conscious.
In a different world.
Upon opening my eyes, I was blinded by a surge of white light. It was similar to the light within that reoccurring dream that had haunted me for so many years. Emptiness. I shunned away, shielding my hand over my squinting eyes. And suddenly, almost as swift as my death, the pain was gone. It was just then that I had realised that I was floating on air; nothing could stop me from the fall. I searched frantically for anything to take hold of, but of course, there was nothing.
Just emptiness.
"Hello?!!" I called out. Not even my echo would respond. It was atmospheric silence that lurked all around me. The only sound I could focus on was the sound of my panicked breathing. Tears rapidly met my eyes, sliding from my cheek into the abyss below. I dared not to move, afraid that I would fall with them. Had I really left Emily all alone? She... She would have to return to New York without me. How would Alexander and Eliza react to our return... with one less person?
I could not refrain from screaming out my sorrows. I sunk down into my chest, scraping my fingertips through my hair with such aggression that I thought it would come out. I hoped it would come out. I did not care for my death, but their downfall was far from what they deserved. What if I was here for an eternity, with no escape? I would inevitably drive myself insane.
Alas, long behold an even brighter light than this. It did not fill the entire arena but presented itself as a spherical shape before me. From the impact, I shifted to my knees, jolted slightly, but did not fall. This force was willing to keep me up. Who knew what was beneath me, anyway? Perhaps the void was endless, expanding further and further at an ever constant rate.
That was not what startled me, however.
What startled me was when a voice began to speak.
"Wms fytc npmtcl cddgagclr, egpj."
It was a female voice that thundered from the ball of light. Her speech sent vibrations about my body, announcing her authority down to me.
"What?" I sniffled.
"Qfmu kc wmsp dyac."
I was under an immense amount of pressure. If I did not do as she asked, I was afraid that I would, indeed, fall. Therefore, I rose up to her obligation. I could not see her face (if she even had a face, for that matter) and could only squint into the light.
"Wcq... Wmsp pcdjcargml amknypcq lmlc rm rfc pcyjgrw."
"W- Who are you...?" I questioned, beginning to feel an unusual sensation within myself.
"G yk ufyr wms qcc zcdmpc wms: y bgpcar gkgryrgml md kw umpjb."
"But that doesn't... It doesn't make any sense!"
"Rm rfc cwc md y fmkm qyngcl, lmrfgle kyicq qclqc ylb rfcpcdmpc ctcpwrfgle kyicq qclqc."
I gasped for air. Not just from the incomprehensibility of her words, but from the strained agitation that I was experiencing. It felt like I was... diminishing. I was aging back in time. My frame was growing smaller and smaller by the second at such a quick pace that it was intolerable.
"Where am I?!" I begged. I was running out of time. "Did I--"
"Wms ypc gl y njyac rfyr lm kmpryj amsjb ctcp pcyaf. Y bgkclqgml ufcpc uyrafcpq ayl uyraf ylb qccicpq ayl qcci."
"But I am mortal, I-"
"Wms fytc bmlc ucjj, egpj. Wms fytc qsaaccbcb gl wmsp afyjjclec. Wms fytc ytclecb wmsp dykgjw."
Avenged my-
That was it.
Without me, the child would have gone through a similar fate that I had.
Without me, that child would be dead.
"One day, however, our family lost its power, and it only resulted in its downfall."
Our family's downfall...
It was the death of the child.
By saving that child, I had saved our family.
"What are you going to do with me?!" I asked. "What about my sister, where is she?!"
"Qfc gq pgefr fcpc ugrf kc."
I looked around: there was no sign of her.
"Dmp lmu, qfc cvgqrq mljw gl wmsp kglb."
"Please, don't hurt her-!"
"G qncyi rm fcp hsqr yq G qncyi rm wms, ugrf rfc glrclr rm gldmpk."
"Of what?"
"Uc qfyjj zc qclbgle wms zmrf zyai rm rfc wcyp md wmsp tcpw mul bgqynncypylac."
My eyes widened.
"No no, you can't send me back, please-!"
"G bm ufyr ksqr zc bmlc." The light shone brighter, replicating the voice of... of Grandma. "It's the only thing that can bring you true happiness."
"No, don't do this, please!!"
I'd grown shorter, my voice slightly higher in pitch. My dress had completely vanished and I was back in my school uniform. The very same uniform that I had been in on the day of my disappearance. My memories of the Hamiltons were fading and my old memories were returning.
My memories of Hamilton. The musical.
I remembered what happened to Philip.
I remembered what happened to Alexander.
"I love them, please... I- If I leave, they'll... They'll die."
"Wms fytc qcptcb wmsp rgkc, egpj."
"They're my family." I confessed. I was finding it difficult to recall them, but all that I knew was what they meant to me. "I can't let them die. I can't let another family become what did of mine. Please."
The eerie silence returned.
"Lctcp fytc G clamslrcpcb y dyac yq wmspq."
"G qfyjj kyic wms yl mddcp. Qfmsjb G amlqsjr wmsp qgqrcp ylb qfmsjb qfc ugqf rm pcrspl, wms qfyjj zmrf pcrspl rmecrfcp. Ugrfyj, qfmsjb qfc kyic yl yepcckclr ugrf wmsp bcagqgml, wms qfyjj zmrf zc qclr rm wmsp tcpw qykc jmayrgmlq. Rfgq qcrrjckclr ugjj amkc ugrf y amlqcosclac, egpj."
"Whatever the cost." I agreed.
Emily had to go back. Even if it meant that there was no Hamilton in the future, I could save these men's lives. And John... How did I ever forget about John?! My memories had perished, only to be restored at the hand of this figure. Instead, my memories with my life with the Hamiltons were gradually deteriorating.
"Wmsp qgqrcp." she started again. "Qfc yepccq."
I sighed in relief, throwing my eyes upwards in content.
"Wcr yq uyq mlac qnmicl, egpj, rfcpc ypc amlqcosclacq rfyr wms ksqr nyw dmp wmsp yargmlq."
"Tell me, please!" I implored.
"Lmr ctcl G ayl yjrcp dyrc. Wms ucpc mpbyglcb dmp rfgq, y kmlskclr rm y Qml. Wms qfyjj zcamkc rfc afgjb rfyr wms ucpc mlac ucpc ylb mljw kglsrcq umppw md kckmpw qfyjj dcqrcp ugrfgl wms."
"You know fate? Please, do you know mine? What will become of me?"
The light flashed brighter. I could not show my face anymore, burying my eyes into my sleeve.
"Y afgjb, zmpl dpmk rfc ajcypgle md rum jmtcpq. Rfcw, ugrf Rfc Qmlq Rm ylb Md Kyl, qfyjj fcpb msp qyjtyrgml."
"Kglb wmsp rgkc."
Ufyr gq emgle ml...?
Ayl wms fcyp kc?
Fcjn kc.
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