Dining Fit For A King

My apologies to any vegetarians, vegans, pescetarians, etc.


We entered into the hall; it was filled to the brim with guests, simultaneously turning to look at me. Even the children were intrigued. I gestured an awkward smile towards them all, with Emily accompanying in the back. They were nobles, their wives, perhaps their children, not one eye set astray. They were all branded in rich colours, unlike us, once again. Alas, they soon turned away and resumed their conversations.

"Come." Mr Goss led me to the left side of the table, where five chairs were left unseated. They were close to where the King would be sitting, assuming that he would be at the head of the table. "If His Majesty wishes to discuss, I think that you deserve his closest seat." Mr Goss pulled two chairs out for us both.
"Thank you." I seated myself with the awareness of the obvious intimidation from the other guests. Likewise, Emily took it without any thanks, also fully aware but too frightened to speak out.

He rested on the seat beside Emily. "So." -He cleared his throat- "You have arrived from New York?"
"That is correct." I confirmed.
"It must have been dreadful spending your festivities on a ship stranded in the midst of an ocean. Indeed, I am intrigued to know how you both accomplished it, but what I am most curious to find out is about Captain Charlie Miller." Mr Goss smiled. He did not want to taunt nor tease me in any way; he was unquestionably fascinated in my story.

"His Royal Majesty, King George!" Each individual rose from their seat, indicating for us to replicate them. The King entered through the same doors that we had, an enormous cloak trailing behind him. One would wonder why he would require such an item of clothing, but after all, he was the King. He had to make an impression upon all of those below him to establish his place within the Great Chain of Being.

Upon reaching his seat, servants took the cloak from him and discarded it away into another room. The King signalled for his guests to sit and we so obliged. "My Royal subjects." he began. In my opinion, not the strongest opening from a king to his faithful guests. "Today, we rejoice in the gratifying company of my dearest friends and relatives. We dine from the body of Christ and drink with the sustenance that the Lord has granted us. Yet not only should I give thanks for your commitment to our sweet, sweet country, but for the attendance here today of Captain Sophie Hamilton and-!" He stopped mid-sentence to stare at Emily. "...Her."

A thunderous cacophony of claps rang out and the staring began once more. Nevertheless, the faces portrayed amongst the guests were not contented at all. No. They stared with exasperation, marking me as their rival. The only ones that did not appear to do so were Mr Goss, the King and who I could infer was his Queen. Alas, I maintained my posture and refused to let my guard down.

"Now without further ado, let the feast begin!" The King almost clapped from excitement but stopped midway, realizing that it would be immature of him. He sat at the seat beside his wife, grander than the rest. Servants began dishing out food, starting with me on the left. It was a luxury: freshly cooked meat, potatoes, a variety of different vegetables. It was almost too much. I gazed in awe, unsure if I was allowed to eat just yet.

"Captain! Captain Hamilton!!" King George chanted, waving his hand about for attention. As much as I enjoyed the title of a 'Captain', I did not appreciate its constant repetition as a label for myself. I faced the King, whose hand had already been lowered by his wife. "So you are from England, are you not?"
"Yes, Your Majesty." I established.
"And you fled when your Father passed?"
"No, Sir, not exactly. We migrated to the colonies for my father to fight, and yet he was fatefully killed in battle."
"A worthy British gentleman who just happened to choose the wrong side!"
"He... He wasn't British, Y-"

"How did you participate within the war, Miss?" he questioned. "Did Washington allow you in?"
"No, Your Majesty, I went under a fake identity-"
"That being Charlie Miller?"
"...Yes, Charlie Miller, Your Majesty. But I was only young, I wasn't entirely aware of the consequences of my-"

"You see, dearest?" The Queen spoke. Her accent was indefinitely not as strong as the King's; in fact, it sounded ever so slightly foreign. "Miss Hamilton went by the title of a gentleman, now is that not interesting?"
"It is indeed, my dear." The King agreed. His voice held uncertainty that I did not take a liking for. "Tell me, Miss Hamilton, why did you decide that... disguising as the gender you were not designated to was a probable and necessary choice?"
"I could not tell you, Your Majesty." I admitted. "At that moment, I believed that it was only the right thing to do."

He nodded along with my statement for some time. Emily fiddled with her hands beneath the table, awaiting for dinner to be announced so that she could at least distract herself. As for me? There was no getting out of this. "What did you contribute towards?"
Speaking to the opposing side was not an easy task. I was reluctant to admit, but this was the King. I had no say in the matter whatsoever. "I freed a group of prisoners of war held hostage at one of the rivalry camps. I served as President Washington's aide-de-camp and contributed in the organised attack in Monmouth. After I was accepted back due to a fateful shot to the chest, I participated in the organisations that led to the battle in Yorktown."
"Is that not astounding, dear?" The Queen enquired.
"It is peculiar." he confessed with his chin now rested in his hand.

"Why were you willing to fight for the Colonists, Miss Hamilton?" I noticed his reluctance to refer to me as 'Captain' now, which was both a relief and slightly startling.

One wrong word and it could cost my life.

"Your Majesty, in no form do I mean misdemeanour, but I was raised around the Colonists as one of their own. I have little memory of my life in England and therefore can only associate myself with them. It was the legacy of my deceased father, one that only I could carry out."
"I understand, Miss, but to the severity of spilling your own men's blood? I would readily send a batallion upon your nation, certainly, but that is merely to remind you all of my undying adoration for each of my dear subjects!"

"I am afraid, Your Majesty, that some men much dislike the idea of being your subject. Hence why our nation was formed."
"Y/N." Emily warned in a hushed tone.
"Why shan't you join us, Miss Hamilton? You would make a tremendous addition, along with making a significant impact upon our history! I could grant you your very own medal of honour!"
"I think I have lost enough of my honour, Your Majesty." I stood in frustration, grasping Emily's arm. Mr Goss accompanied us. "We shall be on our way now. God bless you, Sir."

I did not care for the attention I had drawn. The King was unwilling to stop me, as was the Queen. It seemed that I was allowed to leave at my own free will and now seemed like my one chance. It was foolish of me, I understood. I understood that it could cause a vast amount of trouble. But I was in the defence of my nation, my General. I would not allow anybody, not even a King, to disregard that authority.

Mr Goss took my shoulder, ready to lead my out from the grounds.

"You'll be back, Captain!" The King exclaimed, hoisting his glass into the air.

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