chapter 10 : The samurai (part 2)
Chapter 10 : The samurai ( part 2 )
"Every beginning has an end , every sentence has a full stop, every hero has a villain"
Coral wore the miraculous , now what ? She thought , she had never played superhero's before , she was scared, part of her wanted to back off and go back to where is was, part of her wanted to give it a try , after all she liked wearing bracelets and rings. Zipp was beside her smiling , he had faith in her and knew she would do alright ,
"Now what should i do ?", coral asked after wearing the miraculous.
"You have to transform ! Your words are -"ZIPP PAWS ON" , zipp said . Coral nodded , even if these things were new to her , but somehow she was ready.
"Wait ! Don't transform yet ! Let me explain your powers ! " zipp said and then continued , "Your powers are that you can travel in fast speed like a cheetah, a lightening bolt !! There is a rope with attachments at both sides, that will be your weapon ! Okay ? And you have special power to capture people with your rope and control them , but after you use it ! You have less than 5 minutes to detransform back !!okay ? Now will you do it ?", zipp finished. Coral wws utterly confused, in her mind she was surely panicking , but wanted to help ladybug and chat noir, probably meet them .
"Okay , zipp. I am ready to transform" , coral says with full determination ! Zipp smiles.
With a flash of pink , coral's whole costume changed , she had two high ponies , her hair was blonde with two streaks of black and white on both sides , the new costume fitted her like a glove , with a cape attached with a badge that had a lightning bolt on it , her face was completely hidden by a black and white mask , and her suit was cheetah printed , fast lightning bolts striking.
"Woah !! This suit is amazing", she exclaimed.
"Hey , teeny tiny creature , where the hell are you?", she started looking around for zipp , but it actually entered her in her bracelet.
"Okay , no time wasting , we gotta a mission to do !!!",coral exclaimed , even though in her mind she was envisioning to fight aside ladybug and chat noir , her mind was exploding.
"Chat are you alright ?"ladybug asked, seeing chat brutally hurt from the previous attack , chat still sighed and and tried to manage to get up , but his efforts seemed to be futile. Ladybug tried to hold him , even he was not telling to.
"Go away and find that miraculous, we need it to defeat him", chat said finally able to stand up but pushing in hands on his stomach to stop the blood flow.
"No ! How can i go away with leaving you here ?? ", ladybug said in a concerning tone .
"Pretty ironic , isn't it ? Taking care of me ?", chat said sarcatically still holding his stomach , and going through the pain. Ladybug decided to pull his hands away to check the wound , but chat arrongantly pushed her hands away !
"Go. And. Find. The. Miraculous." , he said with pain in his eyes .
"Don't worry , my miraculous ladybug will heal you again ", ladybug said stepping few steps away with slightly tearing up , at that moment the fireburst comes in between , chat being injured wasn't able to get protection from his baton anymore. Ladybug stepped forward trying to protect , but fireburst was coming nearer and nearer , until a fast blue bolt from the sky appreared tearing the air apart , ladybug was shocked seeing another superhero with a black and white suit with pink designs , this surely was------
"CHEETAH MIRACULOUS !!!", Ladybug exclaimed , chat unknown by the fact then saw the blonde superhero.
"This can't be ! I - i didn't gave any miraculous !!", ladybug whispered.
"Maybe she is here to help ", chat said obserbing that the superhero was trying fight with the villian .
"Or....maybe she is trying to prove herself as superhero to get with us , just like lila did , but in actual is working with hawkmoth.....!", ladybug said angrily, and pulled her yoyo string.
"Wait !! What are you doing ?!", chat shouted, but ut was too late , ladybug pulled the stripped superhero with her yoyo and slided with chat into an thin alley , disappearing from fireburst's sight.
"What are you trying to do girl in the cheetah suit , huh ??", ladybug questioned, the girl got hold of ladybug's hands before ladybug to touch her.
"Name's guepardia ! Not girl with cheetah suit !", guepardia told casually.
"What are you trying to do ??? How did you get the miraculous ?? You stole it away from me !!?? Didn't you ?", ladybug asked without any chill.
"I don't know what you are talking about ",guepardia said touching her electric cool tail made from soft fur .
"Oh ! Don't you put that innocent act on me , i know you were the samurai who stole the miraculous ! Give it back ! ", ladybug got angry.
"Hey ! look i am just trying to help !!! Okay ??", coral now guepardia tried to prove ladybug her innocence. But ladybug at no costs looked like she would negotiate with her.
"That blackish-whitish floating thing told me to help ! I found this thing lying on the ground, okay ?", coral said , now a bit annoyed.
"I think maybe she is trying to help ", chat said , who was sitting in the corner trying to numb his pain.
"Or....maybe not, there are liars filled here anyways !", ladybug said blowing a hard punch on guepardia's face , making her nose bleed , coral held her her hand on her nose , bkood started to come out of her nose.
"You made a grave mistake ! I was trying to help my friends and you", she shouted.
"No you are lying , there is no way that samurai gave this to you , or dropped it ! You are lying ", ladybug folded her hands ,still standing by her opinion. Chat stood there shocked by ladybug's actions , guepardia's face was literally red with blood .
"You know what ? I am still going to fight that villain , thats because I have power to do so ! Not you ! And i am still going to save this city , rest is your's", guepardia said , but this time making the most unlikable quinty eyes , she then disappeared in the speed of light , leaving dust behind. Ladybug swung her yoyo along chat going back to the building seeing what she was upto ! The villain and coral both were fighting with each ither , both consistently fast , even though guepardia at times was thrown away by the villain , but she managed to stand up and fight again , she didn't give up , she was thrown pretty hard on buildings , but she was trying to win , she then decided to pull her power , she shouted , "TRAP", she then wrapped her rope beside him , and he was trapped , now he was in her control . Guepardia then jumped back to ladybug and chat noir.
"I have done my work , now you both do your's redeem the akuma", she said , with still few scratches and bleeding on her nose. Chat cataclysmed the hoop and ladybug caught the akuma ,
"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG !!!" , she shouted and the whole city was back to normal , chat's body healed , but coral's nose was still bleeding , because ladybug herself had hit her . Ladybug then came near to guepardia...
"I thank you that you fought the villain , bht i still can't trust you sorry , you need to give the miraculous back to me", ladybug said.
"Who said anything bout trusting ??? I don't need your trust ",guepardia said taking few steps behind.
" need to give me that miraculous ! Please !", ladybug begged.
"I would've given it to you five minutes ago if you hadn't punced me ", coral said wiping the blood off , she then ran behind and jumped from a building and disappeared.
"Ooo...she's fast !", chat exclaimed.
"What would you expect with a cheetah miraculous ?", ladybug said sarcastically.
"Whatever you tell , she is gone because of you , you should have never hit her !!!" , chat said coldly .
"Why are you blaming me ?? Because you want another cat in the team ?? She could've been hawkmoth's secret person", ladybug defended herself.
"You are not always right", chat sighed and went away , it had been two continuos fights that chat had didn't say his pound it to ladybug, in anyways it bothered.
Ladybug stood there alone again , she detransformed,
"Marinette , you didn't had to hit that hard", tikki said.
"But tikki !! She can be the samurai who stole the miraculous and now she is trying to pull a innocent act !", ladybug said firmly.
"But what if zipp told her to help ?", tikki defended.
"I can't trust people so easily", ladybug was still firm on her opinion.
(Coral detransforming)
"Ahggghhh ! It pains ----", coral shrieked.
"I never knew she would not trust you", zipp said .
" now i have a bleeding nose for helping her , owwwwww !", coral said.
"You should've given the miraculous-----",
"----- and risk in her showing that who i am ?? I don't wanna tell her who i am ? What if everyone hates me forever ? In any ways i have caused a lot of trouble since the day i arrived", she said sadly.
"Wait , adrien !!! My brother is there ! Lets go", coral said after spotting adrien in the crowd near the circus.
"Adrien .....!! Are you alright ??", coral shouted , adrien came running towards her ,
"Where were you ?? And what happened to your nose ??", adrien expressed his concerns.
"Oh....umhm...i was-i was wandering in the dust and hit something bymistake", coral lied.
"Ohh...then we shouldngo home as quick as possible !", adrien said.
" stay with kagami and enjoy the day , i don't want to spoil it for you , i can go with the driver !", coral denied.
" ! How could i leave you ?? You need to be at home now !!", adrien said .
"Oh no ! Don't worry bout me , incase you reach first , don't tell gabriel i got hit by something , i am gonna go get this clear real quick !", coral said and turned away , but adrien held her hand,
"No ! You can't just go away to a clinic !", he stopped her.
"If your father knows about this , we both will never get out of the house again ! Do you want that ? No , right ?then do what i say ! ", oral said seriously, and adrien nodded,
"Alright ! stay safe !"
(Marinette and luka )
"Marinette , you alright ?", luka expressed his concern as he saw marinette continuosly.
"Yes....huh...huh....i am", marinette said sighing , luka immediate brought some water to calm her up.
"Don't worry, ladybug and chat noir always save the day", luka winked.
"Do you really think ? Uh....i mean do you really think they are a good duo ?", marinette asked curiously.
"Yes they are !! I can't imagine them keeping so much courage to fight everyday ! I awe them !", luka said smiling and looking at the sky.
"What if the girl behind the mask is actually a loser and no good-at-all ?", marinette sighed and tried to follow his gaze.
" why do you think so ?", luka said her back.
"Its because....she messes up everytime and hurts her partner", marinette sighed. Luka smiled and hugged her , and then patted her head.
"You are scared , aren't you ?", he said calmly, "don't worry ! I will always protect you , even if it costs my life marinette .....cuz you are ....!", he paused and looked at the stars shining bright , it was already evening.
"Because you the most extraordinary girl marinette , as clear as a music note , as sincere as a piano, you are the music that's being playing inside my head , since the day we met !!", all marinette could hear was this.......luka didn't say it , but it echoed in her head , that pure confession , she had never heard such confession from anyone , not even from chat.
"Heyy..luka , you always manage to cheer me up ! But i don't even know mucg things about you yet , do you have friends in your college ?", marinette asked out of curiosity , she wanted to know luka more.....know him more deeper.
"I do have friends , they are not your type , but sure ! They will mix up with you and probably steal you , hahah ", luka said with a cute chuckle.
"Then i would love to meet them ", marinette gave a small laughter and winked.
(Meanwhile adrien and kagami )
"So.....", kagami decided to break the silence between her and adrien for like 5 minutes, she could see all adrien was doing was kicking rocks from his feet .
"So.......??", adrien answered back , still looking at the ground and thinking something furiously.
"So....its been whole day and we haven't hanged out properly today since the akuma !", kagami said , adrien didn't oay much attention but still manage to hear .
"Yeah.......the whole day has been a mess", adrien answered.
"What i am more concerned about is you !!", kagami said in her usual cold tone.
"Yes ! you haven't even looked at me properly and didn't talk with me today", kagami said probably being annoyed.
"What ? I am talking to you now ??", adrien said ....
"No before , you were looking at those front seats only...." , kagami said in the awkward silence of the night.
"Um....i was looking at what my sister was doing , since she would not mess something up ....", adrein lied.
"Look , adrien ! Please decide your mind , i am still waiting for you here....! Just tell me those words !", kagami confronted him.
"I know kagami , i don't want to drag you , but i need some time to think throughly....", adrien said sadly and kagami nodded. Kagami's mom with her car appeared in front of them , she had to leave , she bid him goodbye and said the one last thing.
"The adrien i knew didn't lie to me could've said you were seeing marinette was fine", she sighed and went away. Adrien regretted lying , he felt bad, but he couldn't help seeing marinette and know what she was upto !
"Ughhh...tomorrow will be the day marinette has to answer all my questions or i am never going to talk to her or anyone ever again !!!", adrien said angrily.
" gotta chill , control over your emotions !", plagg said poppong out of a corner from his shirt. Adrien marched his steps eagerly.
( 7:00 pm , agreste mansion )
Adrien walked briskly as he could reach his home as fast as he can as coral said. He was scared when he saw his father , coral and nathalie standing outside the main door waiting for him. He knew he was screwes , he still fixed his face and went to confront them. Gabriel had a bad look on his face , before he could scold adrien , coral spoke in between.
"Uhh...adrien , you are back , did you bring your fencing uniform i left in your class two days ago ?", coral said hurriedly , without making it obvious.
"Fencing......uniform ?", adrien said softly as he didn't know what she was talking .
" could you forget so easily ??? I asked you now to go the fencing class and bring our uniform yaaa ??? Thats why you are late right , mr. Memory forgotton !", coral said stressing the words more so adrien would understand , she then winked . Adrien decided to play along with it .
"Oooohhh....yeahhhhh, i am soo sorry i searched the uniform everywhere , but didn't find it", adrien said. He noticed that coral's nose was alright , bleeding had stopped and it was not red anymore
"See, uncle , i told adrien to find that uniform , we weren't playing around after attack , don't you worry , i will do the best for your son", coral promised.
"Okay. But if i see you kids screwing around anymore , you will never see your friends again", gabriel gave a straight answer.
"I am sure you won't !", coral said to gabriel , then turned towards adrien , "C'mon we have homework to do !"
"Wait , i will buy you kids new fencing uniforms by tomorrow , no need to borrow each others", gabriel said , and tbey both nodded.
" save me today , thankyou !!", adrien said , turning back around to see if his father didn't hear it.
"You took too long , it was your luck that i actually left the uniform could've got in trouble", coral said.
"Thats why i have you , to save me",adrien said winking.
"You're welcome", coral winked back , adrien noticed her hand and saw a new bracelet.
"Hey ! This isn't the bracelet you were wearing when we went out ? You were flawting the new one you brought ? Where is that ?", adrien said suspiciously.
"Ohh...uhm...that , y'know i found a new one in the fair shops !!! And i had to buy it , and i lost the previous one", coral lied cleanly, adrien gave a assuring nod.
"By the way , how did you fix that nose ? What a miraculous doctor ?" , adrien questioned her.
"Oh well paris's best makeup artist hahhah ! I got the number from google , and the bleeding , i stopped it myself ! Y'know i aced in biology ?", coral said winking again, adrien smirked and exclaimed ,"smart !!".
( The next day , marinette's house )
It was 7:30 and marinette was lying on her bed , she had woke up for school so early for the time , last night she didn't even sleep properly , she was up the whole night thinking bout the day's incidents . She had lost a miraculous , but this time she doesn't even know who the person is !! What could that person do ? It was the dangerous ! She needed training , master fu just left her with the box , she needed to learn how to deal with it....
"Mari , don't overthink much ! You are going to get this through !", tikki said smiling , even in the worst thunders tikki was the rainbow !
"How , tikki , how ??? How could i ever get through this ?", marinette said still sad.
"Maybe , you will be alright ! Think of the good things , leave the best , whatever you did till now chat noir hasn't opposed you , he maybe cold now , but he is with you",tikki assured.
" are right , i think i will reach school early today", marinette said smiling.
Marinette had her breakfast , she reached school early , she sat casually in her seat , chatting with alya and others. Even adrien had not reached yet , marinette surely was annoyed with coral yesterday to make things more awkward by calling him , but it was fine , she was doing what was right for her brother. Alya looked like she didn't had sleep for 2 days , she had been working on the play consistently , marinette kinda felt bad for her . After few minutes the class was accommoted with the students , it was time for the lecture to start , adrien sat in front of marinette , he greeted her like the usual way they did , but she didn't greet him back , he just sighed , hoping marinette was going to get this over with. Miss. Bustier entered in the class at perfect timing , she greeted the class in usual way , then she motioned someone standing outside the door to come inside , a tall , handsome boy entered in the class , he had black-brown shiny hair , messy at some points , but with beautiful bangs , his eyes were piercing asian eyes , marinette could tell he was chinese from his appearance , he had a well-built body , his dressing style was perfect , matching his white skin and his face, he wore a cool jacket with a nice t-shirt of a solid colour and he wore tight fitting black pants , one thing marinette could tell was that he was attractive . He had a weird backpack , more like the one's footballers and sporty people would use, his shades were hanging behind them, he wore cool shoes , marinette didn't miss even a detail, the boy gave a decent smile .
"Hello class ! We have a new exchange student in our class along with coral this week ! " , she called the boy closer , and told him to introduce himself .
"Hello friends ! I am lin huang , i am an exchange student from china , i like to do everything , it would be great to mix up with this class and make friends", he smirked , he acted like a typical bad boy , marinette sighed , no more boy-talking anytime soon , she said to herself in her mind ,
"Good ! Lin , welcome to our class , my kids here will be great friends if yours ! Please choose your seat and make yourself comfortable ", miss Bustier said kindly , the boy smiled. He preferred to go to the last seat where no one was sitting , miss. Bust8er thought of making some changes with the seating schedule once again .
"Coral , will you stand up and sit next to lin ? I can see three of you together would be pretty uncomfortable", the teacher said , coral at once stood up and weny to sit beside lin . The class began , lin had no idea what to do , so did coral , both were new and no literal idea what the teacher was teaching.
"Hey...." , the boy with greyish-blue piercing eyes said , coral looked aside seeing that the boy was talking to her.
"Heyyy.....", she smiled sweetly and said.
"Coral agreste huh ? It must be dream to sit beside her in the class !!", lin said smirking .
"Thankyou , but lets concentrate on the lecture", coral said straightly.
"You and I exactly know we aren't understanding a thing in the lecture since you joined last week and i joined today ", he said putting his hands over his cheek , making a flirty face. He had a point.
"So , what do you want me to talk ?", coral said giving the most sarcastic look .
"About that girl with two pigtails", lin pointed over marinette.
"Marinette ?i thought you were talking to me .....anyways yeah she is good person , what do you wanna know , she looks cute huh ?"coral raised an eyebrow.
"Oh sure dear princess , we will talk about you , that girl seems a nice friend to be , maybe she is cute", he said.
"Oh sure , even i find her cute ......! Well why are you talking to me , we don't even know each other well", coral said looking at the board, noting few things down on her tab.
"Well , i found you friendly agreste , didn't knew starkids could be this nice in real life as well", lin winked. Coral chuckled.
"Hah...what you thought , me and adrien are super meanies or selfish ?", she smiled.
"Hmm...somewhat like that , hope i'll make friends with your brother soon ! "
"Sure thing", coral continued.
They kep chatting frequently between the lectures , some conversations bout the subject and studies what the teacher was teaching , some about the friemds from the class . The guy seemed to be a smooth-talker. The period was almost over , bell was going ring , miss. Bustier decided to end class to make an announcement.
"Marinette , as being the class president , you will give lin a school tour to make sure he knows all the spots " , miss bustier said to marinette and then looked at lin, "lin , marinette will help with any queries , you can go now with her and explore more", marinette and lin both nodded. The bell ringed , marinette went behind to talk with the new boy .
"Hey , i am marinette , your class president , i hooe you are enjoying our class , please proceed with me , i will show you the school", amrinette said nicely.
"Hii..i am lin , haha ! Sure , lets go " , the boy gave a quick laughter , marinette thought he was pretty nice .
"Lets go to library first before the break starts , otherwise there will be a big crowd , so you won't be comfortable to see", marinette advised.
"Whatever you say princess", the boy said setting his hair", marinette froze. Princess. That nickname, it hurted her more, she spaced out ! The boy snapped his fingers in front of her to catch her attention.
" were saying we need to leave early , lets go !", lin said . Marinette did blush a little .
"Hmm....yeah lets go !", she said sweetly. They both their exit from the class door , adrien had something else in the mind , he decided to follow them. They both soon reached to the library which was fully empty at this time , the boy kinda seemed awkward with her , but she managed to smile . He somehow closed the door while entering in the library , marinette felt a little insecure , thats when the boy held her mouth shut.
"Marinette , right ?? Or should i call you ........ladybug ? , i have been looking for you !", lin said. Marinette froze.
Ayeeeee....! Guys thats me , leaving you all in cliffhanger AGAIN......WELL ENJOY THINKING FROM THAT SMOL HEAD OF YOURS *EVIL LAUGH* HAHA HAAH .
well did you like the chapter ? My hands are paining , and sorry for not updating fast !
Preview of the next chapter : who is this guy , who knows marinette's secret identity , maybe he is villain , or someone else ??? Meanwhile adrien has different plans to deal with him , also hawkmoth cooks up a new plan. The play starts to revive again .......! Will they make it ?
Adiós !
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