Charge On The Iroquois
I held the musket firmly to my side, falling in line with the others. Today was our first real fight, and we were soon to set off towards wherever these enemies were. "Alright, troops! For some, this will be your first battle. A relatively simple one, I should presume. Therefore, I require that you all participate and if needs be, die for your country." Washington ordered. "...Just try to avoid the death part." We simultaneously laughed. Unlike Wilson, Washington was willing to crack up a joke every now and then. It made everything less tense.
"But seriously. It's a kill or be killed world out there. If they refuse to leave and instead want to fight, you must fight back, am I clear?"
"Yes, sir!" we replied. I gulped inbetween, petrified by the thought that I'd be taking someone's life in a smarter of minutes.
"Fantastic. Now go and collect a horse or something, I dunno, I need some coffee." Washington sighed, dragging Lafayette along with him to ensure he wouldn't go running off again.
((I practically just put my thoughts at this very moment into words oml))
"Well, talk about hyperventilating!" John had finally gotten rid of those bloodied clothes, now fully changed into a uniform. "So, you ready for this?"
"No," I admitted, "But I guess I'll have to appear so."
"It's not so bad: a bit of fun, in my opinion!"
"So you do it for sport?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.
"Of course not. I do it for the colonies."
As we began to tread towards the horses, Cornelius jogged up to me. "Mr Miller! I thought I'd congratulate you, though, I already had a feeling it was going to turn out just fine."
"Thanks, Cornelius."
"I'd be honoured to accompany your side once we've arrived at the scene, that is if you're willing to let me."
"Cornelius," -I tapped his arm- "Thanks for the offer- I'm grateful, really. I just don't want anyone to be risking their life for mine."
"Are you sure?" he pondered, stepping back.
"I'm sure." I assured.
He shrugged, sighing carelessly and walking backwards. "If you say so, but don't expect me to come saving your ass out there!"
I giggled, lecturing him away with my hand.
"A friend?"
"Acquaintance." I replied to John. "He doesn't like to keep friends."
"Doesn't seem like it..."
"Jealous, much?" I teased him.
"What? No! Of course not, we met 2 days ago!"
"And have you ever stopped trying to make conversation with me?"
John didn't reply, hiding a smile because he knew that I was right.
"That's what I thought."
"Just you wait, Charlie. The Iroquois will come out more dead than alive with me around!" Hercules spat enthusiastically.
"Iroquois? But I thought we were attacking the Redcoats?" I questioned, examining the dots of brown grow more apparent.
"Redcoats are nothing compared to these! As long as we can peacefully escort them out, Hercules, killing will be unessassary."
"Ah, but it's no fun without killing, is it?"
The village was in full view.
A wall made of logs, concealing the citizens away.
It was...
Screaming rang through my ears.
And the instant I turned to inspect, he was there.
On the floor.
A lone soldier, with an arrow lodged straight through his neck.
I covered my mouth, turning away and facing John in bewilderment. "Ready your muskets!!" Washington ordered fiercely. I drew mine out from my side, stroking the mane of my horse for my own comfort. I breathed heavily, giving Cornelius a fake smile whilst he peeked over his shoulder at me. "CHARGE!!" Washington demanded suddenly, sending the cavalry sprinting forward. I tightly held the musket in my right, and the reins of the horse in my left; arrows were spiralling through the air, dodging me out of pure luck.
Washington waved his hand into the air, sending a signal over to Wilson to part ways with half of the cavalry. Obviously, I decided to follow Washington, because I'll probably get myself killed with that guy. Or contrastingly, he'll try to get me killed. But I could trust Washington, and I was hopeful that he trusted me back.
Men were plummeting to their deaths, simultaneously collapsing from their horses one-by-one. I kicked the side of mine with force, praying to not end up like one of them. John hadn't left my side, but Hercules was up ahead with Hamilton. The Iroquois began closing the gates to the village, but Washington barged through before they could. He rummaged into his pocket, waving a white flag into the air as we emerged through with him.
The arrows stopped firing, and we were surrounded by the Iroquois pointing spears at us. My heart paced faster, making it difficult to breath. No... Washington knew what he was doing. If anything went wrong, he'd carry us out. "We've come to tell you that you must relocate, for your village cannot stay here. Failure to do that and we will burn your village, your crops, everything down."
I'd never heard Washington speak so harshly. I trembled with anxiety, for I knew that if they refused, we'd have to fight. A man, supposedly the chief as he bared the most clothing, threatened us with his spear. "LEAVE!! NOW!!" he cried, gripping the spear. Out of nowhere, a gunshot was fired from the other side of the village, hitting one of the men with the spears in the head. He fell down, blood staining the grass.
I peered over: Wilson. For around 10 seconds, there was a haunting silence. Like the one you'd hear in a horror movie, right before the jumpscare. But this was no jumpscare: this was a declaration for battle. The chief screamed, stampeding at us with the others. My horse jumped back in a panic, which made it a perfect time for me to run for it. As the others shot at the Iroquois, they were too occupied to notice I'd raced behind a hut.
The thought of murdering someone, someone who had their life planned out ahead of them was terrifying. I... I couldn't. I got off of the horse, met with the vicious eyes of the enemy. In alarm, I reinacted the scene from 2 days ago and knocked him clean in the forehead with the butt of the musket. Thankfully, he fell unconscious, but I kicked his leg just to make sure.
I scuttled around the hut, preparing the musket in case I'd need to do that again. It was essential that we'd equipped our bayonets, so I was pretty scared for if I accidentally poked someone's eye out. I mean, it wouldn't be accidental, would it? It's a battle, it's what I'm supposed to do. But choosing between my duties and what was morally right... It was a risky task.
And in no way was I prepared for this.
I stumbled across a person, sitting on the ground. The second that I saw them, I aimed my gun, paying no attention to who they might be. Putting my finger upon the trigger, I firstly inspected the figure. Or rather, figures. A mother sorrowfully clutched her two children: a young boy and girl. The girl sobbed into the mother's shoulder, as the boy kept a determined yet clearly frightened face.
I lowered the gun.
We looked each other in the eyes, taking in our features. The mother's blue eyes matched perfectly with her dark skin, glistening with shock and hope. Just by the way her pupils didn't move an inch, it reinforced the idea that she'd expected her life to be taken at last. Her and potentially her childrens'. Her stomach, I noticed, was round: pregnant, I assumed. Checking the area for safety, I stowed the gun away into my belt, kneeling down to meet her. Her body relaxed, stroking her childrens' hair lovingly.
"I'm going to help you."
So I've been thinking
What do y'all think's gonna happen in the story?
I dunno, I'm just really intrigued to hear what you predict is going to happen, and if it's close to what really happens. I've had this entire thing mapped out for months lol.
I mean, I have given little hints here and there, but nothing major that'll result in you instantly knowing.
So yeah.
And if you have no clue, that's fair enough 😂
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