16 (Please Re-read if u ALREADY READ this)


One week later, Eliza wrote letters nightly to Alexander, and Alexander to her. Now her life got better, every letter that he wrote her.  

In the dawn of day, the Schuyler's eldest daughter waited for him at the bridge. Eliza wore a simple burgundy gown that showed her slender but voluptuous figure to superb effect in Alexander's eyes: white neck revealed, bosom suggested, waist and hips a swirl of delicious satiny curves. The thought of this made her wonder if this was appropriate for the occasion. 

Alexander seemed to be a little late. To kill time, she plucked every petal for "tell him, tell him not." She even took out her mirror, and saw how a little messy it was. Oh god, dear lord no... I think I also put a little too much lip paint...  While fixing herself up, she heard footsteps.


She turned around and her face lit up when she saw Alexander's face meet hers. He walked towards her until he caught up to her at the bridge. Alexander couldn't help but notice the swell of her soft breasts when approached her. Well, he admitted to himself with a smile, he could have averted his eyes. His chest grew tight at the thought of finding the velvety tips of those curves. 

"I thought you wouldn't come," Eliza said. Alexander awoke back to reality. 

"Well, I-I came late on purpose. Add a little anxiety and every meeting will feel like a blessing," Alexander complimented proudly. Eliza giggled, knowing where his game was.

"Betsey, I couldn't have come sooner even if I wished, for I had matters to tend to at the palace. The anxiety was mine," Alexander reassured her.

Alexander- "So what brings you to the chapel?"

Eliza- "It's a place I always used to frequent."

Alexander- "So like those boys, have you lost your parents?"

Eliza stopped walking any further when she realized she hasn't told him the whole truth yet. She took a deep breath and faced him.

Eliza- "Actually... -"

"Forgive me," Alexander apologized at the moment she opened her mouth to say.

Alexander- Isn't it bothersome to live there sometimes? The garnments you don make you resemble a noble, so I never imagined you were facing any quandaries."

Eliza- Forgive me.

"Such courteous bearing doesn't suit you? Where has that daring and dauntless young damsel I knew gone?" Alexander teased. He felt blissful when she laughed at his woeing.

The two of them walked around the chapel and behind the palace on their date. They shared poems from their favorite poets that inspired them, and got to know one another little more. They walked through a forest, they tried to cross a flowing river by holding their hands. Eliza almost slipped on a rock, and Alexander managed to catch her in time. 

But they accidently kissed and Alexander's chest tightened from Eliza's touch. His soft lips on hers made her bones melt. Suddenly his tongue is languidly stroking across your lips. Eliza's mouth opens in surprise and his tongue spirals against her own. Eliza's breasts felt both heavy and tight. Alexander groaned, pressing tiny kisses to her chin and neck. A shot of pleasure pierced Eliza's core. 


Eliza's heart pounded, and there was an ache low in her belly that she's never felt before. She broke away, graping for air, and found Alexander's reaction to seem bashful. Was it too early to kiss? She didn't know. They both made it across the stepping stones, and awkwardly took each others' hands. Their touch created a spark that kept them from moving their hands together, or they might go crazy. 

Eliza saw that lipstick got on his lips, so she smudged it off his face. Alexander didn't expect her to rub his face, and Eliza started to realize he didn't know what she was doing. 

"I'm sorry..." Eliza exclaimed, embarrased as she fell down to her knees to cover her red blushing face. 

Alexander- It's okay                                                                                                                                                                                  - She's so cute!


The two lovers have spent so much time together. Although Alexander didn't mind if they told everyone they were together, he also agreed with his woman to keep their relationship a secret until time comes. 

One night, they rented a tavern dressed in disguise as peasants. The owner of the tavern guided them to two rooms beside each other where their things have already been placed on their beds. 

Eliza blushed and felt embarrased at the idea of Alexander sleeping with her on one bed, so they decided to sleep seperately for the night. :'(

Tavern Owner- "If you need anything at all, you just..." 

"Ring the bell. Yes. Thank you Mr. Malcolm," Eliza quickly responded as her clothes were wet from the rain. 

He dipped his head and left while she sprawled out on the goose-down mattress and was immediately enfolded in warmth and slept. She's awakened later by a knock on her door. 

Eliza gets up to answer the door, and Alexander is all changed into his shift tucked in his pants before you. 

"Cor, he looks so different" , Eliza thought. He looked handsome in her eyes. 

"May I come in?" 

"Sure, where is your room? I checked and you weren't there?" she asked, holding him. 

"It turns out the room next door was occupied already, so he showed me to the room in the opposite wing. ...But I can visit you if I show discretion," Alexander facepalmed. 

"I'm happy to see you."

"I wanted to check on you, but also, I missed you," Alexander spoke, blushing with the idea she'd laugh. 

"That's thoughtful of you, my love" she responded back. Alexander lifts her chin to him and kisses her tenderly. All the stress and worry from the past few days melt away.

"I'm sorry, we said we shouldn't do this... Being around you so much for these weeks made me miss you when we're apart," Alexander apologized. 

"Shut up and kiss me, Your Grace," Eliza demanded playfully and he accepted. He kissed her harder. She wanted to show him what he meant to her and that she's glad he's in her room. She could feel his manhood pressing against her legs. 

He wants her. 

And she wants him. 

His hands move to the ties of her dress. She grinds against him with all her might. Falling for her temptation, he obliged to give in. They were both breathing heavily as they were kissing slowly. 

"Alexander... Take me. Make me your own..." she pleaded him. Their bodies were begging for more, but Alexander had to stop which made her feel sad a bit. They both tried to catch their breath, and to keep it together Alexander put his hands on her shoulders to halt himself. 

"What's wrong, Alexander?" 

"I think we should wait, Betsey." 

"But I want you now. . . is it because you barely know me?" Eliza asked, feeling wounded for not telling him at all. 

"Please don't feel hurt, my love. I have never felt this strong with any woman before. And I want to take you as my own. To make you remember the feeling I give to you when we're apart. But we mustn't go too far just yet. I must ask for your father's permission to be with you. I cannot wound you with the dishonor of not being a virgin." 

After a moment of thought, Eliza didn't want him to feel hurt by the idea of making a mistake that would prevent him from being allowed to wed her someday. They continued to keep their relationship a secret. 

Two weeks later, Alexander had been courting Eliza for a month now. Not only did the couple get used to the huggin' and the kissin', leaving each other after spending time together was like more agony than before.  ;)

One night, Eliza was secretly picked up by Rose, who still didn't approve their constant meetings. She even noticed how long Her Lady's been staring lovingly to her necklace, a gift from Alexander. 

This morning, she and Alexander were watching the sunset together by the shore. Eliza remembers the lovingness in Alexander's eyes that she fell in love with. Underneath the light of the sunset, there was a hint of purple that formed in his eyes. 

She couldn't wait to see him again after Alexander escorts the new King Edward to his sister's residence in a few days. "Why do you keep staring at that man's gift, grinning every step of the way?" Rose asked with a frowny face. 

Eliza didn't answer, being too preoccupied with the love he put to make this simple necklace. It was a heart rose petal in a glass vial as a pendant for the necklace she was going to wear. 

It wasn't as expensive as any other necklaces, but this was specially given by the man of her life with meaningful love. Thinking of him and his beautiful words that are out of this world made her heart flutter. 

Then, these two came across her father and his ambassadors. Tilghman's father was among them. Lord Philip Schuyler seemed pretty surprised to bump into his daughter.  

Schuyler- Are you making your return from the temple?

Eliza- Yes Father

Eliza noticed Lord Tilghman saw her holding a necklace, and Lord Tilghman recognized that glass vile; it was Alexander's. Knowing that the father of her future spouse would be angry and probably do something about Alexander if he finds him, she gracefully hid her necklace in her sleeve. 

"If seeing your future in-law parade about at this belated hour makes you reconsider our betrothal, I shall bear no ill will," Lord Schuyler said with laughter to Lord Tilghman. 

"Surely you jest," Lord Tilghman said, sharing their laughter and looking at Eliza again. 

Eliza made it safe to her room without suspicion. Then, she heard footsteps, and to her surprise Rose snatched the necklace from her hands. 

"What are you doing? Is this paltry necklace what really matters now? You just faced your future father-in-law, and this is all you do?" Rose argued. 

"Give it back!" 

"I thought you were really going to tell him?! I've been patient with you these past 3 WEEKS! To him you're still Betsey, the handmaiden. When will you have the willpower/guts to confess the truth?" Rose asked, not letting Eliza get the necklace back. 

"I was going to, but in his presence it's as if I lose the will to speak. I don't really know how to deal with it myself..." Eliza said, feeling kind of ashamed. 

"Then don't meet that Alexander Hamilton again. What if your Lady Mother finds this necklace?"

"Stop acting like this and just give it back!" Eliza threw her hand to the necklace to get it back, but accidently hit it further away from them. Rose turned around to pick it up, but was halted by the presence of Lord Schuyler whose eyes directed towards the necklace. 

Frightened by his gaze, Rose quickly paid her respects with a quick, deep curtsy. Eliza's eyes widened when her father slowly turned his head to face her. He must've heard everything. 

Lord Schuyler led Eliza to his room to have a talk with her after she broke her promise to never meet Alexander again. Schuyler sternly stared at Eliza who looked down, unable to make eye contact with her father's stern eyes that widened. 

"Are you reneging on the promise you made with your father?" he asked her. 

"Forgive me..."

"Did you reveal the fact that you're my daughter, to him?"

"I did not. He thinks of me as a handmaiden ousted from the palace," Eliza said, looking back up to his father. To his surprise, he had never seen that look of hers before. 

"Are you...in love with him?" Lord Schuyler asked with a surprised tone. Eliza looked eye to eye with him for a moment, and then looked down, afraid to say "yes". 

"And does he share your feelings?" 

"He might..."

"Elizabeth... you will soon have to marry," his father told her with soft voice. 

"Can't the betrothal be broken?" Eliza asked him, with her hands closed in a snowball with a tight grip under the table. 

"Are you really going to defy your father?" 

"That wasn't my intention-" 

"Enough! That betrothal is definitive, end of story! Keep showing such heedless defiance, and I will repudiate our every ties..." her father threatened her with a cold voice. Eliza's breath was taken away, like she didn't have air to breathe. She didn't know what to do now that her father knew the side story. 


A few days later, Eliza was dressed up in her garnments, and she couldn't help but go out to see him again as usual. But this time, Rose was guarding the door. 

"What is it, My Lady? I said you can't go anywhere. Is it because you can't attend Her Highness' birthday celebrations. You've always been the one to participate, but this time Lady Margarita is going," Rose reassured Her Lady, assuming she's depressed because she can't go. 

Eliza's eyes widened at the mention of Her Highness' birthday, and she recalled Alexander telling her yesterday that on her cousin's birthday he will be escorting the new King Edward to her residence. "Rose, I'll head to Angie's residence at the moment. I'll just meet that man and tell him not to wait for me," Eliza begged her lady-in-waiting, desperate to see him. 

"No way! I told you that you can't go anywhere!" 

"What is all this clamoring?" a voice asked them from afar. There was Peggy, dressed in her favorite yellow dress, looking at Eliza and not appreciating Eliza's behavior. 

"Now what else did you do, forcing me to do things on your behalf? If it's just her birthday, why do I have to bring this along?" Eliza's sister scolded, presenting Eliza the boxed present for Angelica that she was holding. Eliza had an idea. 

Later on...

"You want to go together?" Lady Schuyler asked her daughters, Peggy and Eliza. "Yes... Staying home for these last few days was suffocating for her... I'll make sure she doesn't go anywhere else and remain beside her," Peggy suggested. 

"I've been the one who dealt with Her Highness' birthdays... " Eliza added. The Lady Mother averted her attention to Eliza whom she doubted.  "Don't you realize the gravity of your misdeeds? What your father told me was appalling."

"My apologies," Eliza said. She thought, "He even must've told her about Alexander..."

"What was it about?" Peggy eagerly asked with curiousity, but was cut by the flat palm of her mother. "Elizabeth, you will only pay your respects and return immediately. Is that clear?" 


- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -

At the palace

Alexander was dressed up with his finest garnments while enjoying how beautiful the sun has become. He recalled the kiss that they shared 3 weeks ago. The bonny suprised look on her face... He couldn't help but grin from her acceptance to that kiss. When he was at the palace, while he was escorting King Edward with the guards and ambassadors, he even encountered his friends Church and Tilghman who was ordered to keep security. After greeting with King Edward, the young king left their side to get to his sister's quarters. 

"She's inside!" Church whispered,  grabbing Tilghman and Alexander by the arm with eagerness.


"The lady this fool likes, Lord Schuyler's eldest. I crossed paths with her after I exited my wife's quarters. Good for you," Church teased Alexander whom he was referring to as a fool. Alexander gave a charming smile because he felt proud to have caught her heart. However, Tilghman's eyes widened by the mention of Alexander being in love with Eliza. "Look at Tilghman. He's lost it already!" Church teased Tilghman who was quiet. 

While Church escorted Alexander to the princess' quarters to show her, Tilghman was left behind with the bitterness in his eyes. His whole demeanor changed. He decided to go find Eliza himself. 


At Angelica's quarters, the ambassadors and handmaidens, awaited for her to come out of her quarters. Eliza peered behind the other side of the building and saw Alexander among them. Now that she found him, she thought of the concerns Angelica, her father, and Rose scolded about her constant meetings with Alexander. 

Would it be better for both of us if we don't meet again? Then I guess what would be the point in revealing the truth now... Eliza thought as she gazed at Alexander. She walked away in defeat to get back home. 

After a while, she saw that Alexander wasn't following her because of his duties. 

"Where are you rushing off to?" a familiar voice called out to her. It was Alexander. He must be finished with escorting the king. 

"If you're here, say it openly. Were you going to leave without even seeing me?" Alexander asked with desperation in his eyes. Eliza gigled at the sight: Alexander's looked depressed while his mouth almost curved into a grin. 

"Did you come to see Her Highness?" 


Then, a third unfamiliar voice cried out to Alexander, asking him where he was. Alexander followed the direction of the voice and learned Church was looking for him. He returned his attention to Eliza. 

"Have a safe return. I shall soon visit you at the chapel," Alexander reminded his beloved. Almost as if he was going to walk away, Eliza instantly grabbed his hand with urgency. 

"Alexander, I won't be at the chapel for the time being," Eliza reminded him, even though it broker her to say it. 

"W-what are you trying to say?" Alexander's whole demeanor changed by the mention of her not being there. 

"I have some matters to tend to..."

"And where?" 

Eliza paused. "I'll tell you about it once I come back."  

"Are you going to vanish out of the blue again?" 

"It won't take long. I will soon come back and come visit you," Eliza assured him with a garentee that she'll come up with a plan to see him again. 

"You mean it?" Alexander asked with a soft voice that Eliza found it hard to say no to. His gaze became tense and depressed to see her so sad. Eliza loved and felt sorry for him having to wait again. 

She lifted her hand to pinky swear. Both gave a pinky swear to meet once again. Alexander found this adorable coming from Eliza, and he couldn't wait to see more of her. When they let go, he quickly grabbed her by the waist, shifting her close to him and moved his face close to her ear to whisper. 

"Take good care of yourself," Alexander whispered while he gripped her a little harder. A tingling feeling crawled on her spine, and Eliza felt like his voice was music to her ears. When their faces met, she kissed him and they both shared a moment while there was little time to spare. 

She let go and gazed in his eyes, and to Alex she was killing him XD. 

"I will," she whipsered, lifting her arm to embrace him back in the same grip. 

After a while, they let go but their touch was left in their hands that gradually slid off of each other. The two lovers couldn't take his eyes off of each other as Alexander took his leave. 

Meanwhile, Tilghman saw everything that's happened between his close friend and his future spouse. A part of him felt torn apart between the need to break his friendship and take Eliza for himself, and the other to keep being neutral and keep the way things are. He couldn't take it anymore to see Eliza embrace someone else other than himself and turned away in defeat. 

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