
Author's pov

Jisoo was moving closer to her destination and was quite excited as well as nervousness had clouded her mind about what she was up to. She and her aunt Mrs Jeon was just a few meters away from your house. She didn't know why but her heart was beating at a quite fast pace maybe because of a feeling of agitation.

She solely hoped from her god that whatever she had planned would go smoothly after all according to her she did very hard work last night by persuading her brother.


Inside Taehyung's room, Jisoo was sitting on his bed with her crossed legs waiting impatiently for him to come back from his so call office call. She being completely bored, yawned feeling sleepy because of the stressful day she had today but was still awake waiting for him.

Just when she leaned on her back to lay on the bed to take a quick nap then suddenly a wave of cool breeze passed through his gallery entering inside the room and which caused the papers to fly away which were kept on his table and then shattered on the ground.

"Oh god! Now, I have to keep this in place." She mumbled with a sigh before standing up from the bed.

Taking her lazy steps towards the gallery, she closed its glass door so that no heavy wind could pass again. After that, she turned back and stood near the table gazing at the paper which was on the ground scattered in different places causing her lips to leave a long sigh.

Squatting down she started to collect the papers one by one. Once, she grabbed those papers altogether, she arranged them vertically and stood up to keep them inside the empty file so that they won't scatter again.

As soon she was done with it, her eyes then landed on the paper which was almost on its way to going under his bed. She widen her eyes and took her immediate fast steps and finally grabbed it before it could go under it.

She inhaled a deep breath and turned back to keep the paper in its place. But before she could keep it inside the file, her eyes unintentionally took a glance at the paper and its heading caught her attention.

"Forms for freshers?" She read it nonchalantly but then something hit her making her eyes shine in happiness.

"I know God it's your doing. Thank you so much." She faced the sky which could be seen from his gallery. She, with her hearty smile, thanked her God but to her dismay, the form she was holding was a sample form that meant she cannot have them because according to his company rules, every sample form is kept as a record and was strictly prohibited to give it to anyone to fill it. Shit! This is gonna be hard..

"When is the last date?" She asked herself as her gaze lingered on the texts. She noticed that some words were highlighted in the text so she thought to go through each highlighted word and just in a blink she found her answer in the last paragraph.

"The fuck! It's tomorrow." She almost yelled not believing what she read. Upon hearing her voice, Taehyung with a worried face dashed inside his bedroom to check on her.

"What happened, sis? Why did you shout?"

His sudden deep voice made her slightly flinch and pulled her out of her thoughts. Before he could see what she was doing she quickly kept the paper inside the file and turned to see him with a small nervous smile which lingered on her lips.

He, with his haste steps, came in front of her to check on her and a serious look was printed on his face whereas his eyes reflected worry in it making her gulp and think of a valid reason to cover that up.

"Ohh.. I saw a cockroach there." She lied confidently and pointed her forefinger near his table.

"You are still childish like before." A chuckle escaped from his mouth as he softly ruffled her hair.

"No, I'm not. It's just it popped out suddenly." She spat defensively and rolled her eyes at him with a pout. He just nodded at her with his tiniest smile which was hard to even see or notice it.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" He enquired as she became confused for a second but then she remembered the reason why she was present in his room.

"Wait a min," She said and walked up to his bed and grabbed the gift box which was decorated with a glittery blue colour making it look ethereal.

"Here.." With a broad smile she passed it to him and he with a furrowed brow took it and examined it keenly.

"What's this?" A frown was visible on his face seeing the box. Hearing him, she internally roll her eyes at him.

"Oh my god! It's your brother's day gift from me." She gave him her disbelief look whereas he passed her a nod in response.

He brought up his other hand to tear the cover of the box but got halted in his movement when she suddenly placed her palm on his. She didn't want him to open the gift when she was near him. Why? Of course, there was a reason.

"Open it later when you are alone." She let out a fake smile at him as she took the box back from his hand to keep it at the table.

"Why? Is it something dangerous?" He asked and raised a brow at her whereas she shook her head in denial.

"Maybe for me," She scratched her neck with a chuckle.

"Why?" He again asked which made her annoyed so she glared at him to shut him up.

"Stop asking me questions and now it's your turn to give me a gift." She remarked with an angry face which seemed cute and forwarded her right hand for the gift.

"That I already gave you in the hall." He answered after thinking for a second and started walking up to his closet to get his sweatpant making her peer at him with an annoyed face.

"That properties paper? Heck, no way I don't want that." She protested trailing behind him like a puppy.

"What do you want then?" He turned to her after closing his closet.

"I want something else and promise me you won't say no to it." She showed him her puppy eyes as she knew it would work on him.

"Tell me what is it?" He asked as he ignored her puppy eyes while taking off his blazer from his body.

"First promise me.." She demanded as she helped him to take off the blazer.

"Seriously? Are you a kid or what?" He scoffed narrowing his eyes at her.

"Are you doing or not?" She folded her arms against her chest as she looked sternly at him.

"Ok. I promise." He at last finally agreed to her causing her to beam.

"Now listen to me carefully okay?" She ordered in a serious tone earning a nod from him. She walked up to his table and grabbed the form which was inside the file and then again moved back to him.

"May I have this fresher form?" She asked waving the paper in front of him while he gazed at her flummoxed.

"Freshers form? Do you want to work now?" He inquired.

"No, it's for someone else." She gave him a short reply.

"And who's that, someone?" He peered at her intently trying to read her but she won't let happen.

"Don't ask me questions and hand it over to me." She uttered in a demanding way.

"No, I can't and I guess you already know the reason." He replied in disagreement.

"But you can provide me a copy of it right?" She again asked but this time with hope but it got crushed the very next moment when she heard his reply.

"No, they are already sold out so there's no chance to make a copy of it again." He responded in a calm tone and approached his bed while having his sweatpant in his hand. He, with a tired sigh, sat on the bed and kept the sweatpant beside him.

"Why?" She walked up to him and sat beside him while her eyes were fixed on him.

"Because there are some strict rules followed by our company, and we publish only a limited amount of forms cuz we don't want millions of candidates in our company do we?" He answered as he peered at her with his raised brow as she kept silent understanding his words.

Averting his gaze away from her, he bent down a little so that he could remove his Gucci formal black shoes.

"Then please give me this sample form. It's really necessary." She requested making him instantly gaze at her with his dark brown orbs.

"I already told you I can't so please stop being stubborn." He rasped frustratedly not liking her continuous arguments about the form. She gasped because of his sudden raised voice but soon a pout formed on her lips planning a stormy idea in her mind.

"I thought my Tae loves his sister a lot and would do anything for her but.. I guess he's not my old Tae anymore. He's changed after coming back from China."

She muttered everything in a fake soft sad tone thinking it would work on him but to her unluck, he didn't even bother to look at her more like he ignored her talks causing her to huff an annoyed breath.

"I think he doesn't need his sister anymore." She again added and continued it with fake sniffs which instantly grabbed his attention towards her. He kept his shoes aside and sat straight looking at her who was fiddling her index finger while her gaze was fixed on her lap.

"I should leave-"

"Sis, stop it," His words cut her off in the middle causing her to internally smirk hearing him but it didn't last long when she heard his response.

"I promise to give you anything so please stop this act cuz you are really bad at it." He patted her head with a sad frown expression just like she did.

"Shut up! It was hard okay." She yanked his hand and flared her nose angrily at him. She peered at his face again who was imitating her so she punched him on his biceps.

"Yeah very hard," He nodded and she knew he was suppressing his laugh but she chose to ignore it.

"But sis, its interview is tomorrow itself and is not going to be conducted again for those who filled the form late." He came back to his cold self and informed her causing her to let out a heavy sigh.

"What's the timing of the interview? Is it in the morning?" She asked hoping it wouldn't be in the morning.

"It's in the afternoon." Her eyes immediately sparkled after listening to his response. Thank god it's not in the morning..

"That's great. Thank you so much, Tae." She smiled widely as she thanked him but instead of smiling back he just hummed at her response making her sigh because no matter how much she try he never showed his genuine smile after that incident. She stood up with the form in her hand and turned to go to her room but stopped when she heard him speaking.

"Sis, if any chance you are planning to give the interview then let me tell you.. that this interview is held for young generation people whose age is between 18-25 and I believe you don't come in this category."

He remarked in a way to tease her which she instantly got but thought to compose herself by showing him her fake smile.

"Neither you." She countered back giving him a smug look and went outside after closing his door.

She was striding towards her bedroom grinning to herself after finally accomplishing the mission. No one can defeat me..

|•Flashback ends•|

"Jisoo, when are we going to reach Tae's solution?" Snapping out of her trance, she turned to look at her aunt who was already facing her with a frown.

"We are just a few meters away." She replied with a smile causing her to nod as a response.

"Are we going to see someone?" Enquired Mrs Jeon after observing the surrounding from the mirror.

"Yes," She responded with a small yes.

"Please tell me, the curiosity to know that person is killing me from inside. Do you want your aunt to die this early?" She pouted giving puppy eyes to her which caused the other two people to laugh slightly that was Jisoo and their chauffeur.

"Of course not. The person whom we are seeing today is Y/n." She answered.

"Y/n? Who's she?" She asked facing her.

"The girl who was our chef at our evening party." She gazed at her as she replied trying to make her remember about you.

"Oh yeah. So why are we going to meet her?" She raised her eyebrow expecting a reasonable answer.

"You will know soon just in a few minutes." She again replied the same thing which she spoke earlier which made the other person peer at her in disbelief.

"Tell me-" Her words got cut off when their chauffeur pulled the brake of the car near your house.

"Ma'am we are here." Informed the chauffeur causing Jisoo to quickly get off the car along with Mrs Jeon who was more into examining the colony.

"Let's head inside," She spoke grabbing Mrs Jeon's attention to which she gave her a small nod and walked up to her scanning the house which was present ahead of them.

Soon, they stood against the door of your house and seeing the doorbell, Jisoo quickly pressed it waiting for you to open it as she wanted everything to get done as soon as possible because she didn't have enough time left.

"My god! This area smells so bad. Why did you take me here?" Mrs Jeon complained to her with her scrunched nose indicating she was feeling disgusted which caused Jisoo's eyes to enlarge.

"Shh.. don't say like this." She whispered near Mrs Jeon's ear fearing what if you would hear it whereas she only rolled her eyes at her and was about to say something but halted when she heard the door creaking sound which indicated someone had opened the door.

There stood your aunt peering at them flummoxed. Jisoo passed her a polite smile to her thinking she might be your mother whereas she gave a perplexed look to them.

"May I know who are you?" Your aunt enquired eyeing them with her suspicious gaze. Jisoo opened her mouth to reply but before she could voice out her aunt had already done it.

"We are Kim's.." Mrs Jeon replied which sounded arrogant as she eyed your aunt whereas Jisoo's eyes widen at her reply and a heavy sigh escaped from her lips at her behaviour.

"So? What am I supposed to do? Dance?" Your aunt spat in the same tone that she used earlier as she mockingly questioned her. Jisoo faced Mrs Jeon who was glaring at her and the same goes for her.

"Mind your scissor-like tongue." She snapped back throwing draggers through her eyes at your aunt causing Jisoo to gape at her aunt in disbelief. She instantly held her arm in order to stop cuz she knew if she didn't stop this then it won't go good at all.

"I'm really very sorry from her side. Uhmm.. Is Y/n at home?" She bowed at her as an apology and instantly asked her about you.

''Oh wait.. I'll call her." Giving a nod to her, she yelled out your name.

"Y/N," You flinched when you heard your aunt's voice calling you from the hall.

You turned to Minjee and gestured her to stay there in the kitchen so that the food won't get burnt.

After signalling her, you immediately dashed out from there with a knife in your hand thinking something happened to her.

"Yes, aunt. What happened?" You asked who was standing in front of the door blocking the other two people to see you. She face palmed herself and moved aside causing you to see Jisoo and Mrs Jeon at the door and you quickly hid the knife behind your back.

"Jisoo? Mrs Jeon? You guys here? Did something happen?" You walked up to them with your perplexed look because you didn't expect them to be here at your house.

"Please come inside," You softly smiled at them and lead them inside and as usual Mrs Jeon just rolled her eyes at you and moved inside your house with her judging eyes.

You closed your door and kept the knife on the shelf which was present near the door. You moved near them who just sat down on the sofa. Your gaze then landed on your aunt who was looking at you with her narrowed eyes making you crack a nervous chuckle.

"Jisoo and Mrs Jeon.." They peered at you.

You introduced, "she's my aunt and aunt she's Jisoo and her aunt Mrs Jeon."

"Last evening, I went to their house as a chef for an evening party." You answered her when you saw she was asking for an answer from her eyes.

"Y/n," Jisso called you out causing you to fix your gaze on her.

"Here's the cheque of 120 dollars for your hard work and you know.. the guests really appreciated the food and all thanks to you." She gave you a heartfelt compliment as she forwarded the cheque in front of you with a beautiful heart smile of hers making you beam as well.

"Thank you." You took the cheque with a soft smile.

"Uhm.. Y/n I have an offer for you." She finally uttered after a long silence which made you instantly turn at her with your perplexed gaze.

"Offer?" You asked squinting your brows in confusion but before answering you she rummaged through her purse and took out a neatly half-folded paper. She stood up and walked near you standing in front of you.

"Here look at this," She forwarded her hand whereas you slightly nodded and took it from her. You opened the paper to read cautiously.

"Freshers form?" You squinted your brows in confusion and gazed at her for an explanation whereas your aunt grabbed the form from your hold to read what was inside it. Seeing your expression, Jisoo understood that you wanted an explanation on this so she took a long breath to calm herself before answering you.

"Kim Emirates company is allowing an opportunity to the young candidates who want to earn in their early age."

She peered at your expression as she added,

"And if you're worried about the payments then be relaxed cuz even if you're a fresher you'll be paid well based on your skills." You nodded your head understanding her.

"When is the interview?" You subconsciously asked her.

"Today at 2 pm as it is the last day." She responded to your question with a small smile that was displayed on her face.

"You have very less time to even think about it. Look I am not forcing you--

"I'm accepting your offer, Jisoo." You accepted her offer because somewhere you knew if you did not accept this offer then you might lose a big opportunity which you didn't want to. You knew whatever was happening was done by God only, and the main thing was you didn't have enough time to even think whether to accept or not, you just went with the flow which your heart decided.

"That's great." She chimed happily supporting the decision that made you nod at her with your beautiful smile.

"Let's get going, aunt," Jisoo spoke to Mrs Jeon who was busy on her phone not minding what was happening around her but was listening to everything. She gazed at her and nodded as she kept the phone inside her expensive purse.

"At least have breakfast with us." Your aunt requested when she found them leaving.

"Thank you aunty but please next time." She politely bowed and turned towards the door to leave but stopped on her track to see you. She prettily smiled after seeing your smiley face while her gaze was fixed on the form.

"And Y/n, best of luck." You tossed your head in her direction and smiled with a nod.

"Thank you.."

You helped them to escort you to your door with a smile on your face. Once you saw that they already sat in their car ready to go, you hastily went inside and closed the door which produced a loud sound.

"Yayyyy.. I am so happy Aunty." You instantly strode towards her and engulfed her in your bone-crushing hug making her giggle at your cheerful side.

"Finally, I got the job and that too in Korea's biggest reputed company. I can't describe what I am feeling right now." She slightly pulled herself out from the hug still having a wide grin plastered on her lips.

You softly pecked on both her cheeks of her making her softly chuckle at your actions as it was your habit to leave a peck on the cheeks of people when you found yourself happy or excited. Your gaze then landed on Minjee who just walked out of the kitchen with a grinning face making you chuckle at her.

Taking no time, you instantly engulfed her in your arms with a tight grip and then pecked her cheeks as well causing her to do the same with you.

"I got the job Minjeeeee.." You sang her name enthusiastically.

"I heard that bae.." She replied followed by a wink and pinched your nose softly which made you nod and wink back at her.

"Come let's set the breakfast fast so that I can prepare you for the interview." She stated and linked her arm on your shoulder taking you inside the kitchen. Your aunt was witnessing everything with a smile on her face after seeing your happy face which made her happy as well.

"May god always keep a cheerful smile on your face.."

Heya gangsters!

I hope you enjoyed the chp and please don't forget to vote & leave your funny comment XD also pls do share my book with your other frnds too. More interesting plots is on the way to enter in our book so stay tuned with this book.

Thank you for reading.

Take care 💙

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