Author's pov
At 3 a.m.,
Kim's Mansion,
Taehyung and Jungkook came back from the club after confirming that you were not the real thief, you were just used in this shit. Because of that, they mistook you when they saw you with their briefcase.
Taehyung ordered his men to find the real culprit as soon as possible because it was a matter of their business and some low-class people tried to interfere in their business which they didn't like at all. He was going to make sure to make that person beg for his mercy because of that he hurted his angel that's you.
After parking the car, they went to the entrance of the main door where they found out the that lights were open in the living room. This made them confused as it was the middle of the night and people inside the mansion must be sleeping so they thought maids must have opened it for them.
When they entered the living room of their mansion, they stopped in their tracks when they saw Jisoo sitting there on the sofa with her pyjamas on while watching the mobile silently which made them confuse because they already told her they'll come late but again here she was awake and waiting for them.
Jisoo felt the presence across her to which she tossed her head to look in that direction where she found her brothers looking at her. She put her phone back in the pocket of her pyjama and faked a smile at them before closing the main door of the mansion.
They were looking at her with their furrowed eyebrows as they thought she would get angry when she'll come to know that they came in the middle of the night when they promised her to come before midnight.
"Welcome back my great merciful brothers. I'm finally so happy to have your beautiful presence here."
She spoke sarcastically while cupping their cheeks but they didn't notice her sarcasm after that all went silent. Jungkook decided to break the silence between them so he asked,
"Why are you awake Noona..? Shouldn't you be sleeping at this time..? And most important where is brother in law...?"
"I'm here Jungkook."
They all tossed their head in the direction and saw him standing with a glass of orange juice in his hand. He came near them and handed the juice to Jisoo to which she gladly accepted and drank all in one go. She turned back and kept the empty glass on the table. She looked towards him and beamed her smile at him and said,
"Thank you Chanyeol."
He just nodded his head and spoke,
"Anything for my beautiful wife."
He turned towards Jisoo's brothers and smiled before hugging them one by one but none of them responded as they both were staring at their sister. Getting no response back he broke the hug and smiled,
"It's so nice to meet you again."
Jungkook nodded at his statement whereas Taehyung just stared at her sister who was behaving weirdly.
"Chanyeol, can you please sit there as I've very important things to ask my brothers..."
She stated while pointing her index finger towards the sofa to which he nodded and went to sit there silently watching them.
She tossed her head towards her brothers they both were still staring at her. She took a deep breath and again looked at them glaring.
"Where were you both?" She calmly asked them.
"At the club." Jungkook answered her immediately.
"Did everything go well there..?"
She again asked them gazing towards them. Jungkook was in the dilemma of whether to tell her about the thing that happened there in the club or not, while on the other hand Taehyung neither wanted her involved in this situation nor to know about the things that happened there. So, he replied,
"Are you sure..?" She questioned them with her furrowed eyebrows.
"Yes Noona, everything went well." Jungkook replied instantly to which she scoffed at his response.
"Lie.." She spoke while gritting her teeth.
"Noona it's not a lie." Jungkook lied trying to cover up the topic before it get worse.
"Can you tell me... what's this all about..?" She asked him while handing her phone to Jungkook from her pocket.
Jungkook's eyes widened with shock after seeing the video of the club where how he accused and insulted you and how his brother took you with him in his arms to the VIP room and in the other part of the video he saw Jimin was with you coming out from the VIP section of the club. Your blood was dripping from her forehead while you were crying but he didn't see the video of the VIP room which relaxed him a bit. He instantly gazed toward Taehyung and gave him the phone. Taehyung took the phone from his hand and at an instant, his eyes darkened when he saw your vulnerable condition just because of him and their wrong accusation. He clutched the phone tightly, clenching his jaws abruptly.
He immediately looked upwards when the mobile got snatched away from him and the person who did was none other than his sister.
He gazed at her blankly whereas she stared at him angrily while her hands were kept on her chest.
Jungkook glanced at her and tried to utter but stopped when Jisoo showed her palm in front of his face to which he stopped and looked down because he knew whatever they did there was wrong.
Jisoo closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath before opening her eyes again to look at them angrily.
"How dare you both..? Huh..!? How dare you insult and misbehave with a girl? Mind telling me your explanation for this.
She shouted at them in full of anger while pointing her index finger toward them. Taehyung was just staring at her with his blank, emotionless eyes whereas, on the other hand, Jungkook looked at her with his widened eyes because she had never raised her voice at them before.
She waited for them to reply to her question but getting no response back she again asked,
"Why are you both silent now..? Aren't you ashamed of yourself..? Is this what you were doing in China..? Huh tell me.."
But again they didn't utter a single word just stare at her blankly. This reaction of them made her angrier than she already was.
"I'm asking something to both of you...ANSWER ME YOU MONSTERS..."
She shouted at them on the top of her lungs. Jungkook flinched at her sudden outburst but composed himself while Taehyung stood there like a statue neither moving nor looking anywhere other than his sister's eyes.
Jungkook decided to speak as he didn't want to make her health worse than it already was because of asthma.
"Noona, we just mistook her instead of real culprit."
He told her gazing towards her eyes daringly. She scoffed at his stupid response and spoke,
"Mistook her..tsskk... but even if she was, you have no right to misbehave with her or any girl like that."
They both kept silent while Jisoo's gaze moved from Jungkook to Taehyung.
She looked towards him furiously and asked,
"You...what did you do with her in that room..?"
But he just kept silent while staring at her with his blank gaze. Getting no response back, she took her step forward towards him and grab his collar tightly and yelled,
"I'm asking you something...what did you do with her..? Answer me you heartless monster.."
Jungkook decided to speak instead of Taehyung to make her calm, so he spoke,
"Noona..nothing bad happened, we came on time."
She removed her grip from his collar and moved backwards and gawked at his response and retorted,
"Ohh really, then why her head was bleeding..did you see how vulnerable she was looking..? Where were your emotions gone when she was begging you that she wasn't the culprit but still what you both did...huh tell me na...why are you silent now..?"
"Noona, we are sorry."
Jungkook spoke while gazing down to his floor. She gawked at him and spat,
"You should be, not to me but her.."
Taehyung was silent because he didn't want to show his monstrous side which can hurt her eventually but for Jisoo his silence was making her madder at him than she already was but little did she know that he was controlling his anger which was on the edge to burst out.
"You...aren't you sorry for hurting her because of your monstrous act.. huh..?"
She questioned Taehyung, pointing her finger towards him but again she received silence from him but her next words made him lose his calmness.
"Answer my damn question, you heartless monster...? Do u want to become like our appa who hurted every woman around him..?"
His calmness converted into a furious one after listening to her so he gazed at her with his dark, cruel emotionless eyes.
"Just stop it sis..I have had enough."
Both Jungkook and Jisoo stumbled back because of his sudden outburst, which can kill anyone with his burning and furious gaze.
Her tears started forming in her eyes because she has never seen him like this before but she controlled her emotions and decided to stop this topic before something worst happens here.
"What about her? Is she okay now? And most important, why do you come home late. What were you doing this late at the club? Aren't you suppose to be here before 12..huh?"
She asked him while controlling her tears which are on the edge to fall, but his next words made her heart shatter into pieces.
"Don't interfere in these matters sis and I can come here whenever I want because...THIS IS MY HOUSE NOT YOURS."
He shouted furiously forgetting to whom he said those hurtful words because he was out of control...anger had consumed him due to which he was not capable to think properly. Jungkook's eyes widened after hearing his words towards his beloved sister so he decided to calm him down before he hurt her even more so he spoke,
Jisoo cut his words and told,
"He's right I don't have to interfere in his matters and also...THIS IS HIS HOUSE NOT MINE."
She stated bitterly and a drop of tear fell from her eye to which Taehyung's dark and cruel gaze soften after seeing her like this because he hurted her.
He tried to touch her cheeks but she yanked his hand away.
She looked at him last time and walked away from them while wiping her tears which started to fall continuously from her eyes. She stumbled on her way and fell, he rushed to pick her up but she again yanked his hand and stood up on her own. By this, he understood that she won't be in his world anymore. She immediately went towards her room and locked it harshly which produced a loud thud of the door.
Taehyung decided to follow her but stopped when someone hold his arm to which he turned back to look at that person who was none other than his brother-in-law.
"Has your heart been cooled now, Taehyung..? Are you happy now after hurting her...?"
He spoke firmly to him but Taehyung just ignored him and went towards his sister's bedroom.
"Sis, open the door...sis please open the door..I didn't mean it...enough sis.., please open the damn door."
He yelled, knocking on the door vigorously but he got no response from her. The only thing he heard from outside was her sobbings which made his heart shutter completely.
Chanyeol patted his shoulder due to which he looked at him where Chanyeol saw so many emotions in his cruel and dark gaze of him.
"Tomorrow is brother's day."
Chanyeol admonished him to which he looked back again to the door and furiously walked out from there to the living room. He gazed towards the wall and closed his eyes tightly.
He has hurted his sister, it kills him more than it does. He grabbed the flower pot with his injured hand and throw it harshly on the floor where the pot destroyed the rose to punish the thorn. Today, he has hurted the two roses of his life.
Jungkook came to stop him but Taehyung had already gone from there towards his room.
"I hope everything will get better tomorrow."
Jungkook sighed and walked out from there going to his room.
Next morning,
Taehyung came down to the living room and saw Jungkook and Chanyeol tensed while sitting on the sofa silently.
He assumed that something has happened so he asked,
"What happened to both of you..?"
His deep voice took them out of their world. They both looked at him nervously but Jungkook's next words felt him like the land under his feet slipped.
"Brother, Noona is missing..We searched the whole mansion but we didn't find her and even we tried to call her but she's not picking up the call."
Jungkook spoke while looking down to his feet. Taehyung's eyes became more dark and cruel while he felt like someone has snatched his heart from him. He controlled his anger and stormed out of the house abruptly without listening to them anymore.
Jungkook looked toward Chanyeol and said,
"Brother in law, you stay at home...what if she comes home so someone will have to be here and also try to contact everyone with whom she is close."
Chanyeol nodded his head and sat down on the sofa while calling someone. Jungkook went out of the mansion following Taehyung.
"Brother, I'm coming with you."
Taehyung didn't speak anything to which he sighed and sat on the passenger seat. After putting the seatbelts on them, Taehyung started the engine and drove at full speed while Jungkook was trying to think where she can go because this Seoul city is new to her. Suddenly, he thought of the park because whenever she was upset she always used to go to the park during their childhood times.
"Brother, she must have gone to the nearby park."
He said to Taehyung to which he turned his steering wheel to the opposite direction of the road where the park is situated.
After parking his car, he immediately went inside the park with the hope to get her all safe.
Possibly a place in his mind shut down permanently after the event happened last night. The gentler, softer, vulnerable, emotion-rich place... instead, he turned to his anger, his sheer refusal to succumb. He would take on this world and talk to it in the language that is understood, the language of money, of authority, of hard material success. To keep it on hold he needed power. A power he needed to just get through this pain and reality-breaching horror. He was young but showed courage and braved the odds.
Yet, for nature as deep as his, there had to be more to give meaning to this endeavour, to stay sane, to feel human. Jisoo was where he anchored all his emotions and without her, his world would simply fall apart. No amount of money, power, nothing would keep it standing. It was around her he recreated his link with this unforgiving real life.
He took away from himself any need for personal happiness, watching her being happy was all he needed, at least that's what he told himself in his hour of need... and that's how he survived..
and now she couldn't be found.
imagine his state of mind.
When he ran the inside the park, his eyes caught sight of her, that pause as he got his balance, himself back; his eyes just taking her in, disbelief, relief, love, fear, joy, everything in them but deep, moving emotion. a brother, who never put any limits on his love for his only surviving immediate family; now all his outer self kept aside, only his most emotional, dependent side out for her.
Now the peeved and hurt elder sister, and then suddenly, understanding his need, his remorse, the absolute loving and giving elder sister.
Jungkook walked up towards them but
Taehyung came towards her first and kneeled before him. Jisoo saw him but didn't acknowledge him.
He looked at his sis with the gentlest eyes; a hint of a smile...
"Sweeter than toffee.. sourer than kimchi..
Jisoo looked at him.
Sweet and sour is your story... Jisso sis is very clever..."
A little poem from childhood, in which memories were kept safe, away from this harsh world. His voice carried the most heartbreaking notes of tears, breaks here and there. His remorse was just as complete as his anger.
Jungkook watched him amazed.
"Sis, its your turn now."
He spoke but she looked away from him.
" I've forgotten..." she is not mollified, not yet.
"A piece of chilli... his tired voice with a break in it reminds her of the old Taehyung of hers.
Jisoo relents, perhaps she heard that weary note, he was emotionally drained..
"A piece of chilli is he..always angry is he...gives his sis...tear drops so hugely..
He looked at her in that pause, so much love and dependence and more in that gaze, the swallowed tears you can almost feel.
"he is the angry one, my Tae.."
Finally, she looked at him and smiled... that giving a smile of hers.
He swallowed hard... the tears came... the ocean is calming.
"I made a mistake, sis...forgive me."
Today he was back where he was when he was 9. It was the same scared, vulnerable 9-year-old Tae who was now begging his sister for forgiveness. His apology was as heartfelt, as clean and innocent as was his anger yesterday.
Kim Taehyung, who never looked into his past, who never let anyone mention his past... said those lines again for his sis. He brought back a part of the past that was still preserved in his heart. He looked into her eyes and showed his fear of losing her like he lost his mom years ago. Jisoo relented as she saw the fears in his voice and tears in his eyes and decided to forgive him because she realized what this meant to him... she saw the fear, the terror in his eyes.
He turned his cheek for a slap... she went to slap, but cupped his face instead and said, "it's ok..." but he refused her;
"My anger is ok for others... but never for you sis...
I'm insolent for the rest of the world, not for you... I have nothing to do with this world...
because my real world is you sis..."
Heya gangsters,
Here we go with another chp, this chp is really the heartfelt one. Hope you liked it. Do vote, comment and share it with your friends too.
Thank you for reading.
Take care💙
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