A Thousand Nights of Fallen Memories
°~July 4th, 1790~°
'Today is the day!' Alexander rejoiced. 'Freedom to our country! Freedom to the United States! But that's not all I'm happy about, oh no!'
'It's ironic how the Declaration was written by the one man that you hate,' I commented. Eliza chuckled.
Alexander got out from his seat, setting his tea aside and grabbed a sheet of paper from the fireplace. I had wondered what it could have been but knew better than to check. It was his private business, after all, not something that I should interfere with.
'I call it: An Act Making Provision for the Payment of the Debt of the United States!' he proclaimed.
I shrugged. 'Quite hefty, if you ask me.'
'I do not know what that means, Y/N my dear, but-'
'Alexander, calm yourself!' giggled Eliza, giving Alexander's cheeks a tinge of pink. 'What is this?'
'Dearest Eliza, it is only authorises the federal government to receive certificates of state debts from the war in exchange for the issue federal securities! A total of $21.5 million in state debts! Doesn't that sound amazing?'
Both me and Eliza looked around perplexed. 'I... got none of that,' I stated.
'It's business, Y/N, business!' He sat himself back down, crossing one of his legs over the other. Eliza handed him back his mug of tea which turned colder with every procrastination he experienced. 'If only you women were tutored in such things, life would be far easier.
'Oh! And that's not the only thing!' Droplets of tea spat at his cravat as he jolted upwards in excitement.
'Alexander, it is seven o'clock in the morning, we don't need to hear any more of your endeavours,' Eliza grunted.
'Come now, this one is exciting. Take a guess who is coming to visit for a short while.'
'Another one of your political allies,' I mocked, putting on his accent to the best of my ability.
'An ally, certainly... He departs tomorrow to join his 'other world'.'
I gave his words thought, and it wasn't long for something to come to me. 'You mean the Marquis de Lafayette?'
'The Hero of Two Worlds!' he laughed and fell back into the couch again.
Eliza shook her head. 'There is revolution in France, why is he here?!'
'I don't know!' Alexander continued to laugh to himself, thinking it hysterical. You would have thought he was drunk. 'Y/N, go wake your sister. I suppose we'll be expecting him soon.'
I nodded and took off. Marquis de Lafayette? Here? I wasn't just afraid because of his status in the ranks; I was afraid because I had been told and very vaguely remembered that he knew me once. Alexander said that we were close friends in the war, with little memories of him haunting me. I didn't know how he would react to seeing me, I didn't even know if he knew. But he was here, away from the revolution in France, something that I was almost certain couldn't have happened if we were not here.
Something was going on.
I turned right into the girls' bedroom where Emily, Frances and Angelica slept peacefully in their beds. I wandered over to Emily and gently shook her shoulder, afraid to wake the others. On any other day, the children may have been expected to be up at this time, especially Philip. Alas, it was a Sunday, the one day that they could relax. 'Emily,' I whispered.
Instantaneously, she lifted the upper half of her body up and screamed. Her eyes were now wide open and the girls jumped awake. I took the back of her head and held it to my shoulder, her screams descending into cries. 'It's alright, everything's okay, I promise,' I soothed her.
'What just happened?' questioned Frances, clearly still half-asleep.
'It's alright,' I directed at them, 'just go back to sleep if you wish.'
'I don't think I want to, that was scary,' Angelica confessed whilst holding in a sob.
'Your parents are downstairs,' - I stroked my hand through Emily's hair - 'join them if you'd like to.'
Angelica left in a hurry, followed eagerly by Frances. Once the door closed, it encouraged Emily to sob louder. 'What's wrong?' I asked. 'You know I don't like seeing you upset.' This was the first time I'd seen her like this. Sure, she was usually upset with herself, but not like this.
'That dream again,' she wailed. 'It won- won't go away and I just... I h-'
'Sshh, it's alright,' I comforted her and pulled her in closer. 'It's just a dream, okay? It's just a dream, you don't have to worry.'
'Yeah but it doesn't... f- feel like a dr- dream, it's too real, and every time, I- I-'
'But it isn't real, okay? You have nothing to worry about, it's just your emotions playing tricks on you.'
'You don't get it, though, it- hurts so much, it hurts so much, I can't bear it-'
Tears of my own started to form as I wrapped my arms around her even tighter. 'You don't have to worry, Em, I'm here with you. I'm not going anywhere and I never will, okay?'
'I don't want to sleep again-'
'Then I'll sleep by your side for as long as you need it. Every night. I won't let you get hurt, Em.'
'There's nothing you can do, I just- I want to go back to Mum, why did we come back here?'
'Look at me, Em.' I took her face and forced her to look, but she turned her eyes downwards. 'We'll find a way back. I don't care what it takes, okay, but we'll do it. We have to. Both of us, we'll both get out of here together, do you understand me?'
She nodded, more tears streaking down.
I knew that I was giving her false hope, I knew I was. But it was the only hope she had left. I didn't know how to get back, not unless I got myself killed again, which I didn't fancy doing. I additionally didn't want to take the risk of carrying that out, only for nothing to happen. I was frightened that Emily was on the edge of trying it out if nothing else worked and I would not let it happen.
We fell back together on the bed and I soothed her in my arms, just like Mum used to when we were young.
I wondered what the contents of that dream could have been, but dared not to ask.
'I love you more than anything, you know that, don't you?' I said.
She nodded. 'I love you, too.'
Hello. So I decided that I desperately wanted to get another chapter out and hence why the remaining half of the trivia is not here. So, sorry. I'll get it finished at some point.
Also, Merry-late-Christmas!
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