The Hooded Child



For every second that passed by that night, I rejected the temptation of sleep. I stared at the ceiling and engulfed myself into the silence of the room. Daylight was soon to rise, therefore meaning that Mrs Taylor was going to walk in and call at us to wake up any moment now. I'd shoved the letter underneath my pillow, unwilling to see it until further notice. Another child was here. How was I supposed to think? What was worse, Alexander yet again had to bring them back to New York. He could arrive anytime soon.

Baring this in mind, I put on my slippers, trailing downstairs. Sleeping was of no use. The stairs creaked piercingly, enticing Mrs Taylor. "Up so early?" she questioned.
"Yeah." I replied, eyes drooping to the floor.
"Are you alright? You look quite pale, dear."
"I'm fine." I slipped past her, almost falling over. But before I could, she caught me.

"You're not, Sophie. Go back to bed and get some rest." she demanded.
"But I can't--" Unexpectantly, there was a knock at the front door.
"Who could that possibly be so early?" Mrs Taylor prowled across the hall, opening it. "Why Alexander!"

"Alexander?!" Impatiently, I ran over to the entrance, discovering the soldier standing right there. I seized his chest, embracing him like I'd never done before. He returned it, facing Mrs Taylor.
"Ma'am, if it's no trouble then I'd like to take Sophie home for some time. Unfortunate circumstances have occurred and I think it's best if she stays with me for a little while." Alexander explained.
"Of course! No trouble at all!" Mrs Taylor, nodded her head back, signalling for me to pack my things.

I jogged into the bedroom, trying not to make any noise. I crammed my dresses, books, letters, all into a tiny bag. "Where are you off to?" Charles yawned once I'd finished and was about to take my leave.
"Gotta go home for a few days." I told him.
"Oh..." He collapsed back into his pillow. "Have fun."
"Thanks." I hurried to the door, not wanting to hold them up. Thankfully, though, I was greeted by them laughing and joking together.

"Alright, well, you take care!" Alexander asserted.
"You too!" I fled out of the doorway before Mrs Taylor slammed the door shut. Alexander's smile faded instantaneously, shaping into a murky frown.

"We need to get back fast." he informed, quickening his pace.
"How so?" I questioned.
"This child is insane. She's probably destroyed the entire house by now."

(Time skip)

We stepped inside, and Alexander scanned the house immensely. "Go check if she's in the bedroom." he ordered. I did as he said, and wandered inside. Nothing was to be seen, even checking the blanket, which was apparent that nothing was underneath. Whilst Alexander searched the living room and kitchen, I secluded to the cupboard once I was done.

Still nothing.

"You found her?" Alexander asked. I came out empty-handed, shaking my head. "Shit, she's ran off."
"Then we'll go find her!" I concluded.
"No, I'll go find her, you just wait here." He bolted out of the door without any second thoughts. There was no way he was going alone. If anyone would be able to talk to this child, it was going to be me. Alexander would most likely scare them off again. So, I waited for him to disappear from my view out of the window and therefore left the house.

The streets were cold in the morning. Fog lurked its way around buildings, shadowing the light emitting from the candles. Rodents searched the streets for food, feasting from leftover food. But that wasn't my biggest problem. The problem was, especially across New York, that British soldiers patrolled the city. If anyone was caught acting suspiciously, then they could be killed.

I contained myself within the gloom, hoping not to be spotted. Candlelight didn't shine so bright, so it was easier for me to hide. I listened carefully for footsteps, though it could either be a street urchin, Alexander or the child. Alas, none were to be heard.

From down the road, I began to hear muttering. "Hello?" I called out. No answer. The talking continued, so I shouted slightly louder than before. "Hello?!" They went silent. Squinting my eyes, I saw two blurs of red marching towards me.


I scuttled to a nearby alleyway, avoiding their eyesight. They wandered straight past, arming their guns. "Phew..." I sighed. Even though it was pitch black, I journeyed on through. "Hello?" I whispered. At that, I heard a crash coming behind some boxes. On further investigation, I noticed that a bin stood behind them, and someone, or something, had knocked the lid off.

"It's alright, I just want to help." I comforted. Jeez, for all I know, I could be talking to a fox. Well, there was only one way to find out. I stepped out behind the bin, finding a girl shivering from the cold. This must be her. She wore a black hoodie and dark blue jeans, completely ripped to pieces at the knee cap. Her blonde hair was tangled upon her shoulder, and her blue eyes faded with the wind.

Peculiarly, the instant she'd fully taken in my features, her face went into shock. "Are you... feeling okay?" The only response I gained were blinks of disbelief. "You're definitely not okay, right, I'll go and get he--" The girl passed out, smacking her head against the bin. "Nonononononono!!" I heard someone racing down the street: the redcoats might've heard us.

I also hand behind the bin, but to my delight, Alexander emerged into the alleyway. "Y/N, what are you doing here?! I told you to stay at home!" he whispered furiously.
"Sorry." I apologised. "Is this her?" I'd had my hands secured underneath her head for support.
"Indeed it is." Alexander held her in his arms, vowing to never leave her alone again. "We'll have to get back quickly before the guards see us."

The guards were out of sight, so we were able to make a swift exit back to the house. I closed the door for Alexander, while he rested the girl on to the couch. "Why did you go out?" he interrogated.
"Alexander, if she is from the future, then I'm the only one who'll be able to talk to her."
"Yes, but she fainted!"
"She's probably just scared! Besides, she doesn't realise who I am yet."

Alexander sighed, giving in. "I'll watch over her for the night." He went to the bedroom to grab an extra blanket. Meanwhile, I knelt down beside her. Something about her rang a bell inside of my head, I just couldn't pinpoint what. The way she looked at me was unlike anyone had ever looked at me before. It was like I felt... connected to her.

"You're strange." I snickered, observing her state of unconsciousness. "Well, I'll leave you to it." I hauled myself up, exiting the living room.

"Y/N..." she whimpered in her sleep.

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