
I'm currently watching Nature on ETV while writing this, so this might have animal terms or something.

Oh shit, there is a toad eating tarantula-

A female Arabian fat scorpion, people are getting fancy with these names.

Okay, I'mma stop.

Omg, Sengi- the African shrew's nose, bruh, that shit look like a skinny penis.

58 words already, damn-

Todoroki's quick walking slowed to a speed walk, his blushing going down.

What is this, 'Torture Todoroki day?' This is what happens when you let your siblings get involved with your relationship.

But were Fuyumi and Natsuo lying?

He wasn't thinking about that yet, but now that they've put that in his mind...

Midoriya gasped for breath, breaking the heated kiss. The cool water tickled his skin as Todoroki pressed himself closer to his boyfriend, holding the pool railing. Everyone has already went into Momo's house, chowing down on food or just talking.

"T-todoroki-kun, we shouldn't be doing this, at least not right now."

"But I don't want to stop," Todoroki muttered, placing himself in between Midoriya's legs. He pressed kisses on his jawline. Midoriya squirmed, giving in.

"F-fine.. but if someone sees us, what will you say?"

"Please go away, I'm going to defile this pool."

Midoriya slightly smiled, before pulling him closer.

"You seem so sure of yourself... fine then. Defile this pool."

"Oi, Todoroki-kun, are you okay?" Todoroki snapped out his perverted thoughts, hearing the rather memorable voice.

"O-oh, Midoriya." Midoriya gave him a signature smile, eyes closed, toothy grin, and head slightly tilted.

"Yep! Are you okay, you walked right past my house." Todoroki looked back at him, he could still see Midoriya's house, but he was at least two blocks away.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just- uh, thinking about something."

"Would you mind telling me what it is," Midoriya asked, curious. Todoroki immediately tensed.

"Momo's party," Todoroki lied. "I just can't wait to see everyone." Midoriya smiled.

"Me too!" Phew. He seemed to fall for it. Todoroki smiled back, looking at his All Might Watch™

"It's already 10. We better hurry."

"Oh, yeah!" Midoriya grabbed his suitcase, before sprinting down the pavement. Todoroki sighed, running after him.


"What took so long," Ochako yelled at the couple, seeing them sprint down road after the gates opened for them.

"W-we live kind of far," Midoriya gasped for breath.

"Y'know, you could've just called Momo and she would come pick you up," Ojirou told them. "The limo even had leathered seats."

"No need to rub it in," Todoroki panted.

"Well, you're here now," Momo told the couple, wearing a black swimsuit with translucent white frabic lightly wrapped around her hip. "So the games can begin!"

"G-games?" Midoriya looked almost happy and tired. "But we just got here!"

"And you better hurry up and get on your swimsuit, or you'll miss out," Jirou informed them, appearing behind Momo. Her swimsuit was a dark blue, with a skirt attached to the suit, halfway to her knees.

Midoriya, somehow gathering the stamina to run into the house, ran past a walking Todoroki, who just looked on.

"Jesus, that child runs to much," Tsuyu ribbited, her swimsuit just a dark green top and shorts, that clung to her curves.

"That's Deku for you," Bakugou chuckled, wearing some shorts with explosions on it. Kirishima came up behind him and gave him a kiss on the hand. Bakugou shooed him away.

Todoroki just got finished putting on his shorts, and he waited for Midoriya to finish. Standing by the bathroom door, he heard struggling sounds coming from inside.

"U-um.. Todoroki-kun," Todoroki perked up from hearing his name. "Came you please come in and help me?"

Todoroki's breath quickened. "U-uh, what happened?"

"I just need help tightning this," Midoriya's voice muffled through the door. Todoroki gulped, before opening the door slowly.

Midoriya was facing the mirror, face flushed with embarrassment. "U-um, can you help me?"

Todoroki, gulping again, shut the door behind him and walked up to his boyfriend.

"The string," Midoriya said, pointing to the thin fabric. "Tightens the shorts, but I can't get it right."

"Okay," Todoroki said, getting himself under control. "Is there a special way to tie it?"

"No, just the usual bunny ears, but whenever I get to that part, it always un-looses." Todoroki sighed.

"Okay," He understood. Todoroki faced Midoriya, crouching down. Midoriya barely thought nothing of it, but Todoroki almost wheezed at how close he was to Midoriya's area.

Calming down again, Todoroki grabbed the two yellow strings. Midoriya's swimming shorts were- no surprise- All Might themed.

Todoroki tied them slowly, making sure to keep tighting the strings as he went.

"T-too tight," Midoriya gasped. Todoroki, almost jolted out of his position, taking his words wrong.

"W-what," Todoroki looked down at what he was doing, and he realized how tight the shorts looked on Midoriya, in fact, the skin was turning pink. "Oh, sorry!"

He loosen the string, going back to tying. Midoriya sighed, content. "It's okay."

Todoroki just finished making the bunny ears. He realized what Midoriya meant now, his fingers started to slip. Huffing, he quickly finished the tie.

"There," Todoroki sighed, pulling the tie tight.

"Thank you so much," Midoriya smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Todoroki smiled.

"No need for praise," He chuckled, opening the door. Tokoyami stood there.

"Oh, the bathroom, kind of unsanitary, don't you think?"

Todoroki's eyes widened as he realized what he meant. "N-no, it wasn't like that, see i was just helping him fix his shorts-"

"Woah there," Shouji said, holding his several limbs up and walking back.

Tokoyami almost smiled at his friend. "Anyway, the games are about to start."

Todoroki, slightly blushing, held Midoriya's hand as he took them both outside. Midoriya walked behind him, confused.

"What did Tokoyami mean by that?"

"D-don't worry about it."

Momo huffed at the couple as they came outside. "Took long enough."

"Sorry," They both said.

"Anyway, here's the game." Momo rubbed her hands together. "It's kind of like Paintball, except it's with water balloons. Everyone will get into two teams. Each team will have a flag near one of the pools. The other teams will try to get it."

"You can knock people out by splashing them. You can also knock them in a pool. Do not splash your own teammate or you'll be out. I will allow you to use your quirks."

"Now who want to be team captain-"

"ME! ME!" Mina and Kaminari yelled, jumping up and down.

"Uh, Ochako, and Tsuyu," Momo sighed. Mina and Kaminari groaned.

(Ochako: bold. Tsuyu: Italic)

















"Okay! Ochako's team flag is Blue, Tsuyu's team flag is Yellow. Gather your strategies, and in five minutes, get ready to play." Everyone scampered off to their teams. Ururaka's team stood near their flag.

"Okay," Ururaka smiled. "I'll keep guard of the flag. Bakugou, you'll tackle Kirishima."

"I don't need your say in what I was planning to already do, round face," Bakugou scoffed. "But I don't see a way to use my quirk without splashing myself," he muttered.

"Mina. You'll have Toru. You need to be careful with her, but make sure to lower your toxic density down so it'll be enough to make her fall into the pool." Mina smiled, holding out her hands which produced toxic.

"Got it."

"Ojirou. You'll get Kaminari. You might have to be really careful with Pikachu. But since he's dumb, he'll be easy to trip."

Ojirou whipped his tail around. He nodded.

"Sero. Lida's a fast boi, but you have that amazing tape. You could easily throw at least four water balloons at him, or catch him like a spiders web and throw him into the water."

"Roger that," Sero smirked, putting his hands on his neck. He's so got this.

"Tokoyami. It's very sunny, so I don't expect your dark shadow to be that strong, and Shouji can see you at every angle, but you have advantages, and you are very smart. I believe in you." Tokoyami grunted, nodding. Dark Shadow appeared, the size of a full grown cheetah.

"Koda. It's the summer time, so lots of snakes, rodents, bugs and other creatures are around. I think that'll be enough to scare Aoyama enough to piss on himself." Koda gulped, nodding.

"Momo. You can create liquids, right? You could make a hose and spray Mineta to hell." Momo laughed, excited.

"Let's fucking do this," Mina yelled, pumping her fist. Everyone got into positions, and Midoriya came up to Ururaka.

"What about me?" Ururaka looked at the boy with a smirk on her face.

"Just Detroit Smash your IcyHot boy, Midoriya," Ururaka airly whispered to him. Midoriya stared.

"I could kill him." Ururaka sighed. Not what she meant.

"Let me rephrase," Ururaka said, deciding to change the whole plan. "Use your power to flick him with your fingers into the pool, or reflect water balloons back onto Todoroki." Midoriya smiled. He could do that.

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay," Momo declared. "Everyone ready?! The game starts NOW!!"

Ururaka and Tsuyu took place by their flags, guarding them. Ururaka made plenty of water balloons, then made them float. Her team members would love these.

Tsuyu has this special... Let's say thing, where she could swallow things for a time, then throw them back up. Guess where all her water balloons went?

Round 1. Bakugou vs Kirishima.

Unexpectedly, they both went down. Bakugou couldn't find anyway to use his quirk, actually thinking for once, and Kirishima pinned him down.

Kirishima was ready to pelt him, but Bakugou slowly pressed a kiss onto his face. At the same time, he held a red water balloon to his face, and he chose that time to use his quirk, which sent the balloon to explode into both of their faces.

Shakespeare is quaking.

Round 2. Mina vs Toru.

Toru won.

Mina knew where she was on a account of her swimsuit. But Toru whipped that off and threw it into a pool when she saw Mina make a toxic trail. The bra areas were filled with two full water balloons, so it was held down but not completely submerged. Mina eyed Toru's outfits, about to cheer about winning when Toru came up behind her and pushed her.


Round 3. Ojirou vs. Kaminari.

Both went out.

Ojirou grabbed a hose, and sprayed Kaminari effortlessly. But Kaminari lost control of his power, out of shock*
and electrocuted Ojirou, sending him into a pool.
*Itsa pun.

Round 4. Sero vs. Lida.

Sero won.

Lida's a fast boi. Whenever Sero shot a water balloon, he dodged it effortlessly. But he didn't pay attention. Sero spun a makeshift web in between two trees earlier, and Lida dodged himself into it.

He struggled to escape, as Sero just watched.

"Y'know, Lida-kun, I could get you out." Lida eyed him.

"My tape falls apart when wet." At an instant, two large water balloons hit Lida's face. Lida's confidence, along with the makeshift web, weakened.

Round 5. Tokoyami vs. Shoji

Shouji won.

One of Shouji's disadvantages is that he can't scout for Tokoyami AND pelt him with water balloons. But he made sure to stay in the open, so Tokoyami's Dark Shadow wasn't so strong.

Eventually Tokoyami's Dark Shadow was like, "fuck this," and never came out, and while Tokoyami was figuring out why he was hiding, Shouji threw a balloon at him.

"Polly want a water balloon?"
"Polly want yo mama sweet ass."

Round 6. Koda vs. Aoyama.

Koda won.

Aoyama was a strong competitor, Everytime Koda was near a pool, his navel would try shoot him down into it. But what happens when a Nature Whisper calls on a snake to wrap around Aoyama's leg?

Pure French hell.

Aoyama done fucking shot himself into a pool.

Round 7. Momo vs. Mineta.

Oh, bust a nut vs. poppin' balls.

I love me.

Mineta won, ultimately.

Since it's not proven on the actual anime that Momo can make hoses and be able to shoot water out of them, that idea was veto'ed.

Mineta used his pop offs to stick Momo onto the ground, then he threw a water balloon at her. Surprisingly, he didn't act like a freak yet.

Round 8. Midoriya vs. Todoroki.

Midoriya and Todoroki stayed close near their flags, both with a dozen of water balloons.

Midoriya was thinking up a plan as Todoroki just watched his movements.

After all, there was no way for him to use his fire, and he didn't want to trap his boyfriend in ice.

Midoriya sucked in a breath, holding two water balloons. Whoosh!

Todoroki stared in awe. Midoriya was sprinting towards him, ready to pelt him. Three feet away, he launched and released.

Splat! The balloon lost it's battle with an ice shield Todoroki made. Midoriya broke that barrier with a quick punch.

He shot his second. Another ice shield blocked him. Todoroki jumped back, leaving an ice trail in front of him Midoriya slipped, falling.

Todoroki smiled slightly, ready to throw a water balloon at him. Midoriya looked almost defeated, before he smiled.

"Now, Ururaka!" Todoroki looked around for the brunette, and she pointed to the sky over him.

"Oh my fucking Cheezits." A big green water balloon the size of a couch was just hanging over Todoroki's head.

Midoriya got away as Todoroki was distracted, scampering near a pool.

"Woo, thank you for holding this Todoroki," Ururaka sighed, smiling innocently. "I don't think my quirk could hold for much longer."

Todoroki's eyes widened as the water balloon came crashing onto his head. He quickly made a cave of ice, protecting him completely.

Okay, just a little bit of water got in his hair, but nobody was counting that. Todoroki sighed in comfort when he heard the water woosh! over his head.

He carefully melted a hole so he could make sure Ururaka didn't make anymore. Sure enough, he couldn't see anything. In fact, Ururaka wasn't protecting her flag.

"Todoroki, come here!" Todoroki looked over at his froggy friend, who held out her tongue. He quickly melted himself, only for Tsuyu's long tongue to wrap itself around him.

"Get the flag." Todoroki's breath halted and lips parted in confusion, before Tsuyu's tongue threw him.

Todoroki glided threw the air, going straight towards Ururaka's flag, which was floating in the pool. He would grab it, freeze the pool and most likely break his neck. Just gotta stick the landing.

He was about five feet near the flag, over the pool, when he crashed into something.


He expected to just fall into the pool, and lose, but that didn't happen. Except, he was floating, in the embrace of someone.

"Miss me," Midoriya chuckled, holding the boy. Todoroki sputtered, almost blanking out then and there.


"Ururaka used her quirk on me. So now I can just drop you into the water, and grab your flag," Midoriya confidently admitted, smiling. "It's over, Todoroki-kun."

"It's over for you too," A voice spoke out. The Tododeku couple looked at the person.

Tsuyu held a water balloon directed to Midoriya. The rest of her team mates stood next to her, holding a combination of water balloons, water guns, hoses...

Midoriya gulped, staring at the team. "No way, Ururaka's got my back-"

"Sorry, Midoriya," Ururaka interrupted him, "but my sights are on your little boyfriend." Sure enough, Ururaka had water balloons right over Todoroki's head.

"Drop it on him, and Midoriya gets wet," Tsuyu playfully growled.

"Shoot him with gun, and Todoroki gets wet," Ururaka snapped back.

"How about we wet both," Kirishima smirked.

Tsuyu and Ururaka looked at each other, then the Tododeku couple.

Midoriya's eyes were wide in disbelief, and Todoroki was just silently wheezing about how close he was to Midoriya.

"Good Idea!" In a flash, water shot the couple at all angles, blinding them. When they just thought it was done, Ururaka released Midoriya, and they both went crashing into the pool.

Everyone laughed wildly as they both went under, waiting for them to come back up.

Todoroki and Midoriya slowly did, faces blank. Everyone thought they were dead because of the stares, but Midoriya broke into a laugh, hugging Todoroki so he could stay afloat. His actions cause a smile to form on Todoroki's face, and he hugged Midoriya back, twirling him in the water.

Everyone, even Bakugou, pulled out their phones to take a video.

"Momo's Summer Bash plan part 1. completed," Jirou whispered to her girlfriend, who just smiled back.

"Part 2 will initiate soon."


About thirty minutes later, everyone had already dry themselves off and put some casual clothes on.

"Okay! Time for lunch," Momo gleamed, ready to show off her richness. "What would everyone like?"

Everyone politely said their desire, and Momo told the maids.

"Okay, lunch will be ready in 20 minutes! Would everyone like a tour of the mansion?" Everyone agreed, getting off their asses to learn more about their home away from home.

Midoriya stayed in the back with Todoroki holding his hand.

Todoroki accepted it, holding his hand to his lips and giving it a kiss. Midoriya blushed.

"Everyone will have a room to sleep in, and a bed and bathroom," Momo informed. "But do not trash it, or you'll never be allowed back."

"Also, if you are going to be messing around in the middle of the night, please be respectful of everyone else." Kirishima eyed Bakugou, who just sucked his teeth. Sero wiggled his eyebrows at Kaminari, who just laughed embarrassingly.

"Like I'd be able to," Todoroki mumbled. But great news. From the sound of it, everyone got their own room.

He'll make it through!

"Ah, time for lunch." Everyone ran back downstairs, ready to dig into some food.

The dining room was huge, with several chairs to hold 50 people. Everyone sat by each other, eating their desired plate.

"Wow, this taste amazing," Mina gushed, gulping down her food. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"All thanks go to the chef," Momo smiled, helping herself to another plate of food.

It was around 2:00 p.m. by the time lunch was done, so everyone just hung around in the living room.

Momo picked up an remote, and started to switch through channels. Everyone else just stayed hooked to their phones.

"Ugh, there's no movies on," Momo sighed.

"Hey, there's going to be some horror movies on," Jirou told her girlfriend, showing her her phone. "Annabelle, A Quiet Place, Get Out, oh! Even that new movie Ma!"

"I don't think Ma is that scary, but I'd love watch it," Momo looked towards everyone. "Anyone else feel like getting scared?"

Everyone nodded, even cheering a little. Well, everyone but Midoriya.

"Uum, I'm not really comfortable with scary movies."

"Calm down, Deku," Bakugou sneered. "I think you can survive a movie without pissing your pants."

"We'll all be with you," Ururaka soothed him. "Well, you'll be sitting with your man, but we'll be on the floor in front of you." Midoriya squirmed a little at her remark of him sitting with his 'man', but he thanked her anyway.

Todoroki squeezed his hand, but he wasn't really looking forward to sitting close to him.


It's now 8:45 p.m. and everyone finished eating dinner.

Everyone laid out their covers on the floor in front of the TV, except for Midoriya, who would rather stay far away from the TV and Todoroki, who's basically hooked up to Midoriya.

They stayed comfortably on the sofa, drowning in pillows and blankets.

"So, which movie first," Momo smiled.

"Annabelle," Ururaka suggested.

"It," Bakugou yelled.

"Scary Movie 3," Kaminari suggested.

"That's comedy, Kaminari," Sero sighed.

"Get out," Kirishima laughed.

"But I want to stay here," Kaminari mumbled.

"A Quiet Place," Tokoyami suggested.

"How 'bout the Conjuring," Tsuyu ribbited.

"Bride of Chuckie," Mina squealed.

"Friday the 13th! NO ! Jason vs. Freddy!" Toru screamed.
Momo hummed.

"Let's watch "IT" first." Bakugou snickered at his idea being picked first. Momo turned off all the lights, turned on the movie, and got on the floor next to Jirou. Midoriya whimpered, clutching onto Todoroki. Todoroki gulped at his closeness, but gave him a quick kiss on the head.

"You'll be okay, IT isn't that scary."


Midoriya was easy to scare, and 'dramatic'.

You should seen his face when Pennywise bit off Georgie's arm, Midoriya was about the throw his pillow at the TV.

Oh, and when Pennywise pulled Georgie into the sewer.

Extreme crying.

Like 'my friend snatched my raspberry off my pie just when i was about to eat it' crying.

Todoroki heard his soft crying and decided to push past his boundaries to give him a kiss on the lips.

"It's okay, it's all fake," Todoroki assured him, wiping the tears off his face.

"I-i know it fake, but-"

"Yo! Some of us want to see Pennywise eat a 8 year olds corpse, y'know," Bakugou yelled at the Tododeku couple. Kirishima threw his pillow at him.

Midoriya went back to laying on Todoroki's arm watching the movie. Todoroki hated Bakugou for spoiling the moment, but glad he did in a sense, so Todoroki wouldn't pounce on Midoriya.

The jump scares were jerky, but still got Midoriya on edge. Everytime one happened, he would gasp dramatically and tug on Todoroki's shirt.

Todoroki just ignored it, until this really big jump scare happened and Midoriya was so frightened that he jumped into Todoroki's lap. Todoroki breath hitched as Midoriya whimpered into his shirt straddling him.

Everyone just pretend to ignore it, smirking. Momo turned up the movie.

"M-midoriya," Todoroki quietly stuttered.

"L-let me stay like this until the movie ends, please," Midoriya whispered, blushing into Todoroki's shirt. Todoroki hesistated, before wrapping his arms around the small of Midoriya's back.

God, this is relaxing. Wrapped inside thin blankets, the air conditioner on low, and embraced with your beloved...

It honestly made Todoroki feel things. Maybe he could just suc- no, no, nope nope.

It made him feel guilty about thinking these things. But he couldn't help it, the position they're in.... everyone else is engrossed in the movie, and they were covered in blankets and it was dark.

Todoroki's hand slowly trailed up Midoriya's back, gaining a shiver from the green haired boy.

"W-what are you doing..?" Midoriya whispered airily, his voice somehow crisp. Todoroki didn't answer, instead pulled Midoriya's head up and gave him a deep passionate kiss.

Midoriya hummed into the kiss, surprised by his actions but glad to get that Pennywise thing out his head. Todoroki placed his hands on Midoriya's hips pulling him towards Todoroki's pelvis.

Midoriya placed his hands on Todoroki's shoulders, going weak in his grasp. Todoroki began to french kiss him, and they both closed their eyes as their tongues engaged into a heated battle.

Midoriya was starting to get concerned. What if Bakugou heard them and exposed them? What if Ururaka sees them- what if Momo sees them making out on her sofa?

But... a part of him felt risky, ready to take this to a new level somehow...

But how?

Midoriya didn't focused on that too much, he just focused on Todoroki's trained movements and how he sucked lightly at his lips, then tongue. He moaned as quietly as he could, but just enough for Todoroki to hear.

Wait.. hear..

The TV's volume was down a considerable rate, and it was unusually quiet, but the Tododeku couple wasn't focused on that, they just focused on their heated make out, not wanting it to end...

"Geez, if I knew they would be doing this longer, I would've recorded a video," Mina whispered.

Midoriya ears perked up the voice and he opened his eyes.

Bad mistake.

At least 16 phone flashlights were on them, each recording a video at an different angle.

When Ururaka realized they were busted, she bursted out laughing, scampering to turn off her phone. Todoroki opened his eyes and realized what was going on, and quickly threw a blanket over his head, hiding his blush of embarrassment. Midoriya quickly joined him, sqeauling.

"This was so gay," Kaminari chuckled, also stopping his phone from recording.

"And hot, if I'm not going to lie," Sero and Jirou admitted at the same time, shrugging as they turned off their phones. Their spouses hit them with their pillows.

"P-please delete that," Midoriya stuttered into a pillow.

"Don't worry, we aren't going to blackmail you, yet." Bakugou snickered.


"Katsuki's lying, Midoriya," Kirishima eyed his boyfriend. "Besides, we definitely did not record Todoroki mouth raping you."

"You're lying your ass off," Todoroki muttered, still blushing.

"OH, look at the time, 11:00 o'clock, let me show you your rooms," Momo told everyone, turning off the TV.

Everyone got up and followed Momo. Midoriya and Todoroki, still embarrassed, followed behind slowly. It was a good thing they stopped them though, Todoroki was about to get fresh and frisky.

"I may be rich, but this house can't accommodate everyone in their own room. So everyone will have a roommate!" Todoroki picked his head up, dropping his pillow. He couldn't believe this.

"I thought it would be be good to sleep with your spouse, and everyone knows who that is, so make yourself at home." Momo walked away, grabbing Jirou's hand and pulling her to her bedroom. Everyone else swiftly grabbed their spouse, pulling them to an unoccupied room.

"Looks like I'm sleeping by myself," Mineta sighed, walking into a room.

Todoroki and Midoriya just stood in the hallway, alone.

"Well, we should go to our room, huh," Midoriya muttered, pulling Todoroki by his hand. Todoroki stuttered something in tongues, uncomfortable with this idea.

"Huh? What's wrong, Todoroki?" Midoriya had his hand on the door knob, already halfway turned. Todoroki looked down at his hands.

"I'm not comfortable sleeping in the same bed as you.. maybe... I could just sleep on the floor or something," Todoroki muttered. Midoriya's hold on Todoroki's hand loosened.

"You... don't want to sleep with me," Midoriya's voice broke.

'I dream about sleeping with you every night, that's why I can't,' Todoroki thought. He sighed, ashamed of himself.

"No, It's just I'm afraid I might do something to you-"

"I already told you, you could do anything you want to me, just tell me!"

"Y-you didn't say it like that!"

"You know what I mean. Look the point is, I really," Midoriya pressed a kiss on Todoroki's neck.

"Want you," a slow kiss on the jaw.

"To sleep with me," Midoriya blushed as he pressed a kiss on Todoroki's lips.


Todoroki gave in, placing his hands on Midoriya's hips.

"You're such a tease," Todoroki whispered on Midoriya's lips. Midoriya smiled, chuckling.

"I try." Todoroki opened the door, and carried Midoriya inside. He shut it behind him.

"Fuck, that's hot," Ururaka whispered, peaking through her doors key lock. Tsuyu nodded.


Todoroki pushed Midoriya on the bed, quickly climbing ontop of him. They quickly engaged in a heated make out, ruffling with each other's hair.

Midoriya would hum a moan everytime Todoroki would lightly suck at his lip, catching his breath.

"Gotta make up for the little interruption earlier," Todoroki whispered, chuckling. Midoriya blushed, hands on Todoroki's shoulders.

"Well... You're wasting time right now."

Todoroki hummed in approval, bending down to give him another kiss.

They quickly engaged in another french kiss. Midoriya flipped them over so he was on top, and placed his hands on Todoroki's firm chest, straddling him.

Todoroki pulled him down further on him, their bodies pressed together.

They could easily hear each other's heartbeat, each other's labored breath, their lips separating with each heated kiss as they kept trying to pull each other closer.

Todoroki's hands traveled up Midoriya's shirt, pulling it up with him. He got his shirt up to his chest, before hesitating.

Could he take off Midoriya's shirt? Would he say something, yell at him to stop? Midoriya did say as long as he asked him, he could do it, but how would he ask in such a moment?

Midoriya broke the kiss as he noticed Todoroki's hesitance.

"D-do you want to take off my shirt?"

Todoroki's eyes widened at his question. How did he know?

Midoriya simply smiled, pulling Todoroki's hands up to take off his shirt completely. "There. Better?"

Todoroki stared at his boyfriend in awe. Sure, he's seen Midoriya shirtless, but never at such a time and such a place...


Midoriya smiled and bent down to give Todoroki a kiss on the jaw. "C-can I take off your shirt?"

Todoroki gulped, before nodding slowly. Midoriya pulled off Todoroki's black shirt, resulting in him staring at his muscled to prefection body. Blushing widely, Midoriya bent down and they started to kiss again.

Todoroki's hands gripped onto Midoriya's hips, unconciously slowly rolling them onto his pelvis. This felt like one of his dreams, and he felt daring, ready to push this as far Midoriya would let him.

He pressed kisses on the crook of Midoriya's neck. Midoriya sighed content, wrapping his arms around Todoroki's neck.

Then he bit down. Midoriya shuddered as he felt his teeth break the skin.

"Todoroki," Midoriya hissed. Todoroki lapped at the bite, warming and freezing his tongue. Midoriya shuddered, rubbing himself on Todoroki, and pulling his hair.

Todoroki groaned from the tug, it was an extreme turn on.


Turn on!!

"Fuck," Todoroki cursed as he flipped Midoriya over. Midoriya yelped.

"T-todoroki, what's wrong?" Todoroki ran to the bathroom, taking care of locking the door. Midoriya ran after him, but realized he couldn't open the door.

".... Todoroki," Midoriya rapped his knuckles on the door.

Todoroki leaned on the door, breathing heavily. He was already hard.

"Todoroki, are you okay?" Midoriya's soft voice muffled through the door.

"I-i'm fine," Todoroki squeaked. He tried to figure out what to do before Midoriya start to make him feel guilty.

"... Is it because of me again," Midoriya's voice broke, sounding broken.

Oh, fuck now he feels guilty.

"No, no! It's not you, it's just that it is really late, and I should wash," Todoroki lied, trying to keep his voice neutral.

"..But I wanna kiss you more." Fuck. Todoroki's dick twitched at his begging reply.

"Maybe tomorro-"

"Can I wash with you?"

Todoroki's eyes widened and he held on tight to the bathroom door. He felt high in a way, his knees were going weak and he was about to bust the door open and fuck Midoriya on the floor.

"K-kind of odd t-to ask that," Todoroki stuttered, trying not to wheeze. He still did.

"But it's just like you said. We've been dating for almost 3 years and we haven't done anything that romantic. Wouldn't us.. in the same bath tub together... kissing be romantic?" Midoriya whispered, taunting him. In fact he didn't even mean to taunt him, he ment it innocently because how else would it not be if Izuku Midoriya said it?

Todoroki hummed, aroused. The pain from his throbbing erection was killing him. He fell to his knees, back hitting the door.

"T-todoroki-kun! That's it, I'm coming in."

"N-no, I saw a roach," Todoroki grunted.

"I don't think Momo has roaches."

"K-koda might have sent it."

"That seems highly unlikely."

"J-just please, go! I-i am fine, i just need to w-wash, and I'll come to bed!" Midoriya jumped back slightly. He seemed desperate, wanting to break down the door to help his boyfriend with whatever his condition is.

"I-i.. okay." Todoroki heard Midoriya's soft footsteps as he shuffled away. Todoroki sighed, putting his head on his knees. He was bothered by his throbbing erection.

"It's all your fault," he hissed at it.

Eventaully, he got up to strip off his clothes. Turning the water in it's coldest setting, he jumped in.

God, y'know I am not religious but please answer a sinner's prayer.

Save me, please, I am thinking of cutting off my dick just to stop this, please.

Todoroki finished with an amen, not feeling any better. Speaking of feeling, this cold shower wasn't doing shit.

Sighing, he gave up, turning off the water completely. He grabbed a towel, drying himself off.

Fuck, he felt bad for yelling at Midoriya. But he couldn't just fuck him in Momo's mansion while everyone is in rooms across.

But the idea of doing it is now crossing his mind- dammit!

"What the fuck is wrong with me," Todoroki whispered, sitting on the toilet seat. "No one else has these problems but me." Of course, everyone else is getting laid!

"No, no, I-i can't be thinking about sex," Todoroki whispered to himself. "I-i'm just happy I have an amazing relationship with the boy I love."

Amazing relationship, eh? His mind seemed to retaliate.

"W-well, it might not be Amazing right now."

Right now? It's been going this way since the ending of high school.

"I know, I know! Fuck, every since these feelings manifested, I've been just.. really reluctant to my boyfriend."

I'm your concounse, I know.

"... What should I do?"

I'm you, dumbass, you do what you believe is right. I'm just here to tell you if your heart and mind's with that choice.

"... I think- no I know what I have to do," Todoroki admitted triumphly, standing up. His towel fell off his hips, landing on the floor.

Put on some clothes first!

"... right!" Todoroki threw on some clothes from his suitcase, before opening the bathroom door with a slam.

"Midoriya, I have something to tell you." Todoroki admitted calmly, before walking over the bed. Strange. It was empty.

Todoroki gasped, before looking around the room. He found a post it note on the night table.

Picking it up, he read it using the lamps dim light.

I'm sleeping downstairs on the couch. See you tomorrow -Midoriya

Todoroki eyed the squiggly writing, seeing that Midoriya either wrote this in a hurry or he wasn't concentrated on it. It still flexed his heart.

... Damn.

Todoroki sighed, sticking the note back to the table.

Watcha gonna do now?

"I'm going to get him," Todoroki concluded with 'himself', turning off the lamp and walking out of the room.

He walked down the dark hall, the long dark hallway kind of getting to him. Walking down the long windy staircase, he saw a soft glow of light coming from downstairs.

Speeding up his walking, he reached the bottom of the stairs. The TV was on, a random show was on (put your favorite TV show here).

Todoroki peaked over the couch, seeing his boyfriend's body covered in his thin blanket, even though it was really hot- his forehead, drenched in sweat, shown proof.

He was also asleep.

Todoroki sighed. "Guess i'll tell him tomorrow.." He grabbed the remote and switched off the TV, and placed it on the coffee table. Looking back at his boyfriend, he carefully picked him up. The rest of his body was also wet.

"No, it's not the time to think like that," Todoroki scowled to himself.

Feeling the stairs with his feet (making him regret he turned off the TV), he carefully walked back up the stairs, heaving Midoriya. He wasn't heavy, but he wasn't a lightweight either.

Walking back into their room, Todoroki closed the door with his back, then basically tossed Midoriya onto the bed. "Yeet."

Todoroki stripped him of his blanket, before realizing he was still shirtless.

"And i oop-" Todoroki looked away, blushing. 'God, should I get him a shirt? I can't put his dirty one back on him, but he didn't wash yet so I can't put a clean one on him...' His mind rambled, he could pass for a Midoriya.

'.... Although, he wouldn't look bad wearing one of my shirts..' Todoroki cursed at himself for thinking of something so perverted, it was like his dick was trying to get to him
And Shoto jr. failed ;_;.

Todoroki decided not to do anything about Midoriya's half nakedness, and climbed in the bed next to him. He purposefully put him next to his left side so he could cool him down. Midoriya snuggled into his shoulder, humming and slightly smiling.

Todoroki kissed him on his forehead. '... I didn't think our first time sleeping together would be like this..' Todoroki slapped himself on his scar.

"Bad Shoto." Todoroki sighed.

.... What to do now? He surely can't sleep, Midoriya would most likely wake up first, and he would hate for Midoriya to feel Shoto jr. try to get his attention by poking his thigh.

He grabbed his phone. It's been long since he's been on ©MightTube, maybe he could check out those 'memes' Kaminari loves so much. He grabbed his headphones and settled in for a long night.

A little extra:

"Hold up, he actually believed you were his conscience," Ojirou baffled.

"Yep! Todoroki even left me call him a bitch," Toru chuckled, pulling on some underwear. Ojirou shook his head, chuckling.

"Yeah, but he still cockblocked himself," Tsuyu ribbited over the walkie-talkie.

"God, such a noob," Kirishima chuckled, aldo through a walkie-talkie. Bakugou kept trying to pull him towards their bed, eager to get some hard dick. Kirishima kept pulling him away.

"Talk about noob," Bakugou grumbled.

"How are we gonna get these two to fuck," Kaminari asked, also from a Walkie-talkie.

"Guys, I think we need the... perv," Momo concluded.

"... God no," Toru shook her head, even though none of her friends could see so.

"I actually like the idea," Ochako yelled. "Maybe we could do a 'Would you rather' or 'Truth or dare' or a 'seven minutes in heaven' or-" Ochako dramatically gasped. "Mineta could give him the sex talk."

"You want the most unexperienced guy here to give the most innocent boy here the sex talk," Kirishima chuckled.

"Sex is nothing like porn," Tokoyami piped in, joining the conversation.

"Y'know speaking of sex," Bakugou piped in, snatching the walkie-talkie and throwing it at a wall. The batteries fell out. He pinned Kirishima to the bed.

"Stop talking to those fuck faces and fuck me," Bakugou growled at him, kissing him roughly. Kirishima chuckled, pulling off his shirt.

"... Kirishima, you there," Momo spoke to her walkie-talkie.

No response.

"He's dicking Bakugou, Yaoruzuro," Jirou said from over her shoulder.

"Anyway, guys, here's the next piece of the plan." Ochako explained the whole plan, and everyone else snickered.

"Operation 'Candycane dickdown Cinnamon roll' is still underway," Sero snickered.

"That name tho," everyone else said simultaneously.

"Wait, Momo you're actually cool if they fuck somewhere in your house," Tsuyu spoke into the walkie-talkie. Momo shrugged, then rememberered no one but Jirou could see her.

"I'm cool with it. I mena, I helped everyone else lose their virginity," Momo stated. The other couples sheepishly chuckled, Momo has helped everyone in her class fuck in some way, renting a hotel, trivago.

"Welp, goodnight," Ochako sighed, turning of her walkie-talkie. She gave Tsuyu a quick kiss before falling asleep next to her.

A/N: Missed meh? Decided to update, and todays my birthday, so yeah. Midoriya, Mirio, and I was born in July, uwu. Cancer babies.

If there's anymore July birthday's, comment and I'll shout out.

I believe LilyTheGayDisaster birthday is in July, so shoutout to my gurl. (Love the name)

Also, at least the next 3 chapters shouldn't have smut qwq.
6591 words.

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