Chapter 32: Insomnia

The five friends set off for the Citadel, running towards what seemed to be a town square. In front of them were magitek troopers.

The magitek troopers noticed them and started to run towards them.

Noctis: This is it--give it your all, guys!

Gladiolus: Yeah.

Prompto: You got it!

Ignis: With pleasure.

Y/N: Let's do this!

Once more, the five friends begin to fight like they used to. Teamwork.

First, Noctis has Prompto use Piercer, the gun leaving Prompto's hands and appearing in Noctis's as he takes his own shot. Then looking to Gladiolus, he nods and the Shield uses the technique Dawnhammer, Gladiolus crouching and launching forward with a powerful strike. The greatsword then leaves his hand and appears in Noctis's, he himself lunging forward with the sword.

With two left, the first one Noctis does a link-strike with Y/N, Y/N rushing forward with his Binding Blade as Noctis warp-strikes afterwards. The last magitek trooper was eliminated with a link-strike of Noctis and Ignis, both jumping towards it as they strike it simultaneously.

Gladiolus: We haven't fought together like this in ages.

Noctis: Really takes you back, doesn't it?

Prompto: We may have struggled before, but now nothing can stand in our way!

Y/N: Damn right.

Gladiolus: I'm surprised we haven't seen any Glaives around here.

Noctis: Why would we?

Ignis: Because they're doing reconnaissance, dealing with the daemons as they go.

Gladiolus: They're base is up ahead. C'mon.

Heading underground, through the LR Citadel Station, they were now in what seemed to be a subway station. Heading down to the right, they go down more steps and go deeper into the station, reaching the lower level that was filled with water.

The water reached up to their ankles. As they glanced around, they saw that there were tents pitched up with ruined boxes, empty cans and wrappers were lying around, and old light stands. Heading down to the left, they see broken down magitek troopers lying around.

Prompto: Looks...fresh.

Ignis: Then we should hurry. There may be survivors nearby.

 Y/N: These cuts...they look familiar.

Running through a waiting area, they come across stairs on the left and go up it, entering a parking garage. They hear fighting noises, seeing giant wasps flying around.

In the middle of the giant wasp was a man with a katana, fighting. He wore the same robes as the former Crownsguard of Noctis. It was Cor.

Noctis: Marshal!

Both Y/N and Gladiolus run past the marshal, striking the wasp daemons as they stand next to him.

Gladiolus: Gone senile or something?

Y/N: Thought you were better than that?

They get into their stances and prepare for battle. Noctis wanted to see what Y/N was capable of with his new blade, signaling him to do one of his techniques. Since they were in the air, Y/N did Blazer, rushing up as he slices upwards. The blade of the sword grew a brighter red than a normal broadsword. The flame effects were even stronger that even Noctis could feel it.

Prompto: There's so many of them.

Cor: Tell me about it. I've been at it for hours.

Noctis: Hang in a little longer, then.

Noctis then warp-strikes the daemon in front of the marshal, Noctis signaling to him go strike. Cor then uses his signature technique, Lion's Roar, sending a slash wave forwards as it slices the daemon in half. Summoning a Circular-Saw, Prompto had rushed in, swinging the revved up machine and spun around in a circle, the daemons being ripped to shreds. Ignis then uses his daggers to make warp-points for Noctis, his other senses having been honed over the years.

Noctis then uses the created warp-points and strikes all the remaining daemons with Ignis's daggers, the daggers then reappearing in Ignis's hands as Noctis had finished using them.

The battle was now over, Y/N sheathing his Binding Blade that rested on his belt. The five of them then look to Cor.

Cor: You've grown into a fine leader.

Noctis: Thanks. You set a pretty good example.

Gladiolus: You alright?

Cor: More or less. (looks to Noctis) Glad you made it back, Highness.

Noctis: (nods) Glad to be back.

Cor: I've got something to show you. Follow me.

They start to follow the marshal, him leading them to a reinforced gate.

Noctis: So, what brought you back to Insomnia?

Cor: We wanted to do what we could to make sure everything was in order. For the day the King returned to reclaim his rightful seat on the throne. We're stationed just up ahead. It's just about the only place we have left. C'mon.

Now arrive at the Kingsglaive Base Camp, the door opens to a large room, many Glaives sitting and standing around as they talked among themselves.

When they heard the doors open, they look towards it to see Cor and Noctis, including his retinue, walk through.

Cor: Good news, everyone. Your King has returned.

They start to exclaim happily as they make their way to the entrance.

Glaive Member 1: Highness! I knew you'd come back!

Glaive Member 2: My liege!

Cor: (salutes) Your Highness, for many moons we have eagerly awaited the coming of this day.

The marshal and the Kingsglaive members then bow in respect. Noctis walks forward slightly, gazing at the crowd.

Noctis: Brothers and sisters, brave warriors of've done well these ten years. And I thank you. You've done so much, all for my sake...even as the darkness overcame our world, we kept the Light alive in our hearts. We've all lost friends and loved ones along the way, but the one thing we never lost was hope. Brothers and sisters, I ask you to stand by me and fight at my side--for the Light, and for the future of our world!

Pumping his fist up in the air, the Glaives felt inspired, their grim looks turning to one of determination, fueled by their King's words.

Cor: All hail the King of Light!

All Glaives: All hail the King of Light!

They continue to cheer some more. Behind Noctis, his friends only look on, smiling.

Gladiolus: The Glaive's finally got it's King.

Y/N: About damn time he grew up.

Prompto: They're all so happy to have him back.

Ignis: Yes...but none are happier than us.

After the crowd dispersed, before they went on, they explored the base, talking to any of the Glaives.

Glaive: My liege, I have a request from Ms. Aurum.

Noctis: You mean Cindy?

Glaive: Yes. She was hoping you would help her unearth some special machine parts from the city ruins. We've already deployed one of our Glaives to the designated area. They're not much for conversation, but rest assured: when it comes to combat, they're more than capable. (bows) I've marked the location on your map. All that's left is to rendezvous with the Glaive and begin the operation.

Noctis: Got it. I'll see what I can do.

Nodding, Noctis goes to Cor, who had something for him.

Cor: Here--takes this.

Cor tosses something to his King, Noctis catching it as he opens his hand to see what it is.

Noctis: A key?

Cor: Good eye. That'll let you open all the gates around here.

Noctis: Perfect.

Noctis and his group then leave the Kingsglaive Base Camp and head to the entrance, left of the exit of the parking garage.

Unlocking the chains and opening the doors, they run through a long hallway, what seemed to be a rundown mall.

Exiting, they head up the steps and enter another town square. They see a figure standing on top of a pole. Their looks change to one of anger as they knew who that person was.

Ardyn: (smiles) Fashionably late, I see.

Noctis: Ardyn.

Ardyn: Insomnia, the Crown City of my kingdom. I bid you a warm welcome.

Snapping his fingers, the heat starts to rise as meteors engulfed in flames start to fall from the sky.

Gladiolus: What the hell's he doing?

The meteors start to crash everywhere in the city, igniting the night sky as the flames start to grow larger.

Ardyn: I've prepared something special for you, Noctis.

Noctis: What!?

A purple, translucent barrier then starts to form around the palace.

Ardyn: Yes, it's the same Wall your father gave his life to sustain. I thought it might serve as a lovely reminder of your Daddy Dearest. Do you like it? (chuckles manically)

Noctis: (grits teeth) You're sick.

Ardyn: How could you say that to your own flesh and blood!? I'll try to find it in my heart to forgive you by the time you reach the Citadel. My little pet will greet you at the gates.

Ardyn disappears out of thin air as the fires rage on, the Crown City once again engulfed in flames. Daemons, Red Giants, then start to appear under the bridges that lead to the Citadel.

Deciding not to waste time and complete the task they had to do, they go past the Red Giants, who stomped their way to the group.

As they were headed to the location of the Citadel, they spot something waiting in front of the Citadel. A three-headed dog. The beast opened it's eyes. Spotting the King and his retinue, it roars a breath of flames.

Gladiolus: Must be his "little pet."

Ignis: We can only hope its bark is worse than its bite.

Noctis: Hope it's ready--we bite back.

Engaging the beast, they run towards it, the Cerberus letting out a breath of flames as Noctis and his group dodge out of the way.

Gladiolus: We should've let the sleeping dog lie.

Prompto: (sigh) Where's the marshal when you need him?

Ignis: I'm afraid he's preoccupied with other businesses.

Y/N: What can't handle it?

Noctis: Then we handle this one ourselves.

Ignis: Noct, try attacking the beast while it's in midair.

Noctis: And stop it from bouncing around?

Ignis: Precisely.

Gladiolus: Time to retrain this pup.

Taking the advice, Noctis conjures the Star of the Rogue, using it's arc to attack the beast while it remained on the ground and switching to the Bow of the Clever when it jumped in midair. Prompto would do his part, summoning his personal gun, Lion Heart, and summoning his other gun, Quicksilver. Dual-wielding the two, he unleashes a barrage of bullets before he unloads a powerful one with Lion Heart.

Despite his weapon being attuned to flames, the power of Blazer was good enough to deal massive damage. As Y/N got close, unleashes Blazer, getting attacked by the claws of Cerberus. But thanks to the special enchantments of the weapon, his defense had improved astoundingly. Gladiolus then uses one of his most powerful techniques, Impulse. Holding his greatsword with two hands, facing it forward, he swings it horizontally. The slash was delayed before Cerberus was cut, being dealt with significant damage. Ignis then commands the other four, using the technique Overwhelm. Getting together, they synchronize their attacks, attacking simultaneously to deal massive damage.

Then Noctis's eyes start to glow a bright red. From the air, Ramuh could be spotted. The Thunder God summons his staff, aiming it towards Cerberus as he prepares his Judgement Bolt. Throwing it down, the staff is engulfed with lightning, striking the daemon dog as it's being electrified.

They thought it was over, but it then roars as the Cerberus was now angered. It had not perished from Ramuh's attack.

Gladiolus: That's one hell of a "pet"...

Prompto: Is it too late to ask Ardyn to call off his dog?

Ignis: I'm afraid it is.

Y/N: Yeah, it's been a given.

Prompto: Aw, how nice of you.

Gladiolus: Shut it.

The Cerberus lets out a breath of fire, resulting them in covering their faces. The breath was aimed behind them, causing the road behind them to be blocked.

Gladiolus: Damn. It's got us trapped!

Ignis: If we can't run, all we can do is fight!

Y/N: That's the plan!

Noctis: They're right. C'mon!

With their final stand here before facing Ardyn, they all summon their weapons once more, Y/N unsheathing the Binding Blade. 

Cerberus then jumps into the air, coming down as the group dodge it's impact.

Prompto: We've still got a chance here!

Zipping around the beast, Noctis starts to bombard the beast with attacks using the Sword of the Father. The beast backs off and begins to climb the gate of the Citadel, confusing the five. It then leaped off, coming down with an expected force at the end. The beast aimed for Noctis, who activated his Armiger.

The Armiger circles around him, protecting him from the beast's attack. Getting back, Noctis uses the technique of the Armiger, Apocalypsis. The royal weapons gathering into a circle as they aim towards Cerberus, firing as they home in on the daemon. The Armiger energy soon runs out, Noctis having Gladiolus use the Glaive Art, Tempest. The Shield of the King takes his greatsword, spinning in a circle as he brings in Cerberus, ending the technique with a powerful strike. The sword then appears in Noctis's hands as he follows up with his attack. Prompto then follows up with his Bullet Art, Trigger Happy. Conjuring his revolvers, he cocks the hammers and fires, sending the barrage of bullets at the large beast.

Ending the attack with a cross chain, they do a series of attacks and regroup back together, all of them attacking before Noctis goes for the final hit. Cerberus had been eliminated.

With the beast killed, they walk up to the Wall.

Y/N: So, any bright ideas?

Prompto: Looks like there's no way past the Wall...

They heard a rumbling noise, causing them to turn around. Behind them were an army of daemons making their way to them.

Prompto: There's way too many of them!

Gladiolus: And no way outta this, either.

Y/N: Yeah, but I'm not gonna die here and leave my little girl. Especially leave you all here, too.

Noctis: Still...we can't just give up now.

It wasn't until they felt a familiar presence. Especially towards Noctis. They turned around to see the spectral form of Lunafreya.

Noctis: Luna!

Lunafreya: Gods above, hear my plea: lend the Chosen King your strength that he may save our Star from darkness blight!

Gentiana then appears next to the spectral Oracle.

Gentiana: The lady's words have reached the heavens. By the will of the Oracle and the grace of the gods, a path for the King is made.

(A/N): Here's the scene if you want to see it. Was getting lazy towards the end. But then again, this scene was so cool. I don't own the video. :p

The Wall had then been shattered by the gods. Lunafreya then smiles at her beloved.

Noctis: Luna...thank you.

She bows as she sends a nod his way.

Lunafreya: The fate of our Star rests with you now, my King.

The two walk up to each other, hoping to hold hands once more. But the spectral Oracle disappears before the two could make contact.

Sylleblossom petals go past him as Noctis clenches his fist, bring it to his chest.

Gladiolus: Talk about divine intervention.

Prompto: (laughs) Feels good to know the gods are fighting on our side.

Ignis: They've entrusted the future to you, Noct.

Y/N: Don't fail 'em now.

Noctis: Yeah. You're right, Y/N. Wouldn't want to let 'em down now.

The camera then starts to pan up, showing a full view of the Citadel. At long last...after ten years. Noctis and his friends were finally home.

It was time for him to take back his throne.

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