"Dad..you're gonna teach me?"I asked excitedly.

"Yes my little one,come on",my dad said making me sit on his lap.

He started playing piano,the same tunes which he was playing since my birth,my lullaby.

"Dad..I wanna learn this tune",I said and he smiled nodding his head.

"You will never forget this tune Bella",he said kissing my forehead,when I was learning.

"Bella?"I came out of my trance.

"You OK?"Mahir asked coming near me.

"Yeah..I'm OK",I said looking away.

"You want to play?"Mahir asked eyeing the piano.

I nodded and sat in front of piano.Mahir was standing away from me,near a couch,folding his arms.

"Go on,I want to listen",Mahir said.

I smiled and closed my eye's,it's been a while since I played piano.

I started moving my fingers on the keys,just feeling the music inside me.A smile crept on my face while playing those notes.

My whole childhood was spent with these notes of piano,my mom and dad used to play it for me.

It came to an end and I opened my eye's,my eye's all misty.

"Bella...that was amazing",Mahir said coming near me and I smiled.

"Thank you",I said.

"I mean...that tune,it sounds so amazing.Where did you learn it?"Mahir asked.

"From my dad,that's my dad's own composition...he taught me",I gave a sad smile.

"Ohh..but it really is..amazing",he said.

"Will you teach me this tune?"Mahir asked and I smiled.

"Sure,why not",I laughed and stood up.

Mahir came and sat in front of piano,asking me what to do.

"First place your finger's on the key's.There are certain numbers for each key,so this tune also have some notes for it",I said and made his finger's tap on the first note.

"And then this...",the second one.

I went on,making him play the tune.

We both chuckled,
"Don't worry,it's easy.You will learn soon",I said and Mahir smiled.

But wait...

"Hey...",I held Mahir's hand.

How come I never observed this?

"You have a tattoo..of moon star?"I said helding his arm.

I have always seen him in full sleeves,I never observed this.

He pulled his hand back suddenly,
"No Bella..it's nothing",he said.

"No Mahir..see",I held his arm and looked at it again.

Oh my God!

I took him with me and stood in front of a mirror,he was waiting for my actions.

I pulled out my moon star pendent and looked at his tattoo.

They both are same!

"Mahir...you see this?"I was shocked and he was too.

He observed it carefully in the mirror and then spun me around.I gasped and held him.

His other had went around my waist,while I was helding onto his shoulders.

"You said..your parent's gave this to you right?"Mahir asked and I nodded.

"When?"he asked.

"A month before their accident",I said and Mahir was thinking something.

"Mahir..is...is everything OK?"I asked.

"Huh..yeah..yeah..I'm sorry",he said making me stand properly.

"When did you got this tattoo done?"I asked touching his tattoo.

"Few years back..maybe six years",Mahir said.

"Oh..what a coincidence",I smiled.

"You like moon?"I asked him.

Again he was in deep thoughts,what happened to him today?

"Mahir?"I called him.

"No..I don't like moon..I just don't like full moon days and moon..no",he said.

"Oh..I love full moon days,and a full moon..I just love it.I'm a selenophile actually",I gave a sheepish smile.

"So you are a moon lover",Mahir said and I nodded.

"I don't know Mahir,I always feel like I have some connection with the moon",I said walking to the balcony.

"Maybe you have,like you are the princess of moon",Mahir said and we both laughed.

"That was lame",I laughed.

"OK..let's do some calculus?"Mahir asked and I nodded.

We both went to Mahir's study and he was teaching me calculus.

We called it off after an hour,
"OK..I think I'll leave now",I said packing my things.

"Sure,I'll drop you",Mahir said.

We both were walking towards our house,it's a walkable distance.

I wonder that Mahir's is the only house which is near to mine and that lake.

"Mahir,did Casper get any clues about Eden's death?"I asked him.

"No Bella,as usual there are no clues.But they are digging up old cases also,so there are few chances",Mahir said.

"Mahir,I'm sorry from Jessica's side.I don't know why she doesn't get along with you all",I apologized.

"That's fine Bella,everyone have their own comfort zone",Mahir smiled.

"So..was your day productive today?"Mahir asked.

"Yes it was..I finally learned something in calculus",I said and Mahir laughed.

"Mahir..does anyone else have this tattoo like you?"I asked still looking at his tattoo.

"No Bella,it's just me.And forget about it..it's just a tattoo",Mahir said.

A tattoo which exactly looks like my pendent!

"Yeah..you are right",I said.

"Hey,we reached.Come inside and meet Gram's",I said and Mahir came along with me.

"Hi Gram's",I said walking in.

"Your back Bella.Oh..hello,welcome Mr.Davisson",Gram's smiled looking at Mahir.

"Thank you Mrs.Hamilton",Mahir smiled.

"So..are you both a couple now?"Gram's asked,making me red.

"Gram's..stop",I was embarrassed and Mahir smirked.

"It's nothing like that Gram's,he is a good friend of mine..teaching me calculus",I said and she laughed.

"Thank you once again for standing up for Bella Mahir,bullying is brutally wrong",Gram's said.

"Don't worry Gram's,it's over now",I said rubbing her back.

"Bella..you go and get freshed,I'll get you both some snacks",Gram's said.

"OK..I'll be back in ten minutes",I said and went upstairs.


Bella went upstairs and Mrs.Hamilton was sitting in front of me.

"You want to talk anything Mrs.Hamilton?"I asked looking at her hesitancy.

"Do you love Bella?"she asked.

I don't want to answer that question,not infront of Mrs.Hamilton.

"Do you?"she asked again.

"I don't know Mrs.Hamilton",I lied.

"Ohk..maybe you guys need some time",she smiled,making me blush.

"Mrs.Hamilton..all these days..you never mentioned that you have a grand daughter?"I asked.

"Because it was meant to be a secret",she whispered slowly.

"Sorry?"I asked.

"No..I mean,my son and daughter-in-law's occupation was never here,so it was very rare for them to come here.Like that Bella was also not a big secret...just the place matters that time",she said.

"But after loosing my son,I didn't want to loose my little girl also.That's why I brought her with me",Mrs.Hamilton said.

"Yeah,I understand",I said.

"Gram's..I'm so hungry",Bella came down.

"Yeah,get those cookies from oven Bella",Mrs.Hamilton said.

"I hope you are doing good Mrs.Hamilton.How is your health?"I asked her.

"I am good young man,don't worry about me.How are you..and your family?"she asked.

"We are good too..just dad's a way more disturbed with these city deaths",I said.

"Yeah,he would be",she said.

"Mrs.Hamilton can I ask...",
"Wow..these are so yummy",Bella came to the lobby.

"Bella,guests first",Mrs.Hamilton said and I chuckled.

"Ooops..sorry",she clicked her tongue.

I was having cookies with them,but my unfinished question was bothering me.

But this is not the right time to ask,not in front of Bella.

"I'll take your leave now Mrs.Hamilton",I said and she nodded.

"Gram's..I'll walk him and come",Bella said coming along with me.

"OK..so..meet you tomorrow again?"I asked her.

"Definitely",she blushed.

"And Mahir,ask Rose and Joe to contact me once.We need to talk about our project",she said.

"Yeah,I'll inform them,don't worry",I said and she was just staring at me.

I stepped closer to her and she stepped closer to me.I held her hand and soothed it,she closed her eye's feeling my touch.

She opened her eye's when I kissed her fingers,
"Don't overthink about anything,OK?"I asked and she nodded.

"Bye,see you tomorrow",I said and walked away.

I was back to my home,my friends were waiting for me.

"What happened Mahir?You are looking worried",Ryan asked.

"Today I spoke with Mrs.Hamilton It seemed like..she wanted to say something but she was not able to",I said.

"She behaved normally only when I spoke to her",Rose said.

"Does Mrs.Hamilton have any clue...about us?"I asked.

"No..there's no way",Joe said.

"Mahir,I found out something",Rose said.

"About Jessica?"I asked.

"Not about Jessica,but something about our blood line",Rose said.

We all three were waiting for her to start.

"According to the witchcraft books I have in my study,it shows that there is another blood line of our coven",she said.

"Another blood line?In your same coven?"Ryan asked.

"A thousand years back,when all the supernatural creatures came to life on earth...this magic was created.Magic was created by one of my ancestors and it was controlled by them.

But after few years,the coven was divided into two half's.Normally due to some clashes while handling the magic.And since then the coven was divided into two,my blood line stayed back,and the other blood line migrated",Rose said.

"But Rose,how are these two connected to each other?I mean who is the common person for the same blood line?"I asked.

"It was my super super great ancestors.One of them went in a wrong path,leading black magic..which was against the coven.And due to that reason..the coven was parted into two,good and dark",Rose said.

"You good or dark?"Joe asked and we chuckled.

"I'm from the good coven",she laughed.

"What about those bad witches?Do they still exists?"Ryan asked.

"Of course,they do exists.But not somewhere near us.Because they are cursed by our ancestors,they can never be back on this territory",Rose said.

"And now..how is this related to Jessica?"Ryan asked.

"We don't know anything about Jessica,the only thing we know is..she is a supernatural person like us",Rose said.

"Did you ever feel like Jessica is one of you?"I asked Rose.

"If she was like me,it wouldn't even take seconds for me to find out Mahir.And until today I never felt that.Have you felt something like you?"she asked.

"No,even we would have find it out",I said.

"Guy's..actually...",Ryan stopped.

"What is it Ryan?"I asked.

"No..nothing",he said.

"So according to what I said,there are still some people like me and some bad witches too,helping out our enemies",Rose said.

"Who would be these enemies?Constantly attacking our city,targeting us",Joe said.

"Now it is making sense to me",I said and they looked at me.

"What..what is making sense?"Ryan asked.

"The only natural enemies a werewolf could have....vampire",I said.


"Holy shit"

"No..it can't be",all three were shocked.

"I never went that far thinking about our moon curse.But it has to be this,only they could do this.Vampires",I said.

"But Mahir..vampires..they are long gone and even if they exist somewhere,why would they come behind us out of all the powerful packs?"Joe asked.

"That is what we have to find out",I sighed rubbing my temple.

"Rose..any mentions about the relations between a vampire and werewolf?"I asked.

"No,this is the only book about the ancestors.There is nothing more in it",Rose said.

Joe took that book from her and caressed the last page,
"What are you doing Joe?"Rose asked.

"One minute",Joe said and took a paper and pencil.

He kept the book on the ground and traced something on the last paper.

"Guy's..look here",Joe said.

"How is it possible?"Rose was shocked.

"This book..it's just a half way Rose,there's more of it",Joe said.

"But..as far as I know..this is it.Where would be the other part then?"Rose said and we were in a hell of a confusion.

"Move guy's",Rose said and sat infront of the book.

She touched the book and closed her eye's,chanting.

After three minutes,she opened her eye's,
"Yes..there is more of it",Rose said.

"Where is it?"I asked.

"With the other blood line",she said and all our faces paled.

"That sucks",Ryan said.

"That part must be containing information about the ancestral relationships with other supernatural people.Because this part seems just like an introduction to magic",Rose said.

"From where should we join all these dots together Mahir?"Ryan asked.

I closed my eye's in frustration.

We are standing in a maze right now,not knowing from where to start and where it is going.

"Officially or unofficially there are no clues about vampires or Rose's other blood line witches",Joe said.

"And there is only one way,we need to find either of them",Rose said.

"But how?"Joe said.

"Ryan",I called him.

"I knew you were about to tell something...what is it?"I asked him.

"Mahir that...I've been seeing Jessica",he said.

"What do you mean?"Rose asked angrily.

I looked at Ryan and I understood,
"Yes..yes Mahir,I've been seeing her.I like her..I want her in my life",Ryan said.

"But Ryan..that girl is so weird..I mean..she hates us all",Rose said.

"My first instinct to get closer to her was...her scent",Ryan said.

"Her scent as in?Werewolf?"I asked.

"No Mahir,basically every person has their own body scent.But Jessica,I've never smelled her body scent",Ryan said and we were shocked.

"Even her scent is being protected by someone..just like Bella's?"Rose asked.

"No Rose,Bella's scent is just being protected.But Mahir can still sense her smell because of his mate thing.But Jessica,there is no body scent from her...it's just hollow",Ryan said.

"I'm telling you guy's..Jessica is definitely hiding something big",Rose said.

"That's true..Jessica is definitely hiding something.She wouldn't hate us without any reason",I said.

"Ryan..I want you to put an eye on Jessica,can you do that?"I asked him.

"Yes Mahir..I will",Ryan said.

"Ryan..did she ever talk to you?"Joe asked.

"She did,it's currently like..a stranger to friends process going on",Ryan said.

"Just don't get your heart broken",I said patting Ryan's shoulder.

"Yes",Ryan said.

"This is our first ever step guy's,we need to decode Jessica..her friendship with Bella...it's our first way",I said.

"What if Jessica is one of us?"Joe asked.

"Let's see..is she a werewolf or a witch",I said.

Mission number one,Jessica!

Hey Guy's!

So sorry for this delay.Hope you are liking this story❤

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