Ch 24: Who Are You?
"Who are you?" Alexander said.
"Who am I? " his words echoed in Eliza's mind.
She gripped the cell bar as hard as she could, but she couldn't help it looking at Alexander in his eyes.
Alexander grit his teeth full of hatred towards the woman he trusted with his life.
"Are you really...Philip's daughter??" he demanded to know. The son of the deceased Lord Hamilton would not refer to Philip Schuyler as a lord anymore, but a tyrant who has suffocated his loved ones.
When she wouldn't answer due to the pain, the love of her life gripped her neck tighter. Eliza worded "I" until she was saved by guards. Eliza gasped for air. When she recovered, she took a step back when he gripped the bars like a madman. But that didn't frighten her.
"How dare you appear before me?" Alexander said.
In a moment, the thought of Eliza's purpose of coming here disappeared when that question echoed in her mind. Eliza had a lot to explain to him, but was cut off by Alexander.
"I shall strangle you and that treacherous father of yours! I will strike you until vengeance is mine!" he threatened her.
Eliza realized ,"What's done is done. There's no going back. I must give him my full name at last. And my permission. At least I owe him that much.
ELIZA: My name is Elizabeth Schuyler. Survive and live to see the day when you'll slay me.
ELIZA: I'll await the day when you bring demise upon me.
She could not hate him for wanting vengeance. Aware of the fact that she had brought this moment upon herself, she didn't care if he wanted vengeance. All she wanted was for him to live and stay away from the tyranny of her family as far as possible.
Nothing could change her feelings for Alexander.
Once Eliza left, Alexander processed all he said about her, and he began to recall one night when his father learned that he was in love with a "maid":
HIS FATHER: Would you go through with this even if staying with her could endanger your life?
ALEX: Yes Father. How could I spend the rest of my days with a woman, when I love another?
The thought of his father having faith in a lovesick son of his made Alexander feel sick. (I'm sorry Father. I disappointed you. )
He cried out of frustration and landed on his knees as he kept his hands on the bars.
Meanwhile, when Eliza was heading back to Rose, she could feel her throat throbbing that she held her neck with her fingers to endure the pain coming from her chest.
Rose, thinking Eliza tried to choke herself, rushed to Eliza's side when Eliza almost collapsed. Rose held Eliza's arm to save Eliza.
When they arrived home, Rose was told by her Lady to let her walk around the mansion. Rose obliged and left Eliza to roam around the mansion to clear her mind, but she didn't want to stop thinking about what happened back there.
She's never seen him so heartbroken and angry before, and seeing him express such emotions at her left Eliza to feel a tear coming out. Back in the dungeon, she could feel her tears forming, but she closed her eyes and remained composed. For Alexander would not have pity for her no longer.
Now that she was alone, she let it all out.
Sadly, she was disturbed when she felt a hand grab hers. It was Tench, and he wouldn't let go of her hand when she resisted.
ELIZA: What do you think you're doing?!
TILGHMAN: Let me escort you back home.
She resisted once more and let go of his hand with force. The more he often tries to control her, the more she hated this place and being around him.
ELIZA: You don't need to meddle in other people's matters. That is final!
TILGHMAN: Not when it involves my future bride returning home alone!
Eliza despised the fact that Tilghman was being delusional when he called her his future bride. Because that marriage proposal was only happening because her father arranged it.
But she thought it through and took a deep breath to remain calm. He was not worth her time and energy. Not worth letting him get into her nerves.
"I wish not to spend a single moment with a heinous recreant like you," she finalized her decision in a calm tone. Tilghman's grip loosened when he noticed the gash on her neck.
He recalled Eliza's father asking him, "The same man you saved by pointing that blade at your throat, right?" Realizing that she did the same made him sick.
Eliza left Sir Tilghman standing there alone. Rose gave a quick bow to him and fled to follow Her Lady. When the two women arrived at the entrance of her mansion.
ROSE: " My Lady, we must go in now. My Lady..." Rose noticed Eliza stopped walking. The appearance of her home grew dark after a lot has happened.
She would stare at the gates, seeing that if she goes in, she is treated like a puppet.
"Rose, these dwellings feel cold to me, unfamiliar." Eliza looks up at the moon that outshined the stars in the sky, wondering if Alexander was looking at it too.
But Alexander didn't. He did not want to know what would become of him tomorrow, and thought he should rest.
He heard the gates of the dungeon open and heard slow footsteps. The stench of the man approaching was that of a wine.
Alexander knew this presence by heart. (Tench)
Tench Tilghman appeared to have drunk too much when he landed on his knees to see eye to eye with the man he betrayed.
"Were you really going to strangle her?" Tench asked. Alexander didn't say a word. Not aware of where this conversation is going.
"Was she not someone you once felt devotion for?" In response, Alexander sharply turned to face him. In fact, to him Tilghman's reaction was not what he expected.
"You knew she was Philip's daughter, didn't you?" Alex said with his voice that sounded like a whipser in an angry tone. Tilghman lightly scoffed.
TILGHMAN: If I told you she put her life at stake to save you...would you believe me?
"It has nothing to do with me," Alexander answered neutrally.
"It hasn't?! I see...So it did not matter to you." Tilghman got up on his feet and held his hand on ever bar as he walked away from Alexander's cell.
Alexander called his name and got up on his feet to face him.
"I have a favor to ask you. Find my sister and sister-in-law for me. And in exchange for that, you may slay me at your leisure," he determinely implored Tilghman.
Tilghman knew that Philip's allies have no desire to save him. For he will die in any case.
ALEX: It's my last favor. If they're still alive, help them find refuge.
TILGHMAN: And why would I help a treacherous convict's kinfolk?
Alex could see hesitation in his eyes, even when he was good at hiding it.
ALEX: You know that my father was innocent.
TILGHMAN: Had your father decided to strike Philip first, now I would be behind bars, and you here in my stead. Blame your destiny.
ALEX: (Destiny?) Will destiny cleanse your hands of all the bloodshed they brought forth?
Tilghman didn't answer and kept walking but was cut off by Alexander: "What will you do with Rachel and her mother (his sister-in-law)? Give me an answer before you leave!"
*You see, the so called little sister of his is named Rachel after Alexander's mother. She is actually his neice, but is always referred to as his little sister because their bond is so close.
"Farewell..Alexander Hamilton." Tilghman spoke no further and ignored Alexander's desperate calls.
Alexander was being taken away to exile. Angelica and Washington to seeing their allies be sent away to exile too, even though now was not the time to stop Philip's limitless wrath. Even John Church was blocked by guards who told him to stay away. He's been calling to Alexander, but the guards force him to walk.
Eliza was there when Alexander was being taken away. It broke her heart not to see him again. She wanted to get through the guards, take Alexander and ride on the horse away from this horrible place.
Rose: My Lady...There will be blood all over your lips. Just cry and let it go instead.
Then, she heard a young girl cry out, "Uncle!" And then, the crowd surrounded the girl who fainted in her mother's arms.
The two main characters were forced to stay away from the crowd. When Alexander recognized the girl's voice, he had a feeling that something bad happened to her. He tried to go to her. While that happened, Eliza too went to their direction to save them, but she too was halted by a guard.
GUARD: They're criminals, stay away.
ROSE: (holding onto Eliza's arm)My Lady, let us go now.
Witnessing the mother cry and look up to the sky when calling out to her daughter broke Eliza's heart. But then, it reminded of her father marking his words that in exchange for Alexander being spared, she ought to do what her father tells her to do from now on.
Not wanting to risk the chance of letting him limit her further, she left the crowd with Rose. On their way home, Eliza had a feeling that she knew the girl from somewhere. Then, she recalled the time when she headed to the Hamilton mansion to tell her true identity to Alexander. It was also when she met the young girl dressed in fine silk with an innocent smile at the Hamilton mansion before.
ELIZA: She's a relative of his. Of Alexander!
Not caring if Rose calls her not to dirty her light and dark blue dress with fine red ribbons, she ran back to where Tilghman was; where he noticed in surprise that Alexander's niece and sister in law were led by guards.
She saw this and was disappointed when he turned the other way and didn't help.
ELIZA: I must take that child to a phsyician.
TILGHMAN: And treat a criminal? I cannot allow it.
ELIZA: What accusation could you possibly have on that child? Is there truly no mercy in you?
TILGHMAN: Is it because they're Alexander's kinfolk? Take your leave.
"I'm pleading with you. Shoudl that child perish, I wouldn't forgive myself ever. Would it not be the same for you?"
A while later, Alexander's kinfolk were brought to Eliza from the crowd. Eliza bowed to them, and the kinfolk did the same. But Alexander's sister in law was wary.
"Who are you?"
"The child is hurt. so let us go," Eliza requested.
And so, she brought them to a physician who confirmed that she must have suffered a convulsion because of the shock. When he left to bring medication, the women had to wait for his return.
"I don't know your name, but how can I repay your kindness..." the woman asked.
"No, please..."
"Why did you so kindly help me?"
"That's because..."
"After losing my family, I was writhing in horror at the thought of losing her as well," the mother said, as she cupped Rachel's cold cheeks. She wept and thanked Eliza, grateful for having mercy on them.
Eliza felt bad when the mother kept bowing her head to her. Eliza didn't reveal her identity because she didn't want to arouse concern. For she missed being talked to just as a woman. Because this person had no idea who she was.
"Forgive me, I am truly sorry," she apologized.
"You're crying. What is wrong," Rachel's mother softly spoke. Before their discussion could continue, the physician came with the medicine and mended to their injuries. Eliza looked back up after whiping her tears. She admired how much Rachel's mother had kind eyes unlike her family.
In the afternoon, there were ships sailing on sea from England to the unknown. Inside, there was a pair of guards who were playing chess while keeping an eye on the slave passangers who were tied to every wooden pole.
The ruffians working under Philip's orders were also there to guard the prisoners.
As if they didn't want to think about being away from England in a very long time.
This sailing ride felt like hours. It was only morning when they left. Alexander closed his eyes, holding in his tears. He feared that he would never see his family again. Never to see the sight of the fresh grass he once walked in England again.
He felt as if he's lost his wings to fly rather than being broken. Along the ride, the poor Hamilton asked himself questions of how it all went so wrong. Then, his thoughts then transferred to Eliza, and he hated it. To him, Eliza was not like any woman he's encountered and got to know in his life, but the constant question would echo in his mind: why did it have to be her?
After what he went through, especially called guilty for treason: first, he was arrested for bringing Eliza to a brothel. Although he was only bringing her to refuge for a while. Second, which brings to the present, he has lost everything he held dear to him because of the lord he has come to despise.
But more of that later. Alexander could not forget how much he admired such a woman like Philip Schuyler's favorite daughter. During all the times they've spent together before and after starting to court each other, he admired her blossom-pink lips whenever he admired her up close. Her eyes that grew as dark as smooth caramel when they touch each other's foreheads with their own.
It was a magical feeling Alexander never wanted to wake up from.
"Hey. You look familiar. Who are you?"
A voice beside Alexander asked, and he turned to see that there was a blonde-haired man who was glaring at him.
"Are you listening?" the blonde-haired man asked once more. No response in return. But Alex did not have the care when he felt hopeless.
"Hey! Leave him be... its not like he'll answer," another voice called.
And so on, he's been hearing three voices from left to right. What finally caught Alexander's attention was when he heard something was not quite right to the man on Alexander's left (who appeared to speak like the French).
First, the ship has been swaying left to right recently.
Second, another guard--who had an axe held through his belt--appeared downstairs and whispered to the guards who were playing chess.
Third, when the Axe Guard was taking his leave, he looked at the prisoners in the eye.
Fourth, through a hole of the ship interior walls, he noticed that there was another ship.
The French man appeared to be in quite a shock when he realized something as the Axe Guard left. He exhaled heavily and shook the chains that chained their wrists and feet altogether in a group of 4.
This caught the attention of the other three including Alexander.
"What is it now?!" a man with a husky voice whispered with an annoyed tone. However, he noticed that the French man had something in his mind that he needed to tell them, so he obliged.
*Let's call him "Husky Voice" for now.
"Unless you want to die here, listen well. Do you know where this ship is headed?" the French man whispered as quietly as possible.
HUSKY VOICE: Where else? To France...
FRENCH MAN: We are long past France.
HUSKY VOICE: What?! What are you prattling on about?
FRENCH MAN: Wake up! ... ... .. ...
The french man shook the shackles once more, and this indicated that this was a serious matter.
FRENCH MAN: We're not headed to France, but straight to hell.
BLONDE-HAIRED MAN: Uh...What's that supposed to mean?
FRENCH MAN: How about that ship that has been following us since we sailed?
HUSKY VOICE: Sh...Ship?!
The french man tilted his head a couples of times towards the hole where he saw the other ship. When the blonde-haired man looked through the hole, he recognized a pair of three men who were ruffians.
The ruffians who work under Lord Schuyler (Samuel Seabury, Richard Howe, Benedict Arnold).
This shocked the men whose mind went blank for a moment.
FRENCH MAN: They're going to feed us all to the fish.
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