-The Next Morning-
Kayla's POV
I wake up around 10 in the morning and I yawn and I get up and I shower and I change into black shorts and a black short sleeve shirt with a fishnet long sleeve under my black short sleeve and I put on Dad's old jacket and I put on my Jonin Vest over it and I put my Konohagakure forehead protector on my forehead and I tie it under my red hair and I leave my wet red hair down and I walk to my door and I put on my black ninja sandals and I unlock my door and I walk out and I relock my door and I walk to training ground 11 casually and I stand there lazily.
"YOUR LATE." Yuki and Isamu yell and Yoru nods with them.
"I uh got lost on the path."
"LIAR." All three of them yell.
I laugh nervously. "Ok I'm gonna teach you guys how to walk on water." I say to them while pulling off my vest and jacket and shoes. "Come on." I say and I walk to point C and I stand on top of the pond at the center.
"Is it?" I ask. "Nothing is impossible." I pause. "Unless figuring out how 2 chakra nature infinitys and pure chakra some how get mixed. I still have yet to figure that out." I say with a mysterious smile.
"Ok number one sensei you are mysterious number two walking on water is almost impossible." Yoru says calmly.
I chuckle. "Then how am I doing it right now?" I ask them with a smirk.
"You may have a point but how are we supposed to do that?" Yoru asks.
I tap my chin and I dance around a bit on the water. "Chakra. Just focus it to your feet like you did with the tree's." I say to them while standing in the middle again.
They focus chakra to their feet and they attempt to walk on water but fail miserably.
I laugh a little and they try again and they fail. "Add more chakra to your feet and keep a steady flow there until you can walk to me with out a problem." I say to them calmly.
"Yes Sensei."
"Also you might want to take your coats and shoes off." I advised them and they look at me skeptically. I sigh. "Do you want to get more wet that you already are lucky for me I don't lose my balance but I took off my Coat, Jonin Vest, and my Ninja Sandals and gear you know just in case one of you drown I don't want my stuff getting wet." I say to them with a grin.
"Sensei I have a question." Yoru says to me.
"And that would be?" I ask her with a confused face.
"Well its been nagging me since I met you and what I have heard about you but how do you always smile even through everything that happened to you?" Yoru asks and the others nod.
I grin. "Because a smile goes a long way and somehow brightens someone's day but then again I shouldn't care should I? But I do because I ain't heartless like everyone thinks I am for being the Red Chain Demon I don't see how I got that name sure I have chains but they aren't red and I don't think I'm a demon and I don't get why people put red in there unless they mean my hair. Hmm now I have to think about that." I stand in a thinking position. "Is it because I finish my missions with out mercy most of the time." I mutter as I think and my students look at me in shock. "What? Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask them confused.
"She's bipolar." Yoru says sweat dropping.
"Eh?" I raise an eyebrow confused. "I don't get it but meh whatever." I shrug. "Now get to work also anymore questions?" I ask them.
"Yeah I have one Sensei. Why do I hear people saying such hurtful words about you?" Yuki asks.
I tense mentally. "Oh um ok get to work." I say quickly.
"Sensei answer me why do they say such hurtful words about you?" Yuki presses me.
I sigh and I run a hand through my wet hair. "What a pain." I mutter. "Its because I'm the sister of my brother the nine tailed jinchuriki host but I don't see anything wrong with that honestly we're both just kids at heart." I say shrugging and I feel someone put an arm around my shoulder.
"Thanks Kayla."
I smile at Naruto. "I don't think I did anything to be thanked." I say confused.
He laughs at my confusion. "You snapped me out of my upset mood." Naruto says with a grin.
"How? And who put you in that mood." I ask.
"The villagers and you were being honest plus your grin made me snap out of it." Naruto says to me.
"What did they say to you." I say as a dangerous aura surrounds me.
"Kayla its no big deal besides I'm the older sibling I should be looking out for you." Naruto says to me with a grin.
I calm down and I grin at my students. "Ok now that, that episode is over you three get to work." I say to them.
"Yes Sensei." They say and they focus their chakra to their feet and they stand on the water with almost little balance.
"Add more chakra." I say to them with a grin and Naruto grins with me.
"I remember doing this it was so hard until Pervy Sage did a Jutsu and I was able to stand on the water perfectly." Naruto says to me with a grin.
"You should really call him Jiraiya, Naruto it would-" I stop myself and I glare up at a cliff side. I pull out a few kunai and I throw them and I hear and oof.
"KAYLA WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME I WAS JUST DOING RESEARCH." Jiraiya yells from the cliff side.
"RESEARCH MY ASS YOU PERVERTED TOAD." I yell back at him and Naruto laughs. "NOW STOP STALKING ME THAT'S KAKASHI'S JOB." I yell at him.
"I DON'T STALK YOU." I hear from a cliff behind me.
"I'm done goodbye." I say and I walk to shore and I grab my stuff and I walk out of the training grounds and I walk to Lady Tsunde's office and I jump in through the window.
"Hello Kayla why are you here?" Lady Tsunde ask.
"Stalker Kakashi and Pervy Jiraiya." I say and I sit down on the couch and I huff. "If looks could kill."
"JIRAIYA." Lady Tsunde yells.
I cover my ears and I stare at Lady Tsunde. "He was watching me teach my students how to walk on water." I say to her.
"Are you gonna go back and finish teaching them for today?" Lady Tsunde asks me.
"No I left Naruto to handle them with Kakashi and Jiraiya." I say to her and she sweat drops.
"That was a bad idea." We say in unison and we run to the training grounds and I see Naruto glaring at Jiraiya and Kakashi reading his book and my students hiding in a tree. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED." We yell and everything freezes even the air.
They all turn to us and laugh nervously.
"Yuki, Yoru, Isamu come out they won't bite." I say to them calmly.
"Yes Sensei." They say and jump out the tree from my left.
I walk over to Jiraiya with a dangerous aura and he gulps and I smack him upside the head and I grin as he scowls at me. "Now no more peeping you perverted toad." I scold him.
"I am so sorry." Jiraiya says bowing to me when I finish.
"It better not happen again." I say to him with a grin and I walk over to my students who just stare at me shocked. "Eh?"
"Sensei how old are you?" Yuki asks.
"15, why?" I ask them slowly.
"For one, how are you a Jonin we might get it after you fight someone but how, For two, how can you scold so well?" Yuki asks.
I laugh nervously. "For the first one its because I work hard to my goals for the second one is because of my mother she scolded Naruto and Dad so much that I learned how to do it."
Naruto laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head.
"Now get back to work." I say to Yuki, Yoru and Isamu.
"Yes Ma'am." They say to me and then get back to work on focusing chakra.
"Jiraiya and Kakashi my stalkers I am going to have to ask you to leave these training grounds as soon as possible so that my students can train."
"I don't stalk you Kayla." Kakashi says to me.
"You watch me all the time don't think I don't feel your chakra when you watch me." I say to him while shoo'ing him and Jiraiya out.
"Kayla you and your team come with me." Lady Tsunde says to me.
I nod. "Naruto why don't you head to Ichiraku's." I tell him.
Naruto's eyes light up and he runs out of the training grounds.
"You three come on we can finish this later Lady Princess wants us in her office." I say to them.
"Yes Sensei." They say and grab their stuff and they follow me to her office.
I jump in through the window and my students walk in through the door behind Lady Tsunde and me and my students stand in front of her desk.
"Kayla what are you gonna teach them." Lady Tsunde asks me with a serious tone.
"Medical Nin Jutsu for Yoru and basic medical Jutsu for Yuki and Isamu for emergencies. Advanced Tai Jutsu for all three of them. For Yuki I will be teaching her how to use Adamantine Chains and Isamu I will be teaching him this." I make a Yin, Yang sphere.
"What the hell is that?" Lady Tsunde says to me.
"Its my pure chakra mixed with my Yin and Yang chakra affinitys I dont know how or why I was able to do this when I was using my fire and water chakra affinitys trying to create a new Jutsu." I explain to her.
"You might have to ask Shikaku if that is safe to use and create." Lady Tsunde says to me.
"I was gonna ask him and Shikamaru how this happened and for the rest of their training I will be teaching them advanced gen Jutsu some advanced Nin Jutsu and a few of my Jutsu that I created. And I am gonna teach them with swords as well." I say to her and my students look at me in shock and fear.
"Sensei will this training kill us?" Yuki asks.
I laugh a bit. "Depends on how strong your will is and by the time your Jonin I will have taught you everything I could." I tell them with a smirk.
"Good you better mean what you say Kayla I just might hold you to it." Lady Tsunde says to me with a smirk.
"Wanna make a bet?" I ask her.
"Yeah, if you lose you have to give me all your money." Lady Tsunde says to me.
"And if you lose you have quit your gambling habit. If I win you teach Naruto how to be Hokage so I wont have to." I say to her with a smirk.
"If I win you teach Naruto how to be Hokage since you were really good as temperory Hokage." Lady Tsunde says to me.
"You still remember that it was like almost 3 years ago when Naruto and I went to go look for you." I say to her.
"Yeah true." Lady Tsunde says to me.
I bang my head on the wall.
"Sensei why are you doing that?" Isamu asks.
"Lady Princess is there a reason you wanted us here?" I ask her as I stand in front of her desk again
"Yes since I trust you Kayla you 4 will be going on a b rank mission." Lady Tsunde says to me.
"But Lady Hokage aren't Genin supposed to do only d ranks at first?" Yoru protests.
"Normally yes but Kayla is a Jonin that could be ANBU if she wanted to at the moment she is strong and can save you guys if needed now Kayla you are to escort the bridge builder." Lady Tsunde says to me.
I groan and I hit my head on the wall. "That's like the 16th time seriously." I say to her annoyed and she chuckles.
"Well he requests you and no one else now you four get ready and be at the gate in half an hour." Lady Tsunde orders us.
"Yes Ma'am." We say and I jump out the window and the others walk out the door like normal boring people.
I run to the gates while pulling my hair up in twin tails and I my ninja shoes back on and dad's old jacket and my Jonin Vest and I put my ninja gear back on and once I get there I fall on the ground on my face. "I'm a clutz." I mutter.
Tazuna laughs at me. "Now that is funny."
I whistle a silent whistle and I hear Yuzuki running towards me and I get squashed.
"Yes Lady Kayla?" Yuzuki asks.
"Mission." I mutter and a ghost thing pops out.
"Oh no Lady Kayla get back in your body." Yuzuki says chasing my ghost.
I pop back into my body and I sit up with a groan. "Oww." I mutter and I stand up.
"Oh good Lady Kayla your ok." Yuzuki says breathing a sigh of relief.
"Ok now when are they coming." I say to no one as I stand there waiting and I see them running towards me with their bags and I move out of the way so they don't crash into me.
"Sensei we're here." Yuki says out of breath.
"Hey brat who are they?" Tazuna asks me.
I sigh. "Tazuna this is Yuki Sunokuran, Yoru Naitokuran, and Isamu Sunokuran. My students Lady Tsunde told me to take them with us ." I say to him.
"Am I gonna be safe with those brats." Tazuna says to me.
I sigh and hold them back from killing him. "You don't kill the client no matter how rude they are." I tell them and they slack and I let go. "Lets get going before I change my mind and have Kakashi go instead of me." I say and I walk out of the village and I stop for a second. "Izumo, Kotesu I won't be back for a while if anyone asks where I am just tell them I am on a mission."
"Yes Lady Kayla." Kotesu says to me.
"You know you don't have to call me Lady Kayla I don't even know why people call me that." I say to them.
"Its because your the daughter of the fourth Hokage and you should be respected that is why everyone calls you Lady Kayla." Izumo says to me.
"You can call me Kayla if you want titles are titles and honestly they're such a pain." I say to them shrugging.
"Ok we'll tell them you said that Kayla." Izumo says to me.
"Thanks." I grin at them. "Well see ya." I say and me and Yoru, Isamu, Yuki and Tazuna leave.
We walk down the path and I notice a puddle. "I thought I killed them." I mutter silently.
"THIS PAYBACK BITCH." One of the guys yell and they wrap 'Me' in chains and I break.
"SENSEI." My students yell.
"You have got to be kidding me." I say walking out of the foliage and I use a chain to grab the mist brothers. "I seriously thought you guys were dead." I say to the mist brothers.
"We did but Orochimaru brought us back and he told us to get you." One of them say and they use my chain and throw me into a tree.
"Fuck." I mutter and I jump at them with my sword and I they dodge and I swing at them constantly and they keep dodging.
"SENSEI." I hear Yuki yell and I jump back a few times and I block a chain coming at Yuki, Isamu, Yoru and Tazuna with my sword and I jump back at the mist brothers and I swing at them constantly and they continue to dodge.
"What can't hit us?" They taunt me.
I growl and I pull some sebon out and I throw them at them but they dodge them I growl again. "SUMMONING JUTSU." I yell and a few wolves appear with swords. We attack them and they get hit a few times and I get punched into a tree and my summoning's disappear and I jump back at them and I hit them with a chakra empowered fist and they crash into the ground and I jump back a few paces and I block a chain heading for Yuzuki.
"Lady Kayla you have to finish them now while you can." Yuzuki says to me.
"I was planning on it besides I don't feel like dealing with that snake." I say and I jump at them again hitting them a few times with my chakra punches and they fly into trees breaking some in the process and I kick them and they fly away like birds and I give them the bird sign and I walk back.
"Sensei are you ok?" Yoru asks.
"That doesn't matter now Tazuna where are we going?" I ask him.
"The Land of Tea then to The Land of Waves." Tazuna says to me.
I nod. "Lets get a move on." I say to everyone and they nod.
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