I love my WattPad friends.
Shout-out to:
Todoroki was the last to arrive to his classroom, and everyone was gathered around Momo's table.
"-really big pool and water slides!"
"... Summer break."
"-sleepover time!"
Todoroki walked over to the commotion.
"What's going on?" Everyone looked towards him, eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Momo is planning a sleepover summer break party!" Toru screamed, excited.
"Yep, at my house! With food, several pools, and best of all, no parental vision!" Momo said, gleaming.
"Of course, our parents will know where we are and how long will be gone and Momo's parents will make sure we are asleep before 11 p.m.," Lida added.
Everyone groaned at his remark.
"Such a party pooper!" Sero added, elbowing Lida. Lida glared back at him.
"My parents are gone for the whole week in a cruise, so we can stay up as much as we want," Momo added, which brought back up the excitement.
"I can bring some music," Jirou said, excited to share her rock CDs. Momo nodded.
"Bring whatever you want!" Lida eventually gave in, but as long as no one is up past 11 p.m..
"I can't wait," Mineta said, pumping his fist.
"You're not invited," Momo teased.
"Aw come on! Please?"
"I won't do anything weird!"
"Swear on my sticky hair balls."
Everyone couldn't help but laugh.
"Okay, okay."
Midoriya came up to Todoroki.
"You're coming, right Todoroki-kun?" Come to a party, without adult supervision and most likely alcohol to see Midoriya shirtless and wet. Naw, I'll pass.
"No, I might just visit my mother everyday." Midoriya sighed, nodding, understanding.
Well, fuck, now you made him sad.
"Y'know, maybe I can make it." Midoriya's lips curled into a smile.
"Yay! Todoroki's coming!" Ochako yelled, excited to see her whole class over the summer.
"Then it's settled. I already planned everything. Today, start packing clothes for the week. Tomorrow, get ready for some summer fun!"
"Before we have summer fun, let's just get this day over with," Azawai muttered as he walked into the room.
"I don't really feel like doing anything, especially something school related," Azawai said as he pulled out his sleeping bag. "So how about a non work day? Do what you like, just don't make any noises to attract the principal."
The class hollered in happiness, before getting in several groups, pulling out phones and snapping pictures, scrolling feeds, writing Yaoi fan fictions.
Y'know, the usual.
Ururaka was discussing something with Tsuyu, probably about the 'summer bash', and Tsuyu nodded, kissing her girlfriends hand.
Mina, Sero, and Kaminari had a heart to heart discussion about memes- the usual I dropped my hot Pocket or Damn, Daniel, or Get on your knees, grab your Bible, pray like trynna make your soul revival. Praise the lord-
Kirishima and Bakugou were probably being pretty gay in the corner, looking at pictures on inainstantgram™ and/or taking pictures, looking at porn, y'know, the usual.
Tokoyami and Shoji were probably being depressing as fuck in the corner.
Toru and Ojiro were having a heart to heart conversation about.. invisible and tail problems.
Jirou and Momo were being gay in a corner.
We are running out of corners.
Everyone else just scrolled through their phones.
Midoriya search the bustling classroom for Todoroki, and sure enough, he was also sitting in a corner, just staring at a wall.
My mom won't mind if I miss a week and visit her all day next week right? I mean, when she hears about me being with Midoriya, she'll totally go for it. But I'm kinds scared to be alone with Midoriya. I mean, we won't be alone, but what happens if I do something to him while no one is watching? What happens if I make him uncomfortable? But what if he likes it? What am I thinking, he wont know what I'm doing!
"Todoroki-kun, are you okay?" Todoroki's eyes widened as he realized Midoriya was basically sitting on his lap, holding his head in his hands.
"I'm okay. Peachy. Perfect," Todoroki lied.
"Todoroki, I can tell your lying, please tell me what's wrong."
"No, I'm fine," Todoroki lied, lowering his voice in case anyone decided to eavesdrop.
"You are not fine! You are hiding something from me, I can tell. Ever since we visited your mother, you started staring at me. Although there is nothing wrong with that, you just stay there, motionless thinking hard about something. Everytime I touch you or try to lay on you, you come up with an excuse, trying to escape my touch. Everytime I ask you what's wrong, you look like you want to tell me something. Don't be afraid to tell me!" Everyone's eyes locked with the couple, over hearing the last sentence Midoriya screamed.
The room was just silent as Todoroki glanced around the room and Midoriya kept his eyes on him, almost trying to bore into his soul.
"Get a room!" Bakugou yelled. Kirishima immediately shushed him.
"Fine, c'mon, Todoroki-kun," Midoriya stood, pulling Todoroki up with him. He dragged him out the classroom.
Everyone oohed as they closed the classroom door behind them, walking into the hallway.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, what should I do, he's really fucking serious, he's going to make me talk to him, I can't ignore him now, Todoroki thought, trying to break out his cast iron grip.
Midoriya is a strong boy, and he is not going to let Todoroki get out his grasp. Not until he gets an direct answer.
Walking into a nearby bathroom, Midoriya finally let go of his boyfriend, pinning him to a wall.
Todoroki's eyes widened as Midoriya stared at him with an serious expression, sweat beading off his head.
"Todoroki, you have no where to run now," Midoriya pointed out. "If you ever want me to let you go, you have to tell me the truth." Midoriya angled his head and stood to the tip of his toes so he could almost be Todoroki's height.
"What do you need?"
"You." Midoriya really didn't expect that as an answer.
"But you already have me." God, he's acting like how he was acting in his dream last night.
"No. I need you," Todoroki admitted, raising his shaking hands and putting them on Midoriya's face.
"I feel like we are going to slow. Yes, being together for three years is an miraculous thing, but I feel like we are going to slow."
Midoriya cocked his head to the side.
"What do you mean slow?"
"Couples like Momo and Jirou and Tsuyu and Ururaka already french kissing the first time they kissed."
"French kissing?" Midoriya questioned. He never heard of the word. "What is that?" Todoroki pointed at Midoriya.
"See? You are too innocent! I'm afraid if I do something wrong, I might make you uncomfortable! Like when I laid you down on the desk yesterday, or when I gave you small kisses on your neck!" Midoriya blushed as he realized what's going on.
He doesn't want to hurt him.
Midoriya smiled, pressing his hands against Todoroki's.
"Todoroki-kun, nothing you do will make me uncomfortable, you just need to tell me what it is, and we can do it together." Todoroki gulped. He could ask Midoriya if they can have sex in this bathroom. At his house. At Todoroki's house. A supply closet, the road, anywhere, and he wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
No, that had to be a lie. He would not use Midoriya just because he trusted him. He doesn't want to betray it.
But still...
"Midoriya..?" Todoroki mumbled, rubbing soft circles into his freckled cheeks. Midoriya hummed softly.
"Can I French kiss you?" The question left a tinge of desperation in it. Midoriya's lips twitched, as his breath quickened. God, he didn't even know what this word is, yet, it makes his body heat from it.
"I made you uncomfortable, didn't I?!" Todoroki concluded, now pissed from asking him that question.
"N-no, it's o-okay, I just don't know what that word is so..." Midoriya mumbled the last part, embarrassed. "I already told you, nothing you do will ever make me uncomfortable."
Todoroki nodded slowly, trying to find a hint of lie evident in his eyes. Nothing.
Sighing, he pulled Midoriya closer to him, now flipping them so Midoriya was on the wall.
"Tap my shoulder when you feel uncomfortable," Todoroki drew out airily. Midoriya nodded, his lips slightly parted.
Holding Midoriya's cheeks in his hand, Todoroki bit his lip, looking at Midoriya's. Leaning towards him, he shared one last look of caring contact before softly pressing his lips to his.
Midoriya closed his eyes, his arms wrapped around Todoroki's shoulders. Pulling his face closer, Todoroki prodded his tongue against Midoriya's lips.
Oh, this was new. The wet sensation made Midoriya shudder, and he accidentally opened his mouth accepting Todoroki's tongue.
Todoroki's tongue evaded everything inside Midoriya's mouth, running over his teeth, the inner layer of his mouth and surrounding Midoriya's own tongue.
Rubbing the wet muscle, Todoroki coated Midoriya's tongue with his own saliva, his kisses now becoming sloppy open mouth kisses.
Something stirred inside Midoriya, unlocking something he never felt in his life.
A breathy moan cascaded from Midoriya's throat. Todoroki could've went weak from hearing it- it sounded way better than what he thought.
Todoroki sucked on Midoriya's lip, biting it slightly, drawing a moan from his throat.
"I-i sound so weird," Midoriya moaned softly.
"You feel good, that's why you're making those noises," Todoroki informed him, now giving him room to breath.
After a few seconds, Midoriya blushed, smiling like an idiot.
"I-i never knew a french kiss could feel so good," He said airily. If he was trying to get Todoroki all hot and bothered, he was succeeding.
"Can we do it a-again?" Todoroki gulped, blushing slightly from Midoriya's question.
"Okay," Todoroki said, pulling Midoriya closer to enter a heated make out battle.
"Midoriya, thank you." Midoriya looked towards his boyfriend as they walked towards their classroom.
"What for?"
"For letting me kiss you like that," Todoroki mumbled, blushing slightly. "I was scared that if I tried to initiate it, I would make you feel bad." Midoriya stood in front of him, jumping up to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Your welcome," Midoriya whispered, looking away. "Besides, I love you to be my first in everything."
"E-everything?" Midoriya nodded.
"You were my first kiss, my first true love, the first persons who life I really changed. If it's with Todoroki-kun, I'd like you to always be my first."
Fuck, let me take you on this floor and give the first ride of a lifetime-
"I'd love that," Todoroki sighed, holding Midoriya's hand. "You were my first in everything too."
Walking hand in hand back into the classroom, everyone stared them down. Suddenly, they swarmed the couple.
"Midoriya's hair is a messy, what did you do?"
"Why is his eyes so glossy?"
"Todoroki, you look like you just saw heaven."
"Did y'all really go get a room?!"
"Y'all fuck in the bathroom, didn't y'all?"
Midoriya shook his head in confusion. "We talked in the bathroom, then we kissed."
"For 35 fucking minutes?!"
It was Todoroki's time to stare in confusion. "We were gone that long? We lost track of time, all we did was talk."
"And french kiss," Toru said, pulling back on her clothes.
"Y-you spied on us," The couple shouted at the same time, pointing at Toru.
Toru just shrugged, her shirt pulling up with her invisible body.
"I'm a Fujioshi. It's what we do."
"Toru. All the details. Right now," Tsuyu and Mina begged her.
"I rather not say," she admitted slyly, not sparing one lick of information.
"Oh, come on, please...?" Ochako joined the begging group.
"Nope!" Toru walked over to a corner, pulling out her phone to write fanfictions.
The girl trio groaned. Todoroki and Midoriya sighed, relaxing a little.
Toru is definitely one of a kind.
... ~Lunch Time~
Everyone eat at their respective places, chowing down on their food.
Todoroki sat beside Midoriya, glad he was able to get such a kiss out of Midoriya and such a sound. He finally felt a little at peace that he was allowed to kiss Midoriya in such a way whenever he wants.
But still. What happens when they actually... Do it?
When will they do it?
How would it even start? Heat of the moment, drunken hookup- wait, what if Midoriya initiated it?! No, no way, what would he even say?
"T-todoroki-kun, I want you to Detroit Smash me."
Naw, Todoroki would use that full cowling on that boi.
That is totally gonna be a dream tonight.
Okay, yeah, Todoroki's wet dreams always had something to do with a spur in the moment thing, whether they were just initiated contact or did something together. It never actually happened! It's like a 'Alternate Universe' thing.
Besides, don't all dreams stretch the facts?
Midoriya hand brushed against his, waking Todoroki out his stupor.
His eyes shone their emerald tone, worried.
What's wrong?
Todoroki smiled, then put a hand to his head.
He's totally going to confront him later.
And Todoroki will admit his wet dreams and Detroit Smash Midoriya in a supply closet.
Ha- bish, you thought.
"Y'know, Toru-chan, I have something very important to ask you, and I wanted to ask you this for as long as I met you," Kaminari looked over to the invisible doe.
"What is it?"
"Were you born Invisible, or did your mother go to wake you up one day, and she just saw a sleeping pile of clothes?"
"Confidential, sir." The conversation made everyone laugh.
"Y'know, when I think about it," Ochako added, floozy, "being born Invisible would be... Hectic?"
"That would be fucked up, though," Bakugou muttered.
"I don't think I'm hungry anymore," Momo said, pushing her plate of Noddles.
"You threw off our groove," Mina exaggerating, pointing at Kaminari.
"Sorry! I was just asking!"
"I think I'll go back to the classroom instead," Tokoyami muttered, losing his appetite.
"I'm behind you," Shouji said.
Soon, the whole class left, except for Midoriya and Todoroki, who rather finish their food.
"Ooh, what's that? Tororo*?" Midoriya asked, looking at Todoroki's bowl.
*I should've explained this earlier, but Tororo is a sticky side dish often ate with soba, Todoroki's favorite dish.
"Yeah, with mountain yam."
"Can I try some?" Midoriya questioned, sliding closer to Todoroki.
Todoroki nodded, picking some Tororo up with his chopsticks and holding it to Midoriya's mouth.
Midoriya closed his eyes, parting his lips to let the food past through.
"Mm!" Midoriya gushed. "It taste really good!" Todoroki smiled.
"I'm glad you like it." Finishing their food, they threw away their plastic bowls (inside the recycling bin) and was heading to their classroom.
"We still have 7 minutes until break is over," Midoriya said.
"Good," Todoroki said, pulling Midoriya into a supply closet.
"W-wait, what are you doing?" Todoroki pushed the door close, locking it.
"I want to kiss you," Todoroki admitted, using his quirk to light the dark room.
The soft flame rekindled in his hand, as he peered through the room for Midoriya.
Midoriya was against a wall, heavily blushing. He couldn't even find an excuse; he kinda wanted to kiss Todoroki again also.
"You're so cute," Todoroki coed, walking towards him. The flames slowly burned out as he came closer.
"I'm cute?" Midoriya questioned, his mouth slightly parted. Todoroki pressed his body against his. They could easily hear each other's heartbeat.
"Really cute," Todoroki whispered, slowly pressing his lips against Midoriya's.
Their breaths mingled, lightly tickling each other's noses.
Staring into his lover's emerald irises, Todoroki's hands traveled down Midoriya's sides, caressing his hips.
"T-todo.." Midoriya began, his breath halting.
"Does it feel bad?" Todoroki whispered softly.
"No, it's just that we don't have much time," Midoriya whispered, gesturing to his All Might Watch™.
"Okay, I'll kiss you now," Todoroki sighed, closing his eyes.
Midoriya's eyes followed as Todoroki leaned towards him, pressing his lips against his, still rubbing lazy circles into his thighs.
"Mmm.." Midoriya hummed softly, wrapping his arms around Todoroki's neck.
Todoroki pushed his tongue into Midoriya's mouth, exploring the region.
Midoriya did the same, learning. Todoroki slightly gasped. They fought for dominance but Todoroki won, with a squeeze to Midoriya's hips.
Midoriya softly tugged at Todoroki's hair, pulling his head back a little.
"Ah.." Todoroki groaned. Huh, hair pulling kink, that's nice.
"D-did that feel good," Midoriya panted into the kiss.
"Really good."
Todoroki's hands traveled to Midoriya's thighs, now picking him up, pressing his body closer to his.
Oh, that weird feeling came back, making Midoriya feel high. "O-oh," he moaned into the kiss. Todoroki sucked his tongue, before sucking his lip.
Todoroki could take him right here, right now, make him feel so good. The thought of filling Midoriya made his private throb.
"T-todoroki-kun... 1.. minute," Midoriya groaned.
Todoroki shushed him, pushing himself closer to him.
"I really want to savour this, please?"
"Y-yeah, ok."
Todoroki held Midoriya for the rest of the minute, enjoying every second of it.
"Time's up," Midoriya sighed, wanting to stay like this for the rest of his life. Todoroki slowly let him go, as if he was a priceless antique.
"Let's go," Todoroki muttered, opening the closet door.
"Where were you guys?" Lida asked, looking at the couple.
"We were eating lunch," Todoroki lied for them, as he went to go sit at his assigned seat.
He felt light-headed, smiling like an idiot. He was so happy that he could get to kiss Midoriya 2 times, he couldn't wait till they were older so he could do anything to his lover to make him feel good.
He couldn't wait for Momo's "Summer Bash", so he could spend a whole week with him.
~Le time skip because of laziness (and- hey, 2995 words already.)~
Todoroki and Midoriya walked home together, holding hands.
"Look! That one looks like cotton," Midoriya pointed out, looking at a cloud.
"All clouds look like cotton, Midoriya," Todoroki chuckled. "But hey, that one looks like a train."
Midoriya looked towards Todoroki's hand, also spotting the train shaped cloud. "Oh, nice eye!"
"Thank you," Todoroki smiled, squeezing Midoriya's hand.
As he look for more clouds, Midoriya pulled out his phone. He went to his text messages.
"Whatcha doing," Todoroki asked his boyfriend.
"I'm texting my mother if I could spend the day with you," Midoriya admitted, smiling.
"Eh? W-why?" Midoriya glanced out of him out the corner of his eyes.
"Did you already forget your promise?"
"No, I remember, it's just that I have to pack for Momo's party, and you also have to, so shouldn't you do that?" Midoriya's lips parted in realization.
"Then I'll help you pack, and after your finish, I'll go home," Midoriya concluded, not letting him sneak out their little "date". "I need to spend some time with you since you've been so hostile the past few days."
Todoroki sighed, there was no way he could get out of it.
"Alright. No one will be home all day anyway."
Midoriya's phone chimed just as they reached his home.
"Mom said it was okay! She wants me to be careful, though." Midoriya practically beamed. Todoroki smiled, pushing his head against Midoriya's.
"Good to know."
As soon as they approached Todoroki's home, Midoriya awed at how big it is.
"You seen how big it was before," Todoroki sighed, grabbing the key from under the house plant.
"Yeah, but it seems to get bigger everytime I see it!"
Dirty mind, Shoto ToDORKroki, Dirty mind.
Opening the door, the smell of pine flowed through Midoriya's noise.
"Mmh! Smells good!" Todoroki closed the door, locking it.
"It's so dark," Midoriya whispered, feeling around for a light.
"Clap two times," Todoroki's voice piped. Midoriya was confused, but do as he said.
Clap! Clap!
The lights blinked on, almost blinding Midoriya.
"Woah! So cool!" Midoriya gushed, shielding his eyes.
"Sorry," Todoroki said, grabbing his hand and pulling him through the large house.
"Todoroki-kuuun, I already know the way to your room!"
"You were just blinded."
"I can still see!" Midoriya proved that by running up the large floorboard stairs, holding the staircase. Todoroki sighed, running up behind him.
"I'm gonna win," Todoroki teased.
"Nope!" Midoriya jumped over stairs to gain a lead.
Of course, he tripped over the last stair. Landing face down on the chocolaty carpet, he grunted in pain.
"Midoriya, are you okay?" Midoriya nodded, struggling to stand up. Todoroki picked him up, carrying Midoriya bridal style.
"E-eh?!" Midoriya gasped as he was lifted higher off the ground.
"D'you want me to put you down?" Todoroki mumbled, guiding him to his room.
"No," Midoriya muttered, nuzzling his neck. "I like this."
Midoriya, stop making Todoroki feel more useless, but oh so horny at the same time.
Without even realizing it, he threw Midoriya onto his bed.
"Wah!" Midoriya gasped, but immediately sighed in pleasure from landing on the velvety soft bed.
"Please forgive me," Todoroki muttered, immediately climbing on top of his boyfriend.
"Ah-mmh!" Todoroki pressed his lips against Midoriya's, his hand running down Midoriya's leg. Shivering, Midoriya gave his access to explore his mouth.
He hummed into the kiss, still confused. Why did Todoroki just jump onto him like that? Sure, he loves his kisses, but why so sudden? And what did he mean, 'Forgive me'?
Todoroki's hand rubbed lazy circles on his thigh, pressing his body harder against his.
Todoroki could feel his fast heartbeat, did he like this too? Can he continue, finally ravish his boyfriend?
Too early in the fanfiction.
Midoriya moaned Todoroki's name as Todoroki's other hand slithered up his shirt, carres his muscled chest.
His thumb flicked Midoriya's nipple, causing that delicate sound to bounce around their mouths.
"T-todoroki-k-kun, shouldn't you p-pack?" Todoroki didn't answer, to engrossed in what he was doing.
The house is empty, no one will be home for 3 more hours. They are in Todoroki's room, alone, and are already in a heated make out- and Midoriya's body is really sensitive.
No turning back. Todoroki wanted this.
"Midoriya," Todoroki said, breaking the kiss. A thin line of saliva connected their lips. "Please let me take you."
Midoriya stared, blushing madly.
"Please, I've been hiding this from you for almost a year, and let me just say, everytime I'm with you, you get my nerves in a nervous wreck, and I've been imagining things, things I could do to make you feel good and scream my name, things that make me wake up with a hard on, things that I have to force myself not to do to you," Todoroki blurted out, talking quickly. "Please, I want to do it with you, let's have sex, please?"
Midoriya stared at him, blushing madly. He's been having dreams about me? He wants me to scream his name, make me feel good? What does he mean, force himself, what does he mean by SEX?
"T-t-t-todoroki-kun, I appreciate you telling me all this, but I don't understand-mmh!" Todoroki shushed him, putting the palm of his hand over Midoriya's mouth.
"Shh, it's okay, I know you don't, it's new for me too, but I can't stop myself, Midoriya, you made me this way, I'm sorry, but," Todoroki's voice dropped an octave, his eyes eyes narrowing, bitting bottom lip with lust.
"I can't," Todoroki said whispering, moving his hand back underneath Midoriya's shirt. Midoriya stared, now scared.
"hold back" Todoroki's hand that was placed on his hip found his way to Midoriya's pants zipper. The soft zip! sound made Midoriya shake.
N-no, please stop, Todoroki, I'm scared.
"anymore," Todoroki bit his neck, leaving a noticeable mark, his hand slightly ripping Midoriya's shirt.
His other hand began to pull down Midoriya's pants.
"S-STOP!" Midoriya pushed Todoroki off him.
Todoroki groaned as his back made contact with the door handle.
Midoriya gasped, looking at his arm. I-i used my quirk.. 2%, to be exact.
Sliding to the ground, Todoroki coughed up blood, which somehow blended with the mahogany floor.
Todoroki's vision was all wonky as he coughed up more blood, each cough making his insides burn.
"M-mid-doriya.." Ack, it hurt him to talk.
All Midoriya could do was stare, the world crashing into him at once.
His eyes blurred with tears as he pulled up his pants, zipping it up.
He bolted out the room, accidentally making the door hit Todoroki's back.
His soft cry of pain made Midoriya shake.
He didn't even have time to get down the stairs, instead sliding on the staircase bars.
"M-MID-DORIYA!" Todoroki screamed after him, crawling to catch up with him. He wanted to apologise for what he tried to do, to beg for Midoriya to forgive him.
The last thing Midoriya saw before he escaped the house was Todoroki crawling down the staircase, holding his chest and blood trickling down his chin.
Run, run, keep running, never stop, escape to America if you have to.
Soon his quirk took over, and he was basically Sonic, speeding down the sidewalk, running past random strangers and not stopping.
Run, run, run, never stop, look what you've done did, nobody would pity you know, just keep going. Freaking fly to Africa if you have to.
Midoriya panted heavily as he slowed, his high seeping out his body.
Green electricity cracked around him, and softly disappeared.
He took in his surroundings. Light orange sky with pink scatters. Clouds that were thin whisps. Translucent stars.
Beautiful. Wait. The tree. A big three, thick Mahogany bark, skinny branches and pastel pink flowers, some bud even sprouting little cherries.
A cherry blossom tree.
Not just any.
The one Midoriya proclaimed his love to Todoroki under.
Drawing in a weary breath to control himself, he slowly walked to the tree.
Feeling the rough bark, thoughts of the way his and Todoroki's relationship sprouted.
Midoriya stood underneath the tree, waiting for that special person to show up. Almost bending the letter in hand, he scanned the area. No one. Maybe he wasn't coming.
Okay yes, he's gay.
Getting off track.
Midoriya's eyes widened as he saw that white and red hair, followed by the noticable scar, and heterochromia eyes that peered at the blue slip of paper someone had gave him to meet him under the Cherry blossom tree.
Midoriya's heart thumped widely. His smile grew big. His blush spread like wild fire on his face as Todoroki walked up to him.
Todoroki looked up from the letter when he felt a presence.
His eyes laid on the freckled boy who was blushing, his eyes round as he laid sights on Todoroki.
"Midoriya?" Was he the one who gave him the letter?
Midoriya squirmed, trying to decide what to say. "I-i, y-you l-love... Ah!" Todoroki thought his stuttering was very cute, but couldn't admit that out loud. Not yet, at least.
"H-here!" Midoriya handed him the letter he was holding in his hand. Todoroki cocked his head to the side, curious. He carefully grabbed the letter, as if he could've broken it.
The letter was sealed by a red and white Canadian flag.
Author e.x.e is not responding.
Todoroki's lips twitched at the sight, and he carefully peeled off the sticker, sticking it to Midoriya's chin.
Midoriya's eyes widened, his blush darkening. Squealing softly, he covered his face with his hands, but spread open his fingers so he could see Todoroki read his note.
Todoroki carefully opened the envelope, and took out the letter. The smell of chocolate and mint his Todoroki's nose.
Giving one last curious look at Midoriya, he read the letter.
I'm not a great poet, but I'm big on facts.
I write everything down that's true, infact,
This is like a page for one of my hero notebooks, but more valuable.
For someone I won't even be able,
To ever match up to, someone I was rivals with,
Someone who's father is a complete bitch.
Someone I care about, someone's who's life I want to influence,
Just that someone who made my heart skip.
Yes, that didn't rhyme, that is true, but it's not that important, because I love you.
Go Plus Ultra, Todoroki-kun.
odoroki's eyes widened, his lips slightly parted. His heterochromia eyes looked at Midoriya.
Midoriya looked down, messing with his jacket.
"D-do you not like it?"
"No." Midoriya bit his lip, his eyes pricked with tears from the rejection.
"I love you." Todoroki placed his hand on Midoriya's face, pulling him to look up at him.
He gave Midoriya a gentle kiss on the lips. Midoriya's eyes widened as he stood there.
The world came crashing down on him, and he let the tears spill out of his eyes. Closing his eyes, he put his arms around Todoroki's neck.
Todoroki broke the soft kiss, breathing hard. They stared lovingly into each other's eyes.
"I feelings for you started forming after the sports festival," Todoroki informed him. "It took me a while, but I started to fall in love with you. In fact, I was going to reject whoever gave me the note." Midoriya smiled.
"I-i can't even- wow," Midoriya muttered, his blush now just a tiny dust.
Todoroki carefully folded the letter, placing it in his jacket pocket. "I'm keeping this forever."
They enjoyed their time together for a little while, leaving an important thing on the cherry blossom tree, before walking home together, hand in hand.
Midoriya felt around the rough bark, when his fingers came in contact with that important thing.
A carving.
A big black heart burned into the bark, follow by a S+I/T+M with a little arrow through.
Plus ultra! It's your power! Full cowling! IcyHot! Mido+Todo! Izu+Sho! As you can see, we are gay, were also carved into the bark around the heart.
Midoriya smiled.
The smile faltered.
His body shook widely.
His eyes teared up again.
Fuck, he's crying, pounding his fist against the bark.
"GO APOLOGIZE TO HIM, STOP RUNNING AWAY, STOP BEING SO INNOCENT!" Midoriya screamed at himself, just as dusk began to fall.
"It's all your fault," Midoriya whispered to the tree, wanting to desperately pin this on someone else.
There was no one else to blame.
Todoroki held his chest as he looked around for Midoriya.
Park? Nothing.
Sidewalk? Desolate.
His heart? Empty.
He eventually gave up, Midoriya wanted to be alone.
Todoroki stalked back into his room, slamming the door shut behind him.
His shirt reeked of blood. Peeling it off, he flopped into the bed. He could still smell him.
The house was so quiet as Todoroki breathed in Midoriya's scent, the burning of his backside and chest reminded him of what he has done.
Todoroki's breath quickened. His heart sped up. His body shook. His eyes burned.
"W-what the hell is happening?" He asked himself.
A hot wet substance rolled down his cheek.
He was crying.
"No, no, no."
He hasn't cried since his mother left 13 years ago.
"No, no, NO!" Todoroki sat up in a rage, banging his fist again to bed.
"H-he'll never speak to me again. H-he'll never look, h-he'll never smile, laugh at me again, I fucked up. Letting my thoughts control me, using the person who really cared about me. What the fuck is wrong with me." Todoroki balled up his fist, his nails breaking his skin. Blood worked it's was down his hands.
He stood, feeling empty. He opened his drawer to find what he was looking for.
The letter was carefully folded inside the corner of the table, along with every other picture he took with Midoriya.
Opening the letter with care, he sat on the edge of the bed. It read the poem Midoriya wrote to him. He whispered every word with care, reading the letter over and over and over.
His blood soaked hands stained the bottom where he written the words, I love you.
Fuck, he was going to cry again.
Leaving the letter on his pillow, Todoroki grabbed his phone from out his pocket.
Went to contacts.
Found Midoriya's.
Messaged him.
He kept apologizing.
He kept blaming everything on himself.
He begged for him to come back.
He pleaded for him to come back.
He promised to never do it again.
He promised to never talk to him again. They'll part. Go their separate ways. Todoroki won't ever talk to him again. Midoriya could find a nice pretty woman to marry, and have beautiful children. Todoroki will live on the street, he doesn't deserve a normal life.
1 text sent.
2 text sent.
He finally ratted off his last paragraph just as the clock struck 12:00a.m.
Biting his lip, he sent it.
He stared at his phone, hoping Midoriya will at least scan through the multiple text.
"Izuku, where were you?!" Inko frowned at her son. Midoriya shut the door.
"Sorry, lost track of time," Midoriya muttered, eyes still red. "but I'm really tired. See you in the morning, mom," Midoriya gave his mother a kiss on the cheek, before going to his room.
"O-okay," Inko sighed. Maybe she got stressed for nothing.
Midoriya walked into his room, closing the door behind him. Stripping into only his briefs and his T-shirt, he crashed into the bed.
What to do now?
He done fucking cried himself out. He's tired, but not sleepy. He's rethinking going to Momo's party. Maybe he could text Ochako? Naw, she's most likely asleep.
Maybe he should text Todoroki- wait..
Midoriya sighed. He is not a good man at holding grudges, and he really wanted to talk to his boyfriend. But he tried to touch him without consent.
But he must've had a reason.
"Please, I've been hiding this from you for almost a year, and let me just say, everytime I'm with you, you get my nerves in a nervous wreck, and I've been imagining things, things I could do to make you feel good and scream my name, things that make me wake up with a hard on, things that I have to force myself not to do to you," Todoroki blurted out, talking quickly. "Please, I want to do it with you, let's have sex, please?"
Midoriya bit his lip, gulping. Now thinking about it, that did sound hot.
No, wait what?
Midoriya truly had no idea what was going on, he just felt scared. But Todoroki said he would make him feel good, that he would make Midoriya scream his name.
What did he mean by that?
"Wait, those weird noises I made when we started french kissing, Todoroki said you make those when you feel good," Midoriya muttered to himself. "It didn't feel bad but.." He needed to consult this with someone.*
Ping! Midoriya jolted slightly, looking towards his phone. Someone texted him. He looked at the contact.
Midoriya's eyes widened as he realized how much texts he sent him.
12 messages. Phew.
Midoriya hesistated, what if he texted him something bad, blaming him for everything? No, Todoroki is not that type of person.
He unlocked his phone, clicking on Todoroki's contact. The messages appeared.
1. Midoriya, I'm so sorry.
2. Really sorry.
Midoriya's lips twitched because he texted him an apology.
3. It was all my fault, i should have never put my hands in you with out your consent.
4. This is why I was so hesitant towards you, why I didn't touch you and why I ignored you. I didn't mean to hurt you, but I still fucked up.
Midoriya bit the inside of his mouth. His hands shook as he kept scrolling.
5. You are an amazing boyfriend. One they would say is perfect. You got the body, looks, everything.
6. At first I couldn't believe you wanted to date someone like me. Especially after what I did to you in the sports festival.
Midoriya eyed his right arm. The permanent scar almost blended in with his skin.
7. But you are an forgivable person and you try to understand everyone, even if they seem like they don't need it.
8. But I don't think you'll understand why I did what I did, and I don't believe you'll forgive me and I accept that.
Midoriya did not know why Todoroki did what he did, but Midoriya will always love him, heck, he wanted to be with him right now.
9. I wouldn't want to waste your time with my sorry apologies.
'No,' Midoriya thought. 'I shouldn't waste your time with my sorry antics.' God, Midoriya really wanted to see him again, apologise for what he done, and they could make up, seeing how sorry Todoroki is.
Todoroki isn't the type of person to express feelings, that Midoriya knew. His lips almost curling into a smile, his eyes followed to the next text.
10. So, I just want to say, again, that you are an amazing boyfriend and you deserve the best. I am not the best. I do not deserve you. You deserve a beautiful woman who loves you and would never force them self on yo- woah.
Midoriya gawked at the text. He stared at the text for a good minute.
Dropping his phone on the bed, he scanned the room for his clothes. Throwing on a random T-shirt, pants, and red trainers.
Grabbing his phone, he opened his window and jumped through.
It was almost 1 a.m. by the time he got to Todoroki's home. Using his quirk, he jumped high enough to come in contact with his half open window.
"Todoroki-kun," Midoriya whispered into the dark room.
"Todoroki-kun," Midoriya whispered louder.
Sheets shuffling.
"M-midoriya?" Todoroki peeked from under his comforters, looking confusingly at the green haired boy peering through his window. Midoriya opened the window wider, now dropping onto his bed.
Without saying a word, he took off his shoes, then grabbed his phone showing him the text.
"Do you not realize how gay I am for you," Midoriya questioned, smiling.
Todoroki's eyes widened.
"Don't think I'm going to leave you just because of that. I really love you, Todoroki-kun, I'll always love you. Don't you think I'm sorry for using my quirk on you and running out like that?"
Todoroki just sat there, speechless.
"You've been crying too?" Todoroki's eyes widened. How did he know.
"Your voice is scratchy, and your eyes are red. I'm kinda a expert at crying, so you can't lie."
Todoroki cleared his throat. "I-i.. don't know what to say."
"I know what to do," Midoriya said, pulling the covers off Todoroki. In an instant, he laid next to Todoroki.
Pulling the covers over the both, he laid on his side and wrapped his arms around Todoroki.
He could feel Todoroki stiffen in his grasp.
"Don't be sorry, I love you, Shoto Todoroki."
Todoroki's breath quickened, his hands shook as he wrapped them around Midoriya.
"F-fuck, I'm think I'm gonna cry again."
Midoriya sat up, now rolling Todoroki over so he was laying on his back.
"W-what are you doing," Todoroki gasped. Midoriya crawled on top of him, blushing.
"Making (Aye, 6666 words.) you feel better," Midoriya mumbled, putting his hands on Todoroki's cheeks.
Todoroki couldn't believe how calm Midoriya was about this, did he already forget about what happened earlier??
"C'mon, touch me," Midoriya egged on innocently.
Todoroki gulped, putting his hands on Midoriya's back. Midoriya bended down, giving Todoroki a kiss on the lips.
Todoroki's wide eyes stared into Midoriya's half-lidded eyes. Midoriya broke the kiss.
"K-kiss me back," Midoriya softly whined.
"B-but what if I make you uncomfortable?"
"What did I already tell you? What I did earlier was just because I was scared about what was happening. I still trust you."
Todoroki gulped. Does Midoriya really trust him?
"O-okay," Todoroki pulled him into another kiss. Midoriya closed his eyes, pleased.
Midoriya placed his hands on Todoroki's firm chest. Pushing his face closer, Midoriya prodded his tongue against Todoroki's lips.
Oh, this is new. Todoroki hummed in surprise. He broke the kiss.
"W-what are you.."
"You weren't doing anything, so I thought I would lead," Midoriya mumbled, blushing.
Todoroki didn't say anything. Instead, he placed his hands on Midoriya's hips, squeezing them.
"I like this side of you," Todoroki coed, pulling his face closer to give him another kiss. Midoriya gasped in surprise, and Todoroki's tongue evaded everything inside Midoriya's mouth, running over his teeth, the inner layer of his mouth and surrounding Midoriya's own tongue.
Rubbing the wet muscle, Todoroki coated Midoriya's tongue with his own saliva, his kisses now becoming sloppy open mouth kisses.
All that confidence Midoriya had drifted away, and he went limp inside Todoroki's touch. It felt good. He wanted to always feel this.
Is this what Todoroki was suffering of?
Midoriya still didn't completely understand, but he would make him feel better.
Instinctively, Midoriya squirmed into the kiss, gasping for air. Todoroki groaned as he grinded on his private.
"Fuck," Todoroki groaned as he broke the kiss. "Midoriya."
Midoriya stared down at him, something unidentifying in his eyes.
Todoroki sat up, Midoriya still in his lap. He held him close, peppering soft kisses on his neck, whispering words slowly.
"I'm," Kiss.
"Glad," Kiss.
"You forgive," Kiss. Kiss.
"Me," Kiss.
Midoriya shuddered when his breath tickled his neck.
The dawn light from the window gave Todoroki just enough light to see the reddish bite he made on Midoriya's neck. He bit his lip. God, he wanted these bites everywhere, littered all over Midoriya's body while he fu-
Bring! Bring! Midoriya groaned in annoyance as he grabbed his phone.
"Sorry," Midoriya whispered as he crawled off Todoroki's lap. Todoroki nodded, annoyed because of the phone's cock block.
"Ururaka texted me," Midoriya said surprised. "She says Momo's parents are leaving at 10:00am, so we should be at her house at 11."
"Why did she text you at," Todoroki looked at his own phone. "1:58 a.m.?"
Midoriya shrugged. "She sometimes like to wake up early to run."
"I ain't running at no damn 2:00 o'clock," Todoroki muttered. Midoriya ratted off a quick 'Okay' to Ochako, then put down his phone.
"I should probably go home now."
"You just got here," Todoroki complained.
"I should probably go to sleep in my own bed, what happens if my mom goes to wake me up and I'm not there?" Todoroki sighed. I mean, he couldn't relate but he understood.
"Well, at least help me pack right quick," Todoroki asked, trying to do the ol' puppy eyes.
"Leave the puppy eyes to me," Midoriya snickered. "I'll help though."
Todoroki smiled, hopping out of bed. He grabbed a suitcase out his closet, putting it next to his bed.
"T-todoroki-kun," Midoriya stuttered. Todoroki looked back at him, confused. Midoriya stared his body down, blushing.
Todoroki looked down at himself, realizing he was only in his boxers.
Chuckling sheepishly, Todoroki threw on some sweatpants and a white T-shirt.
"Ahem, now, packing." Midoriya smiled and started helping him root through his large closet.
Still, Midoriya glanced oftenly at him. Firm chest well built figure, strong arms... even his six pack was visible through the tight T-shirt.
As soon as Todoroki's suitcase was filled with things for the week, Midoriya kissed him goodbye and rocketed out the window. Todoroki watched as his figure disappeared, wondering how he got such a man.
He wondered if he'd get his usual dreams.
~I'm debating whether or not to write down a good Ol' IcyHot wet dream. (Cause y'know, all the character development in this chapter.~
~y'know what, fuck it, I'mma go to 10,000 words.~
"C'mon, touch me," Midoriya egged on innocently.
Todoroki gulped, putting his hands on Midoriya's back. Midoriya bended down, giving Todoroki a kiss on the lips.
Todoroki's wide eyes stared into Midoriya's half-lidded eyes. Midoriya broke the kiss.
"K-kiss me back," Midoriya softly whined.
"B-but what if I make you uncomfortable?"
"What did I already tell you? What I did earlier was just because I was scared about what was happening. I still trust you."
Todoroki gulped. Does Midoriya really trust him?
"O-okay," Todoroki pulled him into another kiss. Midoriya closed his eyes, pleased.
Midoriya placed his hands on Todoroki's firm chest. Pushing his face closer, Midoriya prodded his tongue against Todoroki's lips.
Oh, this is new. Todoroki hummed in surprise. He broke the kiss.
"W-what are you.."
"You weren't doing anything, so I thought I would lead," Midoriya mumbled, blushing.
Todoroki didn't say anything. Instead, he placed his hands on Midoriya's hips, squeezing them.
"I like this side of you," Todoroki coed, pulling his face closer to give him another kiss. Midoriya gasped in surprise, and
Todoroki's tongue evaded everything inside Midoriya's mouth, running over his teeth, the inner layer of his mouth and surrounding Midoriya's own tongue.
Rubbing the wet muscle, Todoroki coated Midoriya's tongue with his own saliva, his kisses now becoming sloppy open mouth kisses.
All that confidence Midoriya had drifted away, and he went limp inside Todoroki's touch. It felt good. He wanted to always feel this.
Is this what Todoroki was suffering of?
Midoriya still didn't completely understand, but he would make him feel better.
Instinctively, Midoriya squirmed into the kiss, gasping for air. Todoroki groaned as he grinded on his private.
"Fuck," Todoroki groaned as he broke the kiss. "Midoriya."
Midoriya stared down at him, something unidentifying in his eyes.
Todoroki sat up, Midoriya still in his lap. He held him close, peppering soft kisses on his neck, whispering words slowly.
"I'm," Kiss.
"Glad," Kiss.
"You forgive," Kiss. Kiss.
"Me," Kiss.
Midoriya shuddered when his breath tickled his neck.
The dawn light from the window gave Todoroki just enough light to see the reddish bite he made on Midoriya's neck earlier. He bit his lip. God, he wanted these bites everywhere, littered all over Midoriya's body while he fucked him senseless.
Suddenly, Midoriya rolled his hips against Todoroki again.
"T-todoroki-kun.." Midoriya whispered into his ear. "M-my body f-feels weird." Todoroki watched him touch his clothed erection, moaning in tandem.
Todoroki gulped, wondering what to do, what to say.
"Please, help me," Midoriya whimpered, griping onto Todoroki's shoulders. Todoroki sucked in a breath.
"Okay, lay down on your back." Midoriya did as Todoroki said. Laying on his back, his thighs rubbed against his erection.
"It's okay, it's okay," Todoroki shushed him. "I'll help you."
Todoroki climbed on top of him, not pressing all his weight on him. He gently gave Midoriya another kiss. Midoriya still whined helplessly into the kiss, rubbing himself on Todoroki's pelvis.
"H-hurry.." Todoroki's hand traveled down Midoriya's body, until it reached his hip.
"Are you sure your okay with this," Todoroki asked, his hands carressing Midoriya's hip. Midoriya nodded.
"Yes, p-please touch me." Todoroki's heart raced from Midoriya's plea.
Todoroki pulled down Midoriya's pants, taking it off his body completely. He gulped as he grabbed the hem of Midoriya's briefs. Midoriya stared to rub his thighs again, so Todoroki hurried and pulled it down.
Midoriya's member sprang, just slightly hitting Todoroki's nose.
"S-sorry," Midoriya whispered, biting his lip.
"You didn't do nothing wrong," Todoroki assured him, lightly grasping Midoriya's flushed cock.
Midoriya's eyes widened from the action. His body tensed as Todoroki jerked him off.
"Todoroki-kun," Midoriya seethed. "Faster." Todoroki did as he asked, jerking him off faster, now rubbing the tip.
A jolt of pleasure shot through Midoriya when Todoroki's fingers ran along the tip, and he bucked his hips, letting out an eccentric moan.
"T-t-t-todoroki-kun!" Todoroki watched Midoriya's eyes shut tight as he did this, entranced at the usual nervous boy's sexual sounds.
Todoroki pushed down his foreskin, licking the tip, drawing out a hum from Midoriya. He pressed kisses down his length, nipping it slightly leaving rosy bites on the twitching shaft, all while circling his fingers on Midoriya's sensitive tip.
"I-i," Midoriya's closed eyes twitched and his breath hitched as he unexpectedly reached his ending. Todoroki's eyes widened slightly as he stared at his cum slick fingers.
"Premature ejaculation.."
"S-sorry," Midoriya drew out in a shaky sigh, still coming out of his high.
"It's okay," Todoroki ensured, making sure Midoriya watched him lick the cum off his fingers, even going as far as to suck the cum off Midoriya's member.
Midoriya blushed heavily, sweat beading down his head at the sight in front of him.
"That was quick," Todoroki chuckled, towering over his lover.
"I-i couldn't help it," Midoriya looked away. "The way you touched me made me feel really good, and before I knew it..." Todoroki watched Midoriya as he seemed to be looking for the right words. "I came.."
Todoroki placed his hands on Midoriya's legs, placing them around his waist, before giving Midoriya another heated kiss.
Midoriya, sensitive and half naked, whimpered into the kiss, gripping onto Todoroki's shoulder blades.
Todoroki pressed kisses on Midoriya's jawline. His kisses became hard licks and bites as they traveled down Midoriya's neck. Midoriya moaned breathly as Todoroki began to rub his erection on Midoriya's, spurring the green haired boy even more.
When Todoroki said he wanted his reddish bites all over Midoriya, he meant it. The reddish marks were scattered all around Midoriya's neck, reaching his chest like wildfire.
Pinching his nipples softly, Todoroki placed hickeys all over Midoriya's stomach, rolling his tongue over his toned muscles.
"T-todoroki-k-kun," Midoriya whimpered.
"Yes, baby boy," Todoroki whispered, admiring his work.
"P-please," Midoriya pushed his leg onto Todoroki's erection, resulting in a hiss from the heterochromia boy on top of him. "p-put it in me..."
Todoroki looked down at Midoriya hungrily, biting his lip. He pulled down his boxers, exposing his flushed member, painfully erect.
Midoriya's eyes widened at Todoroki's dick, his own hardening from the thought of being filled with something so big.
"Do you want me to prep you," Todoroki asked huskily, his voice deeper and filled with lust.
Midoriya embraced Todoroki, locking him around his arms and legs. "J-just put it in me..."
Todoroki obeyed, aligning himself, then slowly sliding inside.
"T-todoroki-kun," Midoriya moaned, feeling him stretch him.
"So tight," Todoroki groaned into his ear. Giving him time to adjust, Todoroki gripped tight onto the sheets.
He slid out slow, before slamming back in.
"A-aAh," Midoriya moaned, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Todoroki kept thrusting into him at an animalistic pace.
"T-todo-" Midoriya began to murmur, but his words broke into a moan immediately.
"F-fuck," Todoroki groaned, thrusting into him at angles.
"O-oh, right there, more," Midoriya begged, feeling him hit his prostate.
Todoroki fucked him without hesitation at the spot he adored so much, loving the pornographic noises he made.
"D-daddy, faster, harder," Midoriya begged, biting his upper lip, looking at Todoroki with his puppy eyes.
Todoroki almost went weak in his gaze, now thrusting unhumanly into Midoriya's tight wetness, groaning with every roll off his hips.
Midoriya screwed his eyes shut, enjoying the feeling of Todoroki's dick fucking his senseless, he knew he wouldn't be able to walk, but the thought only made him hornier.
"D-daddy," Midoriya moaned as he came, the ejaculation sent a course of euphoria threw him.
Oh, he hit that sweet spot again.
Midoriya's eyes went wide from the action, his body at it's most sensitive state, and he still kept going.
"Daddy," Midoriya moaned loudly, grabbing a fist full of sheets and whipping his head around. "C-cant.."
Midoriya couldn't speak, couldn't see straight, he couldn't even think straight. All he could do was listen to the bed's continues creaking, Todoroki's dirty remarks and grunts, and his own loud moans.
"You want me to stop, baby," Todoroki growled, straightning and placing his hands on Midoriya's pelvis, pulling him towards him with every thrust. "Beg me to cum."
Midoriya couldn't even focus on waht he said, nor even speak.
"D-daddy... P-plea-," Midoriya shuddered, his body shaking.
"And? Go on," Todoroki playfully teased, smirking.
"C-cummm," Midoriya hummed, eyes blurring.
"Mm? Speak up baby."
"C-cUM," Midoriya almost begged and pleaded, his eyes focused onto Todoroki. Drool dripped down his chin, his eyes watered, his body shook slightly with every unbearable shock of pleasure.
"I don't think I'll ever want to stop, god, you're so hot, littered with my bites, clinging desperately to my bed as I fuck you senseless," Todoroki groaned huskily, his thrust getting slightly sloppy.
"Cummm i-innside, da-daddy, pl-lease, t-too mmmuch, p-please." Midoriya managed to tighten himself around Todoroki, his world starting to go blank.
Todoroki's eyes slightly widened, his jaw clenched as Midoriya unexpectedly clench tight around him, he almost couldn't cum.
Midoriya's back arched slightly feeling the almost burning liquids fill him.
Todoroki licked his quickly dried lips, eyes slowly opening.
"That felt so good baby," Todoroki sighed airily, meaning every word of it. "I hope you felt the same way.."
Midoriya didn't answer.
"M-midoriya!" The boy was completely limp inside Todoroki's arms, eyes watered and sunken.
"Fuck he flew away," Todoroki sighed, brushing Midoriya's hair out his face. He gently placed him on a pillow, pulling the covers over them both.
He stared at the sunken boy with patience, watching his eyes slowly move towards his face, his body slightly twitching.
Midoriya closed his eyes again, tears managing to escape his long eyelashes.
"Was I too rough," He questioned himself, feeling guilty.
"F-felt sso good," Midoriya stuttered, trying to open his eyes, his body still limp. "T-thank you d-daddy," He muttered, blushing madly. He managed a small smile.
Beep! Beep! Todoroki woke with a twitch, before quickly turning his alarm off on his phone.
9:30 on the dot. Y'know what else is on it's usual schedule?
Fucking Shoto Jr.
Todoroki didn't even bother to peek underneath the cover at his throbbing erection, he could feel it squeeze him.
God, it hurts, like 'loosing circulation, dick cutting, Canadian flag blue balls' hurts.
Five cold showers. Five fucking cold showers. It didn't even faze him. No, the thing that got Shoto jr. to calm down was when he held a razor blade to the tip while watching Boku No Pico.
How the hell was he going to control himself at Momo's Summer Bash?!? He had to think of something quick, really quick, because he was going to walk with Midoriya to Momo's party, and he didn't feel like running from the police with his pants pulled down.
Hopefully, with how rich Momo is, everyone will get their own rooms...?
"Oh, fuck me," Todoroki sighed, grabbing his suitcase.
"Not going to ask, but it's the boy isn't it," Natsuo asked his younger brother, standing by the door. "I saw him running out of here around 2 a.m."
"I thought you said you weren't going to ask questions," Todoroki tried to dismiss him.
"Don't get out of it," Fuyumi chimed, popping out of nowhere. "are you scared to be with your boyfriend all week?"
"I-i'm not scared!"
"Just sexually frustrated then," Natsuo accused.
"Can't wait to get that boy all hot and bothered," Fuyumi snickered.
"Heated and begging," Natsuo chuckled, finishing his sibling's sentence.
"And fuck him right in that pool," They both screamed, laughing out loud like pre-schoolers.
Todoroki almost ran out the house, blushing like a bitch.
"That Midoriya boy will never realize his needs," Natsuo sighed, brushing a tear out his eye.
"O-oh yeah," Fuyumi wheezed, grabbing onto a chair.
Wrote the smut while eating packs of peanut butter crackers at 1:00 am.
When I neared the ending of the smut part, I changed the channel on my TV, and i went on channel 7.3 (I don't have cable, okay?) a PBS channel, and the TV was stuck on this message that I had to write down.
A third sex
Born with bodies of the wrong sex
Hereditarily incapable of normal love
Easily recognized by one another
Impotent men and frigid woman
Feminine men and masculine woman
Highly talented and created.
But only a few are bold enough to express them."
9558 (plus this) words. I wrote my fucking heart out.
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