Chapter 3-Ancient beauty

11/8/21 note: sorry if last chapter seemed to have an unnecessary amount of writing, it's just my style to make you feel how overwhelmed link was and how he's taking everything in. It won't always be like that, I just wanted it to be detailed because it's his first time outside and the cutscene is literally so beautiful and special in the game lol. The pace will pick up a bit from here and I'll still focus on his emotions bc that's the whole point of this :P



"A...a person...An actual-" I whispered in awe, each word said louder and louder until I stopped.

I had to calm my nerves. Even though the same feeling of relief washed over me, I couldn't help but take a deep breath in, my heart was about to jump out of my innocent body. I could feel it thumping as it echoed out of my ears.

I took a deep exhale for reassurance before properly looking ahead; my hands finding it's way above my eyes to block out the sunlight. I felt like I was dreaming. This all felt so a dream. Hopefully, just hopefully, I would wake up soon from this nightmare.

In the far distance was a man. A large man with an unkept, white beard; dull, old fabric draped down his sides and shielded his head. The hood really did suspiciously cover most of his face, but I somehow wasn't creeped out. I could feel his eyes and see the dark yet bright colours from here. I couldn't help but just stand there, as if I was waiting for a response to his eyes that pierced through my nervous body. But yet, I stood there confidently, as if it was a habit of my past self. I was starting to believe I had a lot of ancient...habbits.

The trees swayed with the rhythm of the soothing wind; the sound of wildlife increased as my ears pricked up to the sound like an animal, and my heart raced around my body full of emotion. Thumping, louder and louder...until I gave in and took a step in the direction of this man. It was all I could do.

But before I could continue, he gave me a neutral yet warming glance; the sun glowed onto his face for a slight moment, before he walked and took a seat on the ground to a distant camp area that I couldn't see clearly. He felt somehow familiar...but I didn't remember anything. I trusted my instinct to take that as a sign and go right over to him.

And so I did.

But, I still couldn't stop the questions thumping in my mind with each step I took. So I ignored them. I had nothing but the calming voice to keep me going. I was pathetic.

'Could I trust this man..? I have...nothing to lose anyway.. It all just feels odd.'

I strolled along the grass, the view still vibrant as ever to my left; I gave into the desire of distractions to keep my mind off the possible threats; I even plucked a few mushrooms, and found a few branches beside the stones that were once a part of the path I was walking on. was clear that the grass had consumed it through time.

The wind gushed through my thin clothing and I could only imagine how badly I'd survive out here in the cold.

If, I'd survive.


I stopped myself from getting easily distracted by facing forward again while taking a slight turn to the left; I couldn't help but widen my eyes as I adjusted them to the view ahead that I hadn't fully analysed yet. The view became bigger and bigger with each step I took. I occasionally caught my breath as I hadn't run for what felt like an eternity, it even felt like there was a limit to my stamina.
I soon regained my focus of my distant destination, noticing the area the old man sat by, there was a stone, cave-like arched wall; a glowing campfire too. It appeared this man had been camping for some time. I could only imagine just how long. And why.

I tried to pick up the pace, the wildlife I had heard before made even more noises I wasn't used to, like the sound of elegant birds that flew away, and the noise of swift squirrels running up the tall trees. Those trees, which pierced the blue blanket that covered the world's globe, with a few clouds that swirled up above. It was peaceful..but I was still nervous. Scared, even.

The wind bit my face, but I was already cold inside. It really was the least of my worries. I still hasn't gotten used to every detail of life; I loved it, I was overwhelmed by life's beauty that I knew almost nothing of, but couldn't remember. It was like a dream, I felt like I knew...but in the end, it was simply a forgotten memory, that I yearned to remember.
Just a simple sound could bring tears to my eyes. But I didn't bother. Especially with my emotions.

I was finally closer, ancient trees surrounded me but I sped up my pace until I was far enough to see him up close, leaving space between us. He didn't even notice my presence.

But, I didn't know what to do.


'Why and how was I here in the first place? Would he know? Did he even want to talk to me in the first place?'


'What was I even supposed to say?'


And so, I foolishly stood there like before. My confident stance, faded away... I knew I couldn't give up on this first impression. But I felt weak.

Before I could speak...I wondered what I would actually say.. What could I say to explain my situation? I had no memories of....anything. I was lost. Lost in life.

What specific answers did I actually need..?

Apart from the voice I heard that kept me going...I didn't know what I wanted. I realistically couldn't rely on a voice throughout my journey to find who I was. I was feeding off of hope again.

Every time I thought of things like stressed me out. Reality stressed me out.

I found myself sinking in all of the stress as a result. As if all the great oceans of the world, that I had no memory of, consumed me whole. And again, no memory of anything was beyond terrifying... At times like this I felt I couldn't breathe. I didn't know who I was, what I wanted or...what I...once had.

A feeling of drowning suffocated me, along with my mind again. I wasn't suprised; I...wasn't used to all these emotions.

...If I found out my name or who I was...what would I even do?

I frowned. The wind rippled my lightweight clothes, no words escaped my mouth.

Would I even benefit from the truth in the slightest? Was it even worth attempting to find out who I was? Did...I really want to know my past, or was it the fact I felt like I had no purpose..? Finding out my past..gave me something to do. That was all it was.


I immediately stopped myself from overthinking. I had to. Either way, this was my only chance given right in front of me for possible answers to anything. I couldn't be a coward and let it go.

I straightened my back, standing bolt upright, the heat hit my face as I did so. The weather was odd, not cold not hot, it kept changing just like my mind.
I moved closer, thankfully an apple tree next to me sheltered me with enough shade to see clearly.

My stomach rudely interrupted my plans as it grumbled.
'When was the last time I had eaten anything?'
Although I was familiar with things once I picked it up to examine, I couldn't even remember the taste of food. It felt like odd memories that were distant...yet so close.

My eyes flicked to a baked apple next to the small campfire, and I looked awkwardly at the floor, not sure what to do or say. Did he still not even notice me? His hood protected his face from the fire's heat...and from anybody to examine his face properly.

I let my body take control with no extra thoughts, so I swiftly sat down to the opposite of the man, the campfire sitting between us as he glanced up at me.

I stupidly reached for the apple, planning to pick it up and then ask if I could possibly have it...but my plans were cut off by the old man as soon as I picked it up.

"I BEG YOUR PARDON! I do believe that is my baked apple! You can't just go about taking whatever you please!" He said in his deep, smooth yet croaky voice. He sounded like he hadn't spoken in a while, but I couldn't blame him. This area...was empty of people, it just consisted of the wildlife and ruins.
If we were in a room, there would be no doubt his voice would bounce across the walls. It was the first voice I had heard other than the girl's and my own, and my face couldn't help but plaster a shocked expression.
Two completely different voices, and with such different effects it had on me....but it still left the after taste of unfamiliar familiarity. Which I didn't even know was possible.

I then flinched at his words realising how bad this looked, a feeling of embarrassment struck my body. My grip tightened around the fruit; I didn't know how to react. I had already messed up my first actual encounter with another person. Desperate to face palm myself, the man continued before I could even think of what to respond.

"Oho ho! Forgive me--I could not resist pulling your leg." He chuckled, his hazel eyes I then noticed, glowed more than the fire's great flames in front as I stood up.

'I-I'm glad..'

I wasn't used to jokes lighting up this foul mood I woke up with, so I gave a relieved sigh while the old man continued once more. He cleared his throat, making it sound more smooth and cheerful than before.

"Please help yourself. An apple and an open flame make for a succulent treat." He grinned, a sparkle reflected from the bright fire and glistened into his kind yet fierce eyes. My eyes watched as he examined me, while still holding a long, thick wooden branch that connected to another sign-like piece of wood, something I actually hadn't noticed before. His eyes lay low for a while before adding to this conversation.

"...It is a bit strange to see another soul in these parts." He added, gazing upwards at me again, his hood still on while I took the hint to answer. I was confused on what he meant but I still attempted to finally continue my first conversation with someone, and try to get answers.

"Who are you?" Was all my mouth bluntly let out.

There was a slight moment of silence before he locked eyes with me before he spoke. The fire in his eyes appeared greater than the one in front, I couldn't tell if it was a reflection..or not...

"Me? I'll spare you my life story."

His sudden change of tone sent shivers down my spine, but I didn't feel too much suspicion for some reason. My gut feeling gave out trust to this man. I decided to not be nosey while he continued to answer my question.

"I'm just an old fool who has lived here, alone, for quite some time now." He said firmly.
I knew I was right when I assumed there was no sign of people in these parts. He confirmed that.
And yet, I still hoped there was more...more people out here. It gave me hope for some reason. I didn't want to be alone, again.

His response also confirmed my thoughts on him living her for a long time, so at least one other thing was out of the way... But I hoped for more. More about me.. I was walking in a body that I knew nothing of. It was again, frightening. And I could not get over that.

"I hope you'll permit me a question...
If I may be so bold...are you not chilly?" He responded, now in a more kind tone.

I stopped my mind for a moment to think about it. Goosebumps were already present all over my body before I even walked I was unbothered. The sun and fire gave me warmth, even though there was a really cold breeze that rushed through the trees every now and then. I felt the change in the weather while we were speaking too. But, I was careless. I knew that the more I focused on it (which I would eventually do), the more cold I would feel. But then again, nothing compared to how cold I felt inside.

I then again tried with a small question. I was getting somewhere...I hoped.

"Where are we?" Was all I said.

"Answering a question with a question. That is fair enough." He chuckled, which made me realise how rude I seemed to not reply. I could already tell I was not very good at talking with people and having conversations... But I tried. It was my first time speaking to someone from what I knew.

"As I cannot imagine our meeting to be a simple coincidence...I shall tell you." He added, smiling a little.

His response gave me a feeling of excitement and again, relief. I was getting answers, I had no time to think.

"This is the Great Plateau. According to the legend, this is the birthplace to the entire kingdom of Hyrule." He put shortly.


That's what this ancient beauty is called..'

My mind echoed his words as it all sank in. My thoughts ran wild, but were again cut off; this time because of sudden movement of the old man standing up. My eyes automatically followed his movement in search for more needed answers.

"That temple there...Long ago, it was the site of many sacred ceremonies."
My eyes watched in awe as he pointed with the odd item in his hand, over to the structure he was talking about.

It was indeed a grand temple, an enormous and ancient one...but seemed to be consumed by time itself. It was in ruins. Any left over stone was amazingly still stacked high as the tip of the roof pierced the sky above, even the rough, grand stair case remained, or...whatever was left of it. It was rather strong to still be standing, as if it was standing it's ground, refusing to accept it's demise; it was an incredible yet unfortunate structure.
I could only imagine just how beautiful it would have looked before it transformed to this. Right now, it was in a state of decay and nature was still in the process of devouring it. Some solid materials used to construct such a beauty were either missing, or lost in the perpetual debris below it. I couldn't see clearly from here but it looked...destroyed. It was sucked of life and colour.

There was a deep, glistening ocean on the left of it, it was closer to me and I wondered just how abandoned this place must have been for the dangers of slipping in to be accepted. A few trees remained around it, in fact...everywhere I looked it seemed to be covered with the thickness of greenery. But not even the bright colours across this plateau, irregular hills and uneven earth below could stop the intense weight, of the heavy atmosphere I felt.

I stopped and continued to listen to the man.
"Ever since the decline of the kingdom 100 years ago, it has sat abandoned in a state of decay" He added firmly. It was a lot to process in such short time.

'100...years ago...?

So I was right, for a long's been abandoned during it's decay.'


The man slowly stepped back and his deep eyes glimmered from every light source, as he faced me.
"Yet another forgotten entity. A mere ghost of its former self..." He breathed.

And with that, he placed himself back next to the cosy camp fire.

While I looked down at him in awe, my face reflecting my thoughts of astonishment.


Was...that it?

...What would I do now...?


°•○●♡End of Chapter 3♡●○•°



Authors Note:

First of all, Happy (latee) New year! I hope you're all doing okay :)

It took me a while to write this (as usual lol), and I'm happy to finally publish this chapter. I'm sorry for taking too long. I just wrote a little every time I had free time.

I was quite busy and has a lot going on... I again, still try slowly write up a chapter :)

I also used the actual botw dialogue to make it accurate, it would be a lot different in my own words ahah
I try make it as accurate to the game...ofc you'll be seeing a lot of parts that are not ;)) BUT...only because I wanna add in more of my own ideas with a mix of accurate dialogue and scenes, some that I come up with...I hope you'll like! For example, more memories/conversation with Zelda/emotional scenes+thoughts..etc...

Thank you all <3
And thank you for being patient with me xx

- I will try pick up the pace from here and continue to plan out...But ofc some scenes may take longer to show how overwhelming it was for Link and how important it is !

I wanna apologise for any grammatical mistakes (or any in general), I'm dumb sometimes lol

See you in the next chapter <3

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