Street Urchin
I woke up with a fright, the carriage jolting to a stop. I suddenly realised that I was lying against Alexander and instantly held myself back up. Jeez, how embarrassing...
From the corner of my eye, I could see him give me a patient smile, and I couldn't help but return one to him. Indeed, he was intrigued. I was still wearing my school uniform, and it wasn't every day back then that a girl could be found wearing one. Wait, back then? Don't I mean now? Or... I dunno, it's confusing me.
Alexander opened the door, stepping out on to the New York City streets. I'd never been to America before, so this was surely going to be an experience. Nevermind in a different time period. He offered out a hand to me, escorting me out of the carriage. I was careful not to trip over, as I was still slightly asleep. "Thanks..." I yawned.
"It's no problem, my dear." Gosh... If this was the manner I had to compete with then darn I'm up for competition.
I peered around: a small, humble house loomed before us. "I know it's not much," Alexander stated, "But it's my home. You'll learn to love it, trust me." Right as he said that, a single tile fell from the roof, crashing to the ground.
"O- Okay..." I stuttered. Wow. It sure was different. Street lights were dimly lit with candles, and though it didn't provide much, it was enough to recognise creatures still lurking the streets.
One in particular caught my eye, from all the other cats and birds: a pitiful girl, wandering the streets unaccompanied. She looked at least 8 or 9, wearing a red dress torn at its seams. She sneezed into her arm, shivering bitterly. I sympathized with her, unconsciously catching her gaze. Though I couldn't clearly see them, I could imagine her eyes were filled with remorse as she stared back hopefully. Then-- "Maria!!" A filthy woman hurdled down the streets, dragging 'Maria' into an alleyway forcefully.
"Don't worry, just another street urchin." Alexander informed, "C'mon, I'll show you around."
There really wasn't much to see, honestly. Just the living room, kitchen and bedroom. Nothing more, nothing less. Though there was a simple bucket in a petite cupboard used as a toilet, which to be fair didn't make me feel very comfortable hygiene-wise.
So this is what Hamilton lived like before meeting Eliza. Poor guy.
"You can sleep in my bed for tonight." he suggested, opening the door to the bedroom. A mattress was lain on the floor, surrounded by cloth pinned to the ceiling to cover it.
"Where will you sleep?" I inquired.
"On the floor. It's fine, I'm used to it." he reassured, turning to leave.
"M- Mr Hamilton!!" I stopped him by instinct, though I was unsure what for.
"Yes?" he questioned.
"Uh... have a nice... sleep?"
"You too. And please, call me Alexander." Alexander placidly closed the door behind him, leaving me on my own.
It was really cold. Course, no heating was provided at this time, so I was forced to live like this. I took off my shoes, hanging my blazer against a hook in the wall. I collapsed on to the bed, which really wasn't a wise idea. A spring popped out of the mattress. "Crap." I tried pushing it back in, but it only made it worse. I decided just to cover it up with the blanket as much as I could so that If Alexander walks in, he can't see it.
I shivered as the moon beamed down on me... This was really going to be how I was going to live now, wasn't it? Stuck in a timeline that isn't my own? It'd be a miracle if I could ever find a way back, but for now, I had to be careful not to mess anything up. I've seen the movies; altering the past isn't a wise decision. Oh god, what if by me accidentally popping that spring out did something??!! No, I'm overthinking things. Just by being here I'm changing everything.
I rested my head for the night, and though the pillow wasn't completely comfortable, it was something.
It just felt like you're sleeping on a brick.
I heard a knock at the door. "Y/N?"
"Ughhhhhhh..." Gosh, my head felt like it was about to fall off. Must've slept awkwardly last night.
"Y/N...?" Oh no, I was late for school!! I scrambled out of bed, but instead, I just fell on to a wooden floor, scraping my ankle on a spring.
Oh yeah. I forgot I was here.
Alexander rushed in, observing the cut on my ankle. "Oh, I'm so sorry, did I startle you?!" He seemed genuinely concerned, helping me sit back up.
"No, no, it wasn't your fault..." I gritted under my teeth, holding back the pain. He gave a suspicious look, not believing a word I said. "...Really, it wasn't."
"If you say so." He shrugged his shoulders, inspecting the cut. "I'll go and get a bandage, wait here." Of course. Plasters weren't invented yet.
I gripped my leg, easing the pain slightly. Soon, Alexander came back with a white bandage, carefully wrapping it around the cut. I could tell he wasn't one for first aid; he barely knew how to handle it. After minutes of awkward silence and struggling to put the bandage on, he turned his attention back to me.
Eliza wasn't wrong about his eyes, was she? They sparkled with hope and desire, letting off a pleasant aura. "I, uh, actually wanted to talk to you." he stated. Man, I wasn't one for eye contact, especially with this guy. Stop looking at me, Goddammit!!
"Oh." I replied, looking away.
"I wanted to know if you can remember anything, how you ended up in the middle of the battlefield unaccompanied."
Honestly, I didn't know how either. It just... happened. One minute I'm in my room putting on a ring, the next I'm lying unconscious on the ground. But should I tell him the truth? No, he'd never believe me. He'd probably send me to a hospital, thinking I've gone insane. I fiddled my thumbs anxiously, contemplating this entire situation. On one side, none of this could be real and I could just wake up! On the other hand, I could have actually gone back in time, and I could go to a hospital...
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