Chapter 25: Doubt

"In these times I don't, in a manner of speaking, know what I want; perhaps I don't want what I know and want what I don't know."  ― Marsilio Ficino

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Athena Giudici's POV

              I shut my eyes as I tried to blink back the tears starting to well up around my eyelids. It's just a simple word but has a very deep meaning. "No matter what happen, you always have my heart." I knew there's something wrong. Even though how much I tried to act normal, to drowned it deep down inside of me, the doubt in my heart, it just kept resurfacing.

His words, I know, it has something to do with my suspicion. I know there's something wrong. I could feel it. I pretended I was sleeping as I sense around me, but then my eyes starting to give in to sleep. I felt the covers rise up a little bit right beside me, then the bed slowly rising up as he got off gently. The sleep promptly disappears and I felt suddenly charged. My ears perk up when I heard the shuffling of her clothes as he put it on, then his slow footsteps leaving my room.

My heart beat started picking up a pace. The tears starting to sting around my eyes. He definitely is hiding something from me, and I need to know. At this moment, just the thought of it, I feel breaking.

Please, I'm just paranoid. Nothing is going on, and he's not hiding anything from me. He is innocent. I squeeze my eyes shut as I tried to slam back down the doubt growing in my chest.

I waited for a moment if he comes back. Minutes passed and there was no sign of footsteps coming. I decided to follow him. I tiptoed out of my room and down to the living room. I was about to turn to the living room from the last step of the staircase when I heard him from behind me.

Stop and stood rooted to the ground. "I want him dead!" His voice is controlled, rather ensnared with menace though barely above a whisper, however, it brought ominous feeling in my heart. I shuddered inside. Even without looking at his direction, I could feel the ominous anger radiating off him, filling the dead room. Every fiber in my body rises with the fear suddenly filled me. Just as this moment, I realized he is dangerous, deadly and merciless.

Who is he want dead?

"There's nothing can stop me now. I will get justice in any way." His voice visibly quaver, yet it was full of determination and desperation. He made a short paused. I still felt glued on the floor. My body seems not responding and just my sense of hearing that was functioning at the moment. "I will make sure that he will suffer more than he did to my.." he paused, then suddenly my blood rushes in all my nerves endings as I felt his eyes venturing around him. I promptly step back a few steps up the stairs and hid behind the wall that's covering the staircase. I was clutching my chest as I tried not to squeak in fear. I thought I would never feel this again after that horrendous tragedy. My heartbeat pounding inside my ribcage and I'm starting to break out cold sweat. I shut my eyes trying to calm my nerves. He was silent for a second, then I heard muffling whispers, however, I could still hear his dark tone, I was never familiar with, lethal and detach. It is a voice I would never want to hear. 

" nascondiglio," ( the hideout) I heard him said and then his approaching footstep. His sinister voice reaches my head, my thoughts, whispering in my ears like haunting ghosts and screams to run, away from him. And just like that, everything sunk in my head, he is coming to my direction. I quickly ran upstairs as quiet as I could, with my heart racing rapidly in fear of being caught, straight to my room and jumps on my bed quickly, pulling the bed covers up over my head, hiding. 

Few minutes later, I felt his presence inside my room. The bed dipped and I felt the covers rising lightly, then his fingers brushing my hair. I was having a panic attack inside of me. I used all my control not to sat upright and confront him, instead, I pretended to sleep. 

His smell assaulted my nostril when he press his lips on my cheek, and it lingered before he lay beside me, pulling me closer to him. "Goodnight, bambolina." He whispered then the dead air filled the room. 

             I woke up with the incessant ringing of my phone. "Arghh...." I groaned. I could feel the pain starting to grow in my head. Memories from last night flashed in my head and I bolted upright. My eyes involuntarily snap to my side and I found it empty. My hand unconsciously ran the spot where I know he slept last night, on my right side. It was cold, telling me he left already. My eyes then drifted to my phone ringing incessantly on top of my side table. I lazily grab it and connected the call and at the corner of my eyes, I saw the time. It's almost midday. 

"Hello. Enna's speaking," I started as I lay back on my bed with my free hand rubbing my temple to ease the pain growing.

"Enna, honey. Are you home?" mom's worried voice suddenly took all my attention. I sat upright and propped my back against my headboard, pulling the covers to my lap.

"Yes, mom. What's wrong?" my eyebrows furrowed in deep curiosity. 

"Your dad didn't come home since last night and until now. He's not at work, and I even called his friends and he's not there either," the panic in mom's voice is visible and I started to worry about him too, but I kick the negative thoughts out of my head. 

"Mom, maybe he's on a business trip. Didn't he tell you? or maybe he forgot to tell you. Just wait until tonight if he didn't call, then we can report it to the authority," I comforted my mom and I heard her sigh though her voice still filled with anxieties.

"I guess you're right. He may have told me, but I'm having a hard time remembering things now." Mom mumbled just enough for my grasp. "I'm sorry honey for bothering you. I'll call him again later. Maybe he's in Italy. He's been planning to fly there to meet a friend." Mom then ended the call and I sighed.  Again, I felt the throbbing pain in my head. 

I dragged myself out of my bed and do my morning routine even though I don't feel like doing anything. All I want is curled up in my bed. Musing over things about us and Gio, this relationship that seems to get precarious each day. 

After I changed into black yoga pants with a white tee, I fixed my bed. My phone rang again just as I'm about done. I quickly rounded my bed to the other side table and pick up my phone. I saw Dean's name flashing on my screen.

"Yes, Dean?" I started and tucked the phone in between my head and shoulder as I run my hands through the middle, removing any wrinkles or creases of the comforter. 

"Did you hear the news?" 

"What news?" I stood upright and hold my phone with my curiosity rising up.

"Theresa Agoncillo is dead," he said.

"WHAT?" My heart suddenly stops breathing. 

She's dead.

"Why? I mean how?" 

"We don't know. The authorities found her dead in her bathtub, drowned. Rumors said it's suicidal." Dean casually explained and I felt like my body shuddered. Theresa is a nice lady and she's been my dad's secretary since he became the CEO of the Giudici's Publishing company. Is she troubled? 

"I thought she's happy? How could she end her life like that? She has a good a life as far as I know. I never talk to her much, but she's a nice lady and she seems rational." 

"I know. It was devastating news. I don't know how will your dad take this. I know they were so close," Dean muttered and I agreed. I saw how close they are. Dad cares for her and so was her to him. Though sometimes, their closeness seems fishy, but I know dad loves mom so much, and nobody caught them yet, so far. So I always shut the doubt creeping my heart whenever I saw how close they were. 

"I don't know either. Dad is not home since last night. Mom called me this morning," I mumbled audibly. My head starting to throb even more with all this awful news since I woke up this morning.

"Maybe Mr. Giudici is on an emergency meeting. Anyway, I hope you didn't get a hangover from last night." 

I didn't, but I did from what I overheard from last night. I silently responded.

"I'm fine. Just a headache, it's bearable." I half-chuckled. "I don't know much about her. Have you heard if she has family here?" I asked when I realized about her body. Who will be going to give a decent funeral for her?

"I think she has a sister and aunt living in Brooklyn." Dean responded shortly and I felt relieved though I still sad for her. She's too young to die. 

Suddenly, a scenario of her and Isaias inside his car, doing the nasty thing flashes in my head. Is Isaias dating her? Did he break up with her that's why she committed suicide? Was she heartbroken?

Oh my God! 

Suddenly, I felt like hyperventilating when realizations dawn on me. It can be!

"I gotta go, Dean. I'll call you later," I said and ended the call without waiting for his response. I quickly dialed Gio's number.

It rang a couple times before I heard his exhausted deep voice. "Speak!" The memories from last night flashed in my head and I shut my brains not wanting to remember anything.

"Hey, it's me," I responded softly. My heart starting to beat faster than it's normal. "I'm sorry for bothering you-"

"No, you're not bothering me at all. What's the problem, baby?" There's the soft, caressing voice again. I wanted to believe he was a nice man, but the doubt in my heart erases every single sympathy I felt for him, every positive feeling in my heart, starting to disperse and fear starting to reign. "Did you had a good sleep? I'm sorry if I left early, I just had an important call,"

"No, it's alright, Gio. I understand. You're a very important man," and you have someone to kill. I kept the last words in my brain. "I just want to know what's Isaias number." There, I asked it. I just hope he will give it to me without a word.

"Isaias' number?" And as I expect. His interrogative tone almost made me back out, but then I realized, I wasn't doing anything. I wanted to ask Isaias about Theresa.

"Yes," I answered briefly, mustering an unfazed, casual tone.

"Why?" he sounded suspicious and I just ignored it.

"I just want to talk to your friend," I rolled my eyes and irritation is rising in my chest.

"Since when you two became close?" his interrogative intonation rising.

I shut my eyes off and heaved a loud breath to calm  my nerves. "Since I became your girlfriend. Is that a problem?" I challenged him and he fell into silence. He sighed.

"I don't like this friendship between you. Dean is enough. Isaias is not a good influence on you," he proclaimed confidently and just then. I felt like a nerve just snaps off my head. 

"I just wanna ask him something important. Just give me his damn number or I will go find him myself and I will cut you out of my life. PERIOD!" I gruffly said with a huffed. 

"Hey," I could feel his anger radiating off from the other line and I don't really care at this moment. This man is really pissing me off. "Why cutting me out of your life? Are you trying to replace me with Isaias?" I rolled my eyes heavenward and puffed an air with frustrations. 

Oh God, I'm getting crazy right now. 


"Fine, fine, fine..." He said in resignation. "Just calm your tits," he added on and I squeeze my eyes shut, puffing an air as I tried to calm myself. I'm really beyond pissed.

"Gio," I said in my undertone and he gets it.

"Alright, I'm sending it now." I heard my phone beeps after a few seconds.

"Thanks!" I said when I saw the forwarded contacts.

Isaias Vitale 

"Are we cool now?" he asked after. 

"Yes," I softly replied in a resigned tone.

"Alright. I love you, bambolina." 

"I love you too," I close my eyes and savor the feelings as the words rolled out of my tongue. It was delicious. 

I quickly snap it out and then focus on the circumstances at hand. I ended the call and then dialed Isaias number without wasting any second. 

The phone kept ringing, but I didn't give up. After several trials, finally, he picks it up. "Isaias, Speak!" he started. His deep, detach voice -a slight difference in Gio's timbre, yet recognizable- reach my ears. I almost hang it up, when chills ran down my spine. 

"H-hey," I stammered. I suddenly fumbled for words. I was so confident while ago about Theresa, and now, I can't even form a word without stammering.

"Who's this?" The heavy gruffness in his tone sounded so muscular, yet it sends ominous warnings.

"I-it's Enna." I finally said.

"Uh, hey." The gruffness in his voice toned down a bit, yet it still sounded forbidding.

"I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time," I finally found my confident voice.

"No, of course not. Is something wrong?" now he sounded like Gio. What's with them? 

"Nothing. I just want to ask something and I hope you'll give me an honest answer." The other line went silence. Theresa and he, inside his car replayed in my head. 

"What is it?" after a lengthy paused, he asked. 

"About Theresa Agoncillo."

Another silence took over. I don't know if he's still there and what is his thoughts. If only I could see him, or maybe even if I'm talking to him personally, seeing him couples times, I knew I get nothing from his usual cold distant look. He's the guy who always wears his emotionless eyes and face. He's like a walking lifeless human.

"What about her?" my breathings came in strained. 

"I-" I close my eyes and summoned all the courage left in me to ask the question. "Theresa is dead. I saw you once in your car," I didn't specify it, as I felt the heat creeping over my cheeks when the scene replayed in my head.

He still sounded casual, no hint of anything suspicious. "We were both horny and it just happened once. We never dated if that's what you are curious about. No relationship builds up or anything." He casually explained and I felt lost.

"How did you meet her? How did it happen?" I asked consecutively. I'm still unconvinced.

"In a cafe. I met her when she was having her coffee and I offered her a ride to her work after we talk for a few minutes. She initiated the kiss and right inside my car, we had sex." He shamelessly elaborated and my cheeks felt so burning hot.

Isaias sounded so innocent and he has no idea how much embarrassment I was feeling right now. "I heard about her death and I felt sorry for her. I know nothing about her, so I don't have any idea why she has to end her life like that. She seems nice, and has a happy life." He concluded and I unconsciously gritted my teeth in frustration. This call is pointless. I got nothing from him and I'm even embarrassed.

I silently accused him.

"I'm sorry Isaias. I'm too surprised why she has to kill herself. She's a nice lady and people love her. I can't still believe she was impulsive. What motivates her to end her life." I said in an apologetic tone.

"I understand, Enna. I guess, some people tends to show they are happy but deep within them, they are lonely. It's hard to predict if we see them only on the outside." He said meaningfully.

"Yes, you are right. Well, thank you for your time. I'm sorry again to bother you," I said and Isaias just brushes it off.

"Have a great day, Enna." Then he hung up the phone. I plopped down on the edge of my bed, feeling weak and frustrated. A lot of things now clogging in my head. It's all a mystery and it's frustrating me. The tape, Gio's secret, and then Theresa Agoncillo. 

Dad is not here. Suddenly an idea sparks in my head. I quickly had a shower and changed into my outdoor outfit. I just wore blue jeans and top it with a pink ruffled tank top, completed it with black flat shoes. I didn't bother to dry my hair. I just rolled it into a messy bun and tied it.

I drove straight to my dad's office. The guard knows me well so he lets me in and even ushered me until the top floor where my dad's office is. 

"I can manage from here, Abram." He nodded his head and then he left. I entered my dad's office and head straight to a hidden door where his vault is. I knew his vaults where all the secret documents of these illegal businesses, crooks politicians, drug cartels, and a lot more of evidence, secretly hidden in his vault. I close his door and lock it from inside. I walk straight to where his wall to ceiling shelvings, full of books, and push an old dusty book permanently sitting at the very corner of the right middle shelf. All the books were classic, old and collectibles. Wrote by well-known writers of several decades ago, way before I was born. 

I watched as the shelvings split, then it slides open revealing a small room with the big vault as the focal point. Dad showed me this before I started working with him. He and I were the only people who knew about this secret vault. 

The room also has filing cabinets surrounding the wall where other important documents were kept hidden, untouched. I made my way to the vault that looks like a seven-cubic fridge made with steel-reinforced concrete that has a very complicated code. I walk closer and stood a few inches from the metal rectangular box. I hold the vault door and was about to enter the vault code when I notice the door wasn't locked. I pulled the heavy door and my eyes widened when I realized it wasn't locked. I looked into the vault and it's all folders, CD's, and old papers. I didn't see any sign of tape inside the vault. 

Where could it be? 

Did someone steal it?


A/N: Another chapter was done! Yay. I'm getting excited to end this and start my other on hold books.. 


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