Chapter 7: Claiming What's His
"Touch him, and he'll die." - Giovanni L.S.
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Athena Giudici's POV
"What brought you here, Zander?" I asked as soon as he sat on the couch. I didn't even bother to sit or offer him anything to drink. I won't let him stay long anyway. Stood in front of him, with the coffee table in between.
He looks lost, and his eyes held pain, but the sympathy was nowhere in my heart. I felt nothing, even a tinge of care.
I remember that day when I walk in with them and Brittany satisfying each other, naked with that slut riding him and both forget that they are hurting someone and that's me.
"I'm sorry Enna." He stood up looking so devastated and I crossed my hands on my chest. I gave him an impassive look. He better be. I was so loyal to him and I don't deserve to be cheated. "I really didn't mean to cheat on you." He rounded the table and tried to reach me, but I step back. His eyes glisten and his looks became more sullen. "I was an asshole, I admit that. I really regretted it. I can't bear to lose you Enna. I miss you so much!" He ran his tousled hair with his fingers with frustrations, and then he steps forward. I drop my hands on my sides and steps back every step he made.
"Don't dare touch me, Zander." I almost croak. I realized I missed him too, but I can't forgive him yet. I'm still mad, angry and I don't trust him anymore. That scene with her will always replay in my mind and that wouldn't settle my mind.
He looks visibly pale. "Please, Enna. Forgive me. Tell me what to do to win you back? I will do anything, Enna. Please baby. .." He begs. A stray tear fell on his cheeks and I felt like the walls I build up was slowly crumbling.
No. I can't let it. He hurt me. He made me feel worthless. He made me feel damned and even cheated me with a friend. For long years, I live on believing he was loyal to me, but heck he was already fooling behind my back.
"Enna .." He reach my hand and I stared into his pained eyes. His glistening eyes filled with tears. I felt the sincerity in his voice, but I'm still hurt. I could still feel the hurt and pain he caused me.
Just as I pulled my hand back, I heard the door opened and there stood Giovanni. He looks surprised and when his eyes landed to Zander and to his hand holding mine, he suddenly turns into murderous. In a second, he already grab Zander's collar and drag him to the wall, pinning his neck with his forearm.
"What are you doing here?" He growled gruffly. Giovanni is already out of his mind I could tell and now I could see his beast side.
"Gio," I called him to get his attention. He didn't look at me. I could tell he is really beyond angry. Zander was holding his forearm that was pinning his neck against the walls with his feet a few cm off the ground. Zander is not a small guy. He's lean and 5'11, but it seems it was effortless for Giovanni.
"Listen here Mr. Winsten, Athena is MINE!" He growled. Zander looks like he's going to passed out. He was obviously choking now. His face is pale and so his lips. Looks like all the blood was drained. I frantically close the gap with Gio and touch his shoulder.
"Is it true Enna?" He asked in a strangled voice, ignoring Zander's anger. He was staring at me with pleading eyes, and all I could do is gulp. If I will said no, Giovanni would surely kill him.
"Let go of him, Gio. You're going to kill him!" I snap ignoring Zander's question, then grabbing Giovanni's forearm that's pressing against Zander's neck to loosen his grip.
"GIOVANNI SANTORINI!" I screamed when I saw Zander's lips turns white. He didn't even flinch or fight back at Gio's threats. He seems like he was ready for Zander to kill him.
Giovanni suddenly release him. He literally drop on the floor while coughing persistently, all the while trying to catch his breath. My heart clenched for him. I walk closer to him, but before I could reach him, Giovanni threatens me.
"Touch him, and he'll die." He ferociously grit out, his omonious eyes was dripping with danger, and yet he still looks irresistible. Dangerously handsome.
I step back.
Zander spared him a deathly stare and it seems like he didn't get enough of Giovanni's brutality-which almost ended his life. His read face with indignation tells it all that he was as angry as Giovanni is. "Please go home, Zander." I beg. I hate him, but I don't want him to die, especially in the hands of Giovanni. I could see that he will kill him without a doubt if he even try.
Zander tried to stand, but he stumbled. He looks at me and my heart was slowly giving in. He looks pained and defeated, yet he was trying to fight back- for me. "I still love you Enna. I will do anything to --" I saw the guy who gave me the keys when Gio left, walking inside and drag Zander out of the door while he was still blabbering. Zander's voice is withering as they went farther, and then the door closes.
Giovanni face me with a very cold look, and I felt a chill ran down my spine.
Here comes the interrogation.
"Why is he here?" He started with a cold controlled tone. I know he was controlling his anger. He looks like a beast while ago. He really scares me there, I thought he will kill him.
His jaw flexes and I could hear his teeth grinding. He shoved his curled fist deep down the pockets of his crisp expensive tailored suits while his predatory lethal gaze were pinned on me.
I felt fear for a moment, but then I shook it off. I remember he never left a message- he just left without a word and now, he just barge in and almost killed Zander and claiming me his.
What an ass!
I step backward while meeting his emotionless detach gaze. "I don't owe you any explanation, Gio." I stared back, emotionless. "I'm not yours!" I grit out and then I turned on my heel and walk away to my room.
I'm still mad at him. He just left me.
"The moment you gave yourself to me, YOU ARE MINE, Bambolina!" He said firmly with stern voice. I stop and turned to look at him. His ominous eyes is gone.
How dare he? No one can claim me as his until I say so. I am nobody's possession.
I stared at his stoic-stricken face and spoke calmly. "It's just sex, Gio. I believe you had sex with different women and don't treat me differently. I'm just like them." Smirking at him I hastily headed to my room.
I heard his thundering footstep approaching me. Like a flash I was on his shoulder and he strode angrily to my bedroom and tossed me on the bed without care. I yelped when my back hit the soft bed.
His ferocious gaze trained on me. Lips are tightly pressed with a prominent crease line on his forehead, indicating he's beyond angry. He stood at the edge of the bed gazing at me like a predator. A wrong move will likely end my life.
"I know how precious your virginity is, Bambolina. You didn't gave it up to Zander for five years, that makes you differ from all this women I bedded." He crawled on the bed and then lay on top of me. "I felt it, when I entered you." He grinned proudly. His savage eyes morphs into a playful one. I rolled my eyes, concealing the embarrassment and the heat that suddenly rush throughout my body, over my cheeks. "You gave me your heart and soul. YOU ARE MINE, Bambolina. MINE!" He declared and then crashed my lips with his, aggressively and demandingly.
"Hmm..." I felt my whole body heated from the kiss. My hormones suddenly went alive and shivered from the growing anticipation. My hands snake around his neck and pulled him closer. My tongue parried with his, dancing and trying to take in control. A soft moan escape my lips when he bit my tongue hard and suck it. I mimicked it and he gave a loud groan and then he took the kiss in control, consuming me to the point that I forget that he just left me after that sex and he almost killed Zander.
After a breathless kiss, he stared at me with a soft eyes. Gone was the murderous eyes just a moment ago. How in the hell he could manipulate his emotions that quick, is unfathomable. Guys indeed seems to be bipolar.
"I want you for myself and I don't want any male species fluttering around you, or even staring at you. I'm selfish. I'm very possessive when it comes to you, Bambolina. I will anyone who dare to even stare at you." He stated in a cold menacing tone. It was a threat and I felt overwhelmed.
I should feel fear, right?
That's was creepy, but heck. I'm happy.
I love him, I can't deny that. The moment I saw him that day he saved me, I'm already attracted to him.
Fast and Hard.
"Do you understand, Bambolina?" He asked, interrupting me out of my train of thoughts. His eyebrow furrowed as he stared at me.
"What about my brothers? Or my friends? I have male friends?" I asked, while watching his facial reactions.
Why is he so handsome? I will never get tired of staring at him. Even though he looks so exhausted and drained, it didn't even affects his attractiveness. Still looking lethally gorgeous.
How a dangerous man looks so perfect and instead of fearing your life, you fear for your heart.
"Brothers are fine." He shrugs. " Friends?" He shook his head while he looks like he was thinking and weighing the situation. "NO!" He said in distaste.
"That's unfair. Dean has been my friend since high school and he's working with me at my dad's company." I complained, furrowing my forehead momentarily. My lips purse in annoyance.
"Is he courting you?" He asked after. His glowing face suddenly morphing grimly and honestly, I'd rather want him playful, then when he looks savage. It scares me to be honest.
"I told you. He is one of my best friend aside from Bell." I huffed placing my hands on his chest and push him as hard as I can. He didn't budge an inch, but he rolled on my side and lay beside me.
"I never felt this possessiveness before, Enna and I really mean it when I say I want you all myself. I will kill if that's the case." He boasted and I turned on my side and look at him. Propping my elbow against the bed with my head resting on my palm, I stared to him.
He was staring back at me. "I'm very jealous when it comes to you." He admitted and I felt happy, but then I can't just ditch Dean because of him?
He just came in my life barely half year ago, and Dean was with me all my life.
"Believe me Gio, Dean is just a friend. He's very nice and if you want, I can introduce you to him?" I said as I got up and tried to pull him out of the bed.
He looks calm now.
I watch him as he swung his legs on the edge of the bed and sat. "Go have a shower and let's sleep. Did you had dinner?" I asked dropping the subject. He shook his head as he got out of the bed. I could tell he was really exhausted.
"Yes. I'll just have a shower and then let's go to bed." He grinned wolfishly and I felt relieved. He's back.
I remember he doesn't have any clothes in my condo. "You don't have any spare clothes here?"
"There should be a luggage in your door. One of my securities was carrying it for me when I walk in your door." He explains. I saw how his eyes flickered anger, but then promptly dismissed. "I'll go get it." He said and then he strode in haste out of my bedroom door.
I heaved a sigh.
I was living in this condo for almost eight years and now suddenly a man is living with me.
I met him four months ago? Five? And after that tragedy, we didn't see each other. I thought he forgotten me after I heard nothing from him. I just saw him from a distance, through magazines where I usually sneaked some of the published magazines from our publishing company and would discreetly ready it when I get a chance, sneaking into my own little world inside my own office while everyone was on their lunch break. Or browsing his pictures online when I'm on off. Watch him on TV, or seeing his name on every business billboard.
His name in the business world is huge, and one of the most influential person on earth according to Forbes.
My heart bleed whenever I saw him with different woman every week. Of course he was the most irresistible man whore of New York.
Then we met again several days ago, we didn't even dated nor he courted me, and yet I gave it all to him. He is right. I had manage to keep that virginity for long, somehow I gave it up to him too easily.
Giovanni Leone Santorini's POV
So this is Dean. A copper haired hot-shit! He was very handsome and charming. A boy-next-door type. I wish he was ugly but he wasn't. His brown eyes are expressive, pointed nose, thick bushy eyebrows, a little taller than 6' and sexy.
Now, that is alarming. And the way his eyes scanned my Bambolina, it was different. His eyes twinkles more and always has that flirty smile, kind of heart-melting smile. When he grins, girls would swoon.
They were friends? My ass.
Last night it was the best night of my life. I had to ravish her all throughout the night, missing her so much and we slept together. She even woke up late this morning. I drove her, and then I came back on their lunch break to have lunch with her.
She also invited her two friends to join us. We are now seated at the Vanier French Restaurant, just done with our lunch and chatting. I was sitting beside Enna while Dean and another friend of her, Gultan. A dirty blonde haired girl shorter than her and a Turkish. She looks cute too.
Again my vigilant eyes was invisibly scrutinizing the copper haired laird eying my Bambolina occasionally with those love struck eyes. I knew it.
These guys, pretending to befriend girls they like, and then eventually court them. Pretending to be a friend to learn the girl's weakness, then from there they would use it to their advantage.
"So how long have you guys been dating?" Dean asked cooly, but I could sense bitterness in his voice. He shot me a distasteful glance once in a while and Enna doesn't even notice it. How could she not notice it that this damn dickwit is in love with her?
"Long enough to make a baby--" I felt Enna's elbow jabbing my side. "Aww.." I look at her and she grit her teeth, visibly glaring at me. I look at Dean and Gultan staring at us, confused. "I mean -- to marry." I smiled sweetly, then stared at her relieved face. Eyes held joy and I couldn't stop myself but kiss her in front of her friends. I heard soft gasps, but I didn't care.
"My friends are watching Gio," she breaths as soon as our lips parted, and I grinned deviously.
Who cares if her friends are watching. I want that Dean to know that she's mine.
"Oh .. you two are so cute!" Gultan giggled dreamily. "Where can I find my Gio too?" She blabbered that made me laugh.
Enna widened her eyes to stop her and Dean just rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry Gultan, but there's only one Giovanni in the world." I pompously said and wink at her. I saw how her cheeks reddened and again I felt Enna's elbow connected on my side.
She's getting used on jabbing my side. I snake my hand on her waist and she smiled rather glares at me to stop me from touching her. I just brushes her warning off and let my hand feel her soft sides, enjoying her softness and the warmth of her body close to mine.
"So do you have girlfriend Dean?" I asked. He looks at Enna first before responding to me.
"No. I was too busy to work, I forgot my love life." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.
Because you love my girl dickwit!
"He dated a girl before, but she's too demanding so he broke up with her .." Enna explained for him, teasing him.
"I don't really like her in the first place, you force me to court her which I did." Dean playfully glared at her and Enna giggled all the more.
"You do like her, you just don't realized it because you didn't give her a chance and you always find fault in her." Enna lectured playfully and Dean just stared at her in disbelief.
I clench my jaw with jealousy on how close they are. I wanted to stop them, but I held my tongue. I just kept reminding myself that she's mine and no one will ever get in between.
"Whatever you say, Enna." Dean smiled, and drop the topic. Enna just shook her head and felt her head leaned on my side. I pulled her closer to me and let my hand rest on her slim waist.
"You two looks so perfect together," Gultan remarks that made me smile.
"I thought that too. So I didn't waste any time and pursued her." I grinned mischievously.
"Let's go. Our break time is over." Dean said and he pulled some cash in his wallet.
"It's all covered." I stop him.
"I didn't see you get up and pay it?" Enna ask as she pulled herself and took her purse.
"The owner is my friends and I owned twenty-percent of all the Vanier chain of restaurant and. Whenever I go here or any Vanier restaurant, they automatically add it in my tab." I explained to her and she nodded.
Dean grimly nodded and reluctantly thank me. Gultan was so impressed and incessantly thank me. She's funny.
"So I'll come pick you up after work?" I asked as soon as I'm driving her back to work.
Gultan is at Dean's car, following my latest La Ferarri.
I was holding her hand while my other was holding the steering wheel. Kissing it occasionally. She looks so happy and I felt so overwhelmingly happy. For my thirty two years of existence, never have I felt this contentment.
Not even when I first hit my first billion.
"So do you like Dean? Isn't he nice?" Enna shifted her body to her side to face me.
My mood suddenly turns sour, and I glance at her unable to hide my irritation to the that guy.
"You don't like him?" She asked in disbelief, pulling her hand off my hold and then straightened herself.
"That guy likes you!"
A/N: Here you go guys... That's all I can make today. I was called again to come early to work.
Hope it's not that bad. Please do vote and leave your comment.
Thank you and again, spare me with all the errors you may come across... I apologized.
Have fun reading.
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