Here Comes The General


"Rise and shine, sleeping beauties!" General Wilson's voice echoed outside of our tent.
"Ugh... Is it five o'clock already?" I yawned, barely remembering that someone was sleeping right by my side.
"It must be." Cornelius replied, rubbing his eyes.

((If anyone gets that reference god bless you XD))

"Cornelius!!" I exclaimed, moving over slightly. "Sorry, I forgot you were here... with me."
"It's normal, Mr Miller. Anxiety can cause memory loss for a short period of time." he explained.
"And what makes you think I'm anxious?!"
"You do realise how far you tried to stay away from me last night, don't you?" Hadn't I have noticed the distance between me and Cornelius, I was almost tipping the tent over from trying to keep to one side.

"You apologise far too much," he complained, "Just take life easily. Rushing through will only impact the amount of time you have left on this planet."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Cornelius exited, ignoring my question. I slipped my boots back on, for we had slept in our uniforms that night.

I planned on writing Emily as soon as possible; being alone at that dame must be dreadful. Normally, Charles and I were responsible for looking after the younger children, such as Valentino. But now that I was gone, Emily had to take my place. She didn't mind much, as she always said she wanted to be a teacher when we were young. Children brought her delight and enjoyment, but I just couldn't feel the same way as such. At least they were innocent and naive, unlike many children from the future.

Crawling out onto the grass, I dragged my bag with me, observing the hustle of people. I immediately went on the lookout for Aaron Burr, for he was the only person willing to keep me company. Other than Cornelius, but he didn't appreciate attempts of friendship.

Once more on the bench he sat: stern-faced, reading another book. "Burr!" I called. I stepped closer. "Mind if I...?"
"Not at all." He offered me a seat, and I gladly accepted. I opened my bag to rummage for food, but to my dismay, I found that I must've eaten it all on the way here. I sighed, taking out some paper and a pencil.

"When do you think we'll be getting rations?" I pondered, stomach of the verge of imploding.
"Not until General Washington arrives, that's for sure." he replied bluntly.

I took the pencil in my hand, considering who I should write to. Realisation hit me that Alexander would probably be addressing letters to Emily and me by now, but how was I supposed to reply?! I needed to think of a backup plan; he'd get worried if I never replied.

I rested the pencil onto the paper:

Dear Emily,

I pray that you're doing well during my absence. Unfortunately, my conscience has been notified that letters I receive from Alexander will hereby be sent to you. Therefore, I ask that you attach any letters you collect from him to yours, so that I can, in a fashion, reply to him. The rest can be resolved on my own, so you need not worry.

Though, I do fret about dear Charles. I notified him of the true 'Sophie Hamilton', and can now only wait for a reply. I hope to hear that he is not too nauseated, but if so, tell him that I am dreadfully sorry for the turn of events.

Take care, sister.

C. Miller.

I knew I didn't have to speak so morally, but being raised for 4 years by the literal God of literature, it made an impact. Not on Emily, however. She never changed. As for using my fake name, I thought it suitable, as it was something that could only be kept between the two of us.

"Do you know where the mail goes?" I asked Burr, folding the letter and addressing it to the dame.
He pointed to where the larger tents stood bay. "If you follow right down there, you'll find a sack filled with 'em." Burr answered.
"Thank you." I took my bag for safety measures, following his directions.

All was the same, from the children playing around their mothers to the men eager to catch a lady's eye. I tried to muster a smile out to the children, but they tried to hide themselves: they were afraid of soldiers, by the looks of it. I shrugged my shoulders, cautiously passing the tents. Based on how things were going, General Wilson didn't like me that much. Despite me and several others being new to this, he sure did judge harshly.

There it was: the sack. I hovered closer, but soon could hear what sounded like horses sprinting. I squinted my eyes, just near enough to drop the letter in. In the distance, coming at full speed towards the camp, was a group of soldiers. They were definitely colonists, for they wore a similar uniform.

"The General!!" Alexander declared, racing out next to me. In alarm, I dropped the letter, running back over to Burr.

(Alexander POV)

"Truthfully, these camp followers are only holding us back," General Wilson commented, "Manipulating my men into their sick and twisted games!"
"General Washington's orders, sir. They can venture with us as long as they don't thoroughly distract us." I replied, opposing his viewpoint. Others tutted, continuing to sip their pints.
"Well Mr Washington is a fraud." he argued back, laughing along. I frowned at his comment, relaxing back into my chair.

"General Wilson, sir!" A young man saluted as he entered. "General Washington is only a dozen feet away by now, sir!" I jumped up excitedly- finally we'd be rid of Wilson and his pathetic schemes. I launched past the boy, facing the outskirts of the camp. Just as he'd said: Washington was trooping down with an army of men and horses.

"The General!!" I declared, racing out next to another soldier in complete awe. As a result, he dropped the paper he had held in his hand, which unfortunately missed the sack. I frantically picked it up, turning to pass it to him. "Wait-!" It was too late: he was gone. The letter had unintentionally unfolded in my hand, drooping towards the grass.

I decided to put it back in for him, roughly skimming the letter.

Yet two names immediately caught my eye.




(I'm so original with titles.)

Also this chapter just unintentionally turned into Dear Evan Hansen by accident 😂

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