The Ringtone Of Death
I could recognise the camp set up in the distance, soldiers running around frantically like ants. Once they'd noticed us, they readied their muskets for a possible attack. Lafayette pulled out a white handkerchief, waving it in the air to signify our surrender. They lowered their guns, and we continued to ride over.
We'd changed back into our colonial uniform the previous night, bringing the redcoat uniform with us in case we may need it in the future. As we got closer, I recognised George Washington emerge from his tent, glaring our way. Hercules, Lafayette and Alexander saluted him, and therefore I was inclined to copy. He did not salute back, however.
We rode through the camp, tying our horses up with the others. The carriage gently stopped at the start of the camp, so that it couldn't cause any disturbance. Everyone came to watch the overflow of prisoners tumble out, some even being recognised and sharing long-lost hugs with one another. I smiled for their happiness, but it instantly faded when I noticed a furious Washington marching towards me.
"What is the meaning of this?!" he ordered.
"Well, you see--"
"You four. In my office. Now." Washington interrupted Lafayette. We trudged over, Wilson giving us a selfish smirk once he'd seen us.
Washington sat down behind a desk, staring at Hamilton before any of us. "You were apart of this?"
"Well, no, not exactly, sir. I went off to find them." Hamilton admitted.
"Then you're dismissed." He led himself out, sighing out of relief.
"What do you three have to say for yourselves?" Washington pondered, "And you, General? I can imagine this was all your idea?"
"I- It was mine, sir." I stuttered, stepping up before him. "I did this. It's my fault all this happened in the first place."
"Is this true?" Washington asked, glancing at Lafayette.
"Uhm, well, not really because we partici--"
"Close the door on the way out, you two." he dismissed, pointing to Hercules and Lafayette.
I gulped, feeling the palms of my hands grow sweaty as they left. Washington checked both of my shoulders, raising his eyebrows in shock. "What's your name?"
"Charlie Miller, sir." I answered.
He picked up a bunch of files, scanning them for any source of information. "You joined just over a week ago?" He seemed genuinely perplexed.
"Yes, sir."
"That's... That's very impressive." Washington admitted.
On the outside I hid my utter excitement. But on the inside, I was just bawling from happiness. "Thank you very much, sir!"
"Hah, it's not problem." he responded.
"You know, you remind me of me when I was younger. Your enthusiasm will get you a long way, boy." Washington complimented.
"I appreciate that, sir."
"Now go. We don't want those newcomers raining havoc, do we?" Washington joked.
"So let me get this straight: the three of you escaped from the camp, just so you could risk your lives and save the prisoners?" Burr questioned.
"It was mainly just John at first, but yeah. That pretty much sums it up." Hercules agreed.
"My god... You'll all wind up dead sooner or later."
"Burr!" Another individual in this camp that despised me was Charles Lee. I couldn't understand why, but from what I'd learnt from Hamilton, he was a douchebag. He sat down next to Burr, trying to make me jealous of their friendship by hanging an arm over his shoulder. "So what's crackelacking?"
Lafayette sighed, turning away from him. "I'm going to help John set up his tent." Even though he knew Alexander would be helping him, he just couldn't put up with Lee.
"Seems like everything's going dandy!" Lee took a handful of berries Hercules had kindly gathered, stuffing them into his mouth.
Hercules tensed his face in frustration, picking up the bowl. "Yeah, I think I'll join John and Lafayette. They might be hungry."
"And what about you, Charlie?" Lee asked me, "Huh? What's your excuse?"
"Charles, please--"
"Shut up, Burr!" Lee interrupted.
I laid my hands onto my bag protectively, ready to leave. "What's in your bag there, Charlie?" he violently reached his hand out, grappling the bag. I kept a tight hold, alas, I wasn't strong enough. Lee took it from me, searching through all of the pockets.
"Stop it!!" I wailed.
"Charles, stop!" Burr commanded, but he disobeyed.
Suddenly, from out of the blue, we all stopped. A noise could be heard coming from the bag, like a... a ringtone. A ringtone that could only be heard through...
...a phone.
I launched myself out to grab the bag, but Lee quickly pulled it away. Crowds started pouring in, attracted by the sounds. They found it unusual to hear music when no clear instrument was present. Lee finally found the pouch in which the phone was hidden, taking it out. He tossed the bag aside, inspecting it carefully. The case was pink, covered in glitters and sparkles: Emily's phone. How was it even still working?
Oh's and ah's echoed around as the bench was consumed with attention. John pushed his way through the crowd, resting his hand onto my shoulder. "Nice jam!" he exclaimed.
"Oh n- no, it's not mine, i--"
"Behold: my proudest creation, gentlemen!" Lee held the phone into the air. "I call it: the Leebox!"
"Leebox!" People started applauding, dancing along with the music. Burr buried his face in the palm of his hands.
"Care to dance, Mr Miller?" John offered, tossing his hand out.
I shuffled away, crossing my arms. "No, I- I can't dance." I admitted.
"Neither can I. C'mon, it'll be fun!"
"Fine, I'll just have to drag you!"
John pulled me up by my arm, forcing me to dance around like a lunatic. Lafayette joined in, apparently downing a pint whilst he did. The camp had erupted into chaos, mostly of drunken, dancing men. John laughed playfully as I twirled around under his control. I honestly had no idea what was happening anymore, but the main thing was that I needed to get that phone back.
I crept out of John's arms, handing him over to Lafayette. I inspected Lee, finding him to be dancing wildly around an irritated Burr. I carefully stalked him from behind, slipping the phone into my grasp when he wasn't looking. I turned it on, finding that an alarm had been set for this exact moment. The time and date, of course, on the phone was innacurate, but it didn't stop it from continuing its cycle.
From the corner of my eye, I noticed Wilson marching for us. I instantaneously turned the alarm off, hiding the phone in my pocket. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??!" Wilson yelled. We stood to attention, stopping all cases of movement. "Who did this?" I braced myself for the blame, but everyone immediately pointed at Lee. I did too, seeming as I didn't want to be left out.
"Are you serious?! Sir, I had nothing to d--"
"Come with me. Now. I don't want to hear your excuses." Lee scowled, trudging off.
Oh how the tables had turned.
Oh man
Thank you all so so much, the amount of support this story has recieved is unreal
Looking at the rolling fields, I can't belieeeeeeeve thaaaaaaat weeeeeeee aaaaaaaaare free
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