Chapter 7

You awoke off the floor as you had been knocked out earlier from almost being choked to death. You instantly woke into a coughing fit as air suddenly came swelling to your lungs, giving you back your breath of life.

You groaned and picked yourself slowly off the floor, wondering what in the world just happened.

As you came to your senses, you saw the scenery of the room shift from the dark and moody throne room to an outdoor area.

You looked down on the ground and saw you were standing in dirt, no, ash? Or soot? It looked as if it were a mixture of all of the above.

"What the hell?" You whispered, surprised that you were now in a completely different area as you could feel extreme levels of heat now, abnormal levels of heat. You raised your arm to use your comlink to contact Anakin, but your comlink was nowhere to be found. Quickly you turned your attention to your utility belt to find your holoprojector to see if you could contact him that way, but everything in your utility belt had vanished, along with your lightsaber. "What kind of black magic is this?" You asked out loud, now very upset with your situation, as you looked around at your surroundings, to find yourself stuck on a lava planet.

It's not black magic.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my master?!" You shouted, responding back to the odd male voice that came out of nowhere.

Everything was happening so fast. Just on your first mission with your new master, you had already been sent to a Sith Temple to not only hopefully find two missing Jedi, but also find a Sith holocron. So far, you had failed in both, and you happened to lose your master. You didn't want to be here at all, you wanted to be back at the Jedi Temple, training with hologram battle droids, or on the war field with Anakin and the 501st. You were honestly deathly afraid.

What do you mean, "your master"? I'm right here.

No. It couldn't be. Your master was dead. You were sure of it. He died in a fire, burned alive from Separatist flame battle droids.

"No. You're dead. How can you be speaking to me right now?" You asked, stepping around the area you were in, scanning the sky for a sign of your old master.

The Force is a powerful tool my young padawan, if you choose to use it right.

"What do you mean, 'if'? Isn't it powerful anyway?" You tilt your head at the sky and crossed your arms.

The Force works in mysterious ways. You can use it for good, or for evil. It is always powerful, but whether or not you can harness it is the question. Can you harness it?

You looked down to the ground and thought about it while listening to the bubbling rivers of lava flow past you. You wondered if you were ever able to achieve such great power. The Jedi had always limited to you--you always felt strangely held back while you were under padawan training with the groups of other padawans. Sure, you were able to call your lightsaber to you or do a Force jump or have great reflexes, but the Jedi never explained to you on how to expand that power into something more; more than just some lightsaber call.

"I'm... I'm unsure." You rubbed your left arm and started to question almost everything the Jedi had taught you. Did they teach every student the same? Does every master have the same formula? Are they not allowed to push their students?

Yes... I can hear your thoughts, (Y/N). It is good to question things, especially as a padawan. It makes you wonder if you've made the right decision.

You look up from the ground to ask another question but heard a sudden loud alarm coming from behind you.

You spin around only to see in the distance, an extremely large factory behind you, which seemed to be emitting the noise.

"What's going on?" You mumble, as you quickly glance around at your surroundings to see if you could reach the factory at all.

Above you, you see a platform that hanged overhead, just to your right. You call upon the Force quickly and use your might to Force jump on to the platform. With a solid landing, you look up to see two blue lightsabers clashing together rather quickly, on the opposite side of the factory.

One opponent seemed to be on the offense and the other on the defense. Usually, two opponents would be on the offense, but no, the second one didn't seem to want to end the other one's life. They seemed to be in a very heated battle, as they quickly moved across the bridge platform.

But why do they both have blue lightsabers? Are they both Jedi? No... That couldn't be right, you had to get a closer look.

"Who are they?" You asked, leaning over the platform and squinted, but you couldn't seem to get a good look.

Search your feelings, (Y/N).

"I don't... I don't know." You admitted, unsure of what to feel.

Yes, you do.

As you watched the two opponents crash their lightsabers against each other, you felt a certain tug, or a ripple through the Force from one of them. It was very familiar. It hadn't-

"No, no, it can't be. Not them! I have to get closer."

You ran across the platform, the metal clanged under your feet as you ran to the other side.

Sure enough, you were met with your expectations as you saw them; Anakin and Obi-Wan battling each other. You couldn't believe your eyes. They were practically best friends. What happened? Had they had a really bad falling out? Had one of them betrayed the Council?

"What... What happened?" You asked the voice solemnly, afraid of an answer. In fact, you didn't really want an answer. This had to be some alternate universe or some made-up dream to make you confused or join the Dark Side somehow.

You watched them cross that bridge, but they quickly hid behind columns as lava erupted from the river below them, and sent ash and hot lava spewing into the air.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a large silver ship, a Nabooian ship in fact that was landed on a platform, along with Anakin's starfighter.

Maybe that was the ship Obi-Wan came in, you thought, as you ran to the landing platform to investigate. But that wouldn't make sense, Obi-Wan has his own Jedi starfighter, why wouldn't he have come in that?

As you got closer to the platform, you saw a girl laying on the ground who was clearly unconscious.

You ran up beside her and knelt down as you realized that she wasn't any girl, but she was senator Padmé Amidala, who was clearly pregnant.

"I don't understand... Why is she here? Why did she come in this ship? Did she try to interfere?" You said aloud, wondering what in the world was going on. And how did she become unconscious? Did someone attack her? Or did she just faint? This was all too much at once, you couldn't possibly take this in.

(Y/N), what you're seeing is a vision of the future.

You looked up from the senator and stood up quickly. "No, that's not possible. Jedi can't even see the future."

Oh? Maybe you should ask Anakin. He's had several visions of the future.

"He has? How?"

Now there was even more stuff to uncover about Anakin. He was so secretive, you weren't sure how you felt about him. Sure, you had just met the guy, and of course he wasn't going to open up to you right away, but you had a feeling there was stuff he knew about power that he wasn't even telling Obi-Wan or the Jedi Council. Maybe this is what the whole lightsaber battle was for.

It's part of the reason Anakin joined the Dark Side.

"What?" You gasped, as you couldn't believe your ears. He would never. He was too loyal to do such a thing. He was too prideful as well. There was no way someone could convince him to join the Dark Side.

It's true. Why don't you go see for yourself?

Suddenly you were transported from the landing platform to a top of a dirt hill, as you watched Obi-Wan and Anakin fight right in front of you.

You could see the anger in Anakin's eyes as Obi-Wan flipped off of the floating platform and on to the same hill you were on, but below you.

"It's over Anakin! I have the high ground!" Obi-Wan shouts over the roaring rivers of lava, and the humming of their lightsabers.

"You underestimate my power!" Anakin shouts back, his eyes piercing at Obi-Wan, while his shoulders heaved up and down from the tiring fight.

"Don't try it."

Anakin lets out an aggravated yell as he flips over from the floating platform with his lightsaber in hand. You quickly back up on the hill to let Anakin land, but you stopped as you saw Obi-Wan turn around and slice off Anakin's limbs in a matter of seconds.

You gasp and cover your mouth with your hands, horrified.

Anakin falls to the ground, near the river of lava with a loud and painful groan.

"You were the Chosen One! You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!" Obi-Wan shouts as he closes the blue blade of his lightsaber.

You only saw the back of Obi-Wan's head, but you knew how painful this was for him, to see his former padawan join the Dark Side, then lay there in pain, with only anger in his body.

You could hardly bear to watch it. There was no way that this was the future.

Anakin rolled around painfully on the soil, the hot spewing lava rising behind him, getting closer and closer to him as he tried to climb up the hill with his only metal arm. His body looked as if it was aching, his open wounds were being covered by the soil, seeping into his skin.

In pure rage and jealousy, Anakin grabbed onto the soil, then slammed it back into the ground, his eyes giving his old master an intense glare of pain. "I hate you!" he yelled, his voice distorted from the heat and awful air that continued to sink into his lungs. With little strength he had, he tried pulling himself up with his arm, his pure hatred empowered him.

"You were my brother Anakin! I loved you!" Obi-Wan yelled back, over the rushing river of lava.

As the lava continued to rise, Anakin's right leg had caught on fire, the pure heat catching on to his torn clothing, then continued to rise up his body. Then his left leg caught on fire, his whole body being sent into flames.

"No, no, no, no!" You shouted, now in tears as you watched people you knew and grew a new fondness for were torn apart from you, right in front of you. You couldn't bear it, as you fell to your knees and sobbed uncontrollably. No matter how hard you cried, you were still in doubt. There was no way that this was going to happen. No way. You knew you wouldn't even let it happen. There had to be some loop-hole to stop this madness.

"Take me out of here, you evil, dark, being!" You grabbed a fist full of dirt and threw it at the sky, for cursing your mind with these images of the future. "Why did you show me this?! Huh?! So I could join you, to prevent this from happening?! I hope you know, that it is never going to happen! Never!"

The Force works in mysterious ways, youngling. The Dark Side consumes who it wants to consume.

"Get. Me. Out of here!"


You awoke once again, only to find yourself in the ship sitting down in the co-pilot seat, and not in the Sith temple.

You looked down and around the ship and saw R2 sitting in the corner, and down again as you saw your utility belt and your lightsaber on you again.

You sighed in relief, but quickly scrambled to your feet and pressed the comlink on your wrist go contact Anakin, as he wasn't here in the ship with you.

"Anakin!" You yelled into the comlink, your thoughts all over the place as you couldn't seem to gather your thoughts in this one moment.

There was no response.


Again, no response.

You sighed in defeat as you knew Anakin must be doing something in the Temple. You wondered how you were even transported here in the first place. Was it that voice? Or some other dark power?


You looked up quickly as you heard a small signal coming from your comlink. It was weak, but it was there.


"Thank goodness... alive! I believe the... Temple... Collapsing! Where are you?!"

Yeah, the signal was very weak. He was breaking up, unfortunately.

"I'm unsure at the moment, Anakin, " you replied, lying. You didn't want him to think you were in the Temple since it was collapsing. "Go ahead and go meet me at the ship!"

"Fine, I'll contact... Jedi Council... There! Be careful!"

There you end the conversation and turn around to face R2. "R2, prep the ship for takeoff."

He beeped in response and turned around to plug into the ship.

"Please make it back in one piece, " you mumbled, as you stared at the Sith Temple in the distance, watching it crumble to the ground.


Several hours later, Anakin finally arrived in the ship, and you had finally taken off, now in light-speed.

Anakin walked up to the dashboard and pressed the holo-projector to contact the Jedi Council, and was met by master Windu and Obi-Wan.

"Anakin, were you successful in your attempt to find our scouts?" Windu questions as he strokes his chin with his hand.

Anakin shook his head, as he placed his arms behind his back. "No sir. However, we did find their tracking beacons. Weirdly enough, there were no bodies there. I assume they either left the temple, or they were killed. "

Windu nods and sighs sadly. "Alright. Thank you for doing what you could've."

"Yes sir, my padawan and I tried our best. "

You smiled that Anakin had included as Windu had failed to.

"And what of the holocron?" Obi-Wan pipes in, curiously.

"It's right here. " Anakin pulls it out of his robes with the Force, as he levitate's it in his hand. "Safe and sound. " he then quickly put it back in his robe after showing it to them.

"Good. Well, I would say that that was a successful mission. Congratulations you two. I hope you both learned something while on this mission."

You could sense Anakin's pride swell up in his body. You chuckled at him.

"Thank you. We'll be heading out of hyperspace soon. "

"Alright, may the Force be with you, Anakin."

"And with you, master."

Anakin presses the button to end the call and steps away from the dashboard and takes his Jedi robe off and hangs it up on his pilot seat.

"Well, it looks as if we did a good job today. Too bad we couldn't find those Jedi scouts." Anakin sits down in his seat and presses a few buttons on the dashboard.

"Yeah. " you shrug, and start to wonder, and you turn to Anakin. "I wonder if there were even any Jedi scouts in the first place. "

He raises an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

"I don't know. My master always said that I should question things and that I should never follow blindly. Plus, it's just a gut feeling I have, y'know?"

He nods, understanding. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I've been starting to question the Order lately as well. Then again, I haven't really been feeling like myself either." He chuckles to lighten the mood.

Maybe this is what the voice was talking about- his visions. "I don't mean to pry, but why haven't you been feeling like yourself lately?"

He shrugs and pulls the hyperspace lever, which slowly pulled us out of light-speed, to reveal in front of us the large planet of Coruscant. "I've just uh... Been having bad dreams, that's all. It's just been putting a downer on me."

"But Jedi don't have bad dreams."

"That's what they all say."

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